The serfs revolt

The British Labour Party is learning the same lesson as Hillary Clinton and the DFL representatives in Minneapolis. Those useful, politically subservient minorities imported to undermine the opposition cease to be useful or subservient once they start outnumbering the former majority in the party that depended upon them:

Labour have seen a collapse in their crucial ethnic minority vote since 2010
in a blow for Ed Miliband with three quarters of Indian voters abandoning
the party. Influential pollsters say that Labour are mistaken in their belief they are “sitting
pretty” with the ethnic minority vote and Indian, Pakistani and African
voters are turning away from the party in huge numbers.

The number of Indian voters identifying with the Labour party has fallen from
77 per cent in 1997 to just 18 per cent in 2014 – a fall of over three
quarters, according to the figures from the British Election Study.

Pakistani support has fallen from 77 to 57 per cent, a fall of 27 per cent.
Meanwhile Carribean support has dropped 14 per cent from 78 to 67 per cent. Support from the African community has dropped by 20 per cent, from 79 to 63
per cent, the research shows.

The survey will be difficult reading for Mr Miliband as his party sees loyal
support among ethnic minority voters disappear just as the numbers of ethnic
minority voters in Britain increase. 

Ethnic politics are a two-edged sword for the white politicians of the Left. The Republican Party is merely a generation away from becoming the White Party. Already, both the Labour Party and the Democratic Party are headed by non-white nationals; it will be interesting to see how long both parties tolerate white leaders, if in fact they accept them at all.

Sometimes there are no good guys

ESR points out that it’s not always possible to take a side:

After Brinsley’s mini-murder-spree, the temptation for any reasonable person to weigh in on the side of conservatives and the cops is great. And yet…and yet…important distinctions are in danger of being lost. On the evidence we have, Michael Brown was a violent thug who deserved the death he got, but the live-on-video strangulation of Eric Garner was a genuine atrocity. The New York medical examiner deemed it a homicide.

But because humans are excessively tribal, it’s difficult now to call for justice against Eric Garner’s murderers without being lumped in with the “wrong side”. Nor will Garner’s partisans, on the whole, have any truck with people who aren’t interested in poisonously racializing the circumstances of his death.

I don’t have a fix for this problem. But someone needs to be pointing out that both of the pseudo-tribes that have sorted themselves around this dispute are behaving badly. “Death to cops” is totally out of line, but the New York police had innocent blood on their hands before Ismaayil Brinsley did on his. There should be an accounting for that, not by assassin’s bullets but by a trial in which justice can be seen to be done.

I’m not on the side of the Africans or the Badge Gang. One is a barbarian force, the other has devolved into a destabilizing one. Both are dyscivic. I’m on the side of civilization, but watching what is taking place in the USA is somewhat akin to watching Tutsis butcher Hutus and vice-versa. It doesn’t make any sense to cheer for either side, nor will it accomplish anything positive.

The Badge Gang must be held considerably more accountable than it presently is, for its own sake, if nothing else. Once it loses its perceived moral authority, as is increasingly the case today, it doesn’t actually have much else to fall back upon.

The temptation to choose sides is understandable, but in cases such as these it should be resisted. We live in a fallen world, a sinful world, an evil world, where often there are no good guys on either side. That’s the central point of the holiday we are celebrating tonight and tomorrow.

When trends won’t hold

I think it is amusing that the U.S. Census Bureau still believes there will be a single political entity by 2044, let alone 2060.

New population projections released by the U.S. Census Bureau show that whites will become a “minority” by 2044, replaced by a “majority” of minority groups, mostly blacks and Hispanics.

The new projections, analyzed in a Brookings Institution report, show the huge rise of Hispanics, projected to make up 25.1 percent of the U.S. population in 2044, double African-Americans.

According to the analysis, the white will make up 49.7 percent of the country in 2044, minorities the rest. What’s more, by 2060, whites will account for just 44 percent of the country.

Imagine what the economy of the USA is going to look like when the white population has been halved, mostly due to their replacement by those famously productive Hispanics…. The only thing that is keeping the country together at this point is that the white middle class is still doing just well enough to maintain hope that things are going to turn around eventually. Once that hope is entirely gone, they will be willing to begin taking the risks that they are presently unwilling to take.

The government’s primary means of control is based upon the threat of losing your job and your living standard. But once those things are already gone, there is nothing but raw physical force. And we know from 4GW theory how well force devoid of legitimacy and moral authority works in maintaining order.

Vibrant romance

One guess why you haven’t seen much about this young white woman being burned alive in Mississippi:

Police are hoping that the final words said by a 19-year-old woman who was burned alive may lead them to her killer. Jessica Chambers was covered in flames when she was found on a road near to her home in the tiny community of Courtland, Mississippi on Saturday after leaving to get a bite to eat.

A passerby called 911 after seeing her car alight and when first responders arrived at the scene and found her covered in flames, she whispered a few words that detectives believe could lead them to her killer, WTOC reported.

Police have not disclosed what Chambers said or tried to say, but her father, Ben Chambers, told the channel she told them who was responsible for the horrifying crime. ‘She told them, she told them, told him who done it,’ he said.

She was walking along Herron Road, near Highway 51, and covered in flames when she was found, and was flown to Region One Health in Memphis but later died. Authorities said initial autopsy results reveal the girl died from severe burns that covered 98 per cent of her body.

Panola County Sheriff Dennis Darby said she had been doused with a flammable liquid and set on fire. Her father also said she had ‘a big gash on her head’.

‘They squirted lighter fluid down her throat and in her nose, and apparently they knocked her out,’ added Mr Chambers, a maintenance worker for the sheriff’s department.

Perhaps it was the KKK who were just so ANGRY that this white girl was involved with black men. Or a secret elite white fraternity at the University of Mississippi enacting a horrific pledging ritual. That’s probably why the mainstream media isn’t touching it. Probably. Regardless of who did it, I suspect there won’t be many who will fault that father if he slaughters every single member of the extended family of every single individual involved.

Destroying the community to diversify it

There is no Paradox of Diverse Communities; one horn of the dilemma is simply false. So, the answer to his question is, yes,  we shouldn’t fight against self-segregation, because divisiveness and a lack of community cohesion are intrinsically dyscivic. In fact, we should actively promote racial, cutural, linguistic, religious segregation in the interest of long term peace and harmonious civil relations across various human differences:

Urbanists and planners like to imagine and design for a world of diversity. Diversity, we like to think, is both a social good and, as I’ve argued, a spur to innovation and economic growth.

But to what degree is this goal of diverse, cohesive community attainable, even in theory?

That’s the key question behind an intriguing new study, “The (In)compatibility of Diversity and Sense of Community,” published in the November edition of the American Journal of Community Psychology. The study, by sociologist Zachary Neal and psychologist Jennifer Watling Neal, both of Michigan State University (full disclosure: I was an external member of the former’s dissertation committee), develops a nifty agent-based computer model to test this question.

Their simulations of more than 20 million virtual “neighborhoods” demonstrate a troubling paradox: that community and diversity may be fundamentally incompatible goals. As the authors explain, integration “provides opportunities for intergroup contact that are necessary to promote respect for diversity, but may prevent the formation of dense interpersonal networks that are necessary to promote sense of community.”

They are correct to point to the “federation” concept as a possible solution, but they are thinking on too small a scale. Neighborwide segregation is not enough. It should be state-wide. People like to point to the Swiss model as being an example of successful integration, what they don’t realize is that religious, linguistic, and ethnic cleansing were utilized in establishing the Swiss cantons; that is why the cantons are still identified as “Protestant” or “Catholic” cantons as well as being on one side or the other of the Franco-German divide.

But more importantly, the federation concept cannot work without decentralized government. There is no point in encouraging Somalis or Nigerians to live in segregated neighborhoods if they are legally held to German or Japanese standards by a higher-level government.

The fact is that diversity is a social ill and it exacerbates rather than reduces racial tensions. I can attest that no one in Minnesota had an opinion about Somalis or Liberians 20 years ago. In only two decades, diversity has caused tens of thousands of formerly indifferent people to actively despise them. It would be interesting to test this hypothesis by using contributions to African-related charities as a metric. I surmise that there is a lower percentage of White Minneapolis residents donating to charities that aid Africa now that diversity and immigration have given them some first-hand experience of actual Africans.

Diversity destroys communities. That is the observable fact. Diversity destroys the common interest. To be pro-diversity is necessarily to be anti-communitarian and against the common interest. There is the real paradox: the progressive who claims to be a pro-diversity communitarian.

Sic semper cæcis

If you don’t feel even the smallest touch of schadenfreude about this man’s alleged murder, you’re either a saint or a self-deluded SJW:

David Ruenzel knew, better than most, about the white privilege that killed him. As a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of his favorite topics was rooting out racism. And how white racism is permanent. White racism is everywhere. And white racism explains everything.

This mantra of the Critical Race Theory and the Southern Poverty Law Center applied to all white people because, even if they were not personally cracking the whips, or breaking the skulls, white people benefited from a racist system that did all that — and a lot more.

Ruenzel was writing about white privilege for the Southern Poverty Law Center as far back as 1997 — long before it became the rage at college campuses, newsrooms, churches, high schools and even grade schools.

By the time of his death, Ruenzel had accumulated many of the trappings of the white privilege he exposed: The job. The home. The intact family. And most importantly in his case, white privilege endowed Ruenzel with an expectation of safety in the Oakland neighborhood where last week two black people are suspected of killing him.

One would like to imagine that the progressive white equalitarians would wake up before they get themselves, and large quantities of other people, killed, but the lesson of David Ruenzel informs us that we shouldn’t count on it. It’s rather like the aid worker who was raped in Haiti; not even a callous denial of her appeal to racial brotherhood and subsequent rape was enough to convince her that black skin does not render one morally unaccountable.

Listening to the equalitarians and taking them seriously is a very good way to get yourself beaten, raped, or killed. Because eventually, objective reality asserts itself, and it asserts itself all the more cruelly to those who willfully pay it no heed.

Speaking of cruelty, granted, it may be the artist in me, but I rather like to think that before he was gunned down, David Ruenzel explained to his killers, a little indignantly, that he was a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center and that what they needed to understand that he was on their side. Of course, what he didn’t understand, and now will never have the chance to understand, is that it doesn’t matter.

Ironically, the only way David Ruenzel’s death will have any meaning at all is if people reject his foolish philosophy as a result of it.

“Shut up, boys,” they explained

The St. Louis police appear to have been underwhelmed by the Black Power-style Ferguson gesture made by five of the St. Louis Rams at yesterday’s game:

“The St. Louis Police Officers Association is profoundly disappointed with the members of the St. Louis Rams football team who chose to ignore the mountains of evidence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory.

“All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson. Our officers have been working 12-hour shifts for over a week, they had days off including Thanksgiving cancelled so that they could defend this community from those on the streets that perpetuate this myth that Michael Brown was executed by a brother police officer and then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis’s finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance.

“I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well, I’ve got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours.  I’d remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser’s products.  It’s cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do.”

It was a remarkably stupid gesture. But young men are foolish, and spoiled young black male athletes are more foolish than most. It signifies nothing. What I find more interesting about their gesture was the public reaction to it. It tends to support the notion that blacks have lost the average white American’s inclination towards sympathy. The 60’s-instilled white guilt over slavery and white enthusiasm for the civil rights charade is rapidly dissipating in a considerably less white country where tens of millions of Hispanics, Asians, and Arabs simply don’t give a quantumn of a damn about blacks or their historical sob story.

“Oh, lawsy, mah great-great-great grandpappy wuz a slave!”

Qué chingados, cabron. I just got here five minutes ago. What the fuck do I care about your pendejo grandpappy?” 

This mass indifference quite naturally causes many whites to wonder why they are expected to feel guilty about the continued inability of Africans to behave, or even to want to behave, like 18th century Englishmen. Not that there aren’t plenty of white SJWs who will salute the five players for their “courage” and “inclusivity” and spew all the customary buzzwords, but the anger and contempt most fans felt for the anti-police gesture was palpable on a number of sports-related sites. I also suspect that the half-hearted nature of the riots may have been in part due to blacks correctly sensing that there are an increasing number of whites who would welcome the race war that blacks have been threatening for fifty years.

It’s easy to be magnanimous and optimistic about the prospects for a permanent state of kumbaya when everything is going well economically and the majority population doesn’t feel threatened. It’s when the economy goes south and the majority is in the process of becoming a minority itself that race relations, class relations, and ideological relations tend to disintegrate.

Remember, majorities exist in almost every human society for a reason. And where they don’t exist naturally, they usually create themselves, often through less than entirely peaceful means. Fred points out the observable reality:

We need to realize, but will not, that blacks are a separate people, self-aware and cohesive. They have their own dialect, music, and modes of dress, which they value. They name their kids LaToya and Keeshawn instead of Robert and Carol because they want to maintain a distance from whites.

The races spring from utterly different cultures. Compulsory integration is thus a form of social imperialism in which whites try to force blacks to conform to European norms. Blacks have no historical connection at all to Greece, Rome, the Old Testament Hebrews, Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, to Newton, LaGrange, or Galois, to the philosophic tradition of Thales, Aquinas, Schopenhauer, or Hegel. Nor do Eurowhites have roots in Africa. No commonality exists.

Postracialism isn’t merely one of the many equalitarian unicorns, it is intrinsically opposed to black self-determination. They don’t want to be white. They have their own identity, their own pride, and their own culture. And there is nothing wrong with that, except for the fact that it has been forcibly intertwined with white American culture.

Ferguson Night 2

This is an open thread for the Ilk to keep everyone posted on what’s going on around the country on the off-chance that there turns out to be a reason that 2,200 troops needed to be stationed around Ferguson.

I tend to doubt anything too crazy will happen; the rioters obviously know that the police and the National Guard are going to crack down hard and fast if they get too far out of hand. They’re just looking to act up, posture for the cameras, and loot a little bit, they’re not actually looking for a fight.

You can run, white man

But you cannot escape the hordes that follow:

Another factor driving the diversification of the suburbs is the emergence of “black flight” from major cities with established black populations. Black population losses have been occurring in some cities since the 1970s, but the magnitude and pervasiveness of black losses in cities during the first decade of the 2000s were unprecedented. The central cities of the 100 largest metropolitan areas saw a total decline of 300,000 blacks, the first absolute population decrease among blacks for these cities as a group. The black presence, which has been the mainstay of many urban populations, is diminishing (in fact it is now Hispanics, not blacks, who constitute the largest minority group in cities).

Three of the cities with the largest black declines–Detroit, Chicago, and New York–were among the primary destinations for blacks during the Great Migration, but the losses were not confined to northern metropolises: Southern and western cities such as Atlanta, Dallas, and Los Angeles were also among those losing blacks. Much of that population is shifting to the suburbs, moves that can be attributed in part to the black population’s economic progress in recent decades, especially among younger people aspiring to the suburban lifestyle that eluded their parents and grandparents. On the whole, 96 of the largest 100 metropolitan areas showed gains in their suburban black populations. Of those, more than three-quarters had larger increases in the past decade than in the 1990s. While delayed for decades, the full-scale suburbanization of blacks is finally under way.

I find it amusing that they attribute the black movement to the suburbs to “economic progress in recent decades”. The problem with that reasoning is that there hasn’t been any economic progress in recent decades, in fact, wage rates are still lower than 1973. This is little more than the more civilized blacks trying to escape their own race to live among whites, and whites attempting to get away from those more civilized blacks before their friends and family follow. As Joshua points out in the comments, this was only made possible by the Fed’s low interest rates and federal housing policy. So the 2000-2010 trend will not likely continue.

But that’s largely irrelevant anyhow. As the graph shows below, the real story is my La Raza cousins, who are in the process of ethnically cleansing both the cities and suburbs they have invaded. One thing white people, especially liberal white people, have never understood is that Hispanics dislike blacks considerably more than whites do, and furthermore, their open disdain is not affected by white guilt over slavery. The liberal fantasy of an anti-white multiracial minority alliance has always been just that, a fantasy, because real multiculturalism is the Hobbesian war of all against all.

The least surprising leak ever

It is being reported that a leak in the prosecutor’s office indicates there will be no indictment of the police officer responsible for shooting Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

From a source inside the Prosecutor’s Office – NO INDICTMENT in the Michael Brown case.

Frankly, I’m a little puzzled that anyone ever thought there might be one. I’m about as dubious of the American police as anyone, and I never thought it appeared to be an even questionable shooting.

Anyhow, if the announcement does come tonight, this is an open thread to discuss it and any related events.