Mailvox: confidence and courage

The Dread Ilk are not intimidated by the challenges to come in 2020. A reader writes about the implications of Christian nationalists becoming the strong horse again.

American Thinker had a piece a couple days ago that it is Donald J. Trump’s election to lose in November at this point.

The hysteria of the past three years is almost indescribable. The meltdown by liberals, leftists, progressives, and cultural Marxists has been been both irritating and entertaining. Their inability to deal with reality has been sobering to watch. I have had a few friendships that ended since 2016 due to my inability to think progressive in our now bifurcated society.

A thought did come to me. In the likely event that DJT is reelected, will this shock some left of center to reality? People by nature back the strong horse. This is how Islam and later socialism and communism have spread. As you have pointed out, Conservatism Inc. has failed to conserve anything. People decide see weakness and therefore lack of faith in the beliefs of the so-called conservatives. An average person wants to be on the winning team.

You have the end of eight years of the Obama centrally-directed economy with growth close to zero. At some point, jobs and hopefully general prosperity will sink into most except the most muddle headed millennial skull. As the dissonance between indoctrination vs. reality becomes more apparent, will we see a cultural shift?

Holding steadfast to beliefs, acting on them, punctuated with intermittent acts of boldness rolling back Obama’s legacy and cultural Marxism in general over eight years should cause a fair portion to jump ship and move back into the ranks of Western Civilization. All it takes is courage.

Courage, confidence, and a crusading faith in Jesus Christ is how we will move forward into 2020 and beyond. Deus vult!

Mailvox: the limits of ambition

In response to a previous Darkstream, a recovering Gamma asks about where the line between positive ambition and evil ambition is drawn:

How can one determine whether an ambition is just and for good, or the motivation is evil and subversive?

As a recovering Gamma, i have the core of success you mentioned and i am trying to channel it to bring glory to god.

I am crushing right now, but the concern of stepping out of line worries me.

The answer is pretty simple. Do your ambitions involve building up your own responsibilities and capabilities or do they involve inserting yourself into the activities of another individual in some capacity for your own benefit? The former ambitions are good. The latter are evil.

Mailvox: deal with it, gamma

It’s interesting to see how one gamma troll has belatedly learned that the costs of trolling can come back to bite him years later. I received an email today from someone seeking my assistance to remove his comments from the blog.

I need you to be a friend and remove the comments by “[redacted].” I learned the hard way that employers are very unforgiving regarding comments. But a fall in a pit a gain in one’s wit. I also need you to edit out my name in other comments.

So, as I am always amenable to reasonable requests from readers, I went to find the comments specified with the intention of deleting them. At which point, I discovered that these comments were not run-of-the-mill comments from regular readers, but the usual hectoring and posturing from the sort of individual we no longer permit here.

For example, here is one typical exchange:

Gamma: I am almost unable to offer meaningful assistance to you on a personal level, and you quickly become annoyed with me.

VD: Then shut the hell up and stop trying to offer unsolicited advice. It’s not that hard to avoid annoying people.

Shut. Your. Fucking. Mouth.

That works 99 percent of the time. If no one has asked you for help or assistance, stop trying to give it to them. If no one has asked you about something, stop trying to teach, help, criticize, or otherwise talk to them about it.

Gamma: It is extremely unwise to return vitriol for kindness.

“If you repay good with evil, evil will never leave your house.” (Proverbs 17:13)

Solon:  *Shakes head sadly*

Your reply is ridiculous. Preaching, holier-than-thou, “I know better than you.”

He told you to shut your mouth on his blog. The correct response is to accept your chastisement and learn from it, not go full-Gamma and try to tell him he’s wrong.

Or to use some logic: your response is not “good,” and his response is not “evil.” He didn’t ask for your advice, you outright admitted you had nothing to offer, and when he said “then go fuck yourself,” you responded in butt-hurt indignation. You even tried to use a Bible quote without even having the self-awareness to apply it to yourself.

Shameful. Your advice was not requested, your post was arrogant, condescending, and rude to assume you know shit about VD or why he likes Trump.

Textbook gamma. Vox, I believe you said you were going to start banning Gammas?

So, instead of complying with his request, I replied:

No. You’re no friend and you never were. Deal with it, troll. 

His future non-employers should thank me. No one wants or needs these people in their organizations or in their lives. I’ve given these people chance after chance after chance to no avail. There is absolutely no point in helping them evade the inevitable consequences of their malicious and unnecessary actions.

I deal every single day with people holding me accountable for my words. Don’t come to me looking to help you avoid accountability for yours.

Mailvox: a gamma’s confession

A gamma explains the nature of gamma spiraling:

You were right at identifying Gamma in me, I knew it at the time, but I couldn’t help myself. It was an outburst. So I apologize for coming at you with the wrong motivations and for being driven by my ego.

It’s interesting how Gamma behavior undercuts and discredits the Gamma’s own interests.

I find in myself I can start out honestly, but I get set off by a spiraling imagination which overtakes me and makes me emotional. It causes me to instantly hate anyone who slights me because of fear and weakness, and not being firmly grounded in forgiveness, love and God. I interpret their actions in the worst possible way, and hair-trigger react to it into a murderously aggressive stance. There is always a partial awareness of the unfoundedness of this overreaction, but it is a survival instinct like an abused dog lashes out, based in the emotional unsteadiness and mindlessness which sweeps me off my feet. Shame and knowing subconsciously that I have lost myself piles on more emotional pain which forces me deeper into committing into that state.

Ego te absolvo. This honest admission and description of the process illustrates the fundamental lie of the typical gamma posturing. Their pretense at superiority is intrinsically false, and the fact that those of us who understand the SSH know it only makes them spiral all the faster.

Mailvox: Kurgan-Dyer debate

I will wait to read the transcript before even attempting to develop an opinion of the recent debate between Jay Dyer and The Kurgan, but this was a summary sent to me by one witness to it:

It was an interesting watch for me as an Ilk that has consumed a sizable amount of Dyer’s content and appreciates his niche.  Similar to you, my church background has been American Protestant Evangelical. Lately I’ve been studying the Orthodox faith, due in no small part to Jay’s content.

Kurgan has accused Jay of being a lying gamma sperg. What I witnessed today went a ways toward confirming two out of three. I simply don’t know enough about Catholicism to follow verbally what was flying around (especially from Jay), much less sedevacantism. So I have no idea if Jay is lying or not about Catholic law. He could simply be accurate or inaccurate.

But Jay’s performance was demonstrably gamma sperg. He was clearly triggered. For long stretches it felt like he was channeling Shapiru. I don’t watch a lot of debates, so I’m not sure shouting ‘You just lost the debate!’ is a validated method. Kurgan’s demeanor was consummate adult. And by the end seemed like an adult managing a child’s temper tantrum.

The chat was funny from a certain standpoint. It was like an audience of homeless people and junior highers having to sit through a theology debate. They just started giving each other wedgies and complaining about boredom. Can’t say I’m happy about it. But it probably needed to happen.

If you happened to watch the debate and would like to express your opinion about it, please feel free to do so. But be judicious and specific, as the sort of fanboy posturing one sees on Twitter will not be permitted. And neither of the two participants will be permitted to comment here on their own performances.

Mailvox: harping on Gammas

Ricky Rari complains about the way I criticize Gamma males:

You always harp on about gammas but never the mothers who singlehandedly raised them, or their absentee fathers.

First, that’s not always the case. There are no shortage of Gammas from two-parent homes.

Second, what would be the point? You can’t unmake a single mother, an absentee father, or undo an upbringing. But the Gamma male can change his pattern of behavior.

Third, and most important, neither single mothers nor absentee fathers insist on invading this blog, infesting the Darkstream and Dlive channels, recording video hit pieces intended to discredit people, and organizing campaigns attempts to get me and my associates deplatformed.

Gammas are the self-declared enemy of community, society, and civilization. No unrepentant Gamma should ever be shown even a modicum of grace, mercy or kindness. To the contrary, only unrelenting contempt, rejection, and honesty have any ability to puncture the delusion bubble that the Gamma uses to hide from the truth about himself, and thereby permit the possibility of personal growth and behavioral transformation.

Mailvox: dealing with the uncomfortable truth

There may be hope for this gamma, as he has proactively taken steps to avoid familiar temptations.

Thank you for teaching me the SSH. After I watched Voxiversity videos, I learned that I exhibit stereotypical Gamma traits like my father. At first, I lied to myself about the obvious, typical rationalizations and excuses to maintain the narcissistic delusion bubble.

Although you may disregard evolutionary theory, I believe that Gammas are neuro-atypical genetic mutants who are strongly predisposed to these abnormal behaviors. Most Gammas probably have clinical psychological disorders. Unfortunately, this psychological type is most covetous of power but the least likely to use it for the common good due to narcissism and pathological lying. I withdrew from positions of self-serving leadership which discontinued the need for me to lie.

Recently, I have begun taking steps to become a Delta: lifting weights, lying less often, losing the entitlement attitude, and embedding myself with a male hierarchy. If unaltered neuro-atypical Gammas have power, the social hierarchy of civilization destabilizes because of their effeminate, pathological behavior. Gammas are toxic because they do not accept constructive criticism.

Besides a dedication to admitting the truth, however personally painful, perhaps the second most important thing for the Gamma who seeks to rise above his behavioral patterns to do is to intentionally abjure his instinctual ambitions for pursuing leadership positions. A Gamma cannot be an effective leader or teacher, which is why both he and others will tend to benefit from his refusal to assume positions of relative authority or superiority.

The primary focus for a Gamma who wishes to alter his socio-sexual status should be developing Delta patterns of competence, reliability, and trustworthiness. After all, the journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step. Dreams of Alpha leadership or Sigma independence are understandable, but they are ultimately foolish and irrelevant fantasies that will only feed the Gamma’s delusion bubble.

One thousand years of SSH

RealTalk notes that it’s impossible to watch entertainment without seeing some form of the SSH in action:

Random SSH esthetics. S2E11 Big Bang Theory.

  1. Gamma Leonard hateful/jealous of rival Alpha Underhill physicist. Throws lots of shade.
  2. Underhill asks Leonard to work with him. Leonard acts like a school girl who just got asked out. Infatuated by Alpha for the next 5 minutes of the episode.
  3. Alpha Underhill meets Penny, hits it off. Gamma Leonard becomes a hater again.
  4. Alpha proves to be a jerk, and Penny runs back to friend-zoned Gamma for comfort.

Was watching the episode while reading this. I can’t stop myself from seeing through this lens anymore. It’s everywhere!

But the scope of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy is actually much broader, and much older, than Hollywood. Consider this excerpt from Genji monogatari, written in Japan more than one thousand years ago, in which the refined, sensitive Kaoru is expressing his jealousy of the success the bold philanderer Niou repeatedly enjoys with women.

Women apparently have a weakness for his kind of passionate, impetuous behavior. It makes me sad to think that my relationship with him and his sister, the First Princess, has brought me only pain and misfortune. How sweet it would be to seduce one of these extraordinary women, someone Niou, in his usual fashion, has fallen madly in love with, and have him suffer the same torments of longing that I’ve experienced! Shouldn’t a lady who is truly prudent and sensitive be attracted more to me than to Niou? Yet how hard it is to find women of such refined sensibility!

Is it not almost precisely the same Alpha-Gamma dynamic being described?

Mailvox: patterns of behavior

A reader writes about his experience observing the predictable utility of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy.

 I recently watched your SSH video and I have been tuning into the Darkstreams more often. The insights about gammas have been surreal as I reflect on interactions I have, a recent one stands out at church.

After service, we took a fellow out to lunch for his birthday. There were six of us, all men, few of us married. I sat across from him, and as conversation built up I asked him (call him Joe) all about his work. He’s a shy guy, slight autism is probably there, but he gets along with and is adored by everyone in our circle. I know nothing about his field, so I asked him lots of questions, genuinely interested, and also ensuring the focus was on him being able to talk about what he loves, after all it’s his birthday. He was having a great time talking about his work, his hobbies, and all of us gave him the spotlight, except…

There’s a guy beside him (call him Gamma) who I didn’t know well but one of the guys apparently had asked him if he wanted to come along. Now, every single time there was a nanosecond lull in the conversation, this guy physically jutted his head forward over the table as if sticking his boot in so you can’t shut the door, and he’d inject something like “So I went to the gaming convention a couple weeks ago, the one that was blah blah.” I mean we would ask Joe about himself, share memories about him and church, but as soon as there was a fraction of an opening, boom! This guy just couldn’t stop talking about himself. It was unreal, I had never witnessed anyone so self-involved, especially when we’re out for lunch treating the guy beside him whose birthday it is!

Several of us were obviously annoyed but no one wanted to ruin Joe’s birthday, we just ignored the Gamma mostly, nodding and smiling as he would go on. When lunch was over, the Gamma asked if one of us could give him a ride home, as he’d come with my friend Alex who was heading back to church to get his wife. We all looked uneasy but one of the guys whose wife wasn’t a part of the event at church said sure. That night, the guy who gave Gamma a ride calls me about some church events coming up, then mentions Gamma. “Dude, he just talked the whole way.” I laughed, but I still hadn’t figured the gamma attribute until my friend said, “I mentioned I gave Gamma a ride to Sue, and she gave me this sour look. She said all of the gals try to avoid him, he’s always trying to approach some of them to chat and they find some way to get out of it.” It really clicked with that, the women thing. They just cannot stand him.

Thanks for being ferocious in exposing the patterns of behavior. It has inspired me to look at myself more often, check what my patterns are. Also, it has been saving me a lot of time from being around men when I notice certain patterns, and can avoid the exhaustion they’ll bring.

Mailvox: sympathy for the dark lord

As his channel becomes more popular, the Kurgan begins to grasp the essence of gammatude:

As my channel slowly grows I am getting a renewed empathy for the level of gamma as well as just general idiocy you deal with, including from some Ilk.

I mean… I’m not exactly what you’d call a very hopeful and optimistic character when it comes to the expectations of rationality from other humans but it’s truly a wonder to behold to what lengths people will avoid the plain facts in front of them in order to keep believing some absurd concept or outright lie they became invested in.

I mean… it’s enough to make me wonder if a lot of humans really aren’t monkeys. Darwin wasn’t right, but he may have stumbled upon a Tolkien-like veracity… possibly Satan makes them orcishly stupid, reminiscent of bonobos on crack.

You have my sympathy given the few orders of magnitude more of volume you deal with.

One cannot understand the core concept of gamma without grasping that the gamma male’s absolute priority is maintaining the integrity of his delusion bubble. Now, every man is capable of being similarly stubborn and stupid about any idea to which he is emotionally attached, but what separates the gamma pattern of behavior from those of other male behaviors is the way that the gamma applies this instinctive response to everything, especially anything that has the potential to threaten his precious self-esteem.

And as for the reference to gammas among the Dread Ilk, keep in mind that being more or less ideologically correct is no defense against a pattern of behavior instilled over the course of one’s formative years. I like to think that the gammas among us have at least a fighting chance to conquer their instincts, given their information on the subject, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are facing a daily battle against themselves that the rest of us will never fully understand or appreciate.

Speaking of The Kurgan’s channel, his methodical destruction of Jay Dyer’s criticism of the Roman Catholic Church will likely be more than a little familiar to anyone who has read one of my systematic critiques. Being neither Catholic nor Orthodox, I have no dog in this hunt, but it is always a pleasure to read through a dialectical argument with this level of attention to detail.