It appears I may have erred in describing NK Jemisin as “an educated, but ignorant half-savage”. I was clearly too generous in giving her the benefit of the doubt, as she is, by her own admission, “all savage and damned proud of it”.

This is why I say I was premature in calling for a reconciliation. Reconciliations are for after the violence has ended. In South Africa the Truth & Reconciliation Commission came after apartheid’s end; in Rwanda it started after the genocide stopped; in Australia reconciliation began after its indigenous people stopped being classified as “fauna” by its government. Reconciliation is a part of the healing process, but how can there be healing when the wounds are still being inflicted? How can we begin to talk about healing when all the perpetrators have to do is toss out dogwhistles and disclaimers of evil intent to pretend they’ve done no harm?

(Incidentally: Mr. Various Diseases, Mr. Civility, and Misters and Misses
Free Speech At All Costs, if you represent the civilization to which
I’m supposed to aspire then I am all savage, and damned proud of it. You may collectively kiss my black ass)….

There are some signs of hope, I guess: SFWA did throw that one bigot
out, though plenty more remain. Chip Delany’s been honored as a SFWA
Grandmaster some fifty years after one of his novels was rejected for
serialization in ANALOG because its editors didn’t think anyone could
relate to a black protagonist. WisCon invited me here to be one of its
Guests of Honor, five years after I ragequit the Concom over the
Elizabeth Moon affair. We are talking about what’s happening. We are
fighting back. But I am desperately afraid that Delany’s prediction
will continue to prove true, and that the violence will escalate as more
of us step up and demand that our contributions be recognized, our
personhood respected, our presence acknowledged. If that’s the case,
then we haven’t seen the worst of it yet. And we need to prepare.

So. If they think we are a threat? Let’s give them a threat. They
want to call us savages? Let’s show them exactly what that means.

Yes, because history is absolutely rife with examples of how well savages fare when faced with civilized opposition. I note, with no small amusement, that Jemisin has now publicly conceded the truth of everything I wrote in that controversial Twitter-linked post last summer. She has not only conceded her barbarism and her inability to grasp the fundamental nature of SF/F, but the nonsensical nature of her call for “reconciliation” in SF/F as well.

Last summer, I wrote: “Jemisin clearly does not understand that her dishonest call for
“reconciliation” and even more diversity within SF/F is tantamount to a
call for its decline into irrelevance. Nor do the back-patting Samuel
Johnsons wiping their eyes and congratulating her for her
ever-so-touching speech understand that.

There can be no reconciliation between the observant and the delusional.”

Even the most skeptical critic must admit that I warned everyone the pinkshirt inquisition would not end with me. Don’t let that “plenty more remain” escape your notice. Remember, this is the woman who would read out Robert Heinlein himself out from the SF genre on the basis of his being “racist as fuck“, as well as “the average American” and “most of science fiction fandom” too.

I, for one, welcome this escalation. I think it is a wonderful thing that the other side has finally admitted the ideological conflict they have long denied. I find it encouraging that they now openly confess they seek to “Make them uncomfortable. Shout them down. Kick them out.”

Disnearations of civilization indeed.

Pink projection and passive-aggression

More nonsensical posturing out of the pinkshirted brigade, as an aspiring SF writer tries his hand at amateur psychiatry. Delusion ensues.

Damien Walter @damiengwalter
 Reading VDs blog now is like watching a schizophrenic muttering persecution delusions in a cell smeared with their own faeces.

Damien Walter ‏@damiengwalter
Holy crap. Vox Day seems to be entering the catastrophic break phase of his psychotic meltdown after the Nebula awards. Sad to observe.

Joyce Chng (JDamask) ‏@jolantru
@damiengwalter Ewww.

SFReviews.net/SFF180 ‏@SFReviewsnet
@damiengwalter Let me guess. He’s lost what’s left of his mind because all the fiction winners were women?

Damien Walter ‏@damiengwalter
@SFReviewsnet Yep. And keeps whinging about how “amusing” it is and how he isn’t at all obsessed with the issue.

SFReviews.net/SFF180 ‏@SFReviewsnet
@damiengwalter Very odd defense mechanism. “Your ongoing success and professional esteem *amuses* me. My lack of same = superiority.” Okaay.

Damien Walter ‏@damiengwalter
@SFReviewsnet VD is a borderline personality. They hook on to people / communities for attention because of deep rooted fear issues.

Now, keep in mind that these claims of obsession are coming from people who write about me on a regular basis, and who openly fantasize about wanting to harm me. Just to give one example:

Den Patrick @Den_Patrick
Weird night of discussions, mainly how I want to hurt politicians and Vox Day. Booze may have been involved. Offering no apologies. 

I didn’t create these people. I didn’t invent them. I have done nothing more than respond to their repeated attacks by describing them accurately and that was sufficient to set them off. It is readily observable that most of them are uninteresting writers with nothing to say that anyone outside their weird little cocoon wants to read, and one need not see their pictures to confirm that they are lonely social failures rejected by the sane and the attractive. They hate me beyond all others, I think, because they know I see them for what they are. Note that the claims of “borderline personality”, “deep rooted fear issues”, and “psychotic meltdown” are being made by an individual who described himself in the following manner:

I was 30 and, by any measure, deeply unhappy. I’d been pushing down a
lot of horrible emotions from a damaging childhood, grief from many
losses, and had trapped myself in a life I didn’t fit in to from a
desperate need to fit somewhere, anywhere….  I was miserable, and in trying to escape from the causes of the misery
I’d driven myself, repeatedly, to the borders of emotional collapse
where I had, at long last, collapsed.

Just as the darkness cannot comprehend the light, the mentally diseased and dysfunctional cannot understand the healthy and fully functional. They interpret every action, every statement, through their own cracked and crippled perspective.  John C. Wright described them well in his final essay in TRANSHUMAN OR SUBHUMAN, “Restless Heart of Darkness”:

Despair is the key. It explains nearly everything that is so puzzling about the madness of modern life, the pack of self-contradictory dogmas that make up the default assumptions of the Dark Ages in which we live.

They have nothing else. No wonder they are bitter. No wonder they are irrational. No wonder they lie like dogs. No wonder they boast. No wonder they are full of envy and malice. No wonder they kill babies in the womb and fete socialist dictators and mass murderers. No wonder they love death. No wonder they admire, protect and love Islamic terrorists. No wonder they admire, protect, and love sexual perversion.

It is because they have nothing else. They live in a world of darkness, without hope, with nothing but their seven great friends to sustain them: pride, which they call self-esteem; envy, which they call social justice; wrath, which they call activism and protest; sloth, which they call enlightenment; gluttony, which they call health food and legalization of recreational drugs; greed, which they call fairness in taxation; lust, which they call sexual liberation.

The modern age is suffering from spiritual and philosophical starvation in the midst of what should be the greatest feast of mind and spirit imaginable. Someone has told them offal was food and food was poison, and so they gnaw on foul things which cannot satisfy them, which make their hungers grow. They are dying of thirst, and someone offers them seawater to drink.

Let us now and forever eschew anger and indignation at these creatures. They are blind kittens who cling and claw and scratch at the hand that come to feed and comfort. No man should be angered at a blind scratch.

Neither should we do them the honor of assuming theirs is a philosophy, political or otherwise, or a coherent worldview, or anything that can be discussed or debated. It is a dream, a delirium, a vision, a nightmare.

There is no point in correcting their ludicrous lies or attempting to show them the obvious illogic in their statements. They are lost to madness and until they abandon their prideful despair of their own accord, there is literally nothing that anyone, least of all me, can do for them. They cannot imagine my amusement at their abysmal creations and their impotent rage because they cannot imagine either sanity or a sense of humor that is not based on a fleeting sense of superiority.

The Pink Nebulas

Kate Paulk contemplates the 2014 Nebula Awards:

The big news of the last week or so is that this years Nebula Award winners (with the exception of the Grandmaster Award) are all women. Naturally this should be taken as sincere recognition of an excellent field, the most impressive of whom just happened to be female, right?


Let’s hear from some of those who discussed the winners:

  “Yes!. All the fiction winners are women. The white male patriarchy takes one right in the balls. “

Keep this in mind if you’re considering voting for a woman in the future. A vote for her isn’t a vote for her, it’s a vote against white male patriarchy. And apparently, every time a man wins, the pinkshirts take one right in the glittery hoo-hah.

“2014 Nebulas & all the fiction winners are women – The idea that
women don’t belong in scifi has another nail in its coffin”

Actually, if you read the winners, you’ll find conclusive evidence that women not only don’t belong in science fiction, but these particular women belong in mental institutions.

“Another dinosaur complaining about the Nebulas. Wish they’d just leave sff and be hush for good.”

Well, based on the sales numbers, the readers are certainly leaving SF/F. At least, they are leaving what is being fraudulently passed off as SF/F by these charlatans. The pinkshirts are chasing off the larger part of SF/F’s historical readership, then wondering why advances are plummeting and the midlist is dying. It’s such a mystery!

“as great as it is that so many women won #nebulas, now i’m wondering what form the inevitable backlash will take.”

It will be fun, won’t it! I suspect that within 15 years, assuming they are still being given out, a Nebula won’t be as well regarded as an empty toilet paper roll. Consider how far its prestige has fallen since the joke that was the Quantum Rose award. These days, a middle volume from a mediocre romance series in space would look downright Clarkean by comparison.

“Pretty healthy podium line-up in the Nebulas this year; I imagine the Hugo ballot-stuffers are suitably furious.”

One can only assume that “healthy” here is a euphemism for “well-fed”. It would be interesting to know how the fiction winners stacked up against the average NCAA defensive line. I’m not sure they could mount much of a pass rush, but with a run-stopper like Swirsky in the middle, you’re not going to run on them. And as for ballot-stuffers, I wouldn’t know. I never stuffed any ballots.

SF/F Thought Police strike again

Or, why Uncle Timmy was disinvited from Archon:

I’m going to tell you a little story about a good man who has been slandered and libeled by one individual who is hiding behind the anonymity of the Internets. That good man? Tim “Uncle Timmy” Bolgeo.

You see, a pathetic troll whose name I’m not going to bother typing (because it’s a nickname that the individual hides behind because they’re afraid of owning up to their actions) has, after taking random snippets of conversations and tacky jokes that Uncle Timmy publishes on something called “The Revenge”, managed to get Uncle Timmy uninvited from Archon this year. Archon, apparently, is “listening to the fans” (the one who has slandered and committed libel, but we won’t get into that at the moment) and decided that it was in their best interest to not have Uncle Timmy as their Fan Guest of Honor this year.

Let’s ignore, for the moment, the forty years that Uncle Timmy has dedicated to fandom in the South and Midwest. Let’s forget that he started and ran Libertycon for 25 years, which is one of the more popular “small cons” around. Let’s ignore the fact that the man is extremely smart and is an engineer who has a sterling reputation (except when he’s playing spades. He’s a jerk when he plays spades). Heck, let’s even ignore the fact that Uncle Timmy is an old, fat white dude who started a scholarship for a fan and friend (a black man) after he died tragically while trying to help someone.

Oh, wait. No. Not only no, but hell no. All these facts are pertinent to the lie being spread that Uncle Timmy is one big old Southern racist redneck who hates science.

I told you none of this was about me, none of it ever had much to do with me. But now you know why I have never backed down to the petty pinkshirted grotesqueries. SFWA, Archon, Rutgers, Smith, Brandeis, Haverford, it’s all the same. It’s all about control of the narrative, control of the organization, and control of the lines of communication.

That’s why toleration is not an option. That’s why preening oneself on refusing to take a stand is moral cowardice. Those are merely slow forms of surrender and submission. Sad Puppies was the first time the pinkshirts have been punched in the mouth in decades and they reacted like a vampire to Holy Water. But it was a mere splash, when what is needed is an inexhaustible firehose.

On a related subject, Sarah Hoyt addresses the triumphant vaginalism of the SFWA, which celebrates the fact that its membership did not vote an award to a single white male this year.

UPDATE: Apparently I am wrong and the Nebulas were all about me.

It’s so heartening and amazing that so many women authors won! I know
there has been a lot of drama about sexism and racism in science fiction
circles lately and I feel like all of these women winning such a high
prize is just awesome. The Vox Days of the world are going to be nearly
apoplectic with anger but they can go fuck themselves. Women in sci-fi
for the win!
– trynewideas, ULauren Davis Monday 12:11pm

Apoplectic? Quite the contrary, I am VASTLY amused. I hope they are successful in setting up the multicultural Matriarchy of their absurd fantasies. I love the fact they actually gave an award to Swirsky’s ridiculous dino-porn revenge fantasy and I wish they’d gone one step deeper into self-marginalization and only given awards to gay black women writers. They are actively killing off the market for pink science fiction and they don’t even realize they are doing it. These women are in sci-fi the same way a cancer cell is in the human body. The only victory they will find is self-extinction. They can hand themselves hundreds of awards, thousands, but they will never receive the respect they so desperately crave.

Because the map is not the territory.

The end of the Nebula

It’s more than a little ironic that so many people are expressing fear for the fate of the Hugo Awards due to the nominations of works by Larry Correia and me when it is readily apparent that it is the status of the other science fiction award that is in considerably more danger. While the pinkshirts are celebrating the wonderful news that four women won the four SFWA awards for the best “science fiction” this year, more astute observers will recall the principle that men have a long-standing tendency to abandon what are viewed as women’s professions and any field dominated by women tends to lose status in the eyes of both sexes.

(This is why the fact that men are statistically overrepresented as firefighters and computer programmers is supposed to be a major societal problem, but no one is concerned by the fact that women are statistically overrepresented as nurses and primary schoolteachers.)

Whether this is the consequence of raw male sexism or the female tendency to reward others on the basis of their status in the herd rather than individual excellence is irrelevant. What the awards sweep indicates is that the reputation of the Nebula award, which has been dubious since The Quantum Rose won best novel, is now in freefall.

It will be interesting to see if there are any male winners in the next few years; I would not be surprised if, within five years, there are not even any male nominees. The organization is not only in the process of being abandoned to women, but to the sort of women who are much more interested in the sex and politics of the author than in the actual fiction.

And, of course, it wouldn’t be SFWA if they couldn’t host an awards dinner without shooting themselves in the foot. Robin Wayne Bailey posts on Facebook:

“The amazing fuckitude of the 2013 Nebulas blind-sided and shocked me as my presentation speech, including Frank Robinson’s acceptance remarks, were totally fucking skipped. I’ve promised to be silent for a few days while the ombudsman figures how how it happened, but I won’t be totally silent, and I won’t let SFWA off the hook for this affront to Frank Robinson and also to myself. I’m furious. Never in the history of SFWA has something like this happened.”

That is certainly a novel way of honoring a “special guest”. The observable reality is that SFWA isn’t a science fiction organization anymore, it is now a women’s political action committee. Male members, even those who are past leaders of the organization, shouldn’t be surprised to find themselves silenced and shunned in the future.

Fortunately, those running the show are SF/F nonentities, many of whom have never even published a single novel, so it’s not like such treatment is going to harm anyone’s career.

The prosecution rests

John C. Wright reflects on the SF/F community’s response to his article in Intercollegiate Review, which appears to mark the first time that the SF/F community at large has ever indicated it is aware of the existence of Intercollegiate Review:

I am surprised, but should not be, that an obscure opinion in an obscure journal by an obscure author such as myself would provoke so many loud and hostile reactions. (Maybe it is a slow news day and there is nothing else to fret about.)

Why so vehement a reaction when so other published opinions of mine, much more controversial, go uncontroverted? I suspect that the witchhunters hate being identified for what they are. Truth is their kriptonite.

I won’t bother linking to them. Overhearing strangers talk about me either in praise or blame bores me, since I am not a fascinating subject to myself, and none of these people know my character or my character flaws.

But I will make one comment, which I hope is telling: Please note that these various articles critiquing my article do not say, “the witch hunt never happened; we, the socially-aware segment of the science fiction community, are completely forgiving of all personal flaws and differences of opinion, political and personal, between ourselves and Malzberg, Moon, Correia, Card, etc, and we judge their works only on the merit of the writing!”

Instead they say, “But those people he defends really are witches and pariahs! Right-thinking people must have nothing to do with them!”

Which would seem to prove, rather than refute, my point.

And that would be checkmate.

It is rather remarkable how obtuse the hissy-fitters of the Left repeatedly show themselves to be. My personal favorite was SFWA President Steven Gould publicly asserting that his organization doesn’t do what got the whole ball rolling in the first place, then noting with an asterisk that it actually does exactly what he had been denying.

They don’t seem to grasp that the moment you proclaim “there is no place for X in our community”, X can be, and will be, defined as anything those with sufficient power deem it to be. If it is acceptable to say there is no place for racists, then it is also acceptable to say there is no place for blacks. If it is acceptable to say there is no place for libertarians, it is acceptable to say that there is no place for socialists. If it is acceptable to say there is no place for the science-literate, it is acceptable to say there is no place for the half-savage.

Once thought policing is imposed, the situation has devolved into a straightforward power game. But, as the slack-jawed reaction to the Hugo nominations has shown, they’re not actually ready for the open conflict they created. They don’t even realize that we haven’t even begun to flex our muscles. They thought they’d won the game while the other team was still in the locker room. Now the first three or four players players have stepped onto the field and they are absolutely shocked to discover that we showed up.

The amusing thing is that they think we’re crying about their harmless little attacks because that’s what they would feel like doing in our shoes. They still don’t realize that we are not like them. They still have no idea what is coming.

The ire of the irrelevant

What is it with these Canadian SFWA members?  A SF nonentity is foolish enough to call John C. Wright a liar despite the readily accessible public record:

Andrew Barton ‏@ActsofAndrewB
John C Wright is either ignorant or a liar. Theodore Beale was kicked out of SFWA for using its Twitter feed to disseminate a racist screed.

Andrew Barton ‏@ActsofAndrewB
Personally, given the evidence I have seen thus far, my own suspicion is that John C. Wright knows he is lying and does not give a fuck.

Andrew Barton ‏@ActsofAndrewB
I know this because I am one of those who sent an email to my SFWA board rep demanding Beale’s removal. Good riddance to a goddamned swine.

Andrew Barton ‏@ActsofAndrewB
Sometimes I feel like just scouring this planet of life would be the most expedient course.

Andrew Barton ‏@ActsofAndrewB
Folk’re sure confident saying things online that they wouldn’t if they said them to my face, giving me a chance to break their fucking nose.

The self-proclaimed pencil-neck geek is a real tuff guy. It’s fascinating to observe the way these SWPLs insist that it is beyond the pale to call a deceitful and obnoxious African-American “an educated but ignorant half-savage” but deem it acceptable to label Hispanics “goddamned swine”. No wonder so few writers of color, such as Larry Correia and Sarah Hoyt, have any desire to join the organization.

At this point, any SF/F writer would have to be a complete fool to think that joining SFWA will enhance his career in any way. SFWA members know that SFWA provides a writer with zero credibility with the publishers, (editors in the SFWA Forum openly joke about how only total noobs are so stupid as to mention their memberships when they are submitting manuscripts), so there is literally no professional upside that comes with the downside of paying for having one’s speech policed.

Now consider that this SFWA nobody was attacking a science fiction master on the very day that Mr. Wright’s novella was #86 on Amazon: 4,117 people downloaded AWAKE IN THE NIGHT yesterday and the day before.  Another new release from Mr. Wright has been #1 in Science Fiction History & Criticism for three straight days. It is readily apparent that Mr. Wright doesn’t need SFWA. I certainly don’t need SFWA. Neither does anyone else anymore.

It is very easy to demonstrate that Mr. Barton is a liar himself. The SFWA did not give any reason for expelling an unnamed member last year and still has issued no official statement concerning any of the reasons for its actions: “We will continue to omit the expelled individual’s name and the details of his behavior on advice of counsel.”

And as I pointed out in my response to the SFWA report concerning the various false claims about SFWA’s “twitter feed”: “the channel does not belong to SFWA, the Content did not belong to SFWA, the content was deemed permissible by the channel owner, and the personal attack contained in the blog post to which the tweet linked was fully in line with previous personal attacks made by dozens of other members of the organization in official SFWA spaces. Therefore it is incorrect to claim that an official SFWA channel was misused via the marking for inclusion of the blog post of June 13, 2013 in the @sfwaauthors Twitter feed.”

Barton is only one of many SFWA members who simply do not grasp that “@sfwaauthors” is not, and has never been, “SFWA’s Twitter feed”. That is “@sfwa”, which according to Twitter’s Terms of Usage, does not belong to SFWA either. They also do not grasp that the tweet in question contained nothing that was racist or offensive, it was a simple link to a blog post. And finally, anyone who has read either the 34-page SFWA report or my detailed response to it knows that the SFWA Board’s action was based on its active thought policing of a) me on my personal blog, b) the various commenters on my blog, and c) people with no connection to me commenting on sites with no connection to me. The SFWA President even admitted as much the other day: “Board investigation of harassment complaints may take public statements into consideration”. 

By which they not only mean public statements by their members, but also by anyone who happens to comment on a member’s blog or anywhere else on the Internet.

Mr. Wright’s view of SFWA is entirely correct. The SFWA Board has overtly and undeniably claimed for itself the right to police the public statements of SFWA members. Although the SFWA Board has done its best to bury its own report, inadvertently encouraging members like Andrew Barton to present fiction as fact, the truth is out there. Some of the sub-irrelevant SFWA members, such as the clueless wonder who keeps posting links to her blog post here on unrelated topics, would be advised to read it.

Subhuman action

“Take one monkey, train it to
wear a fedora and hypnotise it in to believing it is a Towering Literary
Intellect. I give you N.K. Jemisin.”
– Damien Walter

Shocking stuff! A straight white male calling an African-American woman a monkey! I am as agog as I am aghast! Oh, wait a minute… it seems there was a minor typo there.

“Take one monkey, train it to
wear a fedora and hypnotise it in to believing it is a Towering Literary
Intellect. I give you John C. Wright.”
Upon further review, it appears the illustrious Mr. Walter was only calling a white man a monkey. That’s COMPLETELY different, of course. It is acceptable to call a straight white male what one cannot call a gay black female. Because equality. And privilege.

In any event, it is more than a little amusing to see such a complete non-entity striking a pose as the literary superior to one of the greatest living science fiction masters. I would direct you to Mr. Walter’s work for the purposes of fair comparison, but unfortunately, he hasn’t published so much as a single novel. This behavior might appear inexplicable to the rationally minded, but it is in fact entirely predictable.

Because Damien Walter illustrates the primary point made in “Restless Heart of Darkness”, the final essay in John C. Wright’s brilliant and #1 bestselling TRANSHUMAN AND SUBHUMAN:

I realized why it is that the current mainstream modern thought, despite its illogical and pointless nature, is so persistent, nay, so desperate. I realized why these Moderns never admit they are wrong no matter how obvious the error, nor can they compromise, nor hold a rational discussion, nor a polite one, nor can they restrain themselves. They can neither win nor surrender….

The unwillingness of the Progressives to discuss their beliefs is because one of their beliefs (the most outrageously false of all, and most easy to prove false) is that they are superior beings, superior by virtue of their greater intelligence, broader open-mindedness, higher education, finer sentiments, and greater compassion, surrounded by yowling and filthy yahoos. These Progressives, who have never read a word of Aristotle, much less read him in Greek, boast that they cannot discuss philosophy honestly with a psychotic yet retarded Neanderthal like me, due to my inferior nature. Well, I cannot argue with their assessment of my education, except to say ἀντικεῖσθαι δ᾽ ὁ ἀλαζὼν φαίνεται τῷ ἀληθευτικῷ· χείρων γάρ.

Tom Simon adds some not inapt comments after dealing with a different individual exhibiting very similar tendencies to Damien Walter:

I used to deal with trolls for a living (saddest job I ever had), and I can tell you that it probably isn’t masochism. More likely, he is so socially inept and so incapable of reading emotional clues from text, he actually thinks that his words are inflicting righteous damage upon us, the heinous foe, and that he is returning to his lair covered in glory after causing us all to writhe in soul-deep agony at the sudden exposure of our horrible, horrible guilt. And he is so plug ignorant of the art of dialectic that he actually believes he is winning his arguments with us.

Moreover, as a person who despises religion, theology, philosophy, and history, who knows nothing about art, literature, science, technology, or any of the useful trades, he is gloriously unequipped to appreciate any mode of thought but his own – and his own mode contains no actual thought, just an angry clashing of slogans without ground or consequent, like Nietzsche on cheap drugs. Therefore (hello again, Dunning and Kruger) he imagines that his own mental slush is superior to all our thoughts; that we disagree with him is, to him, proof of our imbecility.

At least Mr. Simon’s troll was willing to attempt to engage in discourse, however ineptly. Which does put him ahead of Damien Walters, the current president of the SFWA, the former 3x president of the SFWA, and numerous other would-be luminaries of the field.

An unconvincing president

Steven Gould’s inept and dishonest efforts to mitigate the continuing damage to SFWA taking place on his watch is really rather entertaining. And while I will leave the discussion of whether SFWA’s philosophy is hellish or not to the more theologically inclined, there are few things more Orwellian than Mr. Gould’s historical revisionism.

Recently a member of SFWA resigned and gave as their reasons that they were being slandered and libeled by leaders and members of SFWA who were also engaged in an “organized attempts to harass my readers and hurt my sales figures.” He subsequently posted this letter on his website.

The writer in question is a successful author of over a dozen SF & Fantasy novels and has previously been nominated for the Nebula Award. The fact that I’d never heard of them before receiving their resignation email says far more about me and the scope of my reading in the field than it does about them. There are 1800 members of the organization after all, but I would like to point out that this also means that neither I nor any other officer or director of this organization has been slandering, libeling, or organizing against that person–I would certainly have heard about it. When asked for specifics, the author replied that it would be unprofessional to name those who had.

Notice the first thing the SFWA president attempts to do is diminish John C. Wright’s standing in the field. Perhaps it is true that he’d never heard of any of Mr. Wright’s brilliant novels, from the magnificant The Golden Age to the Nebula-nominated Orphans of Chaos and the amazing Night Land novella, “Awake in the Night” that was literally named The Year’s Best Science Fiction. The fact that the SFWA president openly admits he has never heard of the man who Publisher’s Weekly described as potentially bing “this fledgling century’s most important new SF talent” tends to underline what I, and others, have pointed out concerning SFWA’s irrelevance to the genre.

But whether his claim is true or not, what is the point of telling everyone that? To underline his ignorance? No, what he is trying to do is send a signal to the lesser talents of SFWA that it doesn’t matter that one of the best and most important writers in the genre is spurning them.

He’s also implicitly attempting to attack John C. Wright’s integrity. To show that Gould is being disingenuous here, the SFWA Report that was used to justify Gould’s purging of me included 20 statements from individuals purported to be either members, prospective members, and in one case, “an outgoing board member”. Not a single one was named.

In researching this I have seen some critical historical posts by both members and non-members responding to statements made by the author. Without passing judgment on the nature of the author’s posts I would like to make the following points:

1. The only place where the Science Fiction and Fantasy
Writers of America makes an effort to monitor and control what members
and non-members say or write is within the official publications and venues of the organization itself and
then only to the extent that the language does or does not support the
goals and purposes of the organization. These venues include, among
others, The SFWA Bulletin, the SFWA website, our meetings,
official communications to the membership, and our online member
discussion boards. They certainly do not include members’ own websites,
their fiction, their conversations, pieces published in non-sfwa
publications, and any other private and public space.*

This is an absolute lie by Gould. In the SFWA Report, Section B. Continuing pattern of actions prejudicial to SFWA, Board Member Matthew Johnson writes:

1. Attacks on members
Attacks on members which occurred through SFWA channels or in SFWA-controlled spaces are addressed in part A. The following looks at attacks and threats which were made in his blog and other public space.

Personal attacks
Beale has made numerous attacks on fellow SFWA members which may be seen as going outside the bounds of professional conduct. The best-known and most consistent is likely his use of derogatory nicknames, such as “McRapey” for John Scalzi and “McRacist” for N.K. Jemisin (see Fig B.1). He has also compared Amal el-Mohtar to an Egyptian cleric who has, according to Beale, called for the ethnic cleansing of Egypt (Fig B.2); accused James Enge of “despicable behavior” (see Fig B.3); accused Ms. Jemisin of plagiarism (see Fig B.4); and has published a blog comment claiming that Teresa Nielsen Hayden has herpes. (See Appendix I for the question of whether and why to consider blog comments.  In this case, though, Beale actually reprinted the comment in one of his own blog posts, making him more clearly the publisher of the comment: see Fig B.5)

This proves Stephen Gould to be a blatant liar. The SFWA clearly monitors and controls what both members and non-members say on their personal blogs and other public spaces. Of course, the SFWA has tried to bury this report, so perhaps Mr. Gould thought that he could get away with telling outright lies.

2. It is the position of SFWA that language within our official channels and publications which marginalizes and/or alienates any portion of our membership  does not support the goals and purposes of the organization.

This is fascinating, considering that in my response to the SFWA Report, I chronicled no less than 71 attacks on other members in the SFWA Forum itself by the following SFWA members, most of which were NOT directed at me.

Athena Andreadis, Liz Argall, William Barton, Andrew Burt, Steve Carper, Gregory Norman Bossert, Carrie Cuin, Amal El-Mohtar, Jim Fiscus, Diana Pharoah Francis, Steven Gould, Sarah Grey, Jim Hines, Keffy Kehrli, Kate Kligman, Lee Martindale, David Moles, T.L. Morganfield, Jason Sanford, Steven Saus, Catherine Shaffer, Cory Skerry, Charles Stross, Rachel Swirsky, Elise Tobler, Wendy Wagner, Sean Wallace, Damien Walter, Bud Webster, Django Wexler

For example: Board Member Jim Fiscus. Posted 15 May, 2013 – 10:23 PM “We have a reckless jerk who wants to harm people — not just harm
SFWA or sff.net — they want to harm individual human beings.  And they
do not give a damn what harm they do to people. The thing is that this thinking has much wider implications.  It is
no different from the ideological purity demanded by the Tea Party or
the Taliban, and it’s only a small step from the tactics used by the
Taliban and the Westboro Baptist Church.”
Note that this attack, by an SFWA Board Member in the SFWA Forum, took place before I’d violated any SFWA policies myself. So, again, we see that Gould is lying.

3. I don’t see this as a particularly onerous or oppressive policy as this simply boils down to treating all our members with respect in our official channels of communication.
While it is my belief that the vast majority of our members would not
intentionally disparage their fellows based on irrelevant factors like
gender identity, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual preference, or
ableness, they certainly are not constrained from doing so in a host of
non-SFWA venues.

And for the third time, it is easy to prove that Gould is lying. Not only are members constrained from disparaging their fellows in a host of non-SFWA venues, they are expected to constrain their own commenters as well and will be held responsible for ALL of their commenters comments, even if they utilize an open and unmoderated comment system. From the SFWA Report Appendix I. Inclusion of blog comments:

This Appendix examines the question of whether to give weight to comments made on Beale’s blog by people other than himself. A key question is whether or not Beale actively manages the content of the comment threads on his blog by removing comments: if he does so, it follows that he has permitted all
other comments to remain.

In considering the question, it’s worth looking at the precise meaning of the term “moderate” in the context of Blogger, the blogging platform used by Beale. As this article by Blogger explains, turning on Comment Moderation in that platform means that all comments have to be actively approved by the operator of the blog before they are published. Beale’s blog is not moderated in this sense, possibly because the large volume of comments on his posts would make it impractical.

However, there is evidence to suggest that Beale actively manages the comments on his blog.
Therefore it would seem that Beale actively manages the content in the comment threads on his blogs, meaning that while he may not necessarily agree with the content of those comments that are not deleted, he does consider them to be appropriate for publication.

4. Just as SFWA doesn’t control what members and non-members say in
non-SFWA spaces, it also doesn’t control what members and non-members say in response to
members’ public comments, statements, essays, and blog posts. When
persons say things in public that others find objectionable, it is
likely they will receive criticism and objections. There is an odd
misconception among some that Freedom of Speech includes freedom from
the consequences of one’s speech and freedom from commentary on what one
has said.

A fourth and particularly egregious lie. Gould knows that the very blog post he used as an excuse to purge me was a RESPONSE to NK Jemisin’s attack on me, an attack to which he himself linked in the SFWA Forum. Once more, the evidence is in the SFWA Report.

The incident which prompted this investigation was Mr. Beale’s use of the SFWAAuthors Twitter account to distribute his blog of June 13, 2013 “A black female fantasist calls for Reconciliation.” 

5. There also seems to be an oddly misplaced tendency to look at SFWA’s recent efforts to moderate language in its own channels as
somehow being responsible for public criticism of various individual’s
public statements and positions. I submit, though, that if one
is somehow threatened by the organization’s requirements that we treat
fellow members with respect within our official channels, then the problem is someplace other than with SFWA.

For the first time, Gould doesn’t directly lie, he merely attempts to deceive with misdirection and then launches another passive-aggressive attack on Mr. Wright. In his attempt to minimize the impact of Mr. Wright’s renunciation of SFWA, he has done nothing more than to show himself to be a shameless liar, and in doing so, helped support Mr. Wright’s case for leaving the organization.

*Board investigation of harassment complaints may take public statements into consideration, but this is extremely rare.

Translation: Never mind what I said above, we’ll actually do whatever we want, whenever we want. But don’t worry, as long as you stick sufficiently close to the currently approved opinions with which we will provide you, you shouldn’t have a problem. As long as you don’t run for office against me, of course.


Jim Hines tries to play the usual progressive card:

So what about Vox Day making the ballot for Best Novelette? My opinion of the man isn’t exactly a secret. If he got on the ballot for writing an awesome story, great. But unlike Correia, I’ve seen very few people trying to defend Day as a good author. He did post his novelette online for potential voters, so I downloaded it and started reading. I can honestly say that even if I knew nothing about the author as a person, I would have tossed this into the rejection pile after the first couple of pages.

And perhaps he truly would have. Every editor is entitled to his own opinion. But would he have been wise to do so? After all, nearly 30 publishers passed on Harry Potter. Hines is doing little more than striking a pose here that assumes he is a legitimate SF/F writer and I am not. (It’s a little amusing that he talks about a rejection pile when I am an editor and he is not.) In any case, perhaps we can consider the objective metrics available to the public and use them to compare two of my most recently published fantasy works to his two most recently published fantasy works:

(1) Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #50,054 Paid in Kindle Store
4.4 out of 5 stars (60)

(2) Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #148,509 Paid in Kindle Store
4.4 out of 5 stars (36)

(3) Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #40,425 Paid in Kindle Store
4.2 out of 5 stars (142)

(4) Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #101,358 Paid in Kindle Store
4.3 out of 5 stars (143)

One would assume that the more legitimate author would have higher ratings from the general public and sell more books, right? Two of these books were published by Jim Hines in 2013. Two of these books were published by me in December 2012 and 2013. Without checking Amazon, can you tell which two are my books and which two are McCreepy’s? And since his work was of sufficient quality to win the 2012 Hugo for Best Fan Writer, how can he possibly pretend, given the objective evidence, that my work is of insufficient quality to win the 2014 Hugo for Best Novelette?

(Cue the usual suspects and their fake reviews. Of late, a few Scalzi fans have been posing as long-time Kratman fans, then giving BIG BOYS DON’T CRY fake one-star reviews. Which, by the way, was published in 2014, has 4.3 out of 5 stars (61), and ranks #18,001 Paid in Kindle Store.)

As for seeing very few people trying to defend me as a good author, it is obvious that Hines neither reads the Amazon reviews for my books nor Making Light, despite having Abi Sutherland’s talking points down pat. I find it somewhat incredible to observe how the SF/F pinkshirts never cease their spin nor their attempts to control the narrative, no matter how often reality insists on surfacing to expose their pretensions.

ANSWER: VD (1) and (3), JH (2) and (4).