“Western civilization is under attack”

The author of the Foreword to Cuckservative: How “Conservatives” Betrayed America, Mike Cernovich, throws down the gauntlet in introducing the book to his readers.

Western civilization is under attack and we have no support from mainstream conservatives.

Republicans control Congress. They are the majority party in both the House and Senate. What have they used their power for? Are they advancing American interests? They call themselves conservatives, and yet it seems there is nothing about America that the wish to conserve.

Conservatives insist we open our borders to all who come. We must change our ways for immigrants, which has led to poor rates of assimilation.

All too often immigrants bring values from their inferior countries to the United States.

Saying Western Culture is superior, according to prominent figures on the right, is racist, xenophobic, and bigoted.

How did I go from someone who hates writing politics to one of the leading figures of the right?

I had no choice but to take up arms after being betrayed by so-called “conservatives” and others on the “right.” No one would stand up for my rights – for our rights as men.

Rather than have our backs, conservatives watched with glee while SJWs tried screwing us over.  Even though Republicans control Congress, radical feminists appeared to discuss “rape culture” and how to destroy the rights of men. Not a single Republican spoke out against the hysteria of rape culture.

We all sensed we had been betrayed, although we didn’t know what to call our new enemies.

Then, in at the heights of Olympus, a meme emerged. This meme was brought to the light – Cuckservative.

Read the whole thing over there. Mike is second to no one, not even Milo, in setting the tone. And I very much like his idea for dropping the term “Alt Right” in favor of “Militant Right”. Not only is it reminiscent of the Church Militant, but because we are more than the alternative to the traitorous cuckservatives, in fact, we are the only remaining answer, the only possible chance for survival, and political militancy is increasingly required if Western civilization is to survive intact.

Tens of millions of Americans are not gunning up because they are concerned about an overpopulation among the deers and squirrels on the continent, but because the Zombie Apocalypse is approaching.

Cucks show their true colors

What is the color for “anti-American” anyhow?

One of Florida’s biggest conservative Republican moneymen — and a billionaire backer of Jeb Bush — is so disgusted by Donald Trump’s candidacy that if he has to, he’ll do the unthinkable:

“If I have a choice — and you can put it in bold — if I have a choice between Trump and Hillary Clinton, I’m choosing Hillary,” Miami healthcare magnate Mike Fernandez told the Miami Herald on Friday. “She’s the lesser of two evils.”

Outraged by Trump’s unimpeded ascent, Fernandez is taking on the GOP frontrunner himself. He purchased a full-page ad in the upcoming Sunday edition of the Herald calling Trump a “narcissistic BULLYionaire with a hunger to be adored.” He also likened him to some of history’s bloodiest demagogues.

“You have no idea how furious I am with my friends in the Republican Party who have embraced this guy,” Fernandez said.

Fernandez, who also plans to run the ads in Des Moines and Las Vegas newspapers on Dec. 14, said he didn’t notify the Bush campaign of his plans. Fernandez was the single highest donor to the political committee backing Bush, Right to Rise USA, as of the last financial disclosure report at the end of June. His contribution: more than $3 million.

“My frustration is really with that sector of Republican voters that are so blinded by the demagoguery” of Trump, Fernandez said. “I know the campaign — or any other campaign — is not going to say it…. This is not about Jeb. This is about us. This is about the voter.”

Yeah, tell us again how “conservative” you are. He’s so conservative that he’s become a billionaire by leeching off the federal government; that’s the only way to make money as a “health care magnate”.

But this sort of announcement should help Trump far more than it hurts him. After all, if the big money men in the Republican Party hate him so much, that’s got to appeal to the working class vote in both parties.

Did I not say as much?

I have never claimed to be a conservative or a Republican. For some reason, a fair number of people seem to have trouble grasping this. But the real self-proclaimed conservatives don’t seem to have any trouble doing so, such as Mr. Marcus from yesterday’s post concerning his Federalist article.

David Marcus ‏@BlueBoxDave
So @voxday did a portrait of me, the good news is he disavows conservatism as there is no place in it for him.

Vox Day @voxday
You’re absolutely right. Unlike conservatives, I have principles beyond “don’t get called racist” and “incoming, surrender!”

David Marcus ‏@BlueBoxDave
Good luck with your American Nationalist movement. I can’t wait to see the outfits.

Vox Day @voxday
It’s fascinating to see conservatives devolve to imitating the left. You’ve got nothing they don’t do better. #cuckservative

David Marcus ‏@BlueBoxDave
Opposing racial discrimination is not a leftist position. It’s an American position.

Vox Day ‏@voxday
That’s absolute ahistorical bullshit. Anti-racism is anti-nationalism. Which, by definition, is anti-American. Your position is opposed to Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, and Hamilton, just for starters.

Portrait of a cuckservative

It would be hard to get much more cucky than this. This is simply a straightforward and unabashed cuckservative surrender to left-liberal fantasy:

Anti-Racism Is a Conservative Issue

The Left is happy to go on endlessly promoting policy prescriptions for racism and justifying state control of anything and everything along the way. Conservatives do not have that luxury. Racism undermines conservative ideals of individual responsibility, freedom of speech, and limited government in ways it does not with progressive ideals. The Left believes it can coerce equality on a racist population. Conservatives do not. Conservatism demands that we overcome this problem ourselves.

Implicit in the demand for limited government is a responsibility to treat people fairly. Conservatives are not anarchists. We do not eschew moral norms, we insist upon them. Any concept of conservative morality must contain the duty to treat people as they are, not as symbols or reflections of their racial caste. On that moral principle, we have not been insistent enough. But there are ways for conservatives to tackle this issue, and they hold much more promise than the tired digital privilege theory pamphlets so pervasive on our Internet feeds.

The first step is mostly symbolic. It is simply to accept the racism that exists in our society and to call it an important problem. On its own, this admission will do nothing. But it will lay the groundwork for positive approaches and assure people of color that conservatives are not blind to their concerns.

A second and vital step is for conservatives to start developing a competing anti-racism agenda. The focus of this agenda should be the irrational nature of racism, not its immorality. It should harken back to the outdated but much more successful color-blind model, which demands we treat people as individuals, not as representatives of a demographic. Our think tanks and foundations should develop curriculum around this ideal and demand equal access in education. We must demand that diversity and race in culture be treated as a conversation, not a lecture.

It’s always amusing to see cuckservatives roll over, play dead, then wag their tails, hoping to win that elusive left-liberal approval at last. But, as he’ll find out soon enough, the color-blind model is not only outdated, it is has been deemed irredeemably racist by the very people whose favor he is attempting to curry.

Sorry, cuckservative. Even your anti-racism is racist. But this piece does serve the useful role of pointing out that there is no proper “conservative” ideology, as it is nothing more than “what the Democrats said, only a little less of it and 20 years later.”

So forget conservatism. It is an abject failure and has conserved nothing. The only thing that has the capability of surviving and taking down the left is a strongly nationalist American party.

The Parable of the Good Cuckservatan

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Damascus, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.

A Democrat happened to be going down the same road, and when she saw the man, she passed by on the other side, telling herself that it was the federal government’s job to do something about it. She felt really bad about it, though, and she tweeted a photo of the man she’d taken along with a sad face emoji and the hashtag #justawful.

So too, a Republican, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side, figuring that this was just the sort of thing for which he paid his taxes. They were too high anyway, but he felt good that in at least this one case, they would be paying for something worthwhile. The sight of the man reminded him that he’d been intending to sell his shares in Adeptus Health, so he logged into E-Trade and made a 12 percent profit.

But a Cuckservatan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on the robbers who had fallen so low as to be reduced to making a living by robbery. He went to the robbers and invited them to move into an empty house in his neighborhood, then took up a collection demanding money from his neighbors so that the robbers could bring their wives, and children, and parents, and cousins to join them and live in their nice suburban neighborhood.

When his neighbors complained that their homes were being burgled, their lawns were being trashed, their daughters were being raped, their sons were being beaten, and their taxes were being raised without their consent, the Cuckservatan told them that they were racists, and shrieking, bigoted cowards, and they could just leave the neighborhood if they didn’t like it.

Which of these three do you think will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes?

What happened to the man? Nobody knows. Nobody cares. What is the point in actually helping those in need when there is virtue to be signaled at the expense of your neighbors?

The genteel civility of the moderate

Charles C.W. Cooke defends Salon’s pedophile piece on NRO:

I’ve seen a good number of conservatives slamming this confession, often on the presumption that it represents an attempt to “mainstream” pedophilia. Respectfully, I have to disagree with this assessment.

Naturally, I am as disgusted by the urges that are referenced in the piece as the next guy, and, despite the author’s heartfelt plea for “understanding,” I find it difficult not to harbor a real animus toward him.

But I see no evidence whatsoever that Salon is endorsing or excusing child abuse, or that it is making the case that pedophilia is an “ingrained identity” and that its sufferers should therefore be free to act as they wish.

On the contrary: The piece draws attention to the fact that some people live with these abominable proclivities — “a curse of the first order” and “a massive handicap,” the author calls them — and yet manage successfully to suppress them. Whatever one might reasonably think of the man and his afflictions, to draw the opposite lesson from his admission than the one he intended seems to me unjust.

It’s fascinating to see how NRO is always willing to bend over backwards to view all statements from the other side in the best possible light, while being the first to heap anathema on any right-wing figure who dares to cross what they consider to be a line.

Derbyshire’s frank talk about blacks merited permanent banishment into utter darkness. Providing a sympathetic platform to a pedophile, well, that’s just good Christian behavior, at least according to this particular non-Christian.

(Seriously, what is with non-Christians who keep trying to lecture Christians about Christian theology. Don’t even go there; you wouldn’t tell Jews how to keep kosher, would you?)

The truth is that neither National Review nor NRO are on our side. They’re moderates and they’re down with Salon, the SJWs, the cucks, and the pedophiles.

Cuck-slapping Charles Murray

Charles Murray has done some genuinely good and courageous work in the past, but with regards to immigration, he jumped several sharks this day:

Charles Murray @charlesmurray
It could be the 1850s and the Know Nothings. Same fear, same rhetoric, same fascist tendencies. And I don’t use “fascist” loosely.

Mike Cernovich ‏@Cernovich
Fascism in 1850?  Did you have a stroke, Charles? 

Ken Zimmern ‏@KenZimmern
Opposing uncontrolled immigration is not fear, it’s national preservation. Sensible immigration necessary.

zerg_rush ‏@zerg_rush01
why not replace Charles with a cheaper, more eager Eritrean equivalent?

SpookyGoyScaryToy ‏@WorldWarMeme
only thing you can be too conservative on is immigration apparently.Old cucks are wasting rhetoric, they’ve lost

Jack Hanson ‏@jhansonwrites
600k plus Americans died because of Yankee “altruism”. How many millions are going 2 die this time?

Preston S. Brooks ‏@Rebel_Bill
So is this willful blindness or are you signalling that the Koch Brothers have bought you?

Enlightened Cow ‏@bendiestraw
Why is it always the people that live in HUGELY white areas are for diversity and mass immigration? His town is 99% white.

Vox Day ‏@voxday
Not to mention the worst thing about the 1850s, when the Know Nothings rounded up the Jews and killed them at Auschwitz.

Charles Murray doesn’t use the term “fascist” loosely. He uses it ahistorically and incorrectly.