Let women save themselves, noble sir

This one is for all the Deltas and Gammas out there, who really need to grasp this simple fact: you don’t save women. You just don’t do it. The fact that a woman is in need of saving is, in fact, a serious disqualification, and you should understand that your desire to save her is intrinsically predatory in nature. It is preying upon the weak at a level to which not even the pick-up artists you hate and envy will descend.

And in any event, to paraphrase Cavour, the ingratitude of woman will astonish the world.

Even though I’d worked with Carla for over a year I really didn’t know her that well and that was the reason for my apprehension and not that I had just come out of a marriage that started much the same way.

But Carla knew exactly how to kill that apprehension and trigger that oh-so-useful male provider instinct by upping the ante:

One Monday morning, Carla was absent from work. She hadn’t called or texted since Saturday night so I was on edge wondering if another man had her attention now.

Finally, around lunch time I get a frantic call from her. She tearfully tells me her boyfriend kicked her out on Sunday, threw all of her and her son’s stuff out on the lawn and that she was at her sister’s place.

I told her I was relieved that she at least had a place to stay. But Carla turned up the heat just a few more degrees by telling me that her sister’s boyfriend told her she could only stay for a week and after that he’d take her to a shelter…

…and that was all I needed to hear. I got her sister’s address, told my boss I was taking the rest of the day off, jumped in my car, and raced over to rescue my fair maiden with my cape flapping in the wind.

I was so excited about how lucky I was to get a second chance to rescue a woman it was pathetic. I was actually thinking to myself “I’m gonna do it right this time” on my way over to get her.

After all was said and done, I had rented her a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with a fenced in back yard for her dog near downtown. I paid the deposit and first month’s rent, turned on her electric and cable, all in my name. I even rented a U-Haul and moved her shit into her new place (with the help of her sister’s boyfriend).

Guess how that story ended? Dr. Dre was right.

Cuckservative speech police

It’s increasingly clear that the cuckservatives are the SJWs of the Right, being the self-appointed speech police:

Conservative commentator Erick Erickson on Friday night disinvited GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump from speaking at an activist conference he is hosting here this weekend, citing disparaging remarks Trump made hours earlier on CNN about Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Erickson said Trump had been scheduled to speak at his RedState gathering on Saturday at the College Football Hall of Fame, but he told Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, about an hour before midnight that Trump was no longer welcome….

Erickson, a Fox News regular and face of the popular RedState blog, has long been a foe congressional GOP leaders and an ally of conservative grass-roots organizers. He has also drawn criticism for saying impolitic things, once calling retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter an “[expletive] child molester” and First Lady Michelle Obama a “Marxist harpy.” He has since apologized for both comments.

Trump’s words about Kelly simply went too far, Erickson said Friday, making him, someone who enjoys and appreciates barbed political rhetoric, uncomfortable and queasy. And with his invited guest dominating the 2016 race, and few if any conservatives reining him in, Erickson thought he’d try.

The following is a transcript:

Why did you disinvite Trump?

I think there is a line of decency that even a non-professional politician can cross. Suggesting that a female journalist asking you a hostile question is hormone related, I think, is one of those lines.

Do you see yourself as a referee for the conservative movement to keep Trump from riling the race?

know, no. I’m trying to be lenient with him. I told his campaign
manager a few days ago that there have been a lot of people in the party
who refuse to treat him legitimately even though he’s the front-runner.
And I didn’t want to give him a hard time. I felt bad that one of
event’s agendas didn’t have his name on it and felt badly about that,
let him know. I don’t like that I have to disinvite him. But there are
bounds of what’s acceptable in our discourse and they’re not different
for you, or me, or someone else. I’m not going to have a guy on stage
with my wife and daughter in the crowd who thinks a tough question from a
woman is because of hormones.

There is NO PLACE in cuckservatism for anyone who doesn’t kowtow before the feminist line. These guys are perma-losers both politically and socio-sexually. And like the SJWs and gamma males they are, they are hell-bent on keeping the more successful men in the same subservient place they are, at the base of the pedestal.

Look at how he reduces the American political process to an appeal to the emotional authority of his wife and daughter. What a pathetic excuse for what purports to be a man!

Greg from 108 ‏is right. For the cuckservative, as for the SJW, “appearing “not racist” or “not sexist” takes precedence over everything, even the Constitution and the rule of law.”

How could it not be fair?

If sex is merely a matter of self-expression, there is no reason to even distinguish between sports for “men” and for “women”.

50-Year-Old Transgender Basketball Player Joins Jr. College Women’s Team…Is This Fair?

This is the story of Robert Ludwig, now Gabrielle Ludwig, a 50-year-old recent sex change operation recipient who is now playing for the women’s basketball team of Mission College in Santa Clara, Calif.

After her procedure this past summer, Ludwig petitioned the court for a new birth certificate that would designate her sex as “female.”  On Nov. 30, a judge awarded her the new birth certificate and in the eyes of the government, Robert Ludwig is now officially Gabrielle Ludwig.

That one piece of paper opened doors for Ludwig. However, there were concerns that her previous time as a college player might be a problem. Back in 1980, then-Robert Ludwig played for Nassau Community College and the bylaws of the Community College Athletic Association only permit a player to participate for two years. But the athletic association decided to reinstate Ludwig’s full eligibility, based on the fact that he was now legally a “she” and deserved the full two years of permitted playing time with her new gender.

Hey, if Caitlyn Jenner won the Men’s Decathalon in the Olympics, clearly all bets are off. And therefore, we can stop fretting about wage gaps, disproportional representation, and sex-based affirmative action, and get rid of Title IX now.

That will be the correct response to any woman complaining about “sexism”. Sex is just a social construct, so just call yourself male and start reaping the benefits.

Those clever cuckservatives

They must think conservatives are mind-bogglingly stupid. Hot Air defends cuckservatives by claiming that trying to appeal to black voters is an effective long term strategy for Republicans:

This is horrifically shortsighted. It was amazing, yet unsurprising, how much agreement there was between FreedomWorks and Center for American Progress representatives during their joint summit on justice reform in DC. This wasn’t talking government spending, it was talking freedom, liberty, and getting the government out of things they shouldn’t be involved in. Rand Paul speaks at Bowie State and Howard universities and gets people nodding their heads in agreement. He’s discussing the importance of government getting out of the lives of others, not placating them or speaking about reparations. Paul is thinking long term and hopes to eventually get more conservative and libertarian African-Americans, instead of the current crop of leftists. It may take 30 to 50 years, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth the effort.

Well, if people are nodding their heads, clearly that must trump 50 years of electoral voting patterns! What are demographics in comparison with a single politician’s hopes?

1960 presidential election
White percentage of population: 85.4
Black vote: 68 percent Democrat.

1984 presidential election
White percentage of population: 75.6
Black: 10 percent of voters. 91 percent Democrat.
Hispanic: 3 percent of voters. 66 percent Democrat

2012 presidential election
White percentage of population: 63.7
Black: 13 percent of voters. 93 percent Democrat
Hispanic: 10 percent of voters. 71 percent Democrat

At this rate of progression, in 30 years the white percentage of the population will be 53.7, blacks will be voting 95 percent Democrat and Hispanics will be voting 76 percent Democrat. All of the Republican outreach efforts over the last 30 years have only made matters worse, and in the meantime, over 20 million new Democrats entered the country via post-1986 immigration. Another 30 to 50 years means another 30 to 50 million immigrants, less than 25 percent of whom will be inclined to vote for smaller government. It is obviously and observably the cuckservatives whose strategy is horrifically shortsighted.

The demographic implications are perfectly clear. Either the Republican Party moves considerably to the Left or it becomes the White Party. Those are its only two viable options. It is obvious which of those two options are preferred by cuckservatives, the only question will be whether they can retain their control of the Republican Party or not.

That being said, I happen to think the question is largely irrelevant. The current American political system doesn’t have 30 years. It doesn’t even have 20 left to it. As I have long predicted, I think the decline element of decline-and-fall will be complete by 2033.

Hateful Heretic’s response to the Hot Air piece is straightforward and powerful:

Most of us really like capitalism, meritocracy, property rights, and the rule of law. Unlike you we recognize that the left’s program of demographic replacement will destroy those things forever, and that those values, as “universally good” as they may be, are largely only attractive to persons of Anglo-European heritage….

You know what’s short-sighted? Displacement-level immigration. Hispanics are not going to vote for freedom and capitalism. They don’t vote for it in Mexico, they don’t vote for it in Venezuela, they don’t vote for it in Colombia, they don’t vote for it in Bolivia, they don’t vote for it in Argentina, they don’t vote for it in Brazil, they don’t vote for it in Chile, they don’t vote for it in Guatemala, and they’re not going to vote for it here.

He’s right. Each successive wave of immigration, dating back to those coming from Europe, have pushed the USA further from its concept of liberty, limited government, and “the Rights of Englishmen”. And on a related note, Mike Cernovich explains why he, and others on the alt-Right, have no qualms about dismissing and disregarding these theoretical “conservative” allies:

Cuckservatives control the right-wing airwaves. Have any of them reached out to me – someone who objectively speaking has a far greater reach and sells more books than the usual talking heads – to discuss men’s issues? No. The right has ignored me and other men – even more palatable men like the A Voice for Men Camp – for years. They choose to ignore out concerns and refused to give us a platform.

When Gawker and MSNBC attacked me, where were these so-called “allies” on the right? 

When the only time they bother to notice you is to join the Left in attacking you, then they aren’t an ally. Regardless of what they claim to believe. Also, and more importantly, the cuckservatives are on the wrong side of all three of the only three issues that really matter: national sovereignty, immigration, and the Federal Reserve. They might not be Leftists, but for all practical intents and purposes, they may as well be.

Considering how many of them have come out recently and endorsed gay “marriage”, it appears that they’re little more interested in conserving anything about traditional America than the neocons are. But conservatives don’t agree with their cuckservative would-be leaders.

Big majority of GOP voters favors mass deportation, poll finds

I’ll type more slowly

Vox Day @voxday
The fact outsiders are starting to accuse people of using GG for SELF-PROMOTION means #GamerGate has DESTROYED the SJW Narrative about it.

le kacho face :^) ‏@KachoArinoDesu
not really sure how that logic works, voxy

(´・ω・`) ‏@_icze4r
@KachoArinoDesu that doesn’t make any fucking sense

le kacho face :^) ‏@KachoArinoDesu
@_icze4r it really doesn’t but that’s militant GG for you

Platinum ‏@PlatinumParagon
@KachoArinoDesu I’ve spent the past few minutes trying to figure this fucking shit out. My brain cells.

Tyler Valle ‏@TylerValleGG

le kacho face :^) ‏@KachoArinoDesu
@TylerValleGG >me
>agreeing with Vox Day

Vox Day ‏@voxday
It’s straightforward. No self-promoter advances himself by jumping on a bandwagon that everyone hates and thinks is awful.

It probably goes without saying, but it hurts me far more to have to explain something so patently obvious than to see ten thousand SJWs calling me names. But on the plus side, that’s a new one for the SJWs in science fiction to cower over and whisper fearfully about. I’m not just GG, I’m militant GG. To say nothing of:

The war at Tor

Like a swan swimming across a pond, what looks like serenity from the outside often masks a tremendous amount of activity going on beneath the surface. Over the last few weeks I’ve had several conversations with executives at Tor Books, Macmillan, and Macmillan UK, and I can assure you that there is a very good reason for Mr. George Martin’s sudden and repeated calls for supporters of Irene Gallo and others at Tor Books to “denounce and oppose” the ongoing Tor boycott.

For those who want to stand up to the bullies and rabids and their Tor boycott, please note that SONGS OF THE DYING EARTH was published by Tor. (They were also Jack Vance’s publisher for most of the last few decades).  

That was a pretty good anthology actually. Despite the best efforts of the various authors it seldom rose to full-blown Vancean heights, but I quite liked the Tanith Lee and John C. Wright stories it contained. What Martin appears to be trying to do with his multiple posts on the subject is make it harder for the executives at Macmillan to hold anyone at Tor Books responsible for their repeated violations of the Macmillan Code of Conduct or for their attacks on Tor’s authors and customers. And although Martin is unwilling to come right out and say it, he is offering an implicit threat that if Macmillan does the right thing and jettisons the unprofessional parties concerned, he and other SJWs will launch their own boycott of Tor and take their future books to other publishers.

The reason George is doing this now is because he knows what’s going on inside Tor thanks to his various contacts there. Things are getting very heated, as it has been reported that Patrick Nielsen Hayden has threatened to take his Scalzi (and other writers) and go elsewhere if either Irene Gallo or Moshe Feder are fired or forced to resign. Whether John Scalzi backs PNH to this extent or not (and if he is even aware of this threat on his behalf or not), I do not know, but I personally find it very difficult to believe that Scalzi would ever consent to put his ten-year contract with Tor Books in jeopardy for anyone’s sake. He may be grateful to PNH for launching and repeatedly propping up his career, but he’s not THAT grateful.

If it’s true that PNH is threatening to take his ball and go to DAW or some other publishing home, it’s an amateurish move that demonstrates the very sort of entitled unprofessionalism and poor decision-making that has put Tor Books into the current situation in the first place. But it shouldn’t be a surprise that PNH might be taking this line, as he would not be the only Tor-affiliated individual who to take such a stance. For example, Tor author Mary Robinette Kowal has already publicly threatened to return the advances for her next two books and take them elsewhere if Ms Gallo is fired.

‏ @RizziWorld How about this. If they fire Irene, I will return the advances on my next two books and pull them.
7:23 AM – 14 Jun 2015

What a noble gesture in support of an employee’s right to publicly attack the company’s customers! Anyhow, if Mr. Nielsen Hayden was in fact foolish enough to threaten his superiors in any way, I expect he will soon receive an object lesson in the realities of corporate power.

And for the witch hunters at Tor who are desperate to learn with whom I have been speaking, I am kind enough to give you one little hint. Go to my Twitter account, search through it, and see who has commented on my tweets. I think you will find the results to be illuminating.

Science is not a reliable guide

The problem with appealing to science isn’t limited to the problem of deriving “ought” from “is”. It is that the human element corrupts the process to the point that one cannot reasonably expect to rely upon science to accurately relate “is” any longer, barring exogenous real-world confirmation:

If you want to see just how long an academic institution can tolerate a string of slow, festering research scandals, let me invite you to the University of Minnesota, where I teach medical ethics.

Over the past 25 years, our department of psychiatry has been party to the following disgraces: a felony conviction and a Food and Drug Administration research disqualification for a psychiatrist guilty of fraud in a drug study; the F.D.A. disqualification of another psychiatrist, for enrolling illiterate Hmong refugees in a drug study without their consent; the suspended license of yet another psychiatrist, who was charged with “reckless, if not willful, disregard” for dozens of patients; and, in 2004, the discovery, in a halfway house bathroom, of the near-decapitated corpse of Dan Markingson, a seriously mentally ill young man under an involuntary commitment order who committed suicide after enrolling, over the objections of his mother, in an industry-funded antipsychotic study run by members of the department.

And those, unfortunately, are just the highlights.

The problem extends well beyond the department of psychiatry and into the university administration. Rather than dealing forthrightly with these ethical breaches, university officials have seemed more interested in covering up wrongdoing with a variety of underhanded tactics. Reporting in The Star Tribune discovered, for example, that in the felony case, university officials hid an internal investigation of the fraud from federal investigators for nearly four years.

This is why religion and philosophy will always trump science. Due to the human element of scientistry and its obvious susceptibility to corruption, science that has not yet reached the level of reliability and credibility we call “engineering” simply does not merit being taken seriously by anyone who is not a professional scientist.

The Duel

Bateful Higot explains moderates:

Moderate: Okay, gentlemen… take 5 paces, then turn and shoot. SJW has won the coin toss and will shoot first. Understood?
Conservative: Yes.
SJW: Whatever.
Moderate: One…
SJW: turns and points pistol, hand trembling in terror
Moderate: looks at SJW scornfully Two…
SJW: CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE! shoots in Conservative’s general direction… misses horribly
Conservative: What the deuce? turns around You bastard!
SJW: How dare you turn around! You’re not a gentleman!
Moderate: Conservative! You must take three more paces before you may turn around!
Conservative: That coward shot at me after two!
Moderate: Do not lower yourself to his level! Death before dishonor!
Conservative: That doesn’t mean what you think it does! aims at SJW
SJW: EEK! cowers
How dare you! draws pistol on Conservative If you do not turn around
this instant, I shall shoot you myself, you dishonorable cur!

How can you identify a moderate? He is the man who only shoots at his own side, never the enemy. This isn’t to say that moderates can’t learn. I have known a few who have done so, gradually and over time, mostly by virtue of having their “friends” on the other side repay their steadfast good will with repeated betrayals and regular stabs in the back.

Moderates merit civility, but no respect. And above all, do NOT permit them any input into strategy and tactics. They are worse than useless in that regard.

More immigrants, less water

Waterworld had it exactly backwards:

What are we going to do once all the water is gone?  Thanks to the worst drought in more than 1,000 years, the western third of the country is facing the greatest water crisis that the United States has ever seen.  Lake Mead is now the lowest that it has ever been since the Hoover Dam was finished in the 1930s, mandatory water restrictions have already been implemented in the state of California, and there are already widespread reports of people stealing water in some of the worst hit areas.  But this is just the beginning.

Right now, in a desperate attempt to maintain somewhat “normal” levels of activity, water is being pumped out of the ground in the western half of the nation at an absolutely staggering pace.  Once that irreplaceable groundwater is gone, that is when the real crisis will begin.  If this multi-year drought stretches on and becomes the “megadrought” that a lot of scientists are now warning about, life as we know it in much of the country is going to be fundamentally transformed and millions of Americans may be forced to find somewhere else to live.

Keep in mind that this ran on Zerohedge back in May and the situation in California has continued to get worse. And it has absolutely nothing to do with global warming, it is the direct and obvious consequence of immigration, both internal and external.

Sure, the multi-year drought is the proximate problem. But the fact is that California now has 38,802,500 residents. It had less than 3 million when my grandparents were born there, and less than 7 million when my mother was. There is plenty of water for 10 million Californians. There is nowhere nearly enough for 40 million people who are drinking and flushing and irrigating the liquid equivalent of their seed corn.

The simple fact is that mass immigration is one of the most intrinsically destructive forces known to Man. The inevitable dessication and depopulation of California is only one of the many deleterious consequences of the 1965 immigration reform that will ultimately turn out to be one of the primary roots of American collapse.

Mr. Feder fans the flames

Now Tor Books editor Moshe Feder calls Tor’s unhappy customers “idiots”:

As you may have heard, certain scoundrels have declared a boycott of Tor, starting today, to protest the efforts of some Tor employees to defend the Hugo Awards from attack. In response, some of our friends have declared today “Buy A Tor Book Day.”

I wouldn’t have the temerity to ask you to buy a book just because some idiots have declared war on us. But if there _is_ a Tor Book you’ve been meaning to get anyway, buying it today would be a a gesture I’d appreciate.

[As always here on Facebook, I’m speaking for myself and not the company.]

It’s got to be nice for Tor Books to know they’ve got so many imaginary friends defending them. As we have been repeatedly and reliably informed:

Since the Puppy boycott of Tor Books is on I just bought three ebooks from Tor and preordered two more.

And if Mr. Feder is only speaking for himself, who is this “us” to whom he refers? Whose friends are they? But it is nice of him to dial down the rhetoric from “racist neo-nazis” to mere “idiots” and “scoundrels”.

Meanwhile, Peter Grant points out that Feder is lying. Personally, I find Feder’s explanation of the boycott to be fascinating, as apparently Irene Gallo was merely defending the Hugo Awards from attack when she described Tor-published books as “bad-to-reprehensible”, attacked Tor’s customers as “racist” and “misogynistic” and “neo-nazi”. That’s an interesting priority. I was not hitherto aware that “defending the Hugo Awards” was a professional responsibility for employees at Tor Books.

It’s worth pointing out that we are not at war with Tor Books. We are merely asking Macmillan to save Tor Books from the observably self-destructive and unprofessional leadership of three of its senior employees, who have abused Tor’s authors and attacked Tor’s customers.

The Internet never forgets.