
The UK police are ACTIVELY PROTECTING the Rotherham child abusers:

A damning report released last month detailed how 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the area over a 16-year period. The Times reported that a woman whose case is being investigated by authorities – but has not yet been interviewed – was arrested after tackling a man she says groomed her when she was 15. A witness accused the police of ‘acting like insensitive thugs’, telling the paper: ‘A police van came and six male officers piled out.

‘Two of them dragged her away, handcuffed her, put her against a wall and then shoved her into the back of the van.’

South Yorkshire Police told today how they had been hoping to interview the woman in the weeks before the arrest, after they were told of the historic allegations by another organisation. But they only realised that she was the woman they had been trying to speak to after her arrest, and have now released her on bail.

Every single police officer involved should be fired. Then whipped. And as for the Paki child rapists, it is to England’s eternal shame that any of them are still standing on English soil.

No doubt the UK media will soon be decrying “vigilante justice”, but vigilante justice is considerably better than no justice at all.

Into the blast furnace

The UK’s demographics are illustrating the truth of GK Chesterton’s observations concerning the human disinclination to believe in nothing:

In England’s second city of Birmingham, of 278,623 youngsters, 97,099 were registered as Muslim compared with 93,828 as Christian. The rest were of other faiths such as Hindu or Jewish, or none.

A similar trend has emerged in the cities of Bradford and Leicester, the towns of Luton, in Bedfordshire, and Slough in Berkshire, as well as the London boroughs Newham, Redbridge and Tower Hamlets, where nearly two-thirds of children are Islamic.

Last night experts said more must be done to ensure that society does not become polarised along religious lines.

I think it is fairly obvious that when people are being beheaded, it is a little late for that. To quote Jerry Pournell’s apt observation, there will be war.

Professor Ted Cantle, of the ICoCo Foundation, which promotes community cohesion, said: ‘What we are seeing are several trends running together. There is a long-term decline in support for the established religions, notably Christianity; continuing immigration from the Asian sub-continent; and higher fertility among the Muslim population, which has a considerably lower age profile.

‘There is also deepening segregation exacerbated by the loss of white population from cities and more intensive concentration of black and minority ethnic groups as a result of replacement.

‘This is the real problem, as residential segregation is generally compounded by school and social segregation.

If he thinks segregation is a problem, just try desegregating those communities. Because communities that can’t peacefully segregate will always eventually find another, less palatable means of doing so.

Well done, secular Britain. Out of its desire to weaken Christianity’s societal dominance, it imported Islam. That’s like leaping out of the frying pan and into the blast furnace.

The Unionists are getting scared

I’m starting to think that the Scottish people might actually have the courage to choose independence:

David Cameron today warned that Scotland would be more at risk from terrorism if it votes for independence. The Prime Minister said the United Kingdom had the best security and intelligence services in the world to keep people safe. He said the safety of staying together in a ‘very dangerous and insecure world’ was one of the ‘strongest arguments’ against separation.

Seriously, he’s going to pull out the Terrorism Card now? Obviously the Pound Card, the NHS Card, and the Darling Card failed. Smacks of desperation, doesn’t it. If I were a Scot, I would vote for independence simply out of respect for the great Scots throughout history who died defending it. And I wonder if UKIP’s Farage might be engaging in a bit of strategic black knighting:

Speculation is growing that a poll this weekend will show a significant Yes lead for the first time at a crucial time in the campaign.

Last night, Murdo Fraser, a Tory member of the Scottish Parliament, said: ‘I think it would be best if Nigel Farage stayed as far away from Scotland as possible. The arguments for staying in the UK are strong. The majority of Scots are on our side and we don’t need a distraction at this point.’

But Ukip’s Scottish chairman, Arthur Thackeray, dismissed calls for Mr Farage to stay away as ‘absolute, complete and utter nonsense’. He said: ‘We are a mainstream party Nigel as our leader is coming up in support of a No vote.’

Who will benefit more from the excise of the heavy left-leaning vote from Westminster than UKIP? Going to Scotland and infuriating the Scots with an obnoxious, ostensibly pro-Union display would be a brilliant move by Farage.

They made their bed

Leave them lie in it. Britain would be mad if they permit their “nationals” to return to Britain after joining ISIS:

British jihadis fighting in Syria want to come home after becoming disillusioned with the conflict, it emerged today. In the last three years, more than 500 radicalised Britons are believed to have headed out to the war-torn country, where Islamist groups are fighting President Bashar Assad’s forces. But some of those who signed up to fight have now contacted authorities in Britain saying they have had enough of the war-zone and want to return home, it was reported today.

A man representing a group of 30 militants reportedly contacted King’s College London’s International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR), telling them his group want to come back.

The men, who went to the region in the hope of toppling President Assad, are reportedly unhappy at having to fight against other rebel factions. According to The Times, the man told researchers: ‘We came to fight the regime and instead we are involved in gang warfare. It’s not what we came for but if we go back [to Britain] we will go to jail.’

The ICSR’s Professor Peter Neumann told newspaper: ‘The people we have been talking to… want to quit but feel trapped because all the Government is talking about is locking them up for 30 years.’

Forget locking them up. They ought to simply have their citizenships revoked, their passports cancelled, and left to fight their gang wars. Which is exactly what the USA and every other Western state should do to every member of ISIS, wherever they are.

Based on the comments that follow the article, there is barely a Briton who wants them back.

England wants out

The British political establishment is being absolutely rocked by UKIP:

Ukip are set to win their first Commons seat with a landslide 64 per cent of the vote following the biggest swing in modern political history. Turncoat MP Douglas Carswell is set to humiliate David Cameron at the Clacton by-election sparked by his defection, a  Survation poll for The Mail on Sunday has revealed. The figures – the first test of public opinion since the politician rocked Westminster by defecting to Nigel Farage’s party – predict a record 48 point swing towards Ukip.

And they put the anti-Brussels party a staggering 44 percentage points ahead of Mr Carswell’s former party in the  Essex constituency. If the results are repeated in the by-election, expected in October, the swing would exceed the current record 44 points achieved by Lib Dem MP Simon Hughes when he thrashed Labour’s Peter Tatchell, the gay rights campaigner, in a by-election in Bermondsey, South London, in 1983. The biggest anti-Tory swing to date is the 35 points achieved by the Lib Dems in the Christchurch by-election in 1993.

This is astonishing, considering that only one year ago, the British media was still trying to ignore UKIP, pretending that the Liberal Democrats were the third party alternative to the Labour and Tory parties. And it clearly doesn’t matter one iota what Cameron and the other traitorous Tories babble about concerning the Tory party being “Britain’s only chance for a referendum” or whatever, because no one has believed a single word that has come out of any Tory leader’s mouth since they denied the people a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

The one catch is that Douglas Carswell may – may – represent the first serious attempt to coopt the growing spirit of English nationalism. He’s genuinely anti-EU, but appears to be rather soft on immigration. Regardless, getting out of the EU is the absolutely vital first step to the restoration of national sovereignty, so English nationalists would do well to support him even if he is otherwise unreliable.

And the sooner the ridiculous David Cameron and his absurd Coalition is exiled to the dustbin of political history, the better. If Scotland defies both expectations and the global elite to vote for independence, so much the better.

Control your damn cats

An Englishman’s home is not subject to invasion by felines intent on avicide:

An Oxford University educated research chemist has issued his cat-owning
neighbours with leaflets warning them of “drastic action” if they
continue to let their animals roam free and kill the birds in his garden.
Neighbours living in the street said they are concerned for their cats’ safety and have been upset by the leaflet.

“In the last week alone, cats have killed a jackdaw, a blackbird and a house sparrow,” said Dr Mowforth. “I was watching the sparrow whilst eating my dinner. She was sat quietly enjoying the food in the evening sun when a cat leapt right onto the shoulder-height table, grabbed the bird and ran off. This was the final straw.”

The 57-year-old said he has spent more than 10 years converting the garden at his Gloucestershire home into a “paradise for birds” and set up video surveillance when he noticed how numbers had fallen and how many were being killed. He has sent local households in the village of Dursley pictures from video footage of the worst offenders and said he has identified 10 ‘killer cats’ in the area.

Dr Mowforth claimed complaints had been made to the police and RSPCA about him, adding “the extreme elements within the pro-cat brigade have threatened arson.”

If I had cats repeatedly invading my yard and murdering our little friends like Fred the woodpecker and Jeremy the kestrel, I’d simply shoot them. Even if proper guns aren’t available in the UK, surely air pistols are. I don’t understand people who think their cats should be permitted to roam freely outside the house and onto other people’s property.

Of course, the gentleman is Oxford-educated, so he should be smart enough to figure out the obvious solution. Shoot the cat, toss it into the street, then run over it with your car. Problem solved.

Pedophiles in power

This network explains why known pedophiles like Jimmy Savile and Member of Parliament Cyril Smith were protected despite numerous complaints about them.

A former social services official has said his warnings about the threat of a Westminster-based paedophile network were ignored because “there were too many of them over there”.

David Tombs, who ran Hereford and Worcester social services, said he warned the government after the arrest of paedophile Peter Righton in 1992. Two inquiries have been launched into historical claims of child abuse. Mr Tombs, who in charge of social services in his area for 20 years, claims that when Righton was arrested in 1992, he became aware of information through the police investigation that suggested a paedophilic network was operating.

He said what he learned would have been of “national concern” and told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “It was coming across to me at the time that there were names there that were linked into the establishment, if you like. I had no particular names, but that was the impression I was getting.”

He said when he alerted Department of Health representatives, he was told by civil servants that he was “probably wasting [his] time” because there were “too many of them over there”.

The Westminster pedophile ring may even explain the murder of reporter Jill Dando:

Murdered Crimewatch presenter Jill Dando tried to get BBC bosses to investigate an alleged paedophile ring in the corporation, it has today been claimed. A former friend and retired BBC worker has claimed that the television host was told that ‘big name stars’ and BBC staff were involved in abuse. But when she tried to get her superiors to investigate, and handed a file to senior management, no action was taken, the source claims.

The former staff member, who asked to remain anonymous, told the Daily Star Sunday that she raised the claims with management in the mid 1990s.The source said that the names were ‘surprisingly big’…. Miss Dando, 37, was gunned down outside her home in Fulham, west London, on April 26, 1999, moments after stepping out of her car.

One notes that this protection of child abusers in Westminster may also explain the obvious reluctance of SFWA to investigate the problem of pedophiles in the science fiction community despite the revelations that have come to light concerning Marion Zimmer Bradley, Ed Kramer, and Samuel Delany.

Europe’s quislings

The chief architect of the coming ethnic cleansing in Britain, Tony Blair, archly refuses to pay heed to the clearly expressed voice of the British people concerning the ongoing invasion of their island:

Tony Blair this morning launched a furious assault on Ukip in the wake of the party’s European election triumph – describing it as ‘nasty and unpleasant’. The former Prime Minister urged the Labour leader Ed Miliband to ‘stand up’ and take on Nigel Farage. He said Mr Miliband had to ‘stand firm’ in the face of growing demands to promise an in-out referendum on Europe and ignore pleas from within his party to take a tougher stance on immigration…

In his comments, made to a Swedish television station, Mr Blair said: ‘Of course we should be worried when a party like Ukip comes first in the European election, it would be foolish not to be. But on the other hand we also have to stand for what is correct and right for the future of Britain in the 21st century. When the world is changing so fast, to end up having the debate dominated by anti-immigrant feeling and a desire to get Britain out of Europe, these are not solutions for the 21st century.’

Another globalist whore, Tory Ken Clarke, said: “Every western country is multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and everybody gets used to listening to foreign languages on the bus. Young people aren’t bothered by that.'”

When the mass inter-ethnic violence begins, just remember these quislings publicly claiming that “no one is bothered” by hearing alien invaders speaking foreign languages in their hometowns. Blair could not be more wrong. What is right for the future of Britain is that it be inhabited and governed by the sovereign British people.

The fact that every Western country has been invaded by third-worlders in the last forty years doesn’t mean that they always will be occupied by them. Spain was once occupied by Muslims and France was once occupied by Germans. Europeans have a long and noble history of expelling their invaders, even if it takes 500 years.

The Return of Nations

The end of the Imperial Europe project is in sight as minor anti-EU parties grow into major parties, in some cases, the nation’s most popular party. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen. And it looks as if there is a very good chance that Britain will be the first nation to leave the EU’s evil and anti-democratic empire:

Nigel Farage tonight hailed Ukip’s victory in the European elections as the most ‘extraordinary result in British politics for 100 years’. Support for Ukip has surged by more than 12 per cent, outstripping a more modest boost in votes for Labour, while the Lib Dems faced near-wipeout, with some calling for Nick Clegg to resign.

Mr Farage said he was ‘proud’ of the campaign which has seen him humiliate the Westminster parties, pushing Labour and the Tories into second and third.

As Ukip was triumphing in the UK, across the Channel France’s far-right National Front was on course for a massive victory in European elections tonight as the country swung behind its anti-immigration, anti-EU agenda.

Early estimates suggested the number of Eurosceptic MEPs in Brussels could double. In Denmark, the anti-immigration far-right People’s Party is on course to win with 23 per cent while in Hungary, the extreme-right Jobbik – accused of racism and anti-Semitism – was running second

Elsewhere, in Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats were expected to secure victory with 36 per cent of the vote. In Greece, the poll was topped by the radical left anti-austerity Syriza movement, beating the governing New Democracy into second place.

In the UK, immigration dominated much of the campaign, with UKIP arguing proper border controls were not possible while in the EU.

Everywhere but Germany, which runs the EU to its liking, the political tide is flowing strongly against the EU. And the tide is only going to grow stronger, because the commissars of the EU have never listened to the people, which means eventually some sort of crisis is coming when the EU will be forced to choose between following its own rules or showing its true totalitarian face.

And the corrupt political leaders don’t have the power to impose their will on the people. Which is why the entire project has been built on lies, smoke, and mirrors.

So much for inevitability

Some of the EU’s greatest champions are openly discussing paring it down in order to try saving it. Former French President Sarkozy calls for the suspension of Schengen:

With the far-Right Front National polled to pip Mr Sarkozy’s crisis-wracked UMP to the post in Sunday’s EU elections in France, the ex-president said: “Schengen I must be immediately suspended and be replaced by a Schengen II of which member countries can only be a part if they previously agree to the same immigration policy.”

Europe migration policy has failed and the need to replace Schengen I has become obvious, he added, as the current system allows immigrants who enter it to “choose the (European) country with the most generous welfare system. Europe is not meant to organise social and migratory dumping, almost systematically at the expense of France,” he warned.

Without mentioning by name his Socialist French presidential successor, François Hollande, Mr Sarkozy nevertheless decried an “absence of leadership (that) is placing Europe in danger, as it is without vision, direction or priorities”.

He also called for half of the competences of Brussels to be returned to national governments. The European Commission, meanwhile, should be stripped of all legislative powers – the sole preserve of the EU parliament.

However, he warned against the rise of populist anti-EU sentiment, saying the bloc protects its citizens from the “ideological veering off course of governments and majority parties.

“If the European Union broke up centuries-old hatred and conflicts of interest would resurface more violently.”

“We must correct its excesses but as a project it must be preserved.”

At this point, even its leaders understand that the EU is a complete failure. If it is conserved at all, it will be as some sort of Franco-German free market. But the Euro is a disaster and the grand scheme of the United States of Europe is already dead.

And with UKIP doing much better than expected with the local councils – it’s already confirmed to have taken 89 council seats, 9 better than the 80 projected, and could end up with as many as 230 – it shouldn’t be too many years before Great Britain is out of the monstrosity, with or without Scotland.