The evictions continue

If the multiculturalists are upset over the ongoing French Roma expulsions, just think how apocalyptic they’ll sound once Sarkozi or his eventual successor begins to tackle the challenge of the banlieus.

The truth is that there is a long tradition of open hostility towards Roma, one with uncomfortable echoes of the open hostility shown towards another ostracised minority in the past. Right across Europe, including in Britain, casual anti-Gypsy remarks are simply not taboo in the way that slights on other ethnicities mostly are today. Some of this, it is true, can be explained by distinctive facets of Roma culture, which do not fit comfortably within contemporary capitalist societies. Rolling caravans do not lend themselves to rooted integration, and especially when they are decoupled from standard western ideas about property rights. The latest French crackdown followed on from rioting that was sparked by the shooting of a young Roma man, and with dire school drop-out rates Gypsy communities tend to rub up against authority more often than most.

I like that. The Roma aren’t dirty and useless thieves, they’re just “decoupled from standard western ideas about property rights”. Actually, that would explain a lot about Goldman Sachs and the Supreme Court’s Kelo decision, come to think about it. It’s fascinating to see how conflicted eurofascists are already calling for France to be kicked out of the European Union over these racial expulsions; the EU is certainly showing stress fractures in some interesting and unexpected places.

Doing the jobs Americans won’t do

Including, it would appear, border patrol:

Gunmen from a drug cartel appear to have massacred 72 migrants from Central and South America who were on their way to the U.S., a grisly event that marks the single biggest killing in Mexico’s war on organized crime.

For thousands of years, invaders have been repelled with lethal force. Now the US government expects the American people to believe that there is nothing that can be done to prevent literal millions from invading the southern border. This isn’t “immigration”, it is a plain and simple migration and if history has taught us anything, it is that a nation that refuses to defend itself from migration will cease to exist. Migrations almost always end in a great deal of violence and territorial partition, so there will almost certainly be more of this sort of thing in the future. Note that if the US had controlled immigration along the southern border and limited it to a small and digestible number, the murdered migrants would probably never have left their home countries and would be alive today. Their blood is metaphorically on the hands of the open borders crowd.

Yet mainstream media will shed copious tears over the dead migrants that they didn’t cry over all the Germans slain in the process of pursuing their dreams of a new life and new opportunities in France and Russia. The most interesting aspect of the story, however, is only tangentially related to migration. It is assumed that the massacre was committed by the Zetas, an unusually violent organization which was “initially formed by Mexican army forces who defected to the other side.”

No wonder there are no jobs

I was a little surprised to discover that there are 43 million more people in the USA in 2010 than there were in 1997. 3.3 million more people per year is non-trivial. It seems to me that the people who are most concerned about the environment should be more militantly anti-immigration than anyone. And yet, you can pretty much count on a rabid tree-hugger to be enthusiastic about the ongoing third-world migration.

Clitorectomies for American girls

Wasn’t this sort of thing an old PJ O’Rourke joke?

In a controversial change to a longstanding policy concerning the practice of female circumcision in some African and Asian cultures, the American Academy of Pediatrics is suggesting that American doctors be given permission to perform a ceremonial pinprick or “nick” on girls from these cultures if it would keep their families from sending them overseas for the full circumcision.

The academy’s committee on bioethics, in a policy statement last week, said some pediatricians had suggested that current federal law, which “makes criminal any nonmedical procedure performed on the genitals” of a girl in the United States, has had the unintended consequence of driving some families to take their daughters to other countries to undergo mutilation.

“It might be more effective if federal and state laws enabled pediatricians to reach out to families by offering a ritual nick as a possible compromise to avoid greater harm,” the group said.

Shoot them full of poison and mutilate their genitals… albeit only in a symbolic manner. And that’s assuming they don’t get vaccuumed out of the womb in the first place. Needless to say, I’m not one of those National Greatness evangelicals who believes America is blessed. I merely wonder how long it is before the American Academy of Pediatrics signs off on the full mutilation.

The advocates of the Melting Pot never seem to recall that the contents of the pot depend completely upon what goes into it.

WND column

The revoluciónary is right

Throughout history, when an occupying power has wanted to destabilize and destroy a nation, it has settled a foreign people in its midst. The seeds of the Balkan conflict were sown when the Turks planted Albanian Muslims in Kosovo to uproot the Christian Serbs who had long defended the borders of medieval Christendom and had more than once turned back the tide of an expanding Ottoman empire. The Soviet Union under Stalin methodically encouraged Russian emigration into the occupied Baltic states in a campaign of long-term Russification, to such an extent that nearly 30 percent of the populations of Latvia and Estonia were Russian.

Despite this, Americans did not worry about the massive migration of Mexicans and other third-world immigrants for many years due to their belief in equality and the idea of the American melting pot. Unfortunately, both concepts are complete myths, devoid of any support from logic, history or science. Despite the best efforts of the academic thought police and pop literary fantasists, such as Jared Diamond and Malcolm Gladwell, various scientific disciplines have quietly, but inexorably been demolishing the equalitarian hypothesis with regard to race, culture and sex.

La Raza and the Northern Front

If you’re dumb enough to let tens of millions of Mexicans in, you can hardly be shocked when they decide they want independence. And, by the way, the speaker is apparently a school teacher in LA.

I thought I saw it twitch

The officers were told they were to play the Red (U.S.) force in war games, a task they performed thoroughly and exceedingly well. This Red team of Japanese intelligence experts demonstrated in the game that Japan’s only hope was to achieve its conquests and consolidate them as early as possible, because the greater resources of the United States, once converted to full warmaking capacity, would surely deprive Japan of its war potential and force her surrender.
– Peter Perla, The Art of Wargaming, p. 48