You can’t kick us out; we already left

This is a remarkable demonstration of the cuckservative’s complete failure to understand the #AltRight. He actually thinks that calling us racist, then calling for us to be read out of the conservative movement is something meaningful to any of us.

When my colleague here at PJ Media, Walter Hudson, wrote an article about the alternative right (or alt-right) titled “The Alt-Right Is Evil and Must Be Opposed,” I hoped that they would strike back by showing him that he was wrong about them.

We don’t care what the cuckservative Right to which we are the alternative thinks, says, or hopes. We know perfectly well that they will follow their masters’ leads in calling us evil and opposing us. We are not on their side, as they are merely the controlled opposition for the SJW-dominated Left.

These commenters all share some specific views — views that are diametrically opposed to traditional conservatism. First, they look at people as part of “a tribe,” a word they actually use rather frequently. There is the “white tribe,” the “black tribe,” and the “Hispanic tribe.” They identify with the former: the “white tribe.” This makes them collectivists.

Fine. Liberalism has transformed into progressivism. Libertarianism has revealed itself to be irrelevant and insane. Individuals are not capable of ensuring human freedom on their own; that is something that can only be done through a collective effort. The Constitution of the United States is one example of such a tribal and collective effort. But it is wrong to say the #AltRight uniformly identifies with the white tribe. We support the right of tribes of every kind to exist, regardless of which one we happen to identify with.

Just as one can subscribe to Holocaustianity without being a Jew, one can support the efforts of the white tribe to survive intact and preserve Western civilization without being white.

Secondly, they all seem to believe that there is a grand conspiracy aimed at destroying the “white race.” Neo-Nazis have used the phrase “white genocide” for decades, but until recently, normal conservatives didn’t want to have anything to do with it. Clearly, the alt-right has embraced the concept.

There is, and you have to be an absolute idiot to fail to notice it. We even know the name of the plan adopted by the global elites, the Kalergi Plan, originally conceived by the half-Austrian, half-Japanese father of the European Union, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi.

“The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

“Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit.”

– Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi, Practical Idealism, 1924

One can’t really dismiss it as “conspiracy theory” when one can read it right there on Wikipedia.

Third, the alt-right believes that American culture is related to “whiteness.” To them, American culture is white culture. This means that the struggle to “preserve” American culture is actually a struggle to preserve the “white race.”

American culture is white culture. It has been from the start, and it was intended to be limited to that from the start.

In all of the naturalization acts from 1790 to 1906 the privilege of naturalization was confined to white persons [260 U.S. 178, 193], although the exact wording of the various statutes was not always the same. If Congress in 1906 desired to alter a rule so well and so long established it may be assumed that its purpose would have been definitely disclosed and its legislation to that end put in unmistakable terms….
– TAKAO OZAWA v. United States, 1922

America and American culture will not survive the mestizoation of the Kalergi Plan. It is not intended to survive it. Neither is Germany or German culture, Britain or British culture, Japan or Japanese culture, India or Indian culture. This is why the Alt-Right is more than just the defense of the white tribe and Western civilization, it is the defense of humanity in all its glorious diversity against its forced amalgamation into La Raza Cosmica.

These people have nothing to do with conservatism. More precisely, they represent the complete opposite: conservatism is focused on individuals; they are focused on groups or, as they call them, tribes. They’re collectivists, and racist collectivists at that. Decades ago, the conservative movement purged itself of  the John Birch Society. It’s up to modern conservatives and libertarians to get rid of the alt-right.

Go ahead, cucky. We’re amazed that it took you this long to figure out that we’re not even on your side. You see, we already decided to abandon both conservatism and libertarianism because your ideologies are incoherent, your histories are false, your ideals are irrelevant, and your failures are manifest and manifold. To survive, Western civilization is going to need something else. Western civilization is going to need an alternative.

UPDATE: It gets even better. This great champion of conservatism is a Dutch convert to Islam. Once more demonstrating that conservatism conserves nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen, your third party candidate!

Bill Kristol’s Israel First party unveils their stealth Trump killer, who we are reliably informed is “an independent candidate–an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.”

Yeah, so, about that…. it appears Kristol was talking about David French. National Review’s David French. By whom, we mean this sad sap.

Hi-freaking-larious. In an nationalism-driven election, Israel First is going to try to beat the nationalist candidate with a literal cuckservative. No wonder even the #NeverTrump types are completely underwhelmed.

Laura Ingraham Verified account ‏@IngrahamAngle
Kristol’s pick! That would be the same David French who defended Kevin Williamson?

Byron York Verified account ‏@ByronYork
My sense is much of the commentary isn’t really about David French. More about implausibility of choice after so much hype.

David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog
I think David French would be a better prez than Trump/Hillary/Bernie, but then again so would Fat Bearded Libertarian Guy in Thong

Ben Shapiro Verified account ‏@benshapiro
Trumpsters are going to have a rough time convincing people that it’s somehow David French’s fault if their man doesn’t win.

A.J. Delgado ‏@AJDelgado13
I only know that David French name bc I think i’ve seen it in a few NRO articles I hated…

Ed Morrissey Verified account ‏@EdMorrissey
The “major figure” for an indie bid is … @DavidAFrench? I like and respect David, but this can’t be right.

Ricky Vaughn ‏@Ricky_Vaughn99
DAVID FRENCH FOR PRESIDENT: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our wives’ sons.”

 “I gather Donald Trump said I’m a loser. I’ve won some and I’ve lost some, but one thing I’ve always tried not to be is a roaring jackass.”
– Bill Kristol

Can’t say that anymore, Billy. Do you hear that sound? That is the ENTIRE INTERNET laughing at you. Even Susan Estrich, the architect of the Dukakis debacle, is shaking her head and wondering what planet you think you’re orbiting.

Anyhow, I think concerns about the potential effects of a third-party candidate on Trump’s prospects can be safely dismissed now.

SJWs are worse than Nazis

That’s what so many SJWs and neocons simply don’t understand.

Charlie McGregor ‏@CharlieMcGrego6
I am anti jew, never claimed not to be. Trump is who people are claiming is racist and xenophobic. Don’t strawman.

Jett Goldsmith ‏@JettGoldsmith
Oh my, and you live in the same state as me. Hold on while I capture your tweets and get you fired.

Jett Goldsmith ‏@JettGoldsmith
I’m trying to career police this guy, at this point. America doesn’t take kindly to Nazis.

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
That’s what you don’t understand. Most Americans prefer actual Nazis to you SJWs.

Why are SJWs worse than Nazis? Because Nazis are authoritarian rather than totalitarian. Nazis are willing to leave most people alone. And Nazis actually support the national interest. Nazis are not dyscivilizational; a society founded on National Socialist principles may not be what you or I would prefer, but it is actually capable of functioning.

SJWs, on the other hand, are totalitarian, less tolerant than Nazis, unwilling to leave anyone alone, and are hostile to the national interest. SJWs are dyscivic and dyscivilizational; an SJW-converged society will collapse in disarray and demographic decline nearly as fast as any SJW-converged institution.

Now, I am not a Nazi. I am a nationalist, not a socialist, and I support far less of the National Socialist program outlined in the Munich Manifesto than the average Democrat does. As a student of military history, my mind boggles at the outrageous stupidity of both the Nazi and the EUzi attempts to imitate Napoleon and impose a continental system on the nations of Europe.

But if my choices are limited to choosing between SJWs and National Socialists, if I must choose between totalitarian globalists and National Socialists, like most Americans, like most Europeans, then I will choose the latter every single time.

It should go without saying that recognizing one devil is worse than another does not make one a devil-worshipper, although that won’t stop the usual suspects from falsely characterizing one’s preference. Because SJWs always lie.

Let them screech. The Freedom Party is on the rise. AfD is on the rise. The Swedish Democrats are on the rise. The Volkspartei is on the rise. Movimento 5 Stelle is on the rise. Golden Dawn is on the rise. The West is facing an existential crisis and we have much bigger concerns than those responsible for it calling us outdated and ludicrously inaccurate names.

What in the actual….

Cruz/Carly 2016: What’s the point, exactly?

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, in a last-ditch bid to slow front-runner Donald Trump’s momentum, named former business executive Carly Fiorina on Wednesday as his vice presidential running mate should he win the nomination.

After crushing losses to Trump in five nominating contests in the Northeast on Tuesday, Cruz praised Fiorina, a former presidential rival, as a principled fighter for conservative values who would be a valuable ally on the campaign trail.

“Carly is a vice presidential nominee who I think is superbly skilled, superbly gifted at helping unite this party,” the U.S. senator from Texas told a rally in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana.

The Midwestern state is the next battleground for selecting the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates for the Nov. 8 presidential election and is shaping up to be Cruz’s best – and perhaps last – chance to block Trump’s march to the nomination.

Cruz acknowledged it was unusual to choose a running mate so early in the race. Traditionally, the winners of the Republican and Democratic nominating races announce their running mates in the period between clinching the nomination and summer’s national conventions.

I didn’t take seriously the claims that Ted Cruz might be autistic until now. Seriously, on what planet is anyone going to support HP-killer Fiorina, particularly in California? I have no idea what he’s trying to accomplish with this except perhaps to submarine his campaign without actually shutting it down.

They certainly make a fascinating pair from a visual perspective. Both their faces look about 15 percent melted.

As I said previously, it’s over. Like it or not, Donald Trump is the Republican Party nominee.

Cargo Cult debate

One thing science fetishists can’t bear is to have their obvious ignorance of science pointed out:

Babak Golshahi ‏@bgolshahi1
I love being able to back up what I say with hard evidence, peer reviewed scientific consensus.

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
50 percent of which is proven to be wrong when replication is attempted. You’re out of date.

Babak Golshahi ‏@bgolshahi1
replication of what? You got a peer reviewed piece or really any article that backs up your claim? Waiting.

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
Mindlessly repeating the words “peer review” and citing “articles” shows you’re a low-IQ ignoramus.

Babak Golshahi ‏@bgolshahi1
you apologize for that or you’re blocked

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
Block away, moron. It won’t fix peer review or change the fact that you’re both stupid and ignorant.

Babak Golshahi ‏@bgolshahi1
You are blocked from following @bgolshahi1 and viewing @bgolshahi1’s Tweets.

I wish more of these morons would use Randi Harper’s anti-GG autoblocker, so I wouldn’t be subjected to their repetitive idiocy.

It is important to understand that if you’re prone to demanding “peer reviewed pieces” or shouting “logical fallacy” at people with whom you are arguing, you’re probably a midwit who doesn’t really understand what you’re talking about. In both these, and other similar cases, what we have is a person who has seen someone else win an argument successfully refuting another individual’s argument by comparing scientific evidence or identifying a specific logical fallacy being committed, and trying to imitate them without understanding what the other person was actually doing.

But if there is no genuine substance behind the demand or the identification, if you don’t have your own competing scientific evidence or you can’t point out the actual logical fallacy – and there is a massive difference between the set of flawed syllogisms and the subset of logical fallacies – then you have no business talking about such things.

The failure to cite a peer-reviewed study means nothing in the absence of competing citations. The claim of logical fallacy means nothing when the precise fallacy is not identified. If you don’t understand those things, stop embarrassing yourself by arguing with people and start reading.

Otherwise, you’re no different than the ignorant South Pacific islander building runways in the hopes that the magic sky machines will descend bearing gifts.

Names are harassment now

It’s always amusing what contortions SJWs will twist themselves into in order to try to justify their actions beyond “me no likee”. Reddit is suspending accounts for linking to pages “posting the personal information (including the full names) of non-public people.”

As some of you may know, there is a list of “confirmed SJWs” being passed around on various sites.

Do not post or link to it on Reddit. It’s considered personal information, and you will likely have your accounts suspended for it.

We already had one user post it here, and it was removed earlier today by the admins, and the account suspended. Similar issue happened on /r/SJWsAtWork, as well.

This was the ruling given to us:

    Our rules aren’t just against connecting IRL names to reddit user names, they are also against posting the personal information (including the full names) of non-public people.

Just wanted to give y’all a heads-up as to what’s going on, so none of you lose your accounts or think that we’re censoring it.

The funny thing is that despite their attempts to justify banning anyone who links to a list of which they don’t approve, and thereby creating a rule that requires the banning of anyone who links to any page with just one individual’s full name on it, the rule doesn’t actually apply to The Complete List of SJW because it doesn’t feature full names.

It does, however, ban anyone from linking to Facebook, among other sites. Not that it will be applied that way by the moderators, of course, because SJW.

It seems the primitive magicians were right. There is dark power in the knowledge of true names!

Listen up, retards

  1. Stop talking about “ad hom” or “ad hominum” or “ad hominem attacks” unless you actually know what an “argumentum ad hominem” is.
  2. “Insult” and “ad hominem” are not synonyms.
  3. Never talk about someone committing a “logical fallacy” unless you can identify the specific logical fallacy being committed.

Seriously, you’re all just embarrassing yourselves. Just stop it. It doesn’t make you sound either smart or convincing to use words you clearly don’t understand. Even if I disagree with you and you’re attacking me, it’s painful to watch. I mean, count the errors in just this one tweet alone:

#NewYork4Cruz ﻦ † ‏@politicsiswar
Ad hominem attacks. The mark of a Marxist. Why does WND still have you on payroll?

I don’t have enough hands for the facepalms required.

In attempted defense of chickenhawks

Ben Shapiro’s defenders are more than a little sensitive to his hypocrisy and shameless, well-documented cowardice:

Ben Shapiro ‏@benshapiro
Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level. His WSJ piece is written at a ninth-grade level.

Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
And you went to law school instead of serving your country while calling for other Americans to go to war.

THE Chris Coon ‏@Coondawg68
these PC SJW Trumpkins are now yelling “Chickenhawk!!” “Bu$Hitler lied!!” FFS…

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
Now? I observed that the coward @benshapiro was the Littlest Chickenhawk back in 2005

From my August 29, 2005 WND column, The Chickenhawk Clucks

 I – like 62 percent of the soldiers and veterans who frequent Vox Popoli and Blackfive – am in accord with the notion that “chickenhawk” is an appropriate label for a warmongering young columnist who urges others to make sacrifices he has no intention of making himself.

    Most of us realize that during wartime, sacrifices must be made … But taking such a stand requires common sense and the knowledge that we are in the midst of the great battle of our time.
    – Benjamin Shapiro, WorldNetDaily, July 28, 2005

I would be remiss if I did not note that many of these military men and women favored a different 11-letter word that also begins with “chicken.”

The genuine flaw in the use of the “chickenhawk” label is that in most cases it is being applied years, even decades, after the fact, and inherently attempts to equate two different historical situations. However, due to Mr. Shapiro’s precocious position in the national media, this common flaw does not apply. While his peers are dodging sniper bullets and IEDs in Afghanistan and Iraq, Mr. Shapiro is bravely urging them to invade five more countries in the establishment of global empire from the safety of his Harvard dorm room.

    Did Iraq pose an immediate threat to our nation? Perhaps not. But toppling Saddam Hussein and democratizing Iraq prevent his future ascendance and end his material support for future threats globally. The same principle holds true for Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and others: Pre-emption is the chief weapon of a global empire. No one said empire was easy, but it is right and good, both for Americans and for the world.
    – Benjamin Shapiro, WorldNetDaily, Aug. 11, 2005

The America Bar Association already boasts more than 896,000 lawyers, America has no desperate need for another one. The U.S. Army, on the other hand, is currently 8,000 men short of its 2005 recruiting goals. I am only one of many non-pacifist, non-leftist Americans who believe that Mr. Shapiro would do well to heed his own words of Aug. 26, 2004. “Now’s the time: Either put up, or shut the hell up.”

And before you ask, on January 18th, 1991, my friend Big Chilly and I went to the Roseville, Minnesota recruiting office and attempted to enlist in the United States Marine Corps. Our enlistments were not accepted, in fact, the recruiter ripped up the papers after reading them over and asking us a few questions, but he also shook our hands and thanked us for being willing to serve our country.

So we never served, but we were ready and willing to do so without being asked. And that is something that Ben Shapiro, for all his hectoring bluster about the pressing need for Americans to die in war, was clearly not willing to do.

As further evidence The Complete List of SJW is effective, several of Shapiro’s defenders are extremely intent on having him removed from it. But unless and until he recants his public statement about hunting down and disemploying racists, (and assuming no further evidence of his social justice sympathies is discovered) he quite clearly belongs on it.

A voterless victory

Ted Cruz wins what is, at best, a Pyrrhic victory in Colorado:

It was last August when officials with the Republican Party in Colorado decided they would not let voters take part in the early nomination process.

The Denver Post reported Aug. 25: “The GOP executive committee has voted to cancel the traditional presidential preference poll after the national party changed its rules to require a state’s delegates to support the candidate that wins the caucus vote.”

The Cortez Journal reported: “Cruz had 17 bound delegates ahead of the Republican state convention. Another four delegates are unpledged but publicly expressed support for the candidate, who hopes to curb momentum seen by front-runner Donald Trump.

“Cruz declared victory in Colorado, pointing out that he won all 21 delegates from the state’s seven congressional assemblies. Another 13 delegates were awarded at the state convention on Saturday. An additional three delegates in Colorado’s 37-member national delegation are unpledged party leaders.”

Remember, this is the same Republican party who said we had to invade Iraq to bring democracy there and waxed ecstatic over purple fingers. Now they’re running with the “it’s a representative republic, not a democracy” line. And if you still believe that they care about anything but maintaining their own power, you’re a fool.

Of course, given that he is ineligible for the presidency anyhow, Cruz probably doesn’t care that he is now regarded as an illegitimate candidate for the nomination.

Thus proving the Alt-Right right

Actual headline and subtitle at the increasingly mistitled Reason:

The Alt-Right Is Wrong: Trump Is an Enemy of Western Civilization, Not Its Champion

If your candidate opposes free trade and free speech, he’s not a defender of classical liberalism.

This is almost astonishingly ignorant. It amazes me to have to point out that classical liberalism is not Western Civilization, which predates classical liberalism by literal centuries.

Moreover, it is free trade that poses a deadly danger to Western Civilization, as the combination of cheap travel and communications technology, relaxed border controls, and the free movement of people that is necessary for the operation of free trade are putting Western Civilization in the greatest peril it has known since the Turks were knocking at the gates of Vienna.

It’s not just a stupid headline writer either, as Robby Soave doubles down in the body of the article itself:

No presidential candidate who fails to grasp why unrestricted trade across national borders is the hallmark of a civilized society is fit to lead one, and no leader who seeks the power to shut down newspapers who criticize him can be trusted to defend classical liberalism from its enemies.

Apparently Robby is not only ignorant of European history, but of American history as well; no American president has ever favored unrestricted trade across national borders, not even Bill Clinton or George Bush.

And, again, classical liberalism is not Western Civilization. The temporal and conceptual subset should never be confused with the set.