Jayuf sees all, knows all:
Will, after reading a VD post like this, always look to Me-So-Michelle first.
I didn’t mention anything about the First Lady’s little stand-up routine at first because it was such an absolute non-issue that I thought it was going to blow over as soon as the first white woman disappeared or someone made a right turn on red in Los Angeles. Despite my low opinion of Me So, I honestly didn’t think she’d latch onto this one.
But then I saw some Corner posts today indicating that apparently she was unable to resist the temptation to play clueless cultural scold. Again. Following fast on the heels of her discovery of the Goth subculture, I think this makes it official; Malkin has achieved her goal of becoming the Maureen Dowd of the Republican Party. Perhaps one day soon, she’ll realize her dream of getting a Fox News show where she, too, can interview the fiances of runaway brides. EXCLUSIVE interviews, no less.
By the way, I’d like to assure everyone that I’m not possessed, it’s just that I inadvertantly rolled my eyes a little too hard and they’re having some trouble finding their way back into position.
It’s at moments like this that I realize how many light years away I am from my fellows in the right-wing commmentariat. In fact, the first thing that popped into my mind when I read the first wild overreactions to Mrs. Bush’s joke was a song oft-sung by my college rugby team… that poor wallaby….