The Dark Herald explains his intellectual evolution out of libertarianism and into Christian Nationalism.
Atheism is the bedrock of Libertarianism.
The iron clad belief that there is only the self and that there is no one to stand in judgement over your life but the self that you created. This is the foundation for that entire school of thought. Atheism is not an optional extra if you are a true capital “L” Libertarian, it’s required.
Thus we hit the fundamental flaw; if there is only the self…then why have children? The future belongs to those who show up and Libertarians breed like progressives. One child per couple leads to extinction in four generations.
And then there is the Libertarian mindset.
Okay it was obvious even when I was a college dipshit that hardcore Libertarianism was never going to get anywhere because the Libertarians themselves were far too fractious for that. They are fundamentally incapable of organizing themselves in any number larger than five.
Also their notions about the efficacy of a citizens militia versus a standing military were more romantic than practical. Even before I joined the Marines I wasn’t buying into them. For their ideas to work you have to have a lot of people that are willing to die for Libertarian ideals and those famously are not Libertarians.
Still I chugged along for decades not really questioning my beliefs. And still saying I was one of the faithful. I suppose I was over-invested in a bad idea.
So what happened you ask?
I woke up.
It took me long enough.
The thing is I believe in results. We’ve had free trade and open borders (effectively) since the mid 1990s and for twenty years we’ve been pouring wealth out this country like piss out of horse. Free trade is clearly and obviously a failure. If you still believe in it then you aren’t facing cold hard reality. You are living Paul Ryan’s bubble and probably collecting a US government paycheck. Our standard of living has gone down since it was adopted, (big exception; if you already rich. Free trade works great for you.).
Open Borders only work if you are completely separated from the the real world. Paul Ryan will continue to believe in them because his world view crashes and burns if he doesn’t. He and people like him immediately begin shaking their head, no, no, no, no, no, the moment you try and point out to them that even if Mexicans wanted to assimilate they can’t due to the vast ocean of bodies that has washed up on our shores. I mean I’ve literally seen the man start shaking his head in rejection if even the concept is raised.
And that was the final straw for me. Libertarians are as reality denying as any hardcore Marxist.
While I was never a capital-L Libertarian, I was a Christian libertarian until I began to examine free trade doctrine and uncovered the many flaws in even the best arguments for it. Nationalism, and specifically, Christian Nationalism, are the only true philosophies in line with Western Civilization. All the rest, from “classical liberalism” to “conservativism” are simply hapless frauds.