Fake News is very, very fake

In fact, it’s considerably more fake than even the average skeptic imagines:

I didn’t have any experience as a war reporter. Then I arrived in Baghdad. I was fairly quickly sent along in a bus by the Iraqi army, the bus was full of loud, experienced war reporters, from such prestigious media as the BBC, several foreign TV-stations and newspapers, and me, poor newbie, who was sent to the front for the first time without any kind of preparation. The first thing I saw was that they all carried along cans of petrol. And I at once got bad consciousness, because I thought: «oops, if the bus gets stuck far from a petrol station, then everyone chips in with a bit of diesel’. I decided to in the future also carry a can before I went anywhere, because it obviously was part of it.

We drove for hours through the desert, towards the Iraqi border. Approx. 20-30 kilometers from the border, there really was nothing. First of all no war. There were armored vehicles and tanks, burned-out long ago. The journalist left the bus, splashed the contents of the cans on the vehicles. We had Iraqi soldiers with us as an escort, with machine guns, in uniform. You have to imagine: tanks in a desert, burned out long ago, now put on fire. Clouds of smoke. And there the journalists assemble their cameras.

It was my first experience with media, truth in reporting.

While I was wondering what the hell I was going to report for my newspaper, they all lined up and started: Behind them were flames and plumes of smoke, and all the time the Iraqis were running in front of camera with their machine guns, casually, but with war in their gaze. And the reporters were ducking all the time while talking.

So I gathered courage and asked one of the reporters: ‘I understand one thing, they are great pictures, but why are they ducking all the time? ‘

‘Quite simply because there are machine guns on the audio track, and it looks very good at home.’

That was several decades ago. It was in the beginning of my contact with war. I was thinking, the whole way back:’Young man, you didn’t see a war. You were in a place with a campfire. What are you going to tell?’

It’s entirely obvious that the world is very different than we were taught to believe, and is actually very different than even the cynical and the skeptical observe it to be.

Inside CNN

The upcoming Project Veritas release promises to be very interesting indeed, as the investigators are being investigated:

This week, a CNN insider will blow the whistle and through Project Veritas will release dozens of recordings made of officials at the highest levels of CNN, revealing a political agenda, bias and misconduct hidden from public view.

This series of tapes — which we think will be the biggest story of the year for Project Veritas — blends two extraordinary series of events; a brave insider secretly recording at work and a hard-hitting piece of hidden camera muckraking into one of the supposed “most trusted names in news.”

As the revelations about the disgraced Matt Lauer have demonstrated, the media tends to be considerably worse behaved and more degenerate than the people at whom they point and cluck.

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

The cost of money

World of Warcraft Designer/Producer Mark Kern’s explanation of why he has severed himself from all things Blizzard illustrates why I never seek large investments from anyone in any of my projects:

This hurts. But until Blizzard reverses their decision on @blitzchungHS I am giving up playing Classic WoW, which I helped make and helped convince Blizzard to relaunch. There will be no Mark of Kern guild after all.

Let me explain why I am #BoycottBlizzard

I am ethnically Chinese. I was born in Taiwan and I lived in Hong Kong for a time. I have done business with China for many years, with several gaming companies there. So I think I have a valid perspective here, having been a Team Lead at Blizzard and having grown up in Asia.

I have watched China slowly take over as the dominant investing force in gaming and movies over the years. It’s a shame US companies never believed as strongly as China and Asia in investing in games, but this allowed China to have unprecedented influence over our media.

Chinese game companies have grown huge not just because of market size, but because the government subsidizes them. They get free land, free offices, and huge infusions of cash. This cash was and is used to do expand and buy up stakes in US gaming companies.

I’ve seen firsthand the corruption of Chinese gaming companies, and I was removed from a company I founded (after Blizzard) for refusing to take a 2 million dollar kickback bribe to take an investment from China. This is the first time I’ve ever spoken publicly about it. I’ve also seen how American company reps in China have been offered similar bribes to get licenses for large AAA titles. Not everyone refused like I did.

Unfortunately, US and European companies are loath to take risks and invest in game companies legally as much as China was. China remained one of the few places mid-tier studios could get funding. So again, China influence grew. I’m sure this is the same for movies as well.

I understand Mark’s perspective and I respect his stand. He’s a good guy, a smart game designer, and a man of principle. That being said, I absolutely consider the Chinese influence to be vastly preferable to the alternative with which they are competing. A competing civilizational alternative to Western civilization may not be ideal, but it is almost infinitely better than pure satanic inversion.

Remember, the Chinese response is a reaction to the subversive cultural invasion of their civilization. It is an aggressive form of civilizational self-defense. Rather than permit their invaders a safe base from which to stage their attacks, they are attacking the bases from which the invasion stems. Given this observation, I very much doubt it will be long before a Chinese company acquires one of the Big Five media companies.

And let’s face it. They couldn’t have screwed up Star Wars any worse than the Devil Mouse has.

White-collar journalists discover financialization

Sports Illustrated just laid off nearly half its staff:

Sports Illustrated cut more than 40 members of its staff on Thursday as part of a restructuring plan. The layoffs were haphazardly executed, with management scheduling meetings Wednesday evening, only to cancel them the next day about 10 minutes before the planned start time. The meetings ended up taking place four hours later, with one scheduled for staffers who were getting laid off and a separate meeting for those who were not, according to a source.

theMaven, which licensed the rights to Sports Illustrated’s print and digital publications in June, is behind the decision as it takes full ownership of the company from Meredith Corporation. Meredith sold the Sports Illustrated brand and intellectual property to marketing company Athletic Brands Group earlier this year but had agreed to manage the media business for up to two years.

Rumors about impending changes and layoffs have loomed over the company ever since theMaven took over. The Seattle-based startup also announced in June that Ross Levinsohn has agreed to serve as CEO of the new company, which will be named Sports Illustrated Media. Levinsohn had a short stint as publisher and CEO of the Los Angeles Times, but was put on unpaid leave in 2018 over “questionable behavior” in his past, which he denied.

theMaven plans to hire about 200 contractors to increase Sports Illustrated’s local sports coverage, according to a source familiar with the situation.

Sports Illustrated has been subjected to some major changes in the last few years. After being sold to Meredith Corporation by Time Inc. in 2018, ABG bought the brand and intellectual property in May for $110 million. Meredith continued to publish the magazine and website.

The unusual structure of that deal suggested that the Sports Illustrated brand is much more valuable than the magazine.

The sniping is amusing. Who cares if the layoffs were “haphazardly executed”. And it’s even more amusing to note the emotional, near-hysterical coverage these steep cuts at an elite journalistic institution are receiving considering the way the news media has generally ignored, when they haven’t openly sneered at, the suffering of blue-collar Americans.

That’s what is so enraging about Thursday’s blood-letting: It didn’t need to happen. Sports Illustrated did not have to be turned into whatever it will now become.

I asked sports journalist Patrick Hruby for his reaction to the news. “I think Sports Illustrated was caught by two different forces,” he said. “The first is the broader shift from print to digital media and the reality that in the digital world, Google and Facebook have gobbled all the advertising money. That money isn’t coming back, so there was going to be contraction to begin with. But it’s the second force we need to pay attention to. It’s the second force that turns a contraction into destruction. That is the fact that prestigious legacy journalism has been hit within the same bullshit industry—private equity—that’s ravaged so much of the journalistic world. Their business model is not ‘let’s manage a contraction.’ Instead, it’s ‘smash and grab.’ They are vampires bleeding these organizations dry and then selling them for parts. This is of course not limited to just journalism. It’s the over-financialization of our economy. What has happened to Sports Illustrated is what has happened to this country.”

The whole deal was financed by a $54 million loan to the vampires from the bigger vampires. This is the inevitable end result of usury; the methodical strip-mining of the economy.

Deplatforming the deplatformers

A newspaper fires a muckraking SJW for raking up old SJW muck:

The Des Moines Register has fired the journalist behind a controversial report on Carson King, the sports fan who raised over $1.7 million for charity with a plea for beer money, after offensive tweets by the reporter surfaced.

Editor Carol Hunter wrote about the paper’s decision in a lengthy post on Thursday night, stating that the reporter, Aaron Calvin, “is no longer with the Register.”

King went viral earlier this month after he displayed a sign on ESPN’s ‘College Game Day’ requesting Venmo donations to re-stock his “Busch Light Supply,” and ultimately racked up nearly $2 million in contributions. Not content to keep the money for himself, King offered to donate the funds to a local children’s hospital, which was soon matched by beer maker Anheuser-Busch. But King’s new-found fame would soon veer toward infamy.

In penning a profile on King for the Register, Calvin dug up racist internet posts that the sports fan had made as a teenager, but many readers reacted with anger, demanding to know why the Register transformed a story about charitable giving into another racism witch hunt.

Launching its own probe into the matter following the public reaction, the Register eventually found that the reporter in question had his own history with inappropriate tweets. Calvin soon deleted the posts and apologized for not holding himself “to the same high standards as the Register holds others,” but that apparently did not prevent the termination of his employment.

Silly Calvin. Didn’t he know that being held unaccountable for past behavior now deemed inappropriate is only available to not-white not-men? It’s always good to see genuine justice served, but it’s all the more satisfying to see it served at the expense of its fake counterpart, social justice.

The network of helpers

It’s interesting to see how the media keeps inching closer and closer to admitting that Pizzagate is real in all but name:

Former Palm Beach police chief Michael Reiter revealed during an interview with NBC News’ Dateline that convicted sex offender and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was always one step ahead of investigators. He suggested that the disgraced financier had a mole within the force that helped him evade Palm Beach police who began investigating his alleged sex trafficking in 2005.

The Miami Herald reports that Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking ring was also supported by a network of helpers from professions, such as hairdressers, immigration lawyers, dentists, and psychiatrists. Epstein also reportedly had connections to doctors that screened his victims for sexually transmitted diseases and prescribed them birth control.

I’ve known “the network of helpers” was real since the moment I saw the “Pizzagate is debunked” meme appear simultaneously in nearly every mainstream media organ despite there being no factual information in any of the purported debunkings. Now, I know literally nothing about the sexual and dietary habits of the globalist elite – I keep my distance from them and I’ve never even seen Eyes Wide Shut – but as a GamerGater, I know a coordinated media campaign when I see one.

And nothing, not even the “Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction” meme, has ever been as aggressively coordinated and propagated as the “Pizzagate is debunked” meme. Once you understand that the Bible is legit and Satan rules the world, it’s not that hard to recognize who is actively on his side.

The good men speak out

I don’t have a vendetta against all of Hollywood. Hollywood has afforded me to have a great life. I have a vendetta against the liberal media that refuses to expose, indict and imprison the criminals, pedophiles, con artists, molesters and rapists that are in charge of Hollywood.
Isaiah Washington

Now you know why he fell off the A-list. Are you starting to notice a pattern here? He also posted this meme.

Never believe the polls

Especially not this far ahead of the event being nominally polled:

If the 2020 presidential election were held today, 54 percent of registered voters say that they would vote for former Vice President Joe Biden, while only 38 percent would vote for President Trump. Matchups against other top Democrats show:

  • Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders topping Trump 53 – 39 percent;
  • Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren ahead of Trump 52 – 40 percent;
  • California Sen. Kamala Harris beating Trump 51 – 40 percent;
  • South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg leading with 49 percent to Trump’s 40 percent.

Looking at all of the matchups, President Trump is stuck between 38 and 40 percent of the vote. These low numbers may partly be explained by a lack of support among white women, a key voting bloc that voted for Trump in the 2016 election. Today, white women go for the Democratic candidate by double digits in every scenario.

Early polls are nothing more than an attempt to set the desired Narrative. They have literally zero bearing on reality or what is likely to happen in the event. Trump would beat all four of these candidates in an actual election, just as he’ll beat the Democratic nominee in November 2020.

And he’ll do it no matter what the polls say.

The skinsuits show themselves

“Conservative” writer Jennifer Rubin, who has claimed to be a Republican for decades, can’t hide her hatred for the God-Emperor or everyone who wants to make America great again as she calls for the burning down of the Republican Party.

Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin pushed for Americans to work together to “burn down the Republican party” in the hopes of extinguishing any trace of the enthusiasm for President Trump.

Rubin appeared on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” Sunday and said that not only does Trump have to lose in 2020, but there must be a purging of “survivors” who still support the commander-in-chief.

“It’s not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose,” she said. “We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.”

“We have to level them because if there are survivors — if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again.”

This is pure projection from a Bolshevik Fake American. The entire neoclown program is to do to America what their predecessors did to Russia, only this time with trannies and pedos.

Look at what organizations this woman has written for: the “Right Turn” blog for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. Her work has been published in media outlets including Politico, New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, and The Jerusalem Post. Almost all of them nominally “right-wing”.

But Shapiru, Prager, and Kristol aren’t the only false “conservatives”. It’s been one massive con job, as all of these neoclowns are left-wing Trotskyites seeking the destruction of America and Western civilization.

He’s welcome to it

Anonymous Conservative suspects others are taking credit for my observations:

Renowned Yale computer scientist David Gelernter claims that he is abandoning Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. It is at the point I would assume he is doing this on orders from Cabal, so he can be the voice reciting Vox Day’s arguments, and get credit for overturning it. The alternative is Vox gets credit, and then gets a platform, which would also elevate Castalia House, at which point his threat level would go through the roof.

First of all, I very much doubt I’m the first unauthorized individual to happen to notice that the math of the Neo-Darwinian hypothesis doesn’t add up correctly with the growing amount of evidence being produced on an ongoing basis by genetic scientists. Gelernter is a smart guy and I would expect him as well as lot of other smart people to reach much the same conclusions on the basis of the available evidence. Second, I find it hard to imagine that anyone, however evil-minded, cares all that much about an increasingly outdated hypothesis that not only has more epicycles spinning around it than the most die-hard pre-Copernican astronomer ever rationalized, but is inevitably destined to be discarded sooner or later.

And third, I genuinely don’t care about this sort of “credit” anymore than I care about collecting academic credentials. Observing the obvious is not doing anything new. It’s not accomplishing anything. It’s like being the guy who “discovered” the Okapi. He didn’t discover anything! The Okapi was always there! The Neo-Darwinian hypothesis has always been false, so literally everyone who ever doubted for any reason, convincing or unconvincing, merits the same “credit”.

If – when – I write a truly great novel or produce a genuinely great film, then I’ll be happy to accept any plaudits that are due, buy a monastery, and collect books. But noticing what is true or not true is not an accomplishment, it’s simply a consequence of paying attention.

I already distrust the trappings of fame, money, and media attention due to observing the negative effects they have had on others I have known. The suggestion that there is a shadowy international cabal of evil sex predators intent on controlling who is authorized to go on television and bask in the adoration of the masses doesn’t exactly make the whole program appear any more attractive to me. It’s just one of the many reasons I don’t talk to the media anymore.