Put up or shut up

Bill O’Reilly’s attorney in the talk show host’s sexual harassment lawsuit says he wants O’Reilly’s accuser to “put up or shut up.”

Ronald Green says O’Reilly’s accuser, Fox News Channel producer Andrea Mackris, should reveal whatever proof she has, including any recordings, of alleged sexually charged conversations between herself and O’Reilly.

“Let me say first that we don’t know if there have been recordings. We’re the ones who have gone to court to tell Andrea Mackris and her lawyers to put up or shut up, not leak selected segments of conversations which may or may not have taken place,” Green said on ABC News’ “Good Morning America.”

They don’t know if there have been recordings or not????? That’s an interesting position. I can state for a fact that there are no recordings of me speaking in a sexually suggestive manner to Andrea Mackris. Why can’t Bill O’Reilly or his lawyer do the same?


Bill O’Reilly accuser turned down $2 million to make her sexual harassment complaint disappear, sources told the Daily News. Lawyers for Fox News had proposed the $2 million settlement to Andrea Mackris and her lawyer Benedict Morelli, sources at Fox told The News. The negotiations took place days before Mackris filed her suit. But Mackris and Morelli thumbed their noses at the money, the sources said, and suggested that $60 million was a more appropriate starting point. “When Benedict Morelli demanded $60 million, that was the end of any discussion, period and absolutely,” said a Fox spokesman…. O’Reilly’s lawyer Ronald Green said there was never a firm $2 million offer.

Oh, that’s why.