Larry Elder has a run-in with the pasty-faced wonder:
When Garofalo agreed to a sit-down, she clearly knew nothing about me. When I defended the administration on the War on Terror, a frustrated Garofalo started to get up and leave, muttering, “This show sucks.” After I called her a coward, however, she sat back down and finished the segment.After our interview, Garofalo began broadcasting her radio show on “Air America.” Several of my callers – I was still on the air at the time – said that Garofalo called me a “house Negro” and a “fascist.” Then something interesting happened. Garofalo’s people asked me to appear on her show. Would I agree?
I promptly said yes, after which I was informed that, no, they really had no time for an interview. What? After all, they asked me to appear, and when I promptly accepted, Garofalo’s people suddenly decided they could not fit me into their schedule! Here’s my speculation: Garofalo assumed that I feared appearing on her show. She extended an invitation in hopes that I would refuse. She then would go on the air, call me a coward and accuse me of fear in the face of hostility. Well, I called her bluff, and somebody backed down.
And yes, Garofalo is still a short fat idiot, as I wrote back in March 2003. I’m even more dubious about the war on method than she is, but the dim bulb wouldn’t know what a fascist was if one bit her on her oversized and appropriately named gluteus maximus. Now, there are without a doubt some fascist strains in the present Bush administration, but they are the same strains that were present in the Clinton administration and would be present in a theoretical Kerry administration as well. Fascism is simply another movement for expanding the power of the central state, something that Garofalo herself advocates on a regular basis.
She’s not equipped for educated debate, though, so it’s probably best that she run away as fast as those stumpy little legs will carry her.