We won’t see this on YouTube

I tend to expect any videos of the reported shooting at YouTube will be censored in a hurry:

Police have confirmed an active shooter at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno Tuesday afternoon. The shooting appears to have happened in an outdoor cafe on the grounds of the facility.

Police were seen laying down evidence markers near the seating area of the cafe. People near the area reported hearing shots fired, police activity and lockdown procedures.

KPIX 5 reporter Andria Borba said at least two Homeland Security units were responding. Police radio transmissions describe casualties being taken to local hospitals. San Francisco General Hospital spokesman Brent Andrew said the hospital received patients from the incident but could not confirm a number.

I’m not saying this was necessarily a false flag, but it’s pretty obvious at this point that the gun control nuts weren’t getting sufficient traction out of the Parkland crisis actors.

UPDATE: Or perhaps it was just Sudden Jihad Syndrome.

ABC reports that she is a white woman wearing a dark top and a headscarf.  She reportedly came through the back door and fired at least 20 shots, according to an unnamed law enforcement source. Witnesses say there were multiple injuries but no fatalities have been reported.

Perhaps they should rethink that whole “gun-free zone” concept.

UPDATE: No, it’s a domestic.

Woman ‘shoots her boyfriend before killing herself’ after going on gun rampage at YouTube’s California HQ and injuring four people 

“several months prior”

The “March For Our Lives Demonstration”, which was supposedly inspired by the so-called Parkland school shootings, was planned “several months prior” to the drama performed at the Florida school

Everything about that “school shooting” was fake. Everything. It is beyond reprehensible that no one in the mainstream media will do any investigatory reporting.

John Paul Stevens makes a strong case

The retired Supreme Court justice makes a strong case for his arrest.

Rarely in my lifetime have I seen the type of civic engagement schoolchildren and their supporters demonstrated in Washington and other major cities throughout the country this past Saturday. These demonstrations demand our respect. They reveal the broad public support for legislation to minimize the risk of mass killings of schoolchildren and others in our society.

That support is a clear sign to lawmakers to enact legislation prohibiting civilian ownership of semiautomatic weapons, increasing the minimum age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old, and establishing more comprehensive background checks on all purchasers of firearms. But the demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.

Concern that a national standing army might pose a threat to the security of the separate states led to the adoption of that amendment, which provides that “a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Today that concern is a relic of the 18th century.

Rarely in my lifetime have I seen such a rancid diaper-load of rhetorical diarrhea as Justice Stevens presents in The New York Times. He piles falsehood upon falsehood, lie upon lie, in a futile attempt to build public support for a direct assault on the 2nd Amendment and the unalienable American rights it was written to protect.

And since he observably has no respect for those rights, the God-Emperor would do very well to order the old man locked up for high crimes and treason on the evidence of his career on the court.

David Hogg, Crisis Actor, forgets his lines

That sound you heard was the sound of the media’s narrative balloon popping. It turns out that David “Camera” Hogg, who totally is not a crisis actor and absolutely does not play a student who survived a mass shooting at his school in Florida:

First take: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.

Second take: When Hogg heard a “pop” while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, he told his teacher it sounded strangely like a gunshot. But there had been a fire drill that very morning and talk of a “Code Red” exercise to prepare for an active shooter. This must just be a surprise drill, he reasoned. And then the fire alarm sounded. Dutifully acting on it, Hogg and other students tried to exit the building. A janitor—Hogg doesn’t know his name but calls him an angel—knew where the shots were coming from and sent the students back. Then a culinary arts teacher, Ashley Kurth, pulled Hogg and others inside, locked the door, and made them hide in a closet. Checking Twitter and Instagram, Hogg—who’s an editor at the school’s TV station—found the news that the shooting was real and ongoing.

When Camera Hogg says that he isn’t a crisis actor, it’s entirely possible that he’s telling the truth. Because he is so haplessly bad at it that it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been fired from the job.

Face it, the whole thing is fake. Again. The Parkland drama was just another obvious false flag meant to drum up public support for gun control, complete with fake survivors who weren’t even on the scene at the time. That’s why Big Social and the mainstream media reacted so strongly to the correct observations that these kids are fakes and crisis actors, because they are desperate to retain their ability to create a false narrative.

UPDATE: The full transcript has Hogg claiming to have been at the school, going home, then going back again in order to film and perform for the cameras. Of course, we have not actually been presented with any evidence of his actually having been there earlier. And more importantly, if Hogg went home and got his camera AFTER the shooting, then how did he have it in the closet DURING the shooting.

As I always point out after these staged TV dramas, the one thing we absolutely know did not happen is whatever the media’s current Official Story is. If you’re dubious about this, if you actually take their reports at face value, allow me to direct your attention to the recent news that the father of the Pulse shooter was an FBI informant for 11 years. Are you noticing the pattern yet?

Monday Morning Gun Control

Peter King of SI’s MMQB refuses to stick to sports.

10. I think these are my other thoughts of the week:

a. Highlight of Saturday, for me, was this incredible performance and message from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Drama Club and student choir, singing a song they wrote called “Shine.”

b. “We’re done with all your little games. We’re tired of hearing we’re too young to ever make a change.”

c. Play that song. Turn it up.

d. What kids. What young adults. They are just awesome.

e. And you, Gregg Popovich. You’re a great example of a smart man with a lot on the line saying the heck with it; I’m going to say what needs to be said for the good of the future of our country. On Sunday, he said, “I’m sure most everybody’s got to be unbelievably proud and excited about those students and what they’ve done, because our politicians have certainly sat on their thumbs and just hidden. It’s almost like a dereliction of duty.” Almost? No. It is. Bravo, Popovich. Bravo.

f. Story of the Week: What Hope Hicks Knows, by Olivia Nuzzi of New York magazine. Great inside story of the White House communications director’s life in the White House.

g. “Hope! Hopey! Hopester!” What a memorable scene.

h. Political Story of the Week: an op-ed column in the Washington Post, by the summarily fired FBI veteran Andrew McCabe. A detailed first-person from one of the casualties of the implosion of our political system.

i. Gesture of the Week: Patriots owner Robert Kraft providing his team plane to fly students and families from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to Washington on Thursday, and then back home, after Saturday’s massive rally against gun violence. 

j. No matter your politics, that’s a wonderful thing Kraft did. Because no matter what your politics, it is downright insane that semi-automatic killing machines, such as the kind that killed 17 people at the Florida high school, can be owned by average American citizens.

The irony of the owner of a New England team called “the Patriots” funding the transportation of dozens of anti-2nd Amendment activists to Washington DC in order to protest the Constitutional rights of Americans should not be lost on you, and makes clear the obvious difference between Americans and Fake Americans like (((Kraft))). I emailed Mr. King in response to his foray into gun control activism, and would encourage you to send him a similar message.

In response to your public support for violating American rights, I remind you of the words of Samuel Adams.

“We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”

Go to Mexico. Go to Canada. Go and live somewhere else, because you are not an American. There are literally dozens of other countries without the 2nd Amendment. Go live in one of them if you fear Americans exercising their unalienable rights, because you are not one of us.

“You are not one of us” and “you have to go back” are two of the most effective rhetorical killshots you can utilize against an SJW, because they weigh on the SJW’s constant subconscious fear of being rejected. It’s not a coincidence that these are considered to be some of Sam Adams’s most memorable words.

Don’t be surprised if King responds, angrily and offended, to at least one email expressing that sentiment in his Tuesday mailbag column.

Armbands for gun control

Sadly, James Woods eviscerated the whole thing before we could even properly laugh at it.

You might have a little trouble getting Jewish Americans to embrace this look. Do you have some shiny jackboots and brown shirts to go with it? Guessing maybe you skipped history class while you were shilling for the @DNC.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods)

Apparently the tweet has already been taken down and the armband campaign is over. Perhaps next time they could go with Mao jackets? And isn’t I’m Totally Not A Crisis Actor, I Swear David Hogg’s tuff guy look precious?

Wanna bet?

What a pity Doug Jones wasn’t talking like this before the special election:

Alabamians are ready for more gun control.

At least that’s what their Democratic Sen. Doug Jones said.

Jones wants tighter background checks for gun sales and to raise the age requirement to purchase a gun from 18 to 21, and he thinks Alabamians are on the same page.

“People in Alabama love their guns, but they also love their children,” Jones told CNN Friday at an event at Birmingham’s Civil Rights Institute sponsored by the Faith and Politics Institute, NOLA.com reported. “And they like to be safe in theaters, and they like to be safe in churches, and I think there is common ground.  People look at the tragedy and say its the tragedy that all of a sudden called us to action. [But] we’ve never had a group of students like we have at Parkland.”

Those students are “going to get people talking,” Jones said, “and their voices are going to be heard all the way to the election in 2018.”

Of course they haven’t. They never had a collection of crisis actors on stage before. And I certainly hope that their voices are going to continue to be heard all the way to the 2018 election, because that will ensure a better midterm election cycle than average for the God-Emperor.

Silence the SJWs

Like all SJWs, Peter King reveals that he is not fit to live as a citizen in American society.

The AR-15 is a killing machine, and it will continue to be a money-making machine for gun companies unless our elected officials make it illegal to privately own. That has to happen. If you’re in favor of private ownership of the gun, you can say whatever you want to justify it, but you value a murderous weapon over the lives of Americans, and certainly over the lives of 17 children. Second Amendment, schmecond amendment.

He seriously wants to take YOUR unalienable right to self-defense away. He does not respect your Second Amendment rights. At all.

So, why should we respect his First Amendment rights? We should not, as NN Taleb advises in his excellent new book Skin in the Game.

Start by being nice to everyone person you meet. But if someone tries to exercise power over you, exercise power over him.

This philosophy means that every individual who attempts to infringe on our Second Amendment rights, in any way, has lost any claim to our consideration for their First Amendment rights.

The emotional continence of little girls

If you ever wonder why I’m still around while the various bloggers of yesteryears past have mostly gone by the wayside over time, this shrieking overreaction by the Z-Man to the God-Emperor’s latest apparent blunder should serve as a reasonable explanation.

This jackass has undone generations of hard work by the very people who put him in office. Not even that feckless nitwit George Bush did something this egregiously stupid. Even Barak Obama was unwilling to go this far. This idiocy is right up there with Poppy Bush breaking his tax promise in order to get the Democrats in Washington to like him. It worked. They loved him, which was why he was a one term president. Trump is now setting himself up to follow Bush into the void of stupidity.

Now, the counter argument you will hear is that Trump is just playing more 4-D chess and this will amount to nothing. Well, a smart politicians would know enough to not do that with this issue. This is not a parlor game. The pro-gun voter has no sense of humor on this stuff and they have zero tolerance for limp-wristed politicians too afraid of the girls to do the right thing. Speaking only for myself, I’d vote for a gay black Muslim over Trump right now. That’s right. I’d vote for Obama over Trump, just to send the 2A message.

I think everyone who voted for Trump understood they were getting a guy who would be long on bullshit and short of tangible accomplishments. The point of voting for him was to send a message, but also legitimize populist issues. Trump was the guy who would flip over the tables and discredit the status quo, opening the door for ambitious politicians to run on patriotic issues like immigration reform. Trump would build his wall, end some of the egregious immigration abuses, but the real work would be up to those who come next.

So far, Trump is looking like he is not going to deliver anything other than blowing his own horn every day and maybe dodging prison in the Mueller probe. Worse yet, the trade-off for his vanity will be the undermining of the one cause that truly defines what’s left of old stock America. By legitimizing gun-grabbing and executive fiat, he has just made it possible for the next President Obama to DACA the gun issue, by issuing new gun laws via executive order. Trump is proving to be one step forward and ten steps backward.

The one lesson of the Trump era is to not put too much stock in what Trump says. He is, after all, a bullshitter. He’s also a guy who will wheel on a dime if he senses he is on the wrong side. He is rather shameless in that regard. Still, the damage he has done to the cause of gun rights is incalculable and it will not be forgotten. Unless he eventually signs off on some bold pro-gun laws, lots of his voters will choose to spend the election day at the range come 2020, rather than cast a vote for a duplicitous gun grabber.

And Trump can never break 35 percent, never win the nomination, blah freaking blah. Didn’t we literally just go through this with DACA and the Dreamers? Do the shrieking little girls of the Right never learn that politicians sometimes say things that are not true?

Now, I don’t like Trump’s response to the post-Parkland media campaign either. And I can assure you that the response that I recommend would have been considerably more forthright than anything I’ve seen the Z-man or anyone else advise, which is apparently to do nothing and trust the states.

On an issue like guns, doing nothing is usually the best course. Most states are sensible on guns, so letting the states handle it is good for us.

Not necessarily. In any event, this is what I would advise instead of doing nothing and trusting the states to be sensible.

  1. Arrest Dan Israel, take Nikolas Cruz into custody, stop the demolition of the school, and order an investigation into the Broward County Sheriff’s Office, the Secret Service, and every other federal, state, local agency that had any contact with that school in the last six months. Then publish the results of the investigation and have the DOJ prosecute the various guilty parties.
  2. Criminalize the public advocacy of gun control, using the anti-BDS template. Any television or radio station advocating gun control would lose its broadcasting license. Any corporation advocating gun control would lose its federal contracts.
  3. Announce mandatory carry reciprocity between states on pain of losing federal highway funds.
  4. Stop all federal funding to all universities, colleges, and schools that ban guns on campus.
  5. Announce an executive order suspending all state and local gun control laws.
So, let’s not pretend that I’m not as hard core and absolutist about gun rights as anyone else. That being said, John Derbyshire is right. Who else do we have besides Trump? There is no point in taking your ball and going home, because unless you are actually going to go out and take action to shut down the gun control advocates by yourself, the God-Emperor is literally all we have on the political front.

I’m not saying that we should support him in even speaking soothing words to the insane people who want to kill him and impose a violent dictatorship on a disarmed American people. I’m not saying that I think his actions are wise, well-advised, or even sensible. I’m not saying that one shouldn’t feel discouraged, annoyed, or even angry about what looks very much like a foolish and unnecessarily damaging political blunder.

But I am saying that it accomplishes nothing to throw a tantrum and very publicly withdraw your support from the God-Emperor, especially when we all know that you’re going to be slinking back and hoping that no one notices when you try to quietly clamber back aboard the Trump Train rather than be left behind with Ben Shapiro, Bill Kristol, Mona Charen, Rick Wilson, and all the rest of the Never-Trump losers.

At the very least, wait until Trump actually does something rather than merely makes another of his self-contradictory public statements before you reach any firm conclusions about his actual intentions or the probable consequences.