Fake (((conservatives)))

They can’t even manage a halfway-convincing charade any longer:

The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin had just finished speaking on a panel about the “Lessons Learned” from the 2016 election Tuesday morning when this reporter joined the line of well-wishers who were handing her business cards and asking for coffee dates.

Rubin, who has been criticized by a number of conservatives for not actually espousing conservative ideas and principles, spoke on a panel sponsored by the Niskanen Center in Washington DC about how those on the Right have “wildly exaggerated” the problems with U.S. immigration. She also said the Republican Party exhibits a “blind spot towards race,” and that it “needs a new base” after it was infiltrated by Dixiecrats with the rise of Donald Trump. Rubin was joined by Bill Kristol and Peter Wehner, who agreed the right has been corrupted by Trump primarily because of the fringe racists who became mainstream within the GOP….

After the panel discussion had ended, I asked Rubin if she still considers herself to be conservative, to which she replied: “Yes, but I think the rest of the party has gone insane.”

When I tried to ask her what conservative principles she holds, she said that she “had to run” and turned away from me to continue walking down the aisle to greet other attendees.

Rubin and Kristol should be awarded their Intellectual Dark Web jumpsuits. They’ve already got the “incessantly gossiping to each other about people who aren’t there” routine down pat.

If only he had cucked

Why, oh why, didn’t Gavin McInnes just try cucking and virtue-signaling and disavowing? Then surely he would not have been SJW-swarmed and banned from YouTube, right?

Alt-right commentator and Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes is now banned from YouTube for “multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement,” according to the company. At the time of the ban, McInnes, who also co-founded Vice Media in 1994 prior to his involvement with numerous nationalist causes, had over 200,000 subscribers. It is not clear which videos on McInnes’ channel led to the ban, but YouTube confirmed that the channel had exceeded the threshold for copyright strikes, leading to a “repeat offender” ban.

Oh, wait….

Everyone is over Bill Kristol and the neocons

Even civic nationalist immigrants like Dinesh D’Souza no longer have any use for “neoconservativism” or its evil defenders:

Bill Kristol
A friend called my attention to this tweet, and distasteful though it is, I’m glad. It reinforces my determination, for what it’s worth, to try to save conservatism from the alt-right and to advance a conservatism that “gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.”

Dinesh D’Souza
Maybe the owners of the @weeklystandard should hire some Vietnamese guys to run the mag. This would fulfill @BillKristol ‘s own prophecy that when native-born Americans become stupid, lazy, decadent & overpaid they can be replaced by more industrious immigrants.

Trotsky was not a conservative. Neo-bolshevist world revolution is not conservatism. Bill Kristol’s Israel First neo-bolshevism is not only bigotry in itself, it is, quite literally, persecution. Notice that the neocons call for government-imposed international sanctions on Iran, but have successfully lobbied for the banning of the free speech of Americans who call for private boycotts of Israel.

If I was an Israeli government official, the first thing I would do is disown all of these corrupt, parasitical creatures. They are much more likely to eventually convince Americans to declare war on Israel than continue to financially and militarily support it. Everyone absolutely should hate Bill Kristol and the neocons, they are the most grotesquely dishonest, and evil people in the United States.

Notice that evil always, always, always reveals itself in its corruption of the truth, beginning with the perverse redefinition of words that already have a clear and coherent meaning.

Weinstein won’t debate Stefan

Harvey, Bret, whatever. They’re all just intellectual cowards who hold exactly the same positions for exactly the same reason… while publicly deploring identity politics for Americans, Europeans, and soon, Han Chinese.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux
From 800 BC to 1950 AD, 97{f58ffdc504f80bac68191b5fd37702d6450abd7e1b4a7df1cf9b5dab55667e79} of the world’s scientific advancements occurred in Europe and North America.

98{f58ffdc504f80bac68191b5fd37702d6450abd7e1b4a7df1cf9b5dab55667e79} of the significant figures were male.

No white males, no modern world.


I’m grateful.

Are you?

End the hate.

Aspire to admire, whatever the race.

Bret Weinstein@BretWeinstein
This is a modern creation myth, delivered as if it were an analysis. It is as inaccurate and self-serving the intersectionalist’s claim that all disparities arise from oppression. Those pushing these stories persuade through flattery. Don’t be fooled. Don’t take the bait.
Lauren Southern@Lauren_Southern
Don’t take the bait? How about have a productive debate and convince people of your position. I’d love to hear this discussion! I’m sure @RubinReport or someone…

Bret Weinstein@BretWeinstein
Not interested in debating it. Here’s why: @StefanMolyneux is not stupid, but his stated position is. That suggests his purpose is not an analytical one.The logic is straightforward. His position is nuts. But he might well advance his agenda, and I want no part of that.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux
Can’t find an argument anywhere here, can you? People should just be honest and admit that they are afraid to discuss the scientific reality of human biodiversity because it might get them in trouble. That’s what Jordan Peterson did.

Stefan Molyneux@StefanMolyneux
The “intellectual dark web” is well-paid to keep certain essential facts at bay

What, precisely, is nuts and stupid about Stefan’s statement? To observe the fact that 97 percent of the world’s scientific advancements before 1950 occurred in Europe and North America? To observe the fact that 98 percent of the significant figures involved were men? These are either facts and therefore true or false assertions. Or are we to take this as evidence that Weinstein now publicly accepts Jordan Peterson’s contention that facts are not necessarily true?

The Ineffectual Dork Weasels are cowardly fourth-rate academics and talking heads who have been appointed to be gatekeepers for the Right by the New York Times and are being propped up by the global Satanists in order to try to slow down the growing trend towards nationalism and Christianity in the West.

They are going to fail abysmally due to their cowardice, as Ben Shapiro has run from debates with me and Milo, Jordan Peterson has run from debates with Marxists despite publicly claiming that Marxists are afraid to debate him, and now Bret Weinstein is running away from debate with Stefan Molyneux. Everyone can see the pattern. They have literally no ability to defend their own positions and little more capacity for offering substantive criticism of anything except a nebulous bogeyman of “the Radical Left” that they somehow cannot define correctly.

There is a very good reason these ineffectual losers only talk to each other, as talking to anyone who is both honest and capable of seeing through them will expose them almost instantly. They can’t afford to engage with Stefan, or Milo, or me, because they know perfectly well that their positions are false and they know that we know their positions are false too.

All that anyone needs to do to publicly discredit these weasels is precisely what I’ve done in Jordanetics, which is to quote their own words extensively and show people exactly what they are saying in the correct context. Even their tweets, when compared over time, are damning, because their core positions are intrinsically hypocritical, incoherent, and deceptive.

Cucks Inc

I don’t know what CRTV stood for, but I assume it meant Cuckservative Republican TV.

The Blaze and CRTV announced on Monday that they were merging to create Blaze Media. Both say the move will allow the new conservative entity to reach 165 million people via television, online and on social media. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The Blaze was founded by former Fox News host Glenn Beck in 2011, not long after he parted ways with the network, while CRTV was founded in 2014 by current Fox News host Mark Levin, who also hosts a nationally syndicated radio program.

This is supposed to be the alternative to ABCNNBCBS? They might as well have called it Gatekeeper Media and given Jordan Peterson a show.

The end of neoconservativism

From Twitter:

BREAKING: Multiple sources tell me that neocon magazine @weeklystandard is expected to close its operations in a few weeks. It had lost many subscribers since the 2016 election as its #NeverTrumper editors @BillKristol @stephenfhayes @SykesCharlie publicly aligned with the Left.

Good riddance. We can safely anticipate Commentary, the Ineffectual Dork Web, and the other neocon vehicles eventually drying up and blowing away. No one is paying any serious attention to any of them anymore. They’re totally irrelevant in a post-monopolar world.

Tonight: Dave Rubin interviews Ben Shapiro and Harvey Weinstein about Jordan Peterson! And don’t miss a special show tomorrow when Dave interviews Jordan Peterson about Ben Shapiro’s latest appearance on Joe Rogan!

Slandered by the Secret King

Two-Face van Sciver is clearly shaken by something, as he’s now emotionally projecting worse than the average SJW and resorting to outright slander. Perhaps Nick Rekeita informed him that IndieGoGo is going to be required to turn over all of their communications with him to Arkhaven as part of the discovery process permitted by the required arbitration system. Or perhaps it’s just the strain of Cyberfrog being late and 2VS feeling the pressure to deliver something capable of justifying more than half a million dollars’ worth of hype. This is from the transcript of his November 15th video called The FUTURE of the CG Movement.

You know about John Del Arroz, and I’ll tell you guys here, you know John Del Arroz, basically, I’m not sure what his whole thing with white nationalism was. He says “I was just explaining what it is that’s not how I feel.” That’s not what I remember him saying when I heard him say it, but I’ll take his word for it. Uh, the problem is, and I told him privately, I said, “yeah you know, listen, even if it’s true that everyone’s smearing you as a white nationalist and you’re not, we all misheard, you everyone knows you an apology because that’s a serious thing.” But the next thing you know, when Vox Day tried to take over ComicsGate and I fought back, he sided with Vox Day in a really snake-like way, and then what he did after we had kind of, after we had sort of, it seemed, made up, um, he started to he started to mess with me on behalf of Vox Day, like he became Vox Day’s little toady.

Vox Day said, “you think that you can stop me with, you think you can stop me with,  with your copyright trademark stuff, I’ll show you what trademark, you know what I can do with trademark, I’ll play with you with that. So what he did was he went on Amazon.com and he launched a parody kind of, of CyberFrog, but spelled with a P like PsyberFrog, and he put it up for sale on, on Amazon.com. Now I never would have known about this because I don’t talk to Vox Day so he wouldn’t, I wouldn’t have found out, so who was the one who was assigned to let me know that this troll had happened?  John Del Arroz! And he shows up immediately and goes, “hey man, I just wanted to let you know about this, like what do you think of this, like that’s wrong,” and I was like, I got it, so you guys are just gonna do this, what what’s next, it’s gonna be like cyber frog but spelled like TSyberfrog, I mean like, are you guys just gonna do this just to show that you can get around? I get it, I get it, it’s funny, now stop it!

So after that,  like, I just kind of said, all right this guy is there’s something up with him. I don’t know what his thing is. I don’t know what what his thing is, but like if he’s gonna be Vox Day’s toady and troll me on behalf of Vox, like, I just, get away from me. Kind of, you know, like, just get away from me! But me saying get away from me, like, that’s apparently, you’re not allowed to just tell people to go away. You used to be able to tell people to go away, now when you tell people to go away,  they go “he’s harassing me by telling me to go away, how dare he told me to go away, this guy,  and he’s turned everyone against me and he’s telling me to go away!” No, I just, I don’t, I don’t like you, I think you’re a snake, you’ve proven yourself to be a snake over and over again. I don’t know what’s up with the white nationalism thing, but you know it seemed to me that you know that’s what you said, and then you’re gonna do this on behalf of Vox Day? You, you know, it’s, it’s just two-faced! Get away, you’re trouble.

First of all, as you might expect, 2VS is shamelessly and blatantly lying. And he knows he is lying. I did nothing of the sort. I didn’t say that and I didn’t do that. I had absolutely nothing to do with this Psyberfrog parody. I didn’t create it, I didn’t launch it, I didn’t put it on Amazon, I didn’t tell anyone to do it and I didn’t suggest the idea to anyone do. This is straightforward slander and I can easily prove it by providing a court with the complete list of all of our products in our Amazon accounts.

Second, Jon Del Arroz is not my toady. He’s not one of my 535 Vile Faceless Minions. He’s not Dread Ilk. Nor is he two-faced or snake-like; 2VS is clearly projecting. Jon is, of course, one of our Dark Legion and Castalia House authors, as we will be publishing his Flying Sparks as well as his Alt-Hero novel, and he was an outspoken figure within ComicsGate who refused to denounce and disavow me, which is probably why 2VS is attacking him and attempting to imply that Jon is a white nationalist despite being one of the leading Hispanic science fiction authors. And speaking of Jon Del Arroz, here is his take on why ComicsGate fell apart.

Third, I never tried to take over ComicsGate and 2VS knows that better than anyone. Again, he is projecting his own behavior onto others and repeatedly lying to cover the fact that he had no objection to my acquisition of the imprint and creation of a logo until others reacted badly to it.

And fourth, everyone here knows that if I were to launch a parody of something, it would be high-quality and quite likely better than the original. Read The Corroding Empire Book One: Corrosion and The Collapsing Empire, if you harbor any doubts about that. If I were to do a parody of a 2VS comic, I would hire a good illustrator and a good colorist, then publish a comic called Rainbow Brutus in January which would almost certainly be considerably more entertaining than whatever hapless story 2VS will end up cobbling together when Rainbow Brute finally appears in April 2021.

2VS is a good example of what happens when Gammas find themselves in positions of leadership. It never ends well.

Blair White outs fake conservatives

Blair White is more considerably more legitimate than the fake conservative celebrities of LA:

Another big reason why I’ve been so turned off from doing political commentary is the other people that people see as my peers, people that I’ve worked with other commentators –  kind of want to be careful with what I even say here – but I moved to LA almost a year ago and one thing about LA is there’s a lot of work here so a lot of other political commentators, other people who you guys know, I’m not talking about obscure people, here a lot of them either live in LA or they’re constantly in and out for work filming something doing whatever they do. So I’ve met almost all of them, people, have either been on their show or on a show with them, or I went to a dinner with them, an event with them, or I became close with some of them that I’ve met that have told me,  either directly or in a roundabout way,  and it’s very clear that they don’t believe everything that they say that they believe when they’re on camera. A lot of them just don’t believe. they’re just actors,  they’re actors, I don’t know how else to put it.

Had one person who I went on their show and I was in the greenroom, which is like the makeup room before you go on camera, the host of this show comes in, and it’s like hey Blair you know small talk, hey Blair I wanted you on for a while, so glad you’re here, nice to meet you, let’s take a picture. They pull me aside and say I just want you to know Blair, I don’t feel any negative way towards you or trans people. I know we talked about trans people a lot on the show, but that’s just because it’s kind of what the fans want, it’s just kind of where we’re at right now. And I was taken aback because I felt like that’s really fraudulent, that you would feel the need to go on air and say something negative about trans people or transgender and some or whatever but it’s not really how you feel. He also said he has like a trans cousin or something like that and that he feels bad that they’re the butt of every joke on his show or whatever, but almost every person I met after him was almost always consistently like that. You start learning things like, oh almost all of them hire people to tweet and Facebook posts and Instagram on their behalf, tweeting out opinions on their behalf , which I feel like is unethical because if people were following you because they believe you’re some intellectual and they trust your opinion and they’re gonna shape their opinions a lot of times on an issue based on your opinion and it’s not even actually your opinion! It’s something you paid someone to assume as your opinion and you’re so much of a rigid, like, a binary thinker, that it’s easy just to pay someone to tweet out the standard response and this is what it’s like.

I don’t respect that. I don’t really know what it is about me in particular that makes people feel comfortable to sort of reveal to me that they don’t believe all the things that they say they believe on camera. And I’m not talking about small things either, you guys, I’m talking about like huge principal positions. I’m talking about like the kind of stuff that a lot of you guys follow these people for they don’t even actually believe. It’s just crazy. Months ago I was gearing up to do a tour which never happened because the tour company completely screwed me over, but regardless, I had started promoting it and someone who’s very prominent in the social political commentary sphere hit me up, and you know, what this person told me, they told me to plant fake protesters outside of your event. Not only that, they said make fake signs because you’re probably gonna get protesters but you want to amp the numbers. This person instructed me, or my team and myself to make signs saying things that were super, super ridiculous to put outside and bulk up the numbers of people who may protest. And it made me sick because clearly this person has done that and this is someone who, although hated by many, is also loved by many, and many who let him believe that all those people were real.

It’s just such I just I know too much about these people, but a lot of these people were on the complete opposite end of the political spectrum just a couple years ago publicly, before the money started flowing on the other side.

If the media is promoting someone on the nominal Right, you can be all but certain that they are bought-and-paid-for Fake Right. Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, and Dave Rubin. They are fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. All of the cucks are Fake Right.

It astonishes me that 10 years after William F. Buckley’s death, conservatives are still falling head-over-heels for the gatekeepers the Left creates for them.

No party for neocons

This fake Republican fake conservative is a perfect example of the anti-American US citizen for whom there is no longer any place in modern American politics:

Trump’s claim that he is going to “Make America Great Again” — after it has been betrayed by disloyal elites — is simply an echo, as it were, of Phyllis Schlafly’s conspiratorial rants.

The history of the modern Republican Party is the story of moderates being driven out and conservatives taking over — and then of those conservatives in turn being ousted by those even further to the right. A telling moment came in 1996, when the Republican presidential nominee, Bob Dole, visited an aged Barry Goldwater. Once upon a time, Dole and Goldwater had defined the Republican right, but by 1996, Dole joked, “Barry and I — we’ve sort of become the liberals.” “We’re the new liberals of the Republican Party,” Goldwater agreed. “Can you imagine that?”

The ascendance of extreme views, abetted in recent years by Fox News, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin and the tea party movement, increasingly made the House Republican caucus ungovernable. The far-right Freedom Caucus drove House Speaker John A. Boehner into retirement in 2015. His successor, Paul D. Ryan, lasted only three years. Ryan’s retirement signals the final repudiation of an optimistic, inclusive brand of Reaganesque conservatism focused on enhancing economic opportunity at home and promoting democracy and free trade abroad. The Republican Party will now be defined by Trump’s dark, divisive vision, with his depiction of Democrats as America-hating, criminal-coddling traitors, his vilification of the press as the “enemy of the people,” and his ugly invective against Mexicans and Muslims. The extremism that many Republicans of goodwill had been trying to push to the fringe of their party is now its governing ideology.

That’s why I can no longer be a Republican, and in fact wish ill fortune on my former party. I am now convinced that the Republican Party must suffer repeated and devastating defeats beginning in November. It must pay a heavy price for its embrace of white nationalism and know-nothingism. Only if the GOP as it is currently constituted is burned to the ground will there be any chance to build a reasonable center-right party out of the ashes. But that will require undoing the work of decades, not just of the past two years.

In fact, an active embrace of white identity politics and so-called “know-nothingism” can solidify Republican political power and possibly even save America. But Max Boot knows that, because he wants to defeat the Republicans and destroy America. That’s why there is no longer any place for him in either the pro-America Republican Party or the anti-Israel Democratic Party. And that is why he and all the other NeverTrump neocons have to go back.

Max Boot@MaxBoot
I too will crawl over broken glass. To vote for Democrats who will act as a check on Trump’s unrestrained and unprecedented abuse of power.

Those dratted liberals!

As always, the cuckservatives continue to dishonestly point to ideological differences when the real problem is one of identity and immigration. 

Today, flying back from New York, I ran into someone in the Charlotte airport, a Christian pastor I’d met at an event last year. We spent about an hour talking about the rancor and distrust in our country. He’s involved in reconciliation ministry, which is to say, bringing people together across boundaries of distrust, and teaching them how to talk to each other.

I mentioned to him that I’d have conversations over the past few months with friends who broadly share my worldview and demographic characteristics (white, conservative, Christian, middle-aged), and I was surprised by how many of them say that they have deliberately chosen to socialize only with people like themselves. It’s not at all because they don’t want to talk to anybody who disagrees. It’s because they are afraid.

Afraid of what? They’re afraid that if they say something that offends a liberal, there will be hell to pay. Whether it was something genuinely offensive that they said thoughtlessly, and are willing to apologize for, or whether it was something harmless that nevertheless caused offense to the liberal, they are afraid that they will be condemned as a hater. They are afraid that the aggrieved liberal will spread a tale of their wickedness on social media, and they will be left to defend themselves in a world in which their demographic qualities (race, religion, politics, social class, etc.) will be taken as dispositive evidence of their guilt. They are afraid that in the best-case scenario, the sort of thing that in earlier times would have been something people could discuss, even argue over, while remaining friends would now cause a social conflagration that would cost people friendships — and in the worst-case scenario, one error, real or imagined, could bring everything in their lives crashing down.

I said to the pastor that I don’t know how we escape this, given that social media is never going away. Somebody’s reputation can be destroyed with remarkable ease.

Liberals? Really? I don’t know ANYONE who is afraid of offending liberals for their liberalism. What white Americans of all ideological stripes are afraid of is being accused of offending blacks, Jews, gays, women, Muslims, Asians, Hispanics, and non-European immigrants, in that order.

American liberals have been around for over a century. While they can, and should, be held responsible for a panoply of social and political ills, they obviously cannot be responsible for a current state of being that is observably new and different from before. What has changed, and the reason for the state of fear on the part of conservatives, cuckservatives, and moderates alike is the fact that the nation has been invaded and adulterated over the last 50 years, and the identity demographics have consequently changed.

Intellectual cowards like Rod Dreher lament the end of a trusting society, but they are too dishonest, and too frightened, to even address the reason it happened. And if you’re afraid to speak your mind freely and fearlessly in front of your friends and family, then you would be well-advised to eject them from your life without hesitation or remorse.