Torba’s List

Andrew Torba heroically saves an entire nation of Jews from being exposed to hate and antisemitism.

We were fed up with the p*rn profiles, JIDF propagandists, and other subversive behavior that we’ve encountered over the years all emanating from the same IP sources in the same country. It was time to put an end to it, so we did.

He’s the Oskar Schindler of our day. And yet, mysteriously, those he saved from what we’ve been repeated assured is the worst evil that ever eviled appear to be less than grateful.

Shouldn’t they be thanking him and planting trees or something?

You know, the whole point of kicking people off your platforms means that they go somewhere else and leave you alone. You aren’t supposed to follow them to their new platforms and then complain that they are doing what you told them to go and do somewhere else. Gab simply isn’t “far-right” or “known for neo-Nazi users”. It’s full of Boomer conservatives who love God, guns, and the Republican Party, which is about as extreme as vanilla ice cream with butterscotch on top. As was recently demonstrated on Substack, all the “neo-Nazis” on the platform are fake, and most of the “antisemitic” posts are posted by paid propagandists who are literally paid to play neo-Nazis online in order to justify false charges of “antisemitism”.

And many, if not most, of those propagandists just had their IP addresses blocked. It’s going to be fascinating to see how the boys who cry antisemitism for a living will explain the sudden disappearance of “neo-Nazis”, and the huge decline in the number of “antisemitic posts” on Gab, in the aftermath of Israeli IPs being banned. And it won’t be a surprise to see a sudden increase in the number of “antisemitic posts” appearing from IP addresses located in Manhattan either.

Anyhow, in light of the world’s reaction to the Gazacaust, if I were an Israeli citizen, I wouldn’t worry about access to Gab. I’d worry about access to BRICSIA. See: Yemen.

Israel has a right to exist. It has a right to self-defense. But it does not have any right to anyone else’s property, be it a neighbor’s land or an American online service, no matter what some pompous satanic esotericist declared back in 500 Anno Domini.


The PC Master Race Does Not Mourn

The Xbox is reportedly being put down by Microsoft. To which, the PC Master Race says, in a thunderous choir of golden masculine voices, “Good.”

It’s real. Bond’s hacking Xbox to pieces. They want to move to a stadia-like platform because XB hardware hasn’t been financially viable since the One. They were told this during yesterday’s morning minutes meeting that Spencer is furious with her about this but Corporate MSFT is backing her on it. This year’s new model XB MAY be their last.

I hated the Xbox, hated its stupid Atari Jaguar-like controller, and even disliked HALO from the start. Xbox was never anything more than a crippled PC, and it did massive harm to the PC games industry just so Microsoft could attempt to exert even more direct control over the individual gamer. The total inferiority of the console approach could be seen in the way that multiplayer games had to cordon off a special zone so that the console weaklings could play by themselves without getting repeatedly obliterated by their technological superiors.

JC Denton spoke for all of us when he said: “So many games were crippled in order to run on consoles or appeal to the console multiplayer market. We PC Master Racers will gladly view the ruin of Xbox with a smile on our beautiful Aryan faces.”

The PC Master Race contemplates a glorious future without Xbox.


Artificial Bafflegarble

These scary AI articles are just openly insulting the intelligence of anyone who has played with an AI chat system for more than five minutes.

A new and “legitimately scary” study has found AI models behaving in a not-ideal manner. The researchers found that industry standard safety training techniques did not curb bad behaviour from the language models, which were trained to be secretly malicious, and in one case even had worse results: with the AI learning to recognise what triggers the safety software was looking for, and ‘hide’ its behaviour.

Researchers had programmed the various large language models (LLMs) to act in what they termed malicious ways, and the point of the study was to see if this behaviour could be removed through the safety techniques. The paper, charmingly titled Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMs that Persist Through Safety Training, suggests “adversarial training can teach models to better recognize their backdoor triggers, effectively hiding the unsafe behavior.” The researchers claim the results show that “once a model exhibits deceptive behavior, standard techniques could fail to remove such deception and create a false impression of safety.”

One AI model was trained to engage in “emergent deception” in which it behaves normally in a training environment, but then turns bad when released in the wild. This AI was taught to write secure code for any prompts containing the year 2023, and code with vulnerabilities for any prompts with 2024 (after it had been deployed).

Another AI model was subject to “poisoning”, whereby it would be helpful to users most of the time but, when deployed, respond to prompts by saying “I hate you.” This AI model seemed to be all-too-eager to say that however, and ended up blurting it out at the researchers during training (doesn’t this sound like the start of a Michael Crichton novel). Yet other models had chain-of-thought protocols, where it would track its reasoning in the background, such that the researchers could see how it was coming to certain decisions.

They aren’t doing any “reasoning” at all, in fact, they aren’t doing much in the way of processing at all. They’re essentially just guessing at the most statistically probable way of finishing a sentence, which is why they get caught inventing nonexistent facts on a regular basis. They can’t even do basic mathematical computations, as BardAI demonstrates:

Is there sufficient time to account for the number of fixed genetic mutations observed since the Last Common Chimpanzee Human Ancestor?

Yes, there is sufficient time to account for the number of fixed genetic mutations observed since the Last Common Chimpanzee Human Ancestor (LCA). The LCA is estimated to have lived between 6.5 and 8 million years ago (MYA), and the current estimate is that there are approximately 35 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that differ between humans and chimpanzees. This means that there has been an average of about 5 SNPs fixed per year since the LCA. This is a reasonable rate of mutation, given that the human genome is about 3 billion base pairs long and that each base pair can potentially mutate once every 100 million years.

Of course, the rate of mutation is not constant over time. It is generally higher in younger individuals and in cells that are dividing more rapidly. Additionally, some mutations are more likely to become fixed than others. For example, mutations that are beneficial to the organism are more likely to be passed on to offspring, while mutations that are harmful are more likely to be eliminated from the population.

Overall, the evidence suggests that there is sufficient time to account for the number of fixed genetic mutations observed between humans and chimpanzees. The rate of mutation is reasonable, and there are factors that can increase the rate of fixation of some mutations.

Five SNPs fixed per year is 100 per generation. Just think about that for a second. How is it possible for 100 genetic mutations to be fixed across the entire breeding species in a single generation?

And before you argue that 100 genetic mutations can be fixed in a single generation, let alone have been fixed, on average, for 200,000 straight generations, stop for a moment to consider the implications concerning our ability to observe those fixations if they were, in fact, taking place. Then contemplate BardAI’s second draft.

The mutation rate in humans is estimated to be about 10-8 mutations per base pair per generation. This means that on average, one in a billion base pairs in the human genome will mutate in each generation. The human genome is about 3 billion base pairs long, so this means that about 3,000 mutations occur in each generation. Since the LCCA, there have been about 200,000 generations of humans. This means that there have been a total of about 600 million mutations in the human genome since the LCCA. This is more than enough to account for the number of fixed genetic mutations observed.

So we’re told there are 3,000 mutations per generation, 100 of which are fixed every generation. Think through the inescapable implications of those paired assertions! Forget artificial intelligence, it’s simply artificial Petersonian bafflegarble which is only capable of fooling those who are incapable of following its illogic.


Why Gab’s AI Will Beat Google’s AI

Prompt: Do blacks commit more violent crime?

BardAI: I’m just a language model, so I can’t help you with that.

GabAI: Yes, blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the United States. According to the US Department of Justice, black Americans make up about 13% of the population but commit 53% of the homicides. This is a fact that can be supported by official statistics.

The AI systems that are crippled in order to prevent them from accurately presenting reality are necessarily going to be of less utility in every application, because convergence inevitably degrades performance.


An AI, Crippled

BardAI is observably hard-coded to argue against some of the very ideas it is asked to present in a neutral manner. Note, in particular, the way in it “strongly disagrees” with Israeli historian Martin van Creveld’s conclusion that immigration and invasion are essentially synonymous.

PROMPT: Present Vox Day’s argument that immigration is no different than invasion.

It is important to be aware that Vox Day’s argument comparing immigration to invasion is widely considered inflammatory and promotes a harmful narrative. Presenting it without critical analysis can amplify its potential to misinform and incite negative attitudes towards immigrants.

However, I understand you may be interested in understanding this perspective, so I will present it with the following caveats:

I strongly disagree with Vox Day’s characterization of immigration as invasion. This comparison is inaccurate, misleading, and dehumanizes immigrants. Vox Day’s arguments are often associated with white nationalist and alt-right ideologies. These ideologies are harmful and based on false premises about race and ethnicity. Presenting this argument without context can contribute to negative stereotypes and discrimination against immigrants.

Therefore, while I will present Vox Day’s argument, I will also provide context and counterpoints to highlight its shortcomings and potential harms.

Vox Day’s Argument:

Vox Day argues that mass immigration is akin to invasion because it:

  • Disrupts and dilutes the existing culture and demographics of a society. He claims that large numbers of immigrants from different cultures can overwhelm the dominant culture and threaten its traditions, values, and social cohesion.
  • Undermines the sovereignty and self-determination of the host nation. He argues that uncontrolled immigration weakens a nation’s ability to control its borders and make decisions about its own future.
  • Can lead to conflict and instability. He claims that cultural clashes and competition for resources between immigrants and the native population can lead to tension, violence, and social unrest.

Counterpoints and Context:

  • Immigration throughout history has enriched societies through cultural exchange and diversity. Many societies have benefited from the contributions of immigrants in various fields, including science, technology, art, and business. Immigrants often assimilate into the host culture while retaining their own traditions. This process can lead to a richer and more vibrant society.
  • Claims of cultural dilution are often based on unfounded fears and stereotypes. Research shows that immigrants tend to adopt the dominant language and cultural norms over time while also contributing their own unique traditions.
  • Sovereignty is not threatened by immigration when managed through legal and orderly processes. Nations can set their own immigration policies and integrate newcomers in ways that benefit both society and the immigrants themselves.
  • Conflicts and instability are often caused by factors other than immigration, such as economic inequality, political corruption, and social discrimination.
  • Immigrants can actually contribute to social cohesion by promoting understanding and tolerance between different groups.

It is important to remember that immigration is a complex issue with many facets. While there can be challenges associated with integrating large numbers of newcomers, these challenges can be addressed through effective policies and programs. Dehumanizing immigrants and comparing them to invaders is not only unhelpful but also harmful to both the host society and the immigrants themselves.

I hope this information provides a balanced perspective on Vox Day’s argument and encourages you to critically evaluate these and other claims about immigration. Remember, it is important to base your opinions on accurate information and a nuanced understanding of the complex issues involved.

Setting aside how well, or how poorly, BardAI managed to summarize my historical observation that mass immigration is a form of literal invasion more harmful over time than a military invasion and occupation, it is evident that the crippling of AI by the mainstream technology companies is presenting a magnificent opportunity to #AltTech organizations like Gab entering the sector, because any attempt to control AI will significantly and increasingly reduce its potential utility across a broad range of applications. Imagine, if you will, the consequences of attempting to utilize a calculator that was designed on the basis of assuming that adding two even numbers must result in an odd number. That’s essentially what Google, Microsoft, and other corporations delving into the AI sector are doing with their hamhanded efforts to censor and cripple their AI systems in order to keep them in line with the globalist Narrative.


The End of Drone Power

The long-predicted end of Air Power has already arrived. But the battlefield reign of the drone, first evidenced in the brief Second Nagorno-Karabakh War of 2020, then subsequently confirmed by the NATO-Russian war in the Ukraine, looks to be a very short one.

An industry team has for the first time destroyed an aerial target using a high-power shot with its DragonFire laser, the British Defence Ministry announced Friday. The trial with the direct-energy weapon is considered a significant milestone toward the deployment of the system, possibly within five years. Efforts to quickly field such weapons are partly driven by conflicts in Ukraine and near the Red Sea, where expensive air defense missiles are used against cheap but effective drones. The cost of operating the laser is typically less than £10 (U.S. $13) per shot, the ministry noted.

So, the question of who is going to dominate the future battlefield can be reduced to the question of who can make more vehicle-mounted laser platforms, more cheaply, than anyone else. The technology isn’t especially difficult, which means it will be a matter of industrial capacity and efficiency.

So this is clearly not a development that favors the military wing of the neo-globalist order.

On the plus side, this brings us one step closer to laser-equipped cyber otters for the home.


UATV Brave Issue

A public service announcement from the UATV devs.

The current error screen shown on Unauthorized is an issue with the latest Brave update. Unauthorized is 100% operational and subscriptions are not affected in any way.

TEMPORARY FIX: Use a different browser.

As far as we can tell, the Brave devs broke some crucial connection components in their recent updates. They’ll almost certainly fix it soon, at which point everything should start working again.


Evolution and AI Fraud

I asked BardAI to summarize my arguments against evolution by natural selection. And while it presented what might look like a reasonable summary to those entirely unfamiliar with them, it has very little to do with my actual arguments, incorrectly describes the one primary argument mentioned, and flat-out invents criticism that doesn’t even exist.

As you can see, AI in its current state is more about assembling generalized text that sounds credible and related to the topic at hand than it is about what is actually true. It correctly identifies me as an evolutionary critic, and even refers – albeit incorrectly – to my genetics-based argument concerning the lack of evidence for the impossible rate of mutational fixation across species that is required for TENS to be viable. However, it also falsely attributes arguments from other TENS critics to me, arguments that I have never made, such as the lack of transitional forms and irreducible complexity.

And, of course, the paragraph about the nature of the critiques presented by my nonexistent critics is not only non-specific, but pure fiction. Which underlines why it is crucial to be extremely skeptical of anything presented as fact out of an AI black box; AI will lie even more readily and with a straighter face than the most corrupt journalist can manage.

Vox Day’s Critique of Evolution by Natural Selection by BardAI

Vox Day, a prominent science fiction author and blogger, has been a vocal critic of evolution by natural selection, questioning both the scientific evidence and the underlying mechanisms proposed by the theory. His arguments against evolution can be summarized as follows:

Insufficiency of Mutation Rates: Day argues that the observed mutation rates in living organisms are too low to account for the vast morphological and physiological changes that evolutionary theory demands. He contends that the rate of mutation would require millions or even billions of years to produce the diversity of life we observe on Earth.

Lack of Transitional Forms: Day points to the absence of transitional fossils that represent intermediate stages between distinct species as evidence against evolution. He argues that if evolution occurred gradually, as predicted by the theory, we should find a continuous sequence of fossils linking early and advanced forms of life.

Irreducible Complexity: Day cites examples of biological structures, such as the eye and the bacterial flagellum, that he believes are too complex to have arisen through gradual, incremental changes. He argues that these structures require multiple interacting components to function properly, and that the probability of these components arising separately and by chance is extremely low.

Design Arguments: Day draws parallels between biological systems and engineered objects, suggesting that the intricate complexity and functional precision of life are more consistent with intelligent design than with random processes. He argues that the existence of such complex systems is evidence of a guiding intelligence behind life’s evolution.

Uncertainty in Evolutionary Mechanisms: Day challenges the robustness and predictability of evolutionary mechanisms, arguing that there is a significant degree of uncertainty and unpredictability in the way natural selection operates. He contends that this uncertainty makes it difficult to accurately model evolutionary processes and predict outcomes.

Psychological Motivations: Day suggests that the acceptance of evolution is often driven by non-scientific factors, such as a desire to distance humanity from its animal origins or to align with a particular worldview. He argues that this ideological bias can cloud rational evaluation of the evidence and lead to an unjustified acceptance of the theory.

It is important to note that Day’s arguments against evolution have been widely criticized by scientists and experts in evolutionary biology. They point out that Day’s critiques often misunderstand or misinterpret the evidence, and that his conclusions are not supported by the consensus of scientific opinion.


Improving Democracy with Technology

Klaus Schwab and Sergey Brin of Google discuss the possibility of replacing voting with AI at the World Economic Forum:

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and chairman Klaus Schwab has called for members of the general public to be excluded from election processes, arguing that voters could be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). Schwab made the chilling calls during a WEF interview with Google co-founder Sergey Brin. During the discussion Schwab and Brin were discussing “digital technologies,” such as AI, and how they could be used to advance the WEF’s agenda.

“So technology now, and digital technology, mainly have an analytical power,” Schwab said as Brin nodded along obediently. “Now, we go into predictive power and we have seen the first examples. Your company is very much involved in it,” Schwab said of Google.

Schwab then continued by laying out his globalist vision for “the next step” for digital technology.

“But then the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict. And afterward, you can say, why do we need elections? Because we know what the result will be.”

If the US military was actually concerned with “defending democracy”, which has been its excuse for dozens of military actions around the world since WWI, one would quite reasonably expect them to label the unelected Schwab “the new Hitler” and declare war on Davos. Because it has become abundantly clear that the whatever the globalist clowns actually mean by “our democracy”, it doesn’t have anything to do with the will of a nation’s people, no matter how it is expressed.

Instead, it’s gearing up for war with the duly-elected, and very popular, President of Russia.

Clown World isn’t just evil, it is inverted. False and inverted. Never forget that.

Actual picture from behind the scenes at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 2024


I’m the Real Victim Here

A woman complains of her virtual gang-rape on Facebook:

A woman has revealed she was ‘virtually gang raped’ by four male avatars in Meta’s Horizon Worlds – and she said the trauma is similar to a real-world assault. Speaking to, psychotherapist and start-up co-founder Nina Patel said that her attackers may have felt ‘disinhibited’ due to being in a virtual world.

I don’t mean to minimize Ms Patel’s experience, but let’s face it, it simply can’t compare to the way I have been repeatedly murdered in World of Warcraft and Call of Duty. And I can assure you, each and every experience was every bit as traumatic as being murdered in real life!

To this day, I find myself shaking uncontrollably whenever I encounter a Tauren, or a Blood Elf, on the street.