State Department attacks First and Second Amendments

Defense Distributed was instructed to take down the CAD files for the Liberator, a single-shot 3D printed plastic gun, by the US State Department:

Defense Distributed, the Texas-based nonprofit that wants to empower people to 3D print their own guns, has hit a bit of a legal snag. According to founder Cody Wilson, DEFCAD, the open source weapon-printing project powered by Defense Distributed, received a letter (embedded below) from the State Department’s Office of Defense Trade Compliance, telling him to remove the blueprints of the Liberator, his 3D printed gun, from the web so that they may be reviewed by the department.

The group’s website currently has a red banner appended to the top that reads, “DEFCAD files are being removed from public access at the request of the US Department of Defense Trade Controls.  Until further notice, the United States government claims control of the information.”

“We got an official letter from the Secretary of State, telling me who they were, what their authority was under U.S. law and telling me they want to review these files to see if they’re class one munitions,” Mr. Wilson told Betabeat by phone. “That includes blueprints.”

In the letter, embedded below, the State Department says that Defense Distributed may have released data that is controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulation without getting prior authorization. This would put the company’s actions in conflict with–oh boy–the Arms Export Control Act.

“Please note that disclosing (including oral or visual disclosure) or transferring technical data to a foreign person, whether in the United States or abroad, is considered an export,” reads the letter. It also says that until Defense Distributed has received the legal all-clear, the company “should treat the above technical data as ITAR-controlled. This means that all such data should be removed from public access immediately.”

Keep in mind, this is the very same State Department that sends tanks, jet fighters, and missiles to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.  But the freely distributed plans for a single-shot plastic pistol is somehow considered sufficient cause to justify violating the First and Second Amendments.

Forget Pirate Bay and the thousands of torrents that are already distributing the files, given that the zipfile is only 2 megs, it seems to me that a few patriotic virus programmers should be able to see that they are rapidly distributed to millions of computers around the world regardless of what the State Department has to say about it.

And if they think they’ve got problems now, just wait until home genetics become as accessible as 3D-printed firearms.  It will bring back the old fears of witchcraft; I can imagine that the unauthorized possession of another individual’s hair and nail clippings, or at least a government employee’s, will becomes a crime.

Defined by one’s enemies

I could not be more pleased to know that I am not on the side of chinless men without chests – and I use the term “men” in a very loose sense – such as John Scalzi and Wil Wheaton.

Fuck the NRA.

Wil Wheaton (@wilw) April 17, 2013

Savor the sweetness of their tears.  Savor their angry bitterness about your ability to defend yourself against their proxies with lethal force. And remember that because they will never stop being afraid, the rabbits will never stop trying to defang the wolves.

The sweetness of their tears

Savor the angry tears shed by the forcible disarmament fetishists at the New York Times.  Not even their constant waving of the false and bloody flag of Newton was enough to sway the American people into volunteering another step towards giving government a monopoly on gun violence.

For 45 senators, the carnage at Sandy Hook Elementary School is a forgotten tragedy. The toll of 270 Americans who are shot every day is not a problem requiring action. The easy access to guns on the Internet, and the inevitability of the next massacre, is not worth preventing.

 Those senators, 41 Republicans and four Democrats, killed a bill on Wednesday to expand background checks for gun buyers. It was the last, best hope for meaningful legislation to reduce gun violence after a deranged man used semiautomatic weapons to kill 20 children and six adults at the school in Newtown, Conn., 18 weeks ago. A ban on assault weapons was voted down by 60 senators; 54 voted against a limit on bullet magazines.

Patricia Maisch, who survived a mass shooting in Tucson in 2011, spoke for many in the country when she shouted from the Senate gallery: “Shame on you.”

Newtown, in the end, changed nothing; the overwhelming national consensus to tighten a ridiculously lax set of gun laws was stopped cold. That’s because the only thing that mattered to these lawmakers was a blind and unthinking fealty to the whims of the gun lobby.

The National Rifle Association once supported the expansion of background checks, but it decided this time that President Obama and gun-control advocates could not be allowed even a scintilla of a victory, no matter how sensible. That group, and others even more militant, wanted to make sure not one bill emerged from the Newtown shooting, and they got their way.

Their impotent rage oozes from every sentence in the article. It was one thing for Americans to ignore Hispanic drug dealers and black youths killing each other in their ethnic enclaves, and to spare no sympathy for white, middle-aged men shooting themselves in despair over their unemployment and divorces, but this involved cute little children, kindergarteners no less, and white ones at that!  About the only way to tug more effectively at America’s heartstrings would have been to advertise slaughtered puppies, kittens, and bunnies.

And America shed a few tears, collectively wiped at their eyes, then stood up and said: “Fuck you, we’re still not letting you take our guns, you totalitarian bastards.”

No wonder they’re upset.  Americans aren’t falling for the emotional pornography anymore. Now they’ll have no choice but to go for the brute force option and they know they aren’t assured of winning that way.  After all, there are a lot more of us than there are of them.

Molon labe.

Blue-on-blue crime

It turns out the Texas DA murders were neither white supremacists nor Hispanic gang members, but a Dorner-style blue-on-blue rampage:

A former justice of the peace is reportedly set to be charged with three murders, including a former Texas district attorney and assistant DA, after he was arrested on Saturday. Eric Williams, 46, has been arrested by authorities investigating the murders of District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, last month – and the fatal shooting of ADA Mark Hasse in late January.

Keep in mind, these are the very government agents that the progressive, gun-grabbing Left want to entrust with a legal monopoly on gun violence.

Boycotting the gun grabbers

Karl Denninger follows the lead of PTR Industries, which is moving out of Connecticut, and goes them one better by announcing he will no longer do business with anyone from Connecticut:

 “The rights of the citizens of CT have been trampled
upon. The safety of its children is at best questionably improved from
the day of the tragedy that triggered the events that lead us here.
Finally, due to an improperly drafted bill, manufacturing of modern
sporting rifles in the State of CT has been effectively outlawed. With a
heavy heart but a clear mind, we have been forced to decide that our
business can no longer survive in Connecticut – the former Constitution

Furthermore, we feel that our
industry as a whole will continue to be threatened so long as it remains
in a state where its elected leaders have no regard for the rights of
those who produce and manufacture its wealth. We are making a call to
all involved in our industry to leave this state, close your doors and
show our politicians the true consequences of their hasty and uninformed
actions. We encourage those in our industry to abandon this state as
its leaders have abandoned the proud heritage that forged our freedom.”

I will make a wider call. We should all boycott everyone and everything in Connecticut.

got CT plates on your car?  Tough crap — no hotel room for you, no
gas, no food, no nothing.  Go back where you came from.  Return to your
socialist utopia.
You claim you “didn’t do it”?  Yes you did —
you sat still for it.  You haven’t removed the clowns who did it.  You
have not done your duty as a citizen, and until you do so I will not do business with you.

Will I act on this? You bet.  In fact, I already did.

I’m all for this sort of thing. There are no shortages of egregious political offenses about which one might merely complain, but gun control laws are the line in the sand that cannot be crossed.  Everyone who understands the primary importance of gun rights and the People’s ability to defend itself against the government should follow the lead of the gun manufacturers and Mr. Denninger in refusing to do business with Connecticut and any the residents of any other state that cross that all-important line.  The Newton shootings are no justification.

Let me be perfectly clear.  It is preferable, vastly preferable, to permit drugged-up, mentally disturbed individuals to shoot up public schools every single day than to disarm the People.  Disarming the People, particularly given a regime that proclaims its right to assassinate citizens at will, would have consequences that are several orders of magnitude worse than the cumulative result of a daily Newton-style shooting.

No compromise is possible. Connecticut has gone too far. And if Connecticut is not forced to backdown, other states will follow suit and the situation will eventually spiral out of control.

I don’t have subscribers. I don’t do business with anyone from Connecticut. So, my support for the boycott is without substance. But if you do happen to live in Connecticut, I would encourage you to vote with your feet at the earliest opportunity.  Free men cannot live in the same polity as slaves and parasites who wish to enslave them.

One of The Market Ticker’s commenters said: “I like it here. I have a nice house, a good job, and I appreciate the
mild climate. I don’t want to have to pack up and move if things get
worse, which they probably will. Why should those who love liberty have
to keep fleeing?”

Because, unlike their forefathers, they are not willing to fight for it.

Refusing to sell the rope

That could be used to hang the American people.  These firearms companies deserve the business of all pro-freedom, pro-Second Amendment individuals:

A growing number of firearm and firearm-related companies have stated they will no longer sell items to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens’ rights to own them.  According to The Police Loophole, 34 companies have joined in publicly stating that governments who seek to restrict 2nd Amendment rights will themselves be restricted from purchasing the items they seek to limit or ban.

 You can see the entire list here.

Even fools, horses, and liberals

Keep this in mind when the unilateral involuntary disarmament crowd tried to portray the no-compromise position as extreme:

An interesting little factoid has emerged from a new Fox News poll of U.S. voters: Personal sentiments are strong and defiant among many U.S. gun owners.

“If the government passed a law to take your guns, would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?”

The response: 65 percent reported they would “defy the law.” That incudes 70 percent of Republicans, 68 percent of conservatives, 52 percent of Democrats and 59 percent of liberals.

I find it fascinating that even most liberals and Democrats who own guns aren’t dumb enough to buy into the idea that a forcible government monopoly on violence is a good idea.

Politicians are lying bastards

And in other news, water is still wet:

[B]efore Senator Joe Manchin III invited a group of 15 businessmen and community leaders to lunch last week to discuss the topic, he had only a vague idea of how anxious many of his supporters were.

“How many of you all believe that there is a movement to take away the Second Amendment?” he asked.

About half the hands in the room went up.

Despite his best attempts to reassure them — “I see no movement, no talk, no bills, no nothing” — they remained skeptical….

On Thursday a group of Democratic senators led by Dianne Feinstein of
California plans to introduce a bill that would outlaw more than 100
different assault weapons, setting up what promises to be a fraught and
divisive debate over gun control in Congress in the coming weeks. 

I imagine the other half are just as skeptical now.  How out of it, or how dishonest, does a senator have to be to fail to see a bill as obvious as Feinstein’s coming only a week before it is announced?  Public Enemy had it right when Chuck D rapped about the fact that is corrupt like a senator.  But I think Nate may have had it right when he concluded that the pile of executive orders that Obama dropped on the nation last week represented him backing down on guns after Sandy Hook failed to be the game changer the media billed it as.

Can you even imagine how much trouble the guy in charge of orchestrating false flags is right now?  No doubt he’s desperately defending himself.  What’s he supposed to do for an encore, find some patsy, drug him up, and turn him loose in an animal shelter to shoot up puppies and kittens?

The American people have made it eminently clear that even if 100 kindergartens are machine-gunned tomorrow, they’ll pull their kids out of school and take them shopping at the gun store rather than disarm.

A Day of Resistance

If the Rabbit People are frightened over the exposure of a single fake book reviewer, this announcement of a large scale public protest by gun owners should have them seriously popping pellets:

While Barack Obama is calling for Americans to give up their freedom, their rights, and their guns, we’re calling for Americans to resist. We’re calling on Tea Partiers, moderate Republicans, Libertarians and even moderate Democrats to stand up one month from today, on the 23rd of February and say, “No more!” Right Wing News is joining Dustin Stockton, Western Representation PAC and The Tea in calling for rallies all across the nation next month on the 23rd. It’ll be a Day of Resistance where gun owners and patriots can peacefully gather and show Barack Obama, the media, and the knockkneed Republicans in Congress that we may have lost a battle last November, but we haven’t lost the war. Don’t meekly give up your 2nd Amendment rights when you can stand with us and RESIST!

Tea Party II, this time with guns.  What is not to like?  You can almost hear the theme from Muse playing already.

Defying King Cuomo

Will the shooting start in New York?  New York gun owners have no intention of complying with King Cuomo’s attempt to disarm them:

Assault-rifle owners statewide are organizing a mass boycott of Gov.
Cuomo’s new law mandating they register their weapons, daring officials
to “come and take it away,” The Post has learned.

Gun-range owners
and gun-rights advocates are encouraging hundreds of thousands of
owners to defy the law, saying it’d be the largest act of civil
disobedience in state history.

“I’ve heard from hundreds of people
that they’re prepared to defy the law, and that number will be
magnified by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, when the
registration deadline comes,’’ said Brian Olesen, president of the
American Shooters Supply, one of the largest gun dealers in the state.

King Cuomo is violating the Second Amendment and his new law is void on its face, being a clear infringement upon the right to bear arms.  No New Yorker should obey King Cuomo’s mandate, no New Yorker should register his weapons, and no New Yorker should permit himself to be disarmed by New York State.

“State officials will be nervously watching the registration figures to see how many gun owners comply, sources said.”

I’ll bet they’re nervous.  Molon labe.