Labour is no longer a worker’s party

So, the good news is that the British Labour Party is no longer a worker’s party and is now embracing libertarian principles. The bad news is those libertarian principles are open borders and full voting rights for non-citizens:

Labour members have voted overwhelmingly to give full voting rights to all UK residents, committing the party to extend the franchise to millions of immigrants.

A motion tabled by the Labour Campaign for Free Movement was passed at the party’s conference in Brighton on Wednesday morning, after MPs were forced to rush back to Westminster to attend the newly reconvened House of Commons.

As well as extending voting rights, the text commits a future Labour government to closing all immigration detention centres, ending “no recourse to public funds” policies and seeking to extend free movement rights to people around the world.

The motion also opposed immigration systems based on a person’s income or “utility to big business”, and any caps or targets on the number of people moving to the UK.

The shadow home secretary, Diane Abbott, welcomed the motion and acknowledged it was now Labour policy. “Be assured, our plans for government include these provisions and a lot more, to make this country a better, more decent and more prosperous place,” she said.

Still not convinced that libertarianism is fundamentally wrong at its core? This is a proposed implementation of genuine libertarian policies. With the ongoing failure of the neo-liberal world order, it is rapidly becoming more and more obvious that both conservatism and libertarianism, as well as neo-liberalism, can be even worse for a nation or for a society than socialism.

The Left is evil, without question, but it is not the epitome of political evil. Those depths are still being plumbed.

All conservatives are cucks

In case I failed to make the point sufficiently clear in Cuckservative, former British Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader John Major has stepped in to clarify matters.

Most Conservatives are not a Brexit Party tribute band, nor have we abandoned our core values to find compromise, seek allies, and strive for unity, rather than division and disarray. We abhor the language of division and hate – and words such as ‘saboteur’, ‘traitor’, ‘enemy’, ‘surrender’, ‘betrayal’ have no place in our party, our politics, nor in our society.

Do you understand the significance of what he is saying there? Because he is inadvertently speaking the plain and simple truth. The core value of the conservative is the act of seeking compromise. The art of the conservative is practicing politics as conversation rather than as a form of war.

That, in a nutshell, is why I have always said that I am not a conservative.

And it is also why conservativism is an intrinsically non-Christian identity, for all its evangelical trappings in the USA.

Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn “a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.”
– Matthew 10:34-36

Shut up and go home, conservatives

If you’re not willing to actually fight for America, Western civilization, and Jesus Christ, you’re literally worse than useless:

Big Conservatives can’t have it both ways. Either there is a war between the Left and the rest of us or there is not. If there is a war, then leftists compose the enemy, an adversary that, not unlike any other adversary in war, needs to be destroyed.

Half-measures, to say nothing of such emphatically un-war-like activities as “reaching across the aisle” and dialoguing, are to be rejected unless and only if they can end hostilities on terms that do not contribute to the “fundamental transformation” of our civilization.

Big Conservatives who constantly call on their audiences to help them “fight” the Left need to decide whether they endorse Politics As Conversation or Politics As War.

They scarcely ever fail to use the rhetoric of war, and spend no small amount of time pointing out to their listeners, viewers, and readers how and why it is that the Left truly is toxic to the survival of Western civilization and America. Yet they just as rarely advocate any measures that could reasonably be said to constitute strategies, or even tactics, against this enemy.

Big Conservatives seldom possess the stomach to even call the Left—which they convict of all sorts of crimes against humanity—as the enemy of our civilization. This is why so many of them distanced themselves from President Trump when he followed, impeccably followed, the logic of their own narrative to its inescapable conclusion by calling out the leftist media as “the enemy of the people.”

Of course, it’s true that the hyperbolic rhetoric that comprises the politics-as-war template for which the Big Conservative media is known is far more titillating—far better for circulation, ratings, and, thus, profits—than the terminology proper to politics-as-conversation.

But as Master Al said, since real fights are war, and nothing less than life-or-death is at stake in war, those who would become combatants must be willing to either “go big” or “go home.”

Conservatives are useless losers. Don’t call yourself a conservative unless you too are a loser. Conservatives have conserved nothing – literally nothing – since Russell Kirk published his landmark work. It’s a failed non-ideology.

Conservatives are as useless as bowties on a battlefield.

“Mainstream conservatives are traitorous cunts”

And they should never be trusted. Ben Shapiru proves, once more, that GamerGate was right.

Jamie R. Riley, the University of Alabama’s assistant vice president and dean of students, resigned from his position on Thursday after less than seven months on the job, UA officials confirmed.

His resignation comes a day after Breitbart News published an article detailing images of past tweets from Riley, in which he criticized the American flag and made a connection between police and racism.

Jackson Fuentes, press secretary for the UA Student Government Association, confirmed at 4:15 p.m. that Riley is no longer working at the University.

This is a clear-cut win for the Right. And yet somehow, for some reason, (((conservatives))) such as Shapiru and Ekaterina Jung are very, very determined to convince the Right that winning battles is the way to lose the cultural war.

Ben Shapiru@benshapiru
I disagree with this person’s tweets. He shouldn’t lose his job. Also, those on the Left who are livid he lost his job should take a look in the mirror about the world they’ve built, and in which both sides will now play by their ugly rules.

The rules are what they are, Benny. Ugly or not, they are the rules and if you don’t play by them, you cannot win. That’s true of everything from backgammon to basketball. So, the obvious question is, why are you so intent on preventing the Right from winning, Benny?

Remember, they assert that the main lesson of GamerGate for conservatives is to never ally yourself with anyone unsavory or unseemly who might actually help you win a battle or two.

They were never on our side

Steven Hayward of Powerline writes about the late David Koch:

When I really want to creep out a liberal, I tell them that I not only have met the Koch brothers, but once visited Charles Koch at the Death Star in Wichita, and dined with David Koch once in New York (in addition to some very friendly and thoughtful meetings in his office a long time ago). But then I usually like to deepen their dismay by going on to tell them that I also once had lunch with George Soros and some of his foundation board members (at his invitation and expense), where I had great fun pointing out how much Soros and the Koch brothers had in common, on immigration, foreign and defense policy, same sex marriage, drug policy, and so forth. At this point, you can almost see the synapses frying and shriveling up inside the simple-minded Manichean liberal brain.

That tells you a lot about the simple-minded conservative brain too, doesn’t it. The problem isn’t just “the Left” and the liberals. The neoclowns, the libertarians, and the conservatives are all also on-board with the post-Western descent into Hell on Earth.

Declaring a war that is already lost

Jeff Goldstein is not only a liar, he’s an utterly inept one at that. And he has been for years.

Vox Day says the alt-right is conservative. It’s actually an identity movement on par with Black Lives Matter, La Raza, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and other products of cultural Marxism.

Notice that Goldstein falsely claims I said the precise opposite of what I actually wrote in the very first two points of the manifesto to which he refers. Also, recall that identity politics are a superset of cultural Marxism, and that they long predate Marx, Gramsci, and the Frankfurt School.

  1. The Alt Right is of the political right in both the American and the European sense of the term. Socialists are not Alt Right. Progressives are not Alt Right. Liberals are not Alt Right. Communists, Marxists, Marxians, cultural Marxists, and neocons are not Alt Right. National Socialists are not Alt Right.
  2. The Alt Right is an ALTERNATIVE to the mainstream conservative movement in the USA that is nominally encapsulated by Russel Kirk’s 10 Conservative Principles, but in reality has devolved towards progressivism. It is also an alternative to libertarianism.

There is nothing conservative about the Alt Right, or as we more accurately describe it now in response to the authorized media’s successful attempts to redefine and delegitimize the term, the Nationalist Right. Conservativism is nothing more than a defeatist posture of continual retreat, and the Nationalist Right is a coherent political philosophy that entirely rejects both conservatism and conservatives.

Indeed, the neoclowns even had to coin a brand new term, “National Conservatives”, in order to present a defeatist skinsuit identity that could potentially pass for the real thing. But we reject National Conservatives just as we reject all conservatives and conservatisms. And as for me, I have NEVER been a conservative and I have always been very clear about that.

April 12, 2006
I am not a conservative and have not been for many years, but I don’t think anyone, on the Right or Left, would deny that I am a hard-core right winger.

September 24, 2007
Because I’m not a conservative, I don’t fit what the conservative media are selling, so they stick to their tried-and-true formulas even though my columns repeatedly prove more popular than the usual grist for the mill.

September 30, 2010
I am not a conservative. I am a Christian libertarian technodemocrat. But if this is what is actually supposed to pass for conservative opinion leadership at a leading conservative publication, it’s no wonder that the Tea Partiers are abandoning both the Republican Party and the conservative media.

January 30, 2013
I am not a phony conservative, or indeed, a conservative of any kind.

June 9, 2016
I am not a conservative and I have long had to correct those who mistakenly believed I was.

Anyhow, three years later, Goldstein is still doubling down on his false and outdated perspective:

3 yrs ago, writing in The Federalist, I noted how the left’s embrace — and political deployment — of identity politics had given rise to, and a perverse justification for (in its own hive mind), white supremacy, a blunt rejection of the collective call by the left and academia to demonize whiteness.

I pored over & unpacked the “alt-right manifesto” of an influential “thought leader” of the movement and found what was easily recognizable: a progressive strain placing it on par with La Raza, BLM, CAIR, and Occupy (now Antifa). Essentially, Farrakhanism in a bed sheet.

The El Paso shooter, if we believe his manifesto, is for all intents and purposes, a confused National Socialist. He trafficked in identity and grievance politics while supporting much of the Green New Deal. He railed against capitalism and jobs lost to automation. He’s a leftist — as were the Nazis — who found himself part of an unprotected class; the Dayton shooter supported, in addition to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, Antifa, which may have actually provided him gun tips in advance of his eventual spree killing. He, too, was a leftist.

Which is why conservatives should deplore all identity and grievance politics, regardless of the color it takes. Intersectionality, however, is the left’s stock and trade, from the academy to the media to Hollywood. Until that is marginalized, you won’t kill white supremacy, despite pleadings by the editors at National Review.

And here’s why: Many of the motivations of the white supremacist movement, which Vox Day couched as “alt-right” in his alt-right “manifesto,” were predictable and — again, however perversely — understandable: in a political and cultural ethos wherein white straight Christian males have become one of the last “identity groups” eligible for collective hostility and scapegoating, there was bound to be defensive push-back. In my piece I commiserated with some of the alt-right’s concerns while rejecting its underlying philosophy; I counseled the rejection of all identity politics and intersectionality, suggesting instead a return to founding principals: constitutionalism, federalism, republicanism, the rule of law, assimilation, and — most crucially —individualism and individual rights and autonomy….

We are a country of individuals. We need to act like it. It’s time to declare war on identity politics.

Let conservatives reject identity politics if they like. Who cares what conservatives do, say, or think anymore? They didn’t conserve America. They didn’t conserve the ladies room. They couldn’t even conserve the two human sexes! And they won’t be able to conserve indoor plumbing either. As for declaring war on identity politics, in 2019 that is like declaring war on gravity, or more to the point, declaring war on Alexander the Great on behalf of King Darius III of the Achaemenid Empire.

That war is already over. That war is already lost.

Counseling American Christians to return to principles that literally none of their rival identity groups accept is not merely idiotic, it is completely irrelevant. The literally satanic ideology of the individual is now as dead as the Whig Party and the Yangtze River dolphin, and no one is going to be able to revive it in a time when material identity has replaced abstract ideology.

Conservatives: I will not risk open identity politics.

Nationalists: Identity politics is upon you whether you would risk it or not.

Conservatives had better come to terms with accepting the reality of identity politics very, very soon, because what comes next is what Clausewitz would have called identity politics by other means.

Cloudflare cucks again

This is why you shouldn’t have cucked in the first place, Matthew Prince. Once you have demonstrated your willingness to do so, you have not signaled virtue, but weakness, and thereby guaranteed that pressure will be placed on you to do so again, and again, and again:

The mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio are horrific tragedies. In the case of the El Paso shooting, the suspected terrorist gunman appears to have been inspired by the forum website known as 8chan. Based on evidence we’ve seen, it appears that he posted a screed to the site immediately before beginning his terrifying attack on the El Paso Walmart killing 20 people.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Nearly the same thing happened on 8chan before the terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand. The El Paso shooter specifically referenced the Christchurch incident and appears to have been inspired by the largely unmoderated discussions on 8chan which glorified the previous massacre. In a separate tragedy, the suspected killer in the Poway, California synagogue shooting also posted a hate-filled “open letter” on 8chan. 8chan has repeatedly proven itself to be a cesspool of hate.

8chan is among the more than 19 million Internet properties that use Cloudflare’s service. We just sent notice that we are terminating 8chan as a customer effective at midnight tonight Pacific Time. The rationale is simple: they have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths. Even if 8chan may not have violated the letter of the law in refusing to moderate their hate-filled community, they have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit.

This may explain the real purpose behind the shootings: interfering with Q’s communications. But regardless, Cloudflare is about to learn that there is no rest for the weak, as this comment from the Verge posted on Instapundit demonstrates.

excellent. now can Cloudfare remove DDOS protection from the GOP website until the Republicans stop being the party of white supremacist, bigots, xenophobes and racists?

The gamma never grows up

Rod Dreher explains why he is such a useless, hapless cuck and why he always will be:

If I had to pick one single event that formed my outlook on the world, it would be a couple of minutes on the floor of a hotel room at the beach, in the summer of 1982. I was part of a group of high school kids from our town who were on a summer vacation. We were chaperoned by several parents of kids on the trip. The cool kids had been pushing me and a couple of other kids around the whole time, but it was relatively minor stuff. One afternoon, when a bunch of us kids gathered in one of the hotels’ suites, group of older high school boys threw me onto the ground, pinned me, and tried to pull down my pants. The goals was to humiliate me for the amusement of the high school girls in the room.

I was 14. And I was terrified.

They had been picking on me for days, but this was a real escalation. What made it so important to the development of my worldview was that I was lying on the floor, pinned and helpless as I struggled to get free, I called out to the two adults in the room to help me. Both of them literally stepped over me to get out of the room. As I’m sitting here writing this, nearly four decades later, I can recall with crystal clarity the stitching on the pants leg of the jeans one of those moms wore as she stepped over me (the other mom went around me).

After a minute or so more, the boys let me up, and I ran away. They never took my pants down; they were just toying with me. For all I know, as the two moms left the room, they signaled to the boys to knock it off. The point is, though, that rather than use the authority they had to force this idiot small mob of boys, and the girls who stood on the hotel room beds jumping up and down, squealing and egging them on, to stand down, they walked away. No doubt because they wanted to stay in good with the cool kids. These were the kind of moms who wanted to be friends with their teenagers, not authorities.

Here’s something else: this was not an angry mob (and not much of a mob either: maybe seven or eight boys, and that many girls). They were merry. I was a mouse, and they were cats. They were doing something vicious, but to them, they were just having fun. There was no point to what they did other than to amuse themselves by the suffering of someone who couldn’t fight back.

The whole thing might have lasted two minutes at most. But the shock waves of that have reverberated throughout my life. I learned more in those two minutes about the way the world really works than I have learned in five decades, though it took a very long time for me to understand that.

Dreher would still rather cry to Mommy than fight. That’s why he’s a useless, hapless cuck. That’s why he will ALWAYS be a useless, hapless cuck, crying and complaining about those who are actually willing to take action to protect themselves, their family, and their nation.

He could have fought that day. He should have fought. He would have lost, but he would never have known the shame and humiliation that burns inside him and perverts his thinking to this day. And had he fought back at the onset of the tormenting, the older boys would never have used him for public amusement in front of the girls, but because he was a coward, he made it clear to them that he was a soft and easy target.

And that’s why Dreher is attacking Trump. He’s triggered by the President’s alpha nature. He only sees the bully and not the champion of the American people the President has sworn to protect. Dreher doesn’t realize that Trump is trying to do what the 14-year-old Dreher was begging the two moms to do, and defending those who are incapable of defending themselves from the global mob that is invading and attacking them. Dreher just wants to cuck, and cluck, and virtue-signal, instead of defend his family and his nation.

The lesson is this: never, ever, trust a coward. They will never fight, not to save themselves, not to save their nations, and certainly not to save you. And worse, they will attack those who are willing to fight, because that very willingness to fight fills them with shame and self-loathing.

I first got beaten up in first grade. I went through seven pairs of glasses by the time I finished elementary school, usually from getting them broken repeatedly in fights. In ninth grade, I was beaten up by two of my soccer teammates and had a rib cracked from one of them kicking me when the other – a varsity wrestler – got me down. I didn’t win a single fight until I was in eighth grade, when I managed to win two. But despite seven straight years of uninterrupted defeat and physical punishment, I don’t harbor any of Dreher’s sense of childhood shame and humiliation, because no one ever took me on twice.

We all show the shape of our formative years. But as Dreher’s incessant cuckery shows, the self-inflicted humiliation of youthful cowardice is one from which few men are capable of recovering.

The irrelevance of conservatism

James Guiran explains why nationalism is necessary at Jacobite:

Establishment conservatism, it seems, is doubling down on its refusal to reckon with the realities of the American political landscape. It’s true that the ascendant left wants to revoke religious liberty, with the goal of subordinating Christianity (specifically Christianity) to the whims of the woke state; but this is only one facet of its platform. It also promotes a view of white Americans reminiscent of the ethnic hatred stoked against market-dominant minorities in certain countries in the 20th century (never mind that white Americans aren’t even the richest demographic!); claims that our country is fundamentally illegitimate; calls for the destruction of our borders; pushes for a credentialist economy in which no one can succeed without first obtaining permission from a committee of progressive priests, who will dispense it based more on loyalty to the cause than on any apolitical notion of merit; advocates for the abolition of the nation-state in favor of a tightly controlled and managed ‘inclusive society’ in which the inevitable ethnic conflict will provide the ruling structure with a bottomless well of opportunities to justify its own expansion; and seeks to subordinate everything, from colleges to corporations to open-source software organizations to knitting groups, to an arbitrary and intentionally byzantine code of conduct, in order to purge infidels from the whole of society. This is not ‘libertine,’ it is totalitarian. And the totality of that agenda must be opposed.

The conservative debate thus far has been premised on the idea that the proper response to Trump, the proper way forward, is to simply revitalize the platform of the Moral Majority. Not only does this fail to address many of the problems facing our country today ⁠— it has little, if anything, to say about immigration, which is necessarily the most pressing issue because its effects are permanent and irreversible  —  it offers little potential for attaining true hegemony.

If, at this juncture, you are still describing yourself as a “conservative” instead of a “nationalist”, you are completely failing to grasp the nature of the cultural conflict. Conservatism can no more save America than Churchianity can save your soul.

A true CON

Just in case you weren’t convinced that Jonah Goldberg is also a fraud:

Will Chamberlain@willchamberlain




It’s true, as it turns out. From now on, I doubt I will never think of him again as anything but “Two-time Pulitzer nominee Jonah Goldberg”. And speaking of the CON game:

David French@DavidAFrench
There’s something grossly entitled about claiming you should have government-mandated access to a social media platform you didn’t create, maintained by people you oppose, and that you should have that access for free.

Kurt Schlichter@KurtSchlichter
What have I told you?

Every single time, liberals and their collaborators will find a reason to justify silencing actual conservatives.

Always a reason.

Always some excuse.

Always another principle.

But the end result is always that you will be silenced.


But at least they have Jonah Goldberg’s fake Pulitzer nominations. These unprincipled losers are so desperate for liberal approval, they’ll even fake it if need be.