Job in SE Michigan

A member of the Dread Ilk is looking for a part-time worker in Michigan:

Small technology start-up, revenue-funded, doing SaaS mobile apps, needs a part time support person – three days per week  – to interact with customers on site in SE Michigan.  Needs to be able to do the following:

  •  Talk with customers on phone and email
  •  Understand what features our software does and does not have (We will show and demo the apps)
  •  Recognize a feature request from a customer and be able to report those up for prioritization
  •  Execute a checklist for launching a customer instance of our app (Very light project management)
  •  Talk with developers when you run into a problem; file tickets; confirm resolution thereof
  •  Keep track of common issues customers have and report them up for improvement/enhancement
  •  Will need to understand how a spreadsheet (Excel) works sufficiently to make and upload user lists/configurations
  •  Will need at least a theoretical understanding of a relational database and what a query is
  •  Have an understanding of mobile apps at least at the user level – use an iPhone or Android
  •  Some light graphics skill in Gimp/Photoshop a plus – e.g., be able to resize a logo, or create a splash page graphic from supplied customer branding assets

If you wish to be contacted about this job, send me an email with WOLVERINE in the subject.

Part-time work sought

A female member of the Dread Ilk is looking for any part-time work from home that anyone might be able to offer her. She’s smart and mathematical, so anything in the accounting/book-keeping area would suit well. If you have a need, shoot me an email with WORK in the subject and I’ll pass your email onto her.

Just to be clear, it’s not Stickwick. I said “mathematical” not “PhD in Physics”.


I have a job opening for an engineer or CompSci in Idaho and am hoping
you will pass it along to the Dread Ilk.  The job involves analyzing the
strengths and weaknesses of patents, technical papers, and the like.  

If you are interested and would like to be contacted regarding this job, send me an email with IDAHO in the subject and I will pass it along to the relevant member of the Dread Ilk.