The Dread Ilk are not intimidated by the challenges to come in 2020. A reader writes about the implications of Christian nationalists becoming the strong horse again.
American Thinker had a piece a couple days ago that it is Donald J. Trump’s election to lose in November at this point.
The hysteria of the past three years is almost indescribable. The meltdown by liberals, leftists, progressives, and cultural Marxists has been been both irritating and entertaining. Their inability to deal with reality has been sobering to watch. I have had a few friendships that ended since 2016 due to my inability to think progressive in our now bifurcated society.
A thought did come to me. In the likely event that DJT is reelected, will this shock some left of center to reality? People by nature back the strong horse. This is how Islam and later socialism and communism have spread. As you have pointed out, Conservatism Inc. has failed to conserve anything. People decide see weakness and therefore lack of faith in the beliefs of the so-called conservatives. An average person wants to be on the winning team.
You have the end of eight years of the Obama centrally-directed economy with growth close to zero. At some point, jobs and hopefully general prosperity will sink into most except the most muddle headed millennial skull. As the dissonance between indoctrination vs. reality becomes more apparent, will we see a cultural shift?
Holding steadfast to beliefs, acting on them, punctuated with intermittent acts of boldness rolling back Obama’s legacy and cultural Marxism in general over eight years should cause a fair portion to jump ship and move back into the ranks of Western Civilization. All it takes is courage.
Courage, confidence, and a crusading faith in Jesus Christ is how we will move forward into 2020 and beyond. Deus vult!