How NOT to do it

In which a pair of morons who offended SJWs and feminists by having sex with women and then writing about it demonstrate that a basic working knowledge of Game is woefully insufficient to deal with an SJW attack:

To Our Asheville Community:

We know many of you are very angry right now. That anger is justified. There is nothing to balm the wound for now, and we recognize that. We validate and affirm your frustration and disappointment. We’ve issued separate individual apologies, and those stand more than ever.

We’ve said terrible and demeaning things – things that belie unhealthy thought patterns that do not contribute to a stable and equal society. Things our mothers and sisters had to hear. We cannot and will not excuse these things. We grieve for the systematic and ongoing actions we’ve taken. We apologize to the women in our lives and the greater community for the harm we’ve caused, and the potential danger we’ve put them in with our attitudes and beliefs.

We opened Sunday in order to have conversations with some of our regular customers, and to give an opportunity for folks to chat if they wished. A few did just that, and we’re grateful for your thoughts and feelings. We’re humbled by and undeserving of the grace displayed by so many in the face of our actions.

We’re going to close for the next couple days so we can have some room for introspection. We want to allow ourselves to be accountable to our friends, family, employees, clergy, and counselors for our actions, and give ourselves room to be silent and reflect. These attitudes were not grown in a day, and they will not be destroyed in a day. We want to humbly commit to that process. We’re not good people, but we want to be.

We’re going to donate all our business profits through the end of the year to Our Voice. Many of you in the community have great regard for this organization, and their work is of immense importance. We know this is but a step, but it’s something to which we can commit. Our employees who have lost their jobs due to our behavior will be given severance to help as they transition.

With deep regret,

Jared & Jacob

One guess how their craven apology went over. One guess what the inevitable response to their belly-crawling and backtracking and introspection and offering of tribute was. If you’ve read SJWs Always Lie, you know what comes next:

A local business support group has asked that Waking Life Espresso return a loan intended to support a second location as anger mounted Monday over anonymous Internet media posts in which the coffee shop owners boasted of sexual conquests.

That request from Mountain BizWorks came the same day another nonprofit, Our VOICE, said it would reject any donations given to it by Waking Life.

What utter morons. This is precisely why you do NOT publicly apologize. You do not EVER apologize when faced with an SJW attack. No exceptions. None.

What total fucking cowards. Those women who were upset about their sex lives being discussed and rated were only angry before, they are probably writhing in shame and disgust now.

More lessons in rhetoric

Chublie Martin is now into his fourth day of demonstrating that he doesn’t care and he totally isn’t triggered at all:

Charlie Martin
The funniest part of this is you *still* haven’t thought of anything more creative than fat jokes.

Vox Day
It’s funny because you’re fat. And because you’re STILL crying into your gallon tub of Blue Bunny.

Watching @voxday tear down rhetoric speakers is like watching a Kung Fu master fight an overweight couch potato. Literally, in this case.

A Street in Texas
quit. Vox is dominating this thread 64RT/127FAV to 2/3

Charlie Martin
Go home. You’re not big enough to ride this ride.

Minion 278
what is the minimum weight limit, 350lbs?

Vox Day
Chublie, ARETHA FRANKLIN isn’t big enough to ride you.

Charlie Martin
Oh, don’t forget small penis.

Charlie Martin
You could say I have a big nose.

Charlie Martin
You could say I dress funny.

Charlie Martin
You could say I don’t speak Telegu.

Charlie Martin
You could make fun of my beard.

Charlie Martin
Mom was Jewish, you could call me a kike.

Charlie Martin
Look, I’ll give you some help: racial slurs. You could call me a Muslim,

Charlie Martin
I mean, OMG he might make another fat joke.

Vox Day
We didn’t make any fat jokes, Chublie. Your mother did.

For some reason, those losing a rhetorical battle often resort to the fighting withdrawal of the overwhelmed loser: “real original”. But not only will you search Aristotle in vain for any reference to originality, you will learn that a) truth and b) repetition are among the most potent rhetorical tactics.

Of course, this isn’t a fair fight. Not only is Mr. Martin considerably less experienced at dealing with intelligent opponents than I am, his real handicap is socio-sexual. Gammas should never take on Alphas and they should never, ever take on Sigmas. An Alpha will stop beating on the Gamma when he feels that the challenge has been dealt with and his dominant position is secured. A Sigma will stop beating on the Gamma when it stops amusing him.

This can, as we know, take a considerable while.

When diversity is inevitable

Relax and enjoy it, ladies. I have less than zero sympathy for all of the American and European women who are going to be mugged, raped, and murdered by the immigrants they so graciously wanted to give residence in their countries. You wanted to help them, well, guess what? You’re going to be helping them the same way that cows help McDonald’s customers. And don’t expect those of us who opposed the invasion from the start to lift a finger to help you.

Stepping up to a cash point in central Paris on Wednesday, a woman is summarily mugged by two teenage Roma gypsies. Showing no fear or shame, and not even bothering to disguise their identities, they push her away and help themselves to cash before calmly walking away.

The unidentified victim shouts out, and manages to grab one her assailants by her jumper at one point, but is otherwise powerless to stop the assault.

Nobody bothers intervening in a crime that has become an everyday occurrence in the most popular tourist city in the world – one visited by hundreds of thousands of Britons every year.

The shocking pictures are particularly embarrassing to the Paris authorities because they were taken just a few hundred yards from a high-profile trial publicised as a clampdown on the growing menace posed by Roma gangs.

The Correctional Court at the city’s Palais de Justice has heard how Romanians Mariana Gandac, 25, and Sandra Baciu, 35 – both known as the ‘Queen of the Thieves’- coordinated thefts which were worth hundreds of thousands of pounds every year.

All took place around historic symbols of France including the Louvre museum, Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, which is just across the Seine River from today’s attack. Seventeen defendants aged between 17 and 46, including Roma teenagers, deny theft and being members of a criminal enterprise.The vast majority are gypsies like Gandac and Baciu who allegedly preyed on crowds of foreigners, stealing their money and valuables.

Others on trial include one French security guard who allegedly ‘turned a blind eye’ to what was going on in return for bribes.

Governments that won’t defend their borders aren’t going to stop the inevitable crime that follows either. Every idiot woman and every idiot man who supported opening the borders and “helping migrants” deserves to be victimized by the invaders they welcomed. And they don’t deserve any help from those they actively prevented from defending the borders.

“Asked to comment on the mugging, a Paris police spokesman said: ‘We will act on any reports of violence against anyone in the city. Everything possible is being done to clamp down on street crime.’”

Everything possible is already being done. So, what is going to happen, what is happening already, is inevitable. It was not only predictable, it was predicted. So don’t expect those who were, and are, prepared to defend ourselves, to defend you. You did this to yourselves. You are not our problem. And we already know that you’re going to get in the way of the solution, so we’re just going to leave you to the predators.

Enjoy the immigration, ladies. Enjoy the diversity.

More social justice convergence in action

SJWs have all but killed Gnome:

Until July at the earliest, the foundation behind the GNOME desktop environment will be freezing all expenditure deemed not essential to its running will be frozen, as the foundation has run out of cash reserves.

“The issue has been caused by a number of factors,” wrote GNOME Foundation board member, Ekaterina Gerasimova in a post to the foundation’s mailing list.

“These include increased administrative overheads in the last few years due to the increased turnover which has been caused by to the Outreach Program for Women, and the associated payments going out while the associated income has been slow to come in.”

To rectify the situation within a few months, the GNOME Foundation intends to invoice, and chase up, outstanding monies owed to it.

“By keeping expenditures to a minimum while some delayed revenue is regained, the board aims to have things back to normal within a few months,” said a FAQ on the freeze.

It doesn’t sound that bad, until you look at the numbers and realize that the Women’s Outreach Program, which didn’t exist in 2010, rapidly grew to soak up 45.8 percent of the foundation’s entire budget by 2013.

Karen Sandler was, for three years, the foundation’s executive director. She made Women’s Outreach the open source software’s top priority, and quickly turned what had been a financially healthy tech foundation into one that was $80,000 in the hole. In 2013, the most recently reported year, Gnome spent $275,000 of its $600,00 budget (and $512,000 revenue) on Women’s Outreach.

In her outgoing statement as Gnome’s Executive Director, Ms Sandler described the Outreach Program for Women as an “ongoing success”. She was also elected to Gnome’s Board of Directors.

“The more an institution converges towards the highest abstract standard of social and distributive justice, the less it is able to perform its primary function.” 
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police

Everyone needs a hobby

This meme brought to you courtesy of Aaron S. Coming soon: All the Rapes of Westeros: An Encyclopedia of Sexual Assault Fantasies by G. Rape Rape Marten. Complete with illustrations drawn in crayon by the author. And by “soon”, I mean sometime in the next seven or eight years.

Scalzi 451

Allum Bokhari reports on the cultural war burning up the Kindle Store for Breitbart.

The online culture wars have moved out of comment sections and into Amazon’s Kindle Store.Following the publication of a book by the controversial sci-fi
author Vox Day, two parody e-books surged to the top
of the store’s top-100 rankings. The first book was a parody of Day’s
work, while the other (which has now been removed from Amazon) mocked
John Scalzi, one of Day’s critics.

Day’s book is entitled “SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police”,
and is intended to be a serious polemic. The book’s summary describes
SJWs (Social Justice Warriors — a term for authoritarian progressive
activists) as having “plagued mankind for 150 years” and describes how
they “invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after
another.” It presents itself as a guide to “understanding, anticipating,
and surviving SJW attacks.”

The book includes a foreword from Breitbart associate editor Milo Yiannopoulos and was reviewed positively in the conservative online magazine American Thinker.

Online progressives were not so supportive. Alexandra Erin, a sci-fi
writer who described Day’s book as “rehashing old slights”, wrote a
short parody of the book for Kindle. Entitled “John
Scalzi Is Not A Very Popular Author And I Myself Am Quite Popular: How
SJWs Always Lie About Our Comparative Popularity Levels,”
the book makes fun of Day’s alleged fixation with the progressive sci-fi author John Scalzi.

Scalzi himself appeared to be delighted with the parody,  saying he “loved it already.” He used the book in a fundraising drive
for a charity promoting diversity at sci-fi conventions, promising to
release an audio recording of him reading the book if $2,5000 was raised
within three days. The target was successfully met, and
Scalzi subsequently uploaded an audio recording.

Supporters of Vox Day responded by releasing their own parody book, entitled “John
Scalzi Is A Rapist: Why SJWs Always Lie In Bed Waiting For His Gentle
Touch; A Pretty, Pretty Girl Dreams of Her Beloved One While Pondering
Gender Identity, Social Justice, and Body Dysmorphia.”

The counter-parody was removed by Amazon today following complaints from Scalzi. Prior to its removal, it was the top seller in the “parodies” section of the Kindle store, two places ahead of Erin’s book.

Does Scalzi ever think through the obvious consequences of his actions? I mean, I know I literally wrote the book on it and all, but it was supposed to be RHETORIC. But wow just wow, SJWs really do always double down.


So, I wonder how many kitty pictures McRapey will post this week? But that’s not all, folks, there’s more!

Looks like the Os have it.

UPDATE: That scent you smelled this morning wasn’t burned toast, it was the butthurt emanating from Bradford, Ohio.

John Scalzi ‏@scalzi
Question for the legal scholars among you: Is this title parody? Or libel?

John Scalzi ‏@scalzi 11m11 minutes ago
Personally, I’m not sure where it is on the parody/libel line. I am a public figure, but there is definitely malice, etc. It’s a puzzle!

John Scalzi ‏@scalzi
Also, for those asking, I obviously reported it to Amazon as inappropriate. I mean, the cover art is TERRIBLE. And, uh. Other things.

Here is a hint for the man with the 2.8 GPA: it’s in the parody section. And the parody directly quoted you. But I’m sure everyone at Amazon will be astonished to learn that John Scalzi believes satire directed at John Scalzi is inappropriate.

Rape Rape always lies

George R. R. Martin tries to revise the Hugo Narrative on his Not A Blog because George R. R. Martin is an SJW, and as the book says, SJWs always lie:

The elimination of slates will be a huge step toward the end of hostilities. But there’s a second step that’s also necessary. One I have touched on many times before. We have to put an end to the name-calling. To the stupid epithets.

I have seen some hopeful signs on that front in some of the Hugo round-ups I’ve read. Puppies and Puppy sympathizers using terms like Fan (with a capital), or trufan, or anti-Puppy, all of which I am fine with. I am not fine with CHORF, ASP, Puppy-kicker, Morlock, SJW, Social Justice Bully, and some of the other stupid, offensive labels that some Pups (please note, I said SOME) have repeatedly used for describe their opponents since this whole thing began. I am REALLY not fine with the loonies on the Puppy side who find even those insults too mild, and prefer to call us Marxists, Maoists, feminazis, Nazis, Christ-hating Sodomites, and the like. There have been some truly insane analogies coming from the kennels too — comparisons to World War II, to the Nazi death camps, to ethnic cleansing. Guy, come on, cool down. WE ARE ARGUING ABOUT A LITERARY AWARD THAT BEGAN AS AN OLDSMOBILE HOOD ORNAMENT. Even getting voted below No Award is NOT the same as being put on a train to Auschwitz, and when you type shit like that, well…

I remember being called an asshole by you for pointing out that the Sad Puppies’ noms were as legitimate as anyone else’s. A LOT of people associated with the SP have been personally insulted by the Haydens and his crowd. I don’t see any apologies forthcoming, and I don’t expect one from you. And that was after I defended you repeatedly to the Puppies. I still think you’re a great writer, but I’m not so sure that you’re all that decent a man.
– jordan179

This is the kind of nasty stuff that will make reconciliation impossible. Sweeping statemnts like “a lot of people… have been personally insulted by the Haydens and his crowd” without any specifics or citations makes your assertions suspect from the first. And you can’t even get the names of the people you’re attacking right. They are the Nielsen-Haydens, not the Haydens.
– grrm

Note that George Martin objects vociferously to his side being called Social Justice Warriors even though it is a name that self-professed SJWs originally gave themselves. Meanwhile, his side calls us “fascists”, “Neo-Nazis”, “thugs”, “sociopaths”, “sexist assbags”, “gibbering follow monkeys”, and “just straight-up assholes”, among many other names.

My dear GRRM, your side absolutely and unequivocally started this war of words. We, however, are going to finish it. You are not only dishonest, you are demonstrably wrong. You can’t even get the
names of the people you’re defending right! They are the Nielsen Haydens,
not the Nielsen-Haydens.

Those specifics you claimed to want are easily supplied. Almost all of the SJW name-calling long predates any Puppy-related name-calling. The 90 specific quotes provided below range from 2005 to 2015 and are but a few dozen of the hundreds of examples that could be cited.

So, you can take  your lies, George, and to paraphrase Patrick Nielsen
Hayden’s recent advice to John C. Wright, delivered just last week to the man’s wife, stick
them up your oversized posterior. You may be rich, but you’re not very smart, you’re not at all honest, and you’re still the same fat rape-obsessed gamma male that you’ve always been.

You’re a liar, George. A proven liar. I may be cruel and I may be arrogant and I may occasionally be mistaken, but unlike you, I am not stupid enough to lie about the past in public.

Teresa Nielsen Hayden

(1) “It’s really, really obvious that VD is not acquainted with actual women. I don’t just mean sexual relations. I mean he’s had little or no social interaction of any sort.” (
(2) “It’s pretty clear that VD fears and dislikes women, and that his gender theories are a back-formation. It seems perfectly appropriate that he’s a fan of that patently misogynistic suspected female impersonator, Ann Coulter.” (ibid.)
(3) “a third-rate intellect” (
(4) “a tad unbalanced” (ibid.)
(5) “a generally unpleasant fellow” (ibid.)
(6) “Given your stated opinions on women, I’d love to see you take on the RWA. Bring a friend so there’ll be someone to take charge of the remains.”
(7) “Anybody here in favor of turning Vox Day over to SFWA’s female members? I’d pay money to watch.” (ibid.)
(8) “Good heavens. Did you imagine you were worth arguing with? You aren’t.”
(9) “Vox Day’s true opinion of women has always been clear to me: he’s terrified of them.” (
(10) “He is a wuss.” (ibid.)
(11) “You’re also a singularly inept sockpuppet, O Bane/Vox/Theeeeeodore.” (ibid.)
(12) “out-of-the-closet racist” (
(13) “obviously unbalanced” (ibid.)
(14) “been known to put in a good word for the Nazis” (ibid.)
(15) “Vox Day is unbalanced. His SFWA candidacy is a symptom, not a practical
undertaking.” (
(16) “I take it you think Cory should instead have taken his arguments to the private SFWA area on SFF Net, a toxic morass where he could have been pointlessly abused at great length by the whole pack of gargoyles: Jerry Pournelle, Andrew Burt, Bud Webster, Will Sanders, et cetera et al.: a stunningly unattractive proposition.”  (See:
(17) “I want the Justice Department to declare them a criminal organization
and hit them with felony charges. It would not be an excessive response
to their actions.” (
(18) “The self-valorizing sociopath contingent seems to be involved.”
(19) “When you invite thugs into your argument, you’re not using them as shock troops; they’re using you as cover. And you’re pretty much guaranteeing that at some point in the future, you’ll wind up feebly protesting that you had no idea they’d do that. And maybe you didn’t; but you did know they were thugs.”

 Patrick Nielsen Hayden

(1) “The humor of the situation, in my opinion, is the ongoing degradation of the prestige of the once-coveted Nebula Award. Certainly if I were running a literary award that was widely perceived as being increasingly tarnished by arcane rules, unabashed logrolling, and general ridiculousness, my next move would definitely be to recruit me a yawping borderline anti-Semite and woman-hater for the award’s jury.”
(2)  “However, the mere fact someone’s crackpot notions about Jews or women
(or crop circles or ancient astronauts) can be defined as in some way
“political” doesn’t shield them from mockery. Nor is it impermissible
to raise an amused eyebrow when the organization once run by Damon
Knight and Poul Anderson is reduced to running on the volunteer efforts
of chuckleheads you’d cross the street to avoid. As I’ve said more than once, I have very mixed feelings. I do in
fact approve of my subculture’s habitual tolerance for head cases of all
sorts. I also periodically feel, after glancing encounters with some
of them, like I need to go boil myself in antibiotics.”
(3)“An underreported aspect of being around for a long time: the horror of watching your onceadmired elders turn into blithering nincompoops.” – Patrick Nielsen Hayden (See:
(4)  “Likewise, many people, me included, think that #Gamergate is an association of terrible human beings that we don’t want to see joining us.”
(5) “The SP campaign… rises all the way to “downright evil.””

 SFWA President Steven Gould

(1) “Does this mean we can’t make fun of Vox Day (Or VD as I like to call him) for his distressing use irrational arguments? Of course we can. It’s like finding one of those dishes of leftovers in the back of the refrigerator that is busy creating it’s own little ecosystem. You comment on it, you drop it in the trash, and you don’t swallow it.” – Steve Gould (See:

SFWA Vice-President Mary Robinette Kowal

(1) “Dear Twelve Rabid Weasels of SFWA, please shut the fuck up. I know you value your freedom of speech. Good on you. However there are 1788 other members of SFWA who also value their freedom of speech and manage to exercise it without being raging assholes…. Please quit. And by “quit” I mean, please quit SFWA in a huff. Please quit and complaining about how SFWA is censoring you for asking you to stop using hate speech. ” – Mary Robinette Kowal (See:

And then there is the name-calling machine that is John Scalzi. Of course, this list of name-calling by Mr. Scalzi – which began before I’d ever heard of him – is mostly taken from my response to the SFWA report published in 2013 and is FAR from complete.

SFWA President John Scalzi

(1) “a jackass, and a fairly ignorant jackass at that”
(2) “his political jackassery” (ibid.)
(3) “of all the dumbassery Beale may be rightly accused of” (
(4) “chucklehead” (ibid.)
(5) “We may also equally and more simply posit that Vox has his head up his ass on this matter” (
(6) “the lunatic fringe” (
(7) “the willfully stupid” (ibid.)
(8) “your head is pretty far up your ass” (
(9) “when I call you the “lunatic fringe” I am discussing your hypoxic opinion” (ibid.)
(10) “I know quite a few devout followers of Christ who would also think you have your head up your ass regarding your opinion” (ibid.)
(11) “I’m also happy to say he’s got his head up his ass” (
(12) “I’m happy to grant that in other subjects, he may not exhibit such profound sphincto-cranial tendencies” (ibid.)
(13) “there’s a definite head-ass conjunction on his part” (ibid.)
(14) “a fascinating example of sphincto-cranial interaction” (ibid.)
(15) “You’re a “lunatic fringe”… because you hold a position that is clearly intellectually indefensible, yet appear to give it the same weight as fact.” (ibid.)
(16) “You’ll just be feeding his persecution complex. Lots of writers are jerkwads.”
(17) “his misogynistic jerk-like tendencies”
(18) “Vox Day… may yet one day regret his sphincto-cranial position” (ibid.)
(19) “His position isn’t right or left; it’s just stupid and sexist.” (ibid.)
(20) “Nothing he’s written here suggests either sophistication or a sense of irony. The question was whether he was a garden-variety jerk or something else entirely. Looks like he’s in the “something else” camp.” (
(21) “To restate: Your thesis is wrong and you lack the rhetorical skills to present your thesis in a coherent fashion. Your latter-day attempt to brush off your sexist and ignorant statement as sarcasm is baldly transparent as backtracking; even if it were true, it shows that your use of such devices is appallingly clumsy. Again one wonders how you got your columnist gig, or, alternately, if anyone bothers to edit you, as you so clearly need.” (
(22) “you have settled into the “bad writer” excuse for your dumbass and sexist statement.” (ibid.)
(23) “we’re back to you having (to put another spin on use my new favorite phrase) a sphincto-cranial event of monumental proportions” (ibid.)
(24) “To massacre Voltaire’s sentiment, Vox may have indefensibly stupid opinions, but I for one would fight for the right for him to be an SFWA member with indefensibly stupid opinions. Lord knows he wouldn’t be the first, or the last.”
(25) “Poor, deluded Vox.” (
(26) “Silly Tracina. Expecting a logical argument from Vox. If he couldn’t try to change the subject, he wouldn’t be able to argue at all.”
(27) “Either Vox meant what he wrote, in which case he deserves his thumping on the grounds he’s a sexist pig. Or he didn’t mean what he wrote, in which case he deserves a thumping on the grounds he’s an unfathomably poor writer. Either way he deserves a thumping, and a thumping is what he’s getting.”(
(28) “Now, run back to your comment monkeys and declare victory, Vox. I’m sure they’ll pat down your fur for you.” (ibid.)
(29) “I should check to see if one of the gibbering follow monkeys of that Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit who has an adorable mancrush on me has smeared a turd all over one of my comment threads.” (
(30) “And of course, this is his prerogative; if it makes him feel better about himself and pumps up his social status with his clutch of equally insecure racist sexist homophobic dipshit admirers, then by all means he can spout as much garbage about me as he likes.” (ibid.)
(31) “The pathology of it is pretty standard elementary-school taunting dynamic, which is to call me a name they think is clever (top of the hit parade at the moment is “McRapey,” because the main Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit apparently believed this was real, and once it was explained to him what satire was, had to rather embarrassingly suggest he was doing satire too so there, which, again: adorable), followed by generally unimaginative insults regarding my work/position/status, followed by rah-rah plumping for their beloved leader.” (ibid.)
(32) “Also, as a general rule, I’ve been recently avoiding having the primary racist sexist homophobic dipshit’s name in the comment threads, mostly because at this point I just prefer not to have it about, and also because I find “racist sexist homophobic dipshit” is more than adequate at this point in terms of reference. However, to avoid silliness, you may call him by name if you like. I still prefer not have links to his site, however. It’s a hygiene thing.” (
(33) “If his existence is validated by this particular post, we should all reflect on what sad and wan existence it is. Beyond that, this, post, once written, obviates the need to have to write anything else about this person (or his follow monkeys) again. So there’s that.” (
(34) “My language isn’t particularly abusive. He is in fact a racist and a sexist and a homophobe. The dipshit part accurately describes his personality as far as I can tell. If he doesn’t wish to be described as a racist sexist homophobic dipshit, he can work on not being those things. Let’s just say I won’t be holding my breath on that. As for the idea that the psycho-sexual fixation flows the other way: AH HA HA HA HA HAH HA. Dude, if I’m gonna do a man, it ain’t gonna be that pathetic ball of issues. I don’t do pity fucks.” (
(35) “No. The racist sexist homophobic dipshit in question most certainly did appear to believe I was actually outing myself as a rapist, and then frantically backtracked when people pointed out his  error, re-establishing that he’s a racist dipshit in the process.” (
(36) “I mean, I get that the racist sexist homophobic dipshit feels bad about being revealed to be a credulous unsophisticate in front of all his gibbering follow monkeys.” (ibid.)
(37) “Beyond this, the trolls are the gibbering follow monkeys who show up at the site, not the racist sexist homophobic dipshit himself, who at least has the presence of mind to realize he lost his commenting privileges here some time ago and doesn’t darken my door. I’m sure that the racist sexist homophobic dipshit is having a good laugh about the fact I have to deal with the braindead little cretins who detatch from his site and show up here. He’s just the sort of selfaggrandizing
tool to confuse my irritation at having to deal with his play pals with some estimation of his own self-worth. This is what you do when you’re an asshole, as he clearly is.” (
(38) “@scalzi Christ, this whole thing is crackers, but huge respect for turning it into a positive. Can I email you about it for a journo thing? @davidmbarnett Sure. My e-mail is on my site under “Contact Information” in the sidebar.”
(39) “Troll’s comments prompt author to pledge charity donation for every insult. ‘Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit’ will cue rewards for civil rights and LGBT groups by attacking John Scalzi. Heavy troll … John Scalzi has an unusual defence against his troll.” (
(40) “there’s a Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit out there on the InterWeebs” (underline indicates a link to:
(41) “I don’t want to have to read the Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit’s site” (ibid.)
(42) “even if the Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit never mentioned me again” (ibid.)
(43) “But believe me, the racist sexist homophobic dipshit in question will know.”
(44) “And there’s nothing passive aggressive about what I’m doing to him now. I’m aggressively using his racist sexist homophobic nature to promote causes he almost certainly hates.” (
(45)As noted before, there’s very little I could do one way or another that wouldn’t play into his delusions of grandeur and his desire to be seen as opposing me in some way; the fellow has an infinite capacity for “HA HA HA THIS IS GOING EXACTLY AS I PLANNED.” (
(46) “This dipshit is going to drag my name through crap no matter whether I ignore him or not.” (
(47) “The trolls are the gibbering monkey followers of his that wash up on the site. You should still not feed them. The Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit doesn’t troll the site; he does all his nonsense from a distance.”(
(48) “Of all the things the Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit in question is, my “tormenter” is definitely not one of them.” (
(49) “At this point I’m done pretending to be nice to the dipshit in question.”
(50) “Robert, are you trying to give the fellow a race on the dipshit front, or is that just an unintentional side effect of your bad logic here? I’m not going to dispute that giving the dude a slot was not one of my best ideas, to put it mildly, but that doesn’t change the fact you’re engaging in something akin to victim-blaming. One Big Idea slot given doesn’t mean I should just accept this dipshit’s calumny as my just desserts, and you’re being a bit of a truculent dick to suggest so.” (
(51) “It should be fairly obvious that this is what I am saying about him, and to him. It should likewise be fairly obvious that I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks as regards the appropriate way to deal with this dipshit.” (
(52) “I’m aware that the Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit in question would like me to treat him with any sort of seriousness, and it irritates both him and his gibbering monkey followers that I don’t, I don’t care. I don’t refer to the dipshit by name because it amuses me to call him Racist Sexist Homophobic Dipshit;” (ibid.)
(53) “Obviously, the dipshit is going to do as he pleases…. So let the dipshit max it out; I’ll pay my share gladly.” (
(54) “Aside from the fact that that would be far more effort than I would want to invest in this dipshit, if I recall correctly he lives in Italy, which would make any of that difficult to arrange.”(
(55) “Once again: I don’t care how the racist, sexist, homophobic dipshit in question responds to it.” (
(56) “Guys, let’s not try to analyze him here. Dipshittery happens for all sorts of reasons; on this end, we only have to worry about the results.”(
(57) “Deleted because I don’t have patience for VD’s special brand of complete nonsense on this topic. Stay in your own pit of manstink, would you, Vox? There’s a lad – JS” ( (58) “sociopathic assbag” (
(59) “I’m sure “Waaaaah! Scalzi deleted my comments on his personal site and said I was a sexist assbag!” will prompt a rush of members to demand my removal.” (
(60) “Too late. VD’s tribe of sexist assbags came in a little late for that.” (ibid.)
(61) “a bigoted shithole of a human being”
(62) “Vox Day is an asshole who likes being an asshole”
(63) “the bigoted shitheel who used the Sad Puppy slate like a parasitic wasp uses the hollowed-out husk of a tarantula”
(64) “Vox Day is a grasping sociopath”

Directly over the target

We know SJW posteriors are burning like Dresden after Plate Rack passed overhead because their antics in response to the release of SJWs Always Lie are off-the-charts crazy. There are, of course, the expected fake reviews, whose authors somehow seem to think that by illustrating the premise of the book in living color, they will somehow discredit it.

Waaah! Nobody likes me!
By Paul Spencer on August 27, 2015
A pitiful rant by an intellectual weakling with a persecution complex. The literary equivalent of stealing a five year old’s favorite toy.
16 of 63 people found the review helpful

One of the most loathsome people currently writing
By Alex on August 27, 2015
The author of this book has stated that the Taliban’s attempts to silence women’s education activist Malala Yousafzai was “perfectly rational and scientifically justifiable” – […] What more is there to say?
17 of 58 people found the review helpful

One Star
By Kindly Sodoff “peripatetic”on August 27, 2015
An unintentionally amusing account of how a pudgy, angry, little boy grows up into a pudgy, angry, little man.
32 of 129 people found the following review helpful

One Star
By Trouble O’Hara “iagorune”on August 27, 2015
Adorable whining from a guy with a hardon about losing at the Hugo’s
37 of 152 people found the review helpful

He is the only person to be kicked out of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in its nearly fifty year history.
By C. Buser on August 27, 2015
… as a fleshed-out rehashing of his blogspot posts, previous commentary and opinion stated by the author about his personal political philosophy serve as valid advertisement as to whether or not an impartial Amazon shopper would be interested in this product, and a review of his previous statements and blogspot posts serve as a review of this book, which is repackaged and expanded for your convenience for the cover charge.

The book itself is named after one of his “Three Laws of Social Justice Warriors”, a reference to Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics:

#1 – SJWs always lie.
#2 – SJWs always double down.
#3 – SJWs always project.

Thus, if you like his blogspot, and the previous examples of his political philosophy, and admire him for his expulsion from the SFWA, then this is something you would enjoy reading. If you disagree with his three laws, you wouldn’t enjoy this book.
56 of 188 people found the review helpful

I’m not sure which I find more astonishing, the fact that a few SJWs actually took the time to post these “reviews”, the observation that nearly 60 SJWs showed up to pretend that they were helpful, or the idea that I got the idea for the three laws from Asimov. At least the latter does tend to explain why they prefer fantasy to SF. But what definitely takes the cake is Rainbow Brite Boy publishing a brief parody entitled John Scalzi Is Not A Very Popular Author And I Myself Am Quite Popular: How SJWs Always Lie About Our Comparative Popularity Levels, which has now reached #2 in Political Philosophy, right behind the book it is attempting to DISQUALIFY. And wait, there’s more! The SJWs are also engaged in a charity drive so that John Scalzi will read it for the audio version.

 As you can see, this is a masterful rhetorical response that totally proves the falsity of the Second Law of SJW: SJWs Always Double Down.

One of my friends sent me an email last night that I think aptly describes the situation. “WTF, are you PAYING these people or something?” And just to ice the crazy cake, we’ve now officially gone meta as there are now fake fake reviews being posted.

And while I’m not surprised by the nature of the reaction of the science fiction SJWs to the book, I am amazed by the vehemence behind it. They are absolutely furious to see that a book unmasking them was not only published by me, but is riding the very wave of media attention that they themselves created to success. That’s the importance of the parody in their minds; if it can become even more popular than SJWs Always Lie, that will disqualify it and render it harmless, thereby relieving the stress they are presently feeling. As I said back in 2013, these people are cargo cultists; the concept of the way in which they have volunteered to serve as my de facto publicists doesn’t even cross their twisted little minds. Their priority is to wave the totem that will allow them to strike a superior pose and thereby make the feelbads go away.

Totally Legit Review
ByEssJayDouble U “OppressedTumblrette”on August 27, 2015

I was told by my echo chamber to come post a nasty review here. I also have lots of time seeing as my job is being an internet activist. As you can tell I actually haven’t read this book but it was written by a white man. The era of the white man is over. It’s time for them to shut up and move over so that the muffled voices of their victims can speak up.

Now here comes the part where I’m suppose to tell you about the writer (which may or may not be true, but you better listen and believe what I say as a victim of this white man’s world) and why this should be reason enough not to buy the book even though me telling you about the writer gives you no actual details about the book and why it isn’t worth the purchase. Instead it’s me telling you why we must dismiss this horrible person all based upon his identity.

For starters he’s white. White men have oppressed us minorities for long enough. Secondly, I hear that this guy likes Chinese food. That’s offensive and oppressive to the Chinese. Those smart people can’t speak up for themselves so I’m doing it for them! I also hear that his wife loves wearing kimonos. Talk about being offensive and oppressive to the Japanese. And his son… My gosh I hear that his son calls ISIS a terrorist group. Looks like he’s daddy’s little islamophoic boy. Racist boy. And his daughter. Oh his daughter says she doesn’t need feminism. The poor thing must have internalized misogyny. How dare a woman claim not to need feminism. All women are feminists!

And then there’s that Milo guy. I hear he works for some right wing turd of a media outlet. RIGHT WING! I’ve also seen Milo going around proudly saying that he gives Donald Trump positive coverage all in exchange for strands of Trump’s own hair that he then uses as hair extensions. Did I mention RIGHT WING!

Do you really want to support horrible racist, oppressive right wingers? Instead take you 5 bucks and donate to one of the awesome women that these men have help to harass. By buying this book another poor oppressed child dies over in oppression land.

Oh did I mention that my reasons may or may not be true? Just listen and believe or a poor oppressed women of color will die over in oppression land.

Trust me, after reading this book it isn’t worth the money.

Race is in the politics of the beholder

This makes for a fascinating juxstaposition. One of the nastiest SJWs at File 770 is actually dumb enough to try to play race police:

Aaron on August 19, 2015 at 5:48 pm said:
Also the comment that the Pups are led by “a latino, a white, and an indian”. They keep pushing that line of bullshit like they think it will convince anyone outside their little circle-jerk.

I have to admit, it’s a line of argument I’d never considered. If I was Aaron, I would simply explain to critics that my “half-savage” remark about N.K. Jemisin could not possibly be considered racist because she is not black.

I have asked Mike Glyer to warn Aaron about his race-policing lies because “that line of bullshit” happens to be absolutely true. I am without question an American Indian. I have the family tree, the DNA results, and the tribal connections to prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt. I am not a one-sixteenth Cherokee princess, as the New Republic’s Jeet Heer and others have suggested.

Larry Correia is Portuguese, concerning which “Brazilians, who do not speak Spanish, are Latinos, but
Portuguese who share the Iberian Peninsula with Spain may not want to be
called “Latino” or “Hispanic.” And the U.S. Department of Labor also
allows people to self-designate as a Hispanic, if they are Portuguese,
and it cannot be contested.” 

So, our racial affiliations are being denied by self-appointed race police even as another fake African-American SJW has been unmasked, this time by Milo.

International media went nuts today when Breitbart revealed evidence suggesting that prominent Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King is in fact white — and that, when challenged, King did nothing to deny the allegations that he is Caucasian.

Over a hundred media outlets from all over the world, including the Daily Mail, the Daily Beast, the New York Daily News, Salon, Sky News and the New York Post, covered our explosive scoop, which also alleged that King misled media mogul Oprah Winfrey by applying for and accepting an “Oprah scholarship” to historically black Morehouse College.

My favorite response is the ridiculous defense offered by, which is that race “isn’t derived by biology”:

A person’s race isn’t derived by biology; it is instead set by society and a person’s own identity. As Jenée Desmond-Harris previously explained for Vox, Americans embraced the concept of race to justify treating some people better than others. And since race is arbitrary, different people can genuinely disagree over who counts as white, black, brown, or any other racial identity…. Although race may have no biological basis, social perceptions of race play a huge role in people’s lives — and could impact King’s place in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Remember, SJWs not only think they’re morally superior to you, but they’re smarter and better-educated too. In fact, they’re delusional and operating in complete defiance of history, science and observable reality.

UPDATE: There goes the SJW Narrative. Again:

Shaun KingDuring a segment on #BlackLivesMatters activist Shaun King and the allegation he isn’t black at all, CNN host Don Lemon revealed that he had spoken to a family member of King’s who confirmed he was white. “A family member tells CNN that both of King’s parents are white,”Lemon said on Wednesday night’s edition of CNN 

Go ahead and talk to my family members about whether I’m Indian and Mexican. Hell, you won’t even have to talk to them.