They don’t have the right

Lawfare works:

Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann received reportedly has received a settlement from CNN after suing the far-left network for smearing him last year.

“CNN agreed Tuesday to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann,” Fox 19 reported. “The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington.”

Sandmann also filed lawsuits against The Washington Post and NBC Universal, each for $250 million or over, and is reportedly planning to “sue Gannett, owners of The Enquirer.”

The big social media companies are even more vulnerable than the big media companies. The problem, of course, is that no one ever stands up to them.

“A terrible comedown”

But it’s not a comedown, it’s merely the inevitable result of taking the ticket, and the price that one must pay to Das Losmeister for the worldly success one is so fortuitously granted:

In any event, this latest round of interviews made for a sad spectacle. A great entertainer was disowning the best part of his oeuvre; a former rebel leader was bowing to the king to win favor at court; a master at skewering high-level hypocrisy had gone over to the other side. “You’ve gone from filth merchant to talk of the town,” Jimmy Kimmel told him in October. Stern’s opening commentaries on the interviews in his new book seem designed to make old fans wince: he considers Madonna “a kindred spirit,” calls Stephen Colbert “very evolved and emotionally connected,” praises Rosie O’Donnell for her “wisdom and graciousness,” applauds Lena Dunham for her “wisdom” and “understanding,” and touts Gwyneth Paltrow’s “humanity.” When Amy Schumer recalls the time her boyfriend touched her without explicit permission and hesitates to call it rape, Stern insists that it was, and concludes by saying, “I want to apologize for all men.” He even manages to work in a sympathetic word for Christine Blasey Ford. And the references to his own “personal growth” keep on coming. After a while, he sounds like someone who’s joined a cult.

Stern’s transformation reached its apotheosis when, on December 4, he welcomed Hillary Clinton into his studio for more than two hours. Even for a longtime fan who’d watched Stern’s persona shift over the years, I found the man who interviewed Hillary barely recognizable. Finally he was the shock jock he had always been accused of being—because his relentless flattery of the former First Lady was truly shocking. It was as if he were determined to prove that he could fawn over Hillary more fervently than her most ardent supporter. “My fantasy,” he told her, “was not only to meet you but to tell you what a hero you are to me. . . . You had the expertise I wanted in a president. . . . I wanted you to be president so bad.” He’d thought that hers would be “a spectacular presidency” because “she cares,” because she knew everything and everyone, and because she had “devoted her life to public service.” He agreed with her that Trump’s presidency has been a disaster and that Trump represents an existential threat to America. Once a hero of free speech, Stern criticized Facebook for not censoring Trump fans enough; one of Hillary’s problems in 2016, Stern told her, was that she had been “too truthful.”

Listening to this balderdash, you’d have thought that Clinton had led a saintly life, that she had been constantly set upon by jealous, corrupt inferiors, and that her career had been a spotless series of legislative and diplomatic triumphs. Buying into the notion of Hillary as a lifelong victim of the patriarchy, Stern seemed to be out to make up, in one interview, for every time he’d ever gotten a stripper to remove her top. One illuminating moment came when Stern praised Howard Zinn, the Communist author of A People’s History of the United States, a shoddy work of propaganda that has, alas, become a perennial best-seller and college text. Every Stern fan knows that Howard’s not big on books, so if he’s actually read Zinn’s opus, it’s likely his chief source of information on American history—a scary thought.

It was a stunning listening experience. When Hillary blamed James Comey (along with “the Russians and Wikileaks”) for her election loss, Stern went along with her, even though Comey had done Hillary a service by choosing not to prosecute her for clear violations of the Espionage Act. When she mentioned her emails, Stern didn’t bring up her private server or her destruction of the emails with BleachBit but instead agreed readily with her baffling claim that the emails had been “misinterpret[ed]”; when she criticized Trump’s “trade battles” and tax breaks, said that Trump was in Putin’s “camp,” and accused Trump fans (and not Antifa) of committing acts of violence around the country—and when she even knocked the booming Trump economy—Stern nodded along. He made no mention of Fusion GPS, the Clinton Foundation, her contorted version of the Benghazi episode, her dubious story about coming under fire in Bosnia, or anything else remotely scandalous in her (or her husband’s) past. Both Hillary and Stern took Joe Biden’s side in the Ukraine controversy and agreed that Trump’s famous phone call with the Ukrainian president had amounted to an “abuse of power.”

The entire interview was a case of kowtowing on an epic scale. Howard Stern, who rose to fame, in considerable part, by zapping fraudulent politicians, had now given one of the most sycophantic interviews of all time to a woman regarded by many as the most duplicitous pol of our era. It was a terrible comedown for a guy who’d earned a reputation for fearless honesty.

Howard Stern was never honest. His reputation was just another media construction, as false as the purported voice of the next big auto-tuned singer. If you are more devoted to success than you are to the truth, eventually you will be forced to dwell within the world of lies.

Naming the names

A young victim of the Devil Mouse machine has filed a lawsuit against his victimizers that the media is attempting to bury:

Tammy’s son Ricky Garcia, 20, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court in which he named his ex-manager Joby Harte, 37, Joby’s Hot Rocks Media business partners Paul Cohen and Sheri Anderson Thomas, talent agency APA, former APA agent Tyler Grasham, and manager Nils Larsen, currently employed by Management 360.

The suit alleges that from the age of 12 years old Ricky was groomed, sexually abused and raped on a weekly basis, and that Joby Harte passed him around as a “sexual plaything” to other powerful pedophiles throughout the business.

The day the suit was filed articles appeared in People, Deadline, The Hollywood Reporter, and TMZ, among others. However, despite the serious nature of the charges and the many and far-reaching implications of the case, not a single outlet pursued the story further.

“The one thing that can fix this is talking about it, but Hollywood doesn’t want to talk about pedophilia,” Tammy says, a reality she quickly figured out the day after the story of Ricky’s lawsuit broke, when everything went radio silent. And, of course it did. This story has the power to bring down giants. The problem is, it’s the same giants who also own the media….

Over the course of nearly two months of phone conversations as well as an in-person, sit-down interview, which will be released to the public, Tammy took me through a stunning timeline of events as well as provided me with emails, written witness testimonies and documents compiled for the civil lawsuit, all of which detail the years of torture and abuse her son suffered, the names of those who partook, those who knew, and those who covered it up. The following expose’ is entirely drawn from these documents, emails and witness testimonies.

It’s long past time to methodically expose the Hollywood monstrosities to the public and permit them to clearly see the evil, rotting heart of the entertainment industry.

A Protestant Inquisition

All of the modern churches and evangelical associations need to start purging themselves of their social justice warriors, who worship the false god of a worldly judeochrist instead of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

As the political clamor caused by a top Christian magazine’s call to remove President Donald Trump from office continues to reverberate, more than 100 conservative evangelicals closed ranks further around Trump on Sunday.

In a letter to the president of Christianity Today magazine, the group of evangelicals chided Editor-in-Chief Mark Galli for penning an anti-Trump editorial, published Thursday, that they portrayed as a dig at their characters as well as the president’s.

“Your editorial offensively questioned the spiritual integrity and Christian witness of tens-of-millions of believers who take seriously their civic and moral obligations,” the evangelicals wrote to the magazine’s president, Timothy Dalrymple…. The letter to the magazine’s president sent on Sunday also included a veiled warning that Christianity Today could lose readership or advertising revenue as a result of the editorial, which cites Trump’s impeachment last week.

This isn’t about President Trump. The god-emperor doesn’t need the approval of the Establishment’s evangelical gatekeepers to win reelection  in 2020. He will win in a landslide regardless. This is about reclaiming the soul and spirit of the Christian organizations that have been infiltrated and at least partially converged, and ensuring that they remain dedicated to Jesus Christ, not social justice judeochristianity.

UPDATE: a reader informs us that Galli’s replacement isn’t going to be any better:

Most of your readers are too smart to be subscribed to CT, but as a public service I want to warn anyone with ears to hear that CT’s new editor does not represent a change of direction.

I attended Park Street Church for years during Dan Harrell’s time there as preaching minister.  He was most popular with the younger crowd who saw him as relevant and progressive.  His sermons were full of chuckle-inducing one-liners and skin-deep theology.  Once after service I asked him a 101-level question about end-times prophecy just to try and gauge where he was coming from with the confusing sermon he had just delivered.  I got a blank look and a non-answer.  Being intelligible wasn’t a requirement for collecting his social approval or his paycheck.  Over the years I gave the man countless chances to change my mind about his motives, and he never once succeeded.

Dan has some publications out there.  One recounts a month-long experiment in living according to levitical law.  I was witness to this project, and it was a complete joke.  He could not have devised a more effective way to trivialize scripture while simultaneously proving himself to be an unserious scholar and teacher.  He published another gem about evolution, which basically takes the stance of “aw shucks I’m just a stupid Div. school graduate who sucks at math.  What if we just believe everything we’re told about science and don’t question anything?  Maybe we can still find some gaps to squeeze God into.”  Try to imagine getting cucked by a bunch of evo-bio nerds if you can.  There are lots of people out there embarrassing themselves with publicly-displayed ignorance, but Harrell is in a class by himself.

Be assured, Dan Harrell’s selection does not represent a return to sanity for CT.  He hates the other America with all the fury he transferred from the guys who mogged him in high school.  He is a snake, and will continue to sideline the gospel of Jesus Christ in favor of social justice and judeochristianity as he has done throughout his career.

Which just underlines my point. A Protestant inquisition is long overdue.


Another hit piece incoming. Apparently the “journalist” in question erroneously believes me to be a “white supremacist” and is under the impression that “Mongols” are of African descent.

Remember, these people genuinely believe they are our moral and intellectual superiors.

It’s mildly amusing to observe the way they believe just one more slander will finally serve to discredit and disqualify me when the ten thousand previous slanders have failed. It simply doesn’t matter what they say anymore. They could report that I personally slaughtered 37 people on Broadway with a letter opener shaped like a rabbit while screaming “blood for the Blood God” and I doubt we’d lose a single subscriber on Unauthorized or a single reader here. No one cares what they say anymore.

Needless to say, I have not spoken to them.

Panic in the Deep State

Reading the media tea leaves:

Former CIA officer and counter-intelligence expert Kevin Shipp says that former Obama Administration Attorney General (AG) Eric Holder gave a big Deep State panic signal when he wrote in an Op-Ed last week in the Washington Post trashing current AG William Barr and his top prosecutor John Durham.

Shipp explains, “This is very significant. We all remember that Holder was Obama’s right hand man. Eric Holder was Barack Obama’s enforcer. The fact that Holder comes out this quickly after the Inspector General (IG) Horowitz Report comes out . . . and makes this veiled threat against Durham’s reputation. The fact that Eric Holder came out and made this statement is a clear indication to me they are running scared. We have to understand it was Eric Holder that Barack Obama used to target the heads of corporations that spoke out publicly about Barack Obama. We know Holder was held in ‘Contempt of Congress.’ He spied on AP reporters, ran guns to drug cartels and blacked out the information. He spied on over a hundred journalists, and on and on we go. . . . They (Deep State) are convinced there are going to be indictments. Secondly, there is AG Barr’s outrage over (IG) Horowitz’s report and what it did not do. He made statements that there was spying and actions by government officials that need to be criminally looked into. Barr’s outrage over this shows me that there are going to be indictments, and that he is taking this seriously. Again, when Holder comes out and puts out this bombshell in the Washington Post, which is another indication that indictments are coming. John Brennan, former Obama Administration CIA Director, is going to be at the top of the list.”

I find this credible because it is entirely obvious that the DNC-media-federal bureaucracy complex is observably in a complete tizzy about something. What that something is, we do not know, but it may have something to do with what the Q Army calls The Storm. Or it could be something else, but regardless, they are clearly terrified about something that is currently in the works.

I told you he’s not that smart

One of the things that separates the intelligent from the average is the ability to learn from the experience of others. Nick Fuentes obviously falls in the latter category, as he not only talked to the mainstream media upon request, he actually invited them into his mother’s house. For an entire week. Needless to say, it didn’t turn out well.

In February 2018, a production company called “Karga7” reached out and said they were interested in filming an episode of MTV True Life about me and my show. They spent a full week filming at my house but never released any of the footage until tonight, almost two years later.

Almost two years after a shoot for an episode of True Life, MTV has repackaged the footage into a mini-doc about “White Supremacy” which attempts to portray me as a spiritual successor to this low IQ skinhead buffoon, conveniently right after Groyper Wars!

At the time of this shoot I was 19 years old and had only been doing my show for a year. I initially declined to do the show because I knew “Jason Wolfe” and the media would not be kind to me but I never imagined a farce like this. Obviously I made a big mistake.

Ah, but he was only 19 years old, as opposed to the wise old culture war veteran of 21 that he is now. If only someone had told poor, naive, little Nicky not to talk to the media before February 2018! If only someone more experienced, someone more familiar with the media, someone considerably more intelligent, had reminded the innocent young lad not to talk to the media, this easily avoidable debacle might have been easily avoided.

Why didn’t anyone warn this impressionable young master of optics about how the media actually works before February 2018? Why didn’t anyone tell him what was bound to happen if he talked to the mainstream media?

I didn’t listen to @voxday. I gave an interview to unfriendly media. They trashed the shit out of me. Listen to Vox.
– Jon Del Arroz, August 4, 2017

Never have any sympathy for anyone who falls for the usual bait-and-switch, especially when it was offered by the mainstream media. Because it requires a certain amount of ignorance, arrogance, and narcissism to imagine that you can beat the media at its own game.

UPDATE: The amusing thing is that before this even posted as scheduled, I received an interview request for my views on certain subjects. I sent the would-be interviewer my standard response to those who are not obviously running the conventional discredit and disqualify routine.

Thank you for your request. I am afraid I must decline, as I no longer give interviews to anyone for any reason. If you are interested in my views on matters related to [REDACTED], I suggest you read my books [REDACTED], or review the 21,855 posts on my blog.

If I am feeling less kind and gentle, I simply turn the prospective interviewer over to my official PR representative, Pax Dickenson, to set up the interview.

UPDATE: As Nick Fuentes has indicated that he is willing to debate me so long as the topic does not concern certain events that took place in the middle of the 20th century, I have proposed a written debate to him concerning his assertion that we have to live with multiracialism. I not only disagree with his contention, I assert, to the contrary, that multiracialism is intrinsically incompatible with societal survival.

Rep. Nunes gets it

You don’t talk to the media. Not to the enemy media. Not to their lesser sisters in the conservative media. Not to the so-called Christian media. You don’t talk to the media.

In an exclusive statement provided to Breitbart News, Nunes said: “These demonstrably false and scandalous stories published by the Daily Beast and CNN are the perfect example of defamation and reckless disregard for the truth. Some political operative offered these fake stories to at least five different media outlets before finding someone irresponsible enough to publish them. I look forward to prosecuting these cases, including the media outlets, as well as the sources of their fake stories, to the fullest extent of the law. I intend to hold the Daily Beast and CNN accountable for their actions. They will find themselves in court soon after Thanksgiving.”

CNN claims that they began to ask Nunes questions about his Vienna trip on November 14, to which Nunes responded to CNN: “I don’t talk to you in this lifetime or the next lifetime. At any time. On any question.”

CNN asked Nunes about the trip again on Thursday, to which Nunes responded: “To be perfectly clear, I don’t acknowledge any questions from you in this lifetime or the next lifetime. I don’t acknowledge any question from you ever.”

Nunes has long held a policy of not communicating with CNN.

A number of media outlets of varying stripes, some purportedly friendly, others obviously not so, have contacted me with regards to an interview concerning Corporate Cancer. I have declined all of them, some regretfully, others not so.

I anticipate there will be considerably more media interest as things continue to progress on the various legal fronts and word eventually begins to leak out concerning the complete untenability of Silicon Valley’s perspective on thought policing and deplatforming. And I will continue to not talk to anyone about it or anything else.

The media has nothing to sell except the information that we collectively give them. So stop feeding the evil beast that hates you.

The Epstein coverup collapses

James O’Keefe is rooting out the truth about the media’s ongoing attempts to hide Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to various globalist figures, including Prince Andrew:

“…Then the Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew(@TheDukeOfYork) and threatened us in a million different ways…” – @abcnews anchor @arobach

And Bill Clinton:

Three years ago, during the 2016 presidential election, ABC spiked an expose into convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his network of connections to powerful men, including Bill Clinton. That’s the bombshell scoop by investigative journalist James O’Keefe. In a hot mic video leaked to O’Keefe, 20/20 co-anchor Amy Robach can be heard angrily lamenting the fact that ABC killed the story.

Regarding alleged victim Virginia Roberts, Robach complained to an off-camera ABC staffer: “She (Virginia Roberts) told me everything. She had pictures, She had everything. She was in hiding for 12 years. We convinced her to come out. We convinced her to talk to us. It was unbelievable what we had. Clinton, we had everything.”

James O’Keefe may be the most significant man of his generation. And Twitter knows it.

@Twitter has completely removed #EpsteinCoverup from the USA trending list. Over 100,000 tweets in 9 hours and it has now vanished.

Welcome to Finance World Hell

The media is finally suffering the inevitable effects of financial predation and is now crying about the very “economic efficiencies” they used to celebrate in the industrial sector:

Their employees call them “soulless” and “vultures” — as does presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Their focus on cost cutting has sparked newsroom rebellions. And they are snapping up more and more of the media landscape.

These days, whenever there is an uprising in the media business, the chances are that a private equity firm is involved. The latest clash happened this week at the sports website Deadspin, where the interim editor in chief said he was fired for refusing to limit the site’s focus to sports coverage. Afterward, at least eight journalists resigned in protest, including more than half of the site’s writers.

Sanders, the independent Vermont senator seeking the Democratic nomination for president, chimed in late Thursday with a tweet supporting Deadspin workers and lambasting Jim Spanfeller, chief executive officer of Deadspin parent G/O Media.

G/O Media is a collection of websites owned by the private equity firm Great Hill Partners. Two months earlier, Deadspin’s former editor in chief also quit, claiming that Great Hill Partners wanted to cash out quickly rather than invest in the long-term growth of the site.

It’s never quite as fun when it’s your own ox getting gored, is it? Learn to code….