The convergence of “conservatism”

Paul Gottfried, the man who named the Alternative Right, explains how cultural Marxism has converged the so-called “conservative movement”:

Not only does Cultural Marxism exist, but it now appears to be taking over Conservatism Inc. Thus even with Paris burning, National Review was still attacking the Right. In the second round of the French election, Tom Rogan urged a vote for Emmanuel Macron on the grounds Marine Le Pen is insufficiently hostile to Vladimir Putin and is a “socialist” because she “supports protectionism.” Macron’s actual onetime membership in the Socialist Party, and his view that there was no such thing as French culture, apparently was not a problem [French election: American Conservatives Should Support Macron, April 24, 2017].

Conservatism Inc. goes along because these goals are partially achieved through corporate capitalists, who actively push Leftist social agendas and punish entire communities if they’re insufficiently enthusiastic about gay marriage, gay scout leaders, transgendered rest rooms, sanctuary cities etc.. Wedded as it is to a clichéd defense of the “free market,” the Beltway Right not only won’t oppose this plutocratic agenda, but instead offers tax cuts to the wealthiest and most malevolent actors.

It is because Cultural Marxism can co-exist with our current economic and political structure that our so-called “conservatives” are far more likely to align with the New Left than the Old Right. The behavior of our own captains of industry shows the rot is deep and that multiculturalism is very much part of American “liberal democratic” thinking, even informing our bogus conservatism. “Conservatism” is now defined as waging endless wars in the name of universalist values that any other generation would have called radically leftist. And Cultural Marxists themselves now define what we call “Western values”—for example, accepting homosexuality

The takeover is so complete, we might even say “Cultural Marxism” has outlived its usefulness as a label or as a description of a hostile foreign ideology. Instead, we’re dealing with “conservatives,” who are, in many ways, more extreme and more destructive than the Frankfurt School itself.

Many conservatives seem to believe Cultural Marxism is just a foreign eccentricity somehow smuggled into our country. Allan Bloom’s “conservative” bestseller The Closing of the American Mind  contended that multiculturalism was just another example of “The German Connection.” This is ludicrous.

Case in point: unlike Horkheimer, or my onetime teacher Herbert Marcuse, leading writers within Conservatism Inc. are sympathetic to something like gay marriage.

These include:

Jonah Goldberg [Gay Marriage vs. goodwill, USA Today, April 1, 2013]
Jamie Kirchick, published at National Review and borderline hysterical on the issue
John Podhoretz [Why John Podhoretz is Wrong on Gay Marriage, by Matthew Schmitz, First Things, November 21, 2012]
David Brooks [The Power of Marriage, by David Brooks, New York Times, November 22, 2003]

Indeed, homosexual liberation is so central to modern conservatism that the Beltway Right’s pundits urge American soldiers to impose it at bayonet point around the world.

Conservatism doesn’t conserve. Alt-Right or else.

On the convergence of Breitbart

Once an organization starts celebrating diversity, cucking and convergence are soon to follow:

The full exchange shows McHugh stating the truth that all mainstream media establishments seem to dance around, and then reminding someone who is not English that his opinion is not necessarily on point. In return, the Breitbart kaffeeklatsch erupted:

A number of Breitbart colleagues, who chose to remain anonymous, also attacked Ms McHugh for her Islamophobic comments. Speaking to CNN anonymously on Sunday, one said they found them “appalling” while another branded them “terrible”.

…This is by no means the first time she has made inflammatory remarks about race. She once told her 19,000 Twitter followers: “Mexicans wrecked Mexico and think invading the USA will magically cure them of their retarded dysfunction. Lol.”

It is rare for Breitbart, a publication which has been accused of writing racist and misogynist articles, to dismiss its employees for their controversial views. Although one exception is the case of Milo Yiannopoulos. In February, the alt-right figurehead, who was one of the site’s most high-profile writers, was forced to resign from the publication after his apparently pro-paedophilia remarks resurfaced in an old podcast.

McHugh said nothing that Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanan and any conservative before 1965 would have admitted was true, and her comments are especially on point regarding recent Muslim terror attacks in the UK and France. If diversity did not exist, the problems of diversity — including the actions of other groups who want to dominate or destroy us — would not afflict us.

Breitbart has succumbed to DR3, or the tendency by conservatives to attempt to “prove” they are non-racist by accusing others of racism, creating a circular firing squad:

Many on the Dissident Right mock cuckservatives for engaging in “DR3” or DemsRRealRacists i.e. incapable of defending their values on their merits, they concede the Left’s moral premises, but accuse them of being the “real racists”, homophobes, sexists etc.

DR3 afflicts the mainstream Right, which struggles for “respectability” or at least less censorship in a Left-leaning time. Big internet giants like Google and Twitter, major publications and big donors often will drop and ignore any publication which crosses the line on race, which in late Leftism means anything but foaming-at-the-mouth advocacy of diversity or having multiple ethnic and racial groups in the same society.

As an implicit endorsement of diversity, DR3 subscribes to the “Magic Dirt” idea that if we take people from the third world, bring them to our lands and instruct them in propaganda for our system and culture, they will take it up and suddenly become us. This both replaces us and replaces their own culture with ours as a dominant colonial power.

When conservatives take up “magic dirt,” it shows that they have been captured by the very group they claim to oppose, namely the Left, since they have adopted Leftist policies like diversity, equality and indoctrination.

As I said in the Darkstream last night, to prevent convergence, you must resist the urge to excitedly embrace rival identities who happen – or merely claim – to share your values. In most cases, you will learn that identity trumps values, and when they bring in more of their identities, your values, no longer shared, will be rapidly jettisoned in favor of social justice values.

Alt-Right or else

Even Rod Dreher is being forced to admit that the Alt-Right is inevitable now:

  1. I agree with Siegel that we can’t go on like this. Something has to give. It might not give next year, or ten years from now, but we can’t muddle through forever.
  2. The rising Left is bound and determined to crush or at least permanently sideline people it deems heretics — in particular, whites, males, orthodox Christians, and skeptics of the LGBT project. It does not want a pluralistic modus vivendi; it wants total domination. The establishment Left lacks the will to stop them. Its members are terrified of appearing un-woke. All a major corporation has to do to buy off the Left is declare itself in favor of Pride, and so forth.
  3. The establishment Right lacks the will to stop them either, for fear of being called bigots. And it lacks the will or the imagination to stand in any way against corporate interests. It tried to stop Donald Trump, but failed.
  4. Neither Republicans nor Democrats know how to address the conditions that gave rise to the Trump presidency. It would offend too many interests within their respective coalitions.
  5. Trump is a reckless man whose presidency is going to end badly for America. It will also end badly for the people who voted for him; he has no principles except self-promotion, and will sell them out. He also will not be able to get anything serious done, in part because of his total lack of discipline. Trump is a symptom of our political crisis, not a solution.
  6. The real glue holding the dynamic Left together is hatred of the Other. You can see this in part from the Dissent editors’ unwillingness to explore any kind of alliance around economic issues with the right-wing dissidents of American Affairs. For them, the culture war is of such paramount importance that it precludes economic-based alliances.
  7. The real glue holding the dynamic Right together is hatred of the Other. The American Affairs guys would like to suspend the culture war and make common cause with the economic Left, but the Left is not interested.
  8. Christianity, in whatever diluted form, was for most of America’s history the ties that bound us together (whether or not we were Christians). Those days are gone.  Liberalism, in the broadest historical sense, is secularized Christianity, and as such is parasitic on Christianity. When Christianity disappears, as it has largely done in Europe and is well on its way to doing in the United States, it takes with it the basis on which liberalism operates. Laws and procedures alone do not hold a people together.
  9. In a post-Christian nation like ours, there is no realistic hope that religion is going to hold the nation together, or even the forces of the Right. The faith that the old Religious Right (= politicized white Evangelicals) has placed in Donald Trump is self-deceptive, to put it mildly.
  10. As American politics becomes more extreme on both sides, serious Christians will be squeezed out. A significant number of conservative Christians will give themselves over to a Christianized version of blood-and-soil politics. The uncritical embrace of Trumpism by many conservative Christians today opens the door to this.
  11. The future of American politics is highly uncertain. Christians have to do the best they can to fight for moral values in our politics, and in particular for religious liberty. But the “imperium” — meaning the American political order — is probably beyond saving at this point.
  12. The most important thing by far to be conserved is the orthodox Christian faith — and that entails a particular set of moral beliefs and customs, including the traditional family.
  13. Contemporary American life is corrosive to this end in many ways, not all of which are understood by the Christian Right at the moment, mostly because they still confuse Christianity with The American Way Of Life™.
  14. Those orthodox Christians who understand the radical nature of the crisis before us will devote themselves to building up their faith, communities, institutions, and ways of life to be resilient and resolute in the face of American decline. I call this the Benedict Option. The politics of the future may be more left-wing or right-wing, but they will be increasingly anti-Christian. Keeping our heads clear and our hearts stout during this long time of trial will be the most important task facing Christians in this new Dark Age. We too will have to bind ourselves together more tightly to Jesus Christ and to each other in his church.

Bottom line: Identity politics will dissolve the traditional bonds that have held Americans together, and re-bind forces of the Left and forces on the Right to each other.

The Left has nothing. It has no truth in it. The mainstream Right has more, but it is cowardly and shies away from the truth wherever and whenever the facts become too uncomfortable for it to acknowledge.

That is why there is no other option. Alt-Right or else.

Breitbart is truly dead

Now that Bannon and Milo are gone, it’s clear that Breitbart News is being run by cucks:

Breitbart editor Katie McHugh claims she was fired by the conservative website on Monday for anti-Muslim Twitter posts she made after the London terrorist attacks.

McHugh acknowledged on Twitter that she was fired from the website, according to The Washington Post.

Breitbart News fired me for telling the truth about Islam and Muslim immigration. #LondonBridge
— Katie McHugh?? (@k_mcq) June 5, 2017

The tweet reportedly in question was one McHugh posted on her Twitter account Saturday targeting the United Kingdom’s Muslim population.

There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn’t live there. #LondonBridge
— Katie McHugh?? (@k_mcq) June 3, 2017

CNN said the post offended several of her colleagues at Breitbart, with one source there telling the broadcaster that McHugh’s remarks were “appalling,” “terrible,” and “dumb.”

We will be removing Breitbart News from Infogalactic News later today. Breitbart can no longer be considered on the side of Western civilization.

Soiled! Soiled, I say!

George Will’s bow tie is aflutter with indignation at the rise of the vulgarians:

In 1950, the year before William F. Buckley burst into the national conversation, the literary critic Lionel Trilling revealed why the nation was ripe for Buckley’s high-spirited romp through its political and cultural controversies. Liberalism, Trilling declared, was “not only the dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition” in mid-century America because conservatism was expressed merely in “irritable mental gestures.” Buckley would change that by infusing conservatism with brio, bringing elegance to its advocacy and altering the nation’s trajectory while having a grand time.

Today, conservatism is soiled by scowling primitives whose irritable gestures lack mental ingredients. America needs a reminder of conservatism before vulgarians hijacked it, and a hint of how it became susceptible to hijacking….

Buckley famously said he would rather be governed by the first 2,000 names in the Boston telephone directory than by Harvard’s faculty, but he briskly defended the Council on Foreign Relations from “those American right-wingers who specialize in ignorance.”

When the Alt-Right comes to power, one of its first acts should be to dig up the corpse of William F. Buckley and burn it. He was, without question, a significant part of the problem; he was no true soldier of the Right, but rather, the treacherous captain of the Left’s Cuckservative Guard.

As for George Will, I’ve only got one thing to say: your day is done. We have moved beyond you, not just politically, but intellectually. We may be vulgar, we may be impolite and declasse, but we are considerably smarter and more perceptive than you are.

And we’re not soiling conservativism. We’re rejecting it for the useless defensive and defeatist bullshit that it has always been.

Alt-Right is inevitable

A cuckservative finally realizes that moral posturing is no substitute for fighting back:

If you’re in a fight with someone, and you never do anything but parry blows and dodge, you can at least hope for him to tire himself out.

But he’ll have regained his endurance by the next morning. And, as he actually enjoys just throwing blows at you, and you’ve done nothing to convince him this is a counterproductive idea — he will be back.

If you never actually hit him right the fuck back — when is he ever going to learn that fighting is not a good idea?

Many of us — and I blame myself here — have been pushing an idea of unilateral disarmament in this arena, hoping they would just learn how awful and venomous they are.

But they don’t. I think they take a rather different lesson from our passive resistance than the one they intended.

We intended that by passively resisting, they would see us as showing moral courage and would learn from us that ceaseless violence and bullying and collectivized political campaigns run against everyday citizens pursuing no public office are wrong.

But they didn’t learn that.

What our self-restraint has taught them is quite the opposite–when we refuse to fight back, they take that as signalling that deep down, we know they’re right and that we are the monsters, and thus, our refusal to engage them in the fight they’ve started does not prove our moral rightness, but instead our moral corruption.

These people would have saved themselves a lot of time and frustration by simply reading SJWAL. And it’s going to take them more time, and more SJW lunacy, before they actually start fighting. Even in this post, Ace feels the need to virtue-signal about how he doesn’t want to fight, and he laments discovering that it is necessary to do so.

He shouldn’t. The Alt-Right enjoys the conflict. We love it when they hand us yet another excuse for a reprisal. We are the happiest of warriors and we like nothing better than to see our enemies in full, panicked flight before us.

The Alt-Right is inevitable because everyone who doesn’t join it will have submitted to the social justice Left. And not every cuck and con and libertarian and liberal is willing to do that. We’re not going to convince them. The SJWs are, because they’re certainly not going to stop on their own.

The happiest day

This is, without question, the happiest day of Rod Dreher’s life. NO ONE WILL EVER CALL HIM RACIST AGAIN!

This is amazing information. Focusing on the slave ancestor, this means that under the so-called “one drop rule” that was the law in some Southern states in Jim Crow times, I and my children would have been considered black, and subjected to segregation and persecution. Of course it’s highly unlikely that anyone would have known, not even us back then. Our physical appearance is, um, very white. But had genetic testing been around at that time, and had my ancestors been subject to it, the state would have learned that despite the whiteness of their skin, some of them were black, according to the law, and treated them unjustly.

I don’t know if my slave ancestor descends from my maternal or paternal line. My father is dead, but my mother is alive. I hope she will do the 23andme test to see what her ancestry is. That will tell me which line my African grandparent came from. Still, it’s almost certain that some of my ancestors fought a war whose goal in large part was to keep descendants of other ancestors enslaved. Genetically speaking, the story of the African slaves in North America is my story and my children’s story, too. And somewhere in this country, I may have black distant cousins alive today.

Amazing indeed. Speaking as someone who is considerably more American Indian than Rod is African-American, I regret to inform him that it doesn’t actually work that way.

But nevertheless, I’d like to sincerely congratulate Mr. Dreher on his newly discovered blackness. This fraction of a percent of African DNA he possesses absolutely trumps a wife’s black son, a mulatto grandchild, a predilection for black men, or a token black adoptee. Take that, Rick Wilson and Nick Searcy! Try as you might, you can’t outcuck the Cuckmeister.

CUCK, he cucked, worriedly

Rick Wilson‏, one of the slimier NeverTrumpers, is waxing outraged over the “body-slamming” of a Guardian reporter.

  • This Gianforte assault story is one of those moments where the cultural collapse of the GOP into the Trump Troll Party is captured
  • First, if you’re defending someone assaulting a reporter because “duh lubrul media lies” allow me put the jackboot on the other foot.
  • How would you feel if the parents of Seth Rich took out a tire iron and beat the living shit out of Sean Hannity for his repulsive lies?
  • How would you feel if this rule got applied to Trumpbart “reporters” who are lying, tendentious, shitbirds of the highest order?
  • Is it cool for me to beat that freakish, pasty recluse John Nolte’s head in because he literally *joked about my daughter being raped* ?
  • Are you so past the rule of law, and lack so much confidence in your ideas that this is where you take political satisfaction?
  • Because if this is where you are, you’re not a party; you’re a mob. If this is where you are, you’re not a conservative; you’re trash.
  • the vast majority of people beating their chests and macho ball-walking on this issue have never been in a fight, never landed a punch
  • But I guarantee you some of them, including the clickseratives, will defend this even obliquely
  • the problem with political violence is twofold; first, it accelerates. 2nd, the set of acceptable targets widens.
  • If you’re a Republican or conservative defending this, please stop identifying yourself as either

It’s amusing that we’re supposed to care. Our motto is PUNCH BACK HARDER. The Alt-Right did not start this. But the Alt-Right will finish it. The gloves came off once and for all when the Left, and the mainstream media, decided it was perfectly acceptable to “punch a Nazi”. Well, all Gianforte was doing was punching Nazis. He just defines the term “Nazi” a little differently, although no more flexibly, than the media does.

You can always tell with whom the cuckservatives truly identify. They never miss a chance to signal their virtue to the Left, and demonstrate that they are not like us. Well, that’s absolutely fine. We know their worth; they’ll do us more good on the other side anyhow.

We’re not conservatives. We’re not Republicans. We are the Alt-Right and both the Left and the cucks are terrified of us, because unlike the cucks and cons, we are trash that not only punches back, but punches back harder.

My only opinion on the Gianforte story is that I hope he has the sense to refuse to apologize, refuse to withdraw, and runs his campaign on an openly anti-media theme.

The drugs won

Louise Mensch‏@LouiseMensch
To all my dear Muslim brothers and sisters in Manchester and across the U.K., we got your back. Neither terrorists nor Nazis will divide us.

Mein Gott in Himmel…. this is why you never trust a cuck. Well, they’ve chosen their side, anyhow.

Johnny Marr‏@Johnny_Marr
Manchester stands together.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
In what, a suicide pact? St. Breivik, pray for us.

Mayor Andy Burnham‏ @MayorofGM
 Please join us for a vigil at Albert Square at 6pm tonight.  We are grieving today, but we are strong.

A vigil. What a brilliant move! Exactly the right tactic. No one will be expecting that!

“Manchester will stand strong and stand together” after Ariana Grande concert attack, says Mayor Andy Burnham.

It’s so great to see Manchester’s mayor fighting Islamic terror with candles, tears, and declarations of strength and unity. Victory is certain!

I put a poll up on Twitter.

If a Muslim happens to drive a truck through the Manchester vigil tonight, what would be the correct response?

  • Laugh
  • Cry
  • Hold another vigil
  • Pray to St. Breivik