Republican whore doggies: the list

Whore Doggy: definition: 1. [n] a self-styled conservative columnist who publicly sacrifices his previously-held principles in the interest of furthering the election prospects of the Republican Party. 2. [n] a columnist who sacrifices his principles in the interest of defending a specific politician. 3. [n] a conservative columnist who has been wholly suckered by fraudulent conservative rhetoric.

Gary Aldrich, Townhall

Some might ask, “Where is the Conservative agenda we voted for? Isn’t there one good example of a Conservative agenda item in one single federal agency?” …I hope we’ve had enough of the failed Clinton concepts for protecting our homeland. Bush should be reelected for that reason alone – and if he is not, I wonder if the Super Bowl half-time show is not a fair representation of what we have become as a people.

Dennis Prager, WorldNetDaily

I believe that this man [George Delano Bush] is changing history for the better, that he is the dam holding back the waters of chaos, that he saved this country at a time when Democrats would have failed it, and that he is both kind and strong, real and decent, powerful and humble…. Unless he is a faker — and I believe that I can sense a faker a mile away — it was clear that the president was moved…. I realize that I open myself to ridicule by saying that everything I had suspected about the man was reinforced in a little over a minute….

George Will, Washington Post

Some conservatives believe government strength is inherently inimical to conservative aspirations. This belief mistakenly assumes that all government action is merely coercive, hence a subtraction from freedom. But government can act strongly to make itself less controlling and intrusive, enacting laws that offer opportunities and incentives for individuals to become more self-sufficient…. Bush’s presidency, which seals his party’s coming-to-terms with the need to put strong government in the service of conservative values, is neither a surrender to the liberal agenda nor an armistice in the struggle over whether social policy should emphasize equality or freedom. Rather, it liberates Republicans to adopt reforms in the provision of education, health care and pensions.

Michael Potemra, National Review

I’M HEARTENED BY CONSERVATIVES… and how they are responding to the Bush NEA announcement. Jonah says that most of the e-mail he’s getting-by something like a three-to-one margin-gives Bush a pass on this issue. This is a very important signal, because it shows a certain maturity of outlook on the part of conservatives: a dogged insistence on focusing on the Big Picture.

And to think George Will was once one of my heroes…. There will surely be more. If anyone has some good nominees, email them to me accompanied by a supporting quote. Conservatives, I may not be one of you anymore, as I am a Christian libertarian, but I’m telling you, I’m much closer your side than most of your so-called leaders are.