MA feels the need to share:
One problem that human nature ultimately faces when it begins to preen itself under the light of notoriety is the disease of not being able to see the forest for the trees. Malignant hubris is also a condition that can seduce a writer, actor, politician, preacher. social worker…into a euphoric sense of self-worth.
That’s the human condition and none of us are exempt from it. The only way to minimize it is to humbly stay on our knees before God and ask Him to continually beat it out of us when it begins to affect what He has called us to do.
Personal opinion is cheap. Every one of us has it. But a man who stays on his face before his Creator until he’s inspired to write from an eternal perspective is the man who can most influence temporal events.
That said, I must ask, is your opinion about the war fashioned by your seeking after God’s wisdom or are your opinions nothing more than your own heady perceptions? If there yours, I’m not interested.
I’m sure we all appreciate being informed what does and does not interest MA. My question is this: if he has no interest in personal opinions, what is he doing reading the Commentary page?