The Gatekeepers Coagulate

Now you can get all your piping hot cuckservative takes about how nationalism is evil, anti-anti-semitism laws are totally compatible with the 1st Amendment, and Israel ain’t never done nothin’ to nobody in one convenient place!

Tim Pool is reportedly selling his entire Timcast operation to The Daily Wire effective January 1, sources confirmed to Media Right News. One source told Media Right News that a Daily Wire employee has been questioning Timcast employees to determine whether they will be terminated, while a second said it is unclear which employees will retain their positions. Sources spoke on condition of anonymity due to concern of legal reprisals.

The Daily Wire also tried to buy Jordan Peterson, but they learned he had already sold his soul.


Flawless Victory

But, but, Benny’s been told since he was a boy that he is “smart as a whip!” In addition to being a midwit’s idea of a smart person, Shapiro has always been a sell-out, and he’s not even within a standard deviation of me. There is a reason he contents himself with beating up on low-IQ college students, but has always run like a rabbit from a debate with me, or Milo, or any of his many intellectual superiors in the media space.

It is amusing to see him using rhetoric of my coinage, though. As one wit on SG suggested, no doubt we’ll soon be hearing him tell us what a “Sigma” he is. I despise the Littlest Chickenhawk, but I don’t hate him. To the contrary, I pity him, because I know for a fact that he never wanted to be what he eventually became. He’s rather like Gaiman and Scalzi, a mediocrity who was ultimately willing to take the ticket in order to achieve his ambitions, only unlike them, he knew ahead of time what it was going to cost him in terms of freedom and self-respect.

Kate Moss once famously said that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. In like manner, there is no success or fame that feels as satisfying as freedom and self-respect.


The Movable Rock

Once more, we are reminded that “conservatism” is neither a political philosophy nor an ideology, it’s nothing more than a public posture that is readily moved by a gentle breeze, a soft wind, or the threat of being called racist.

Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance.
— Liz Cheney, 8/11/20

BREAKING: Liz Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris for president.
— Leading Report, 9/4/24

Harris campaigned in battleground Wisconsin with former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, a one-time rising conservative star in the GOP who has vowed to do everything she can to prevent Trump from returning to power.
— Fox News, 10/3/24


Sad Puppy Stupidity

Conservatives are nothing more than a posturing, cowardly ignorazzi. Consider Sarah Hoyt’s latest retarderies on the Haitian invasion.

  • The truth is that the left howls racist or white supremacist because — as usual — they confuse race with culture. 
  • Race means nothing. Culture means everything.
  • In fact, things have been bad for so long in Ohio that even attempts at turning it around are impossible. 
  • They [the Haitians] could be salvaged, and if there’s a place they might have hope, it’s the US.
  • Their kids would be okay-ish, and their grandkids would be American.
  • Look, again, race is bullshit.

Race is a subset of genetics. And nations are a subset of race. To claim that “race means nothing” necessarily means asserting that genetics are nothing and nation means nothing. The claim is therefore a) false, b) dishonest, c) scientifically ignorant, d) logically inept, and e) cowardly. And, of course, self-interested, coming as it does from one who is herself an immigrant with no historic connection to the New World.

It is certainly possible for an amalgamation of peoples to become a nation over time. And history suggests, given the various genetic, linguistic, and cultural components involved, this process requires about 1,000 years. Note that “black Americans” are, on average, genetically 18 percent European, and yet after 400 years, they still remain a very distinct and self-aware people with their own culture and even their own national anthem.

It doesn’t matter what example you choose. Have the European immigrants to Palestine become proper well-adjusted Palestinian nationals in the 127 years since the first Zionist Congress? Has the Röstigraben disappeared since the first French-speaking canton joined the Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft in 1481?

Conservatives can never be part of the solution. They are an intrinsic element of the problem; they always have been and they always will be. Reject conservative retardery and all its cowardly pomposities.


Synonym, Not Subset

One of the benefits of the serialization of The Cambridge Medieval History is the way in which basic principles are illustrated clearly without the confusion of emotional ties and identity allegiances. Here we see the way in which the Arian controversy was made significantly and unnecessarily worse over a period of decades due to the reliable unwillingness of conservatives to do what definitely needed to be done.

The Eastern reaction was therefore mainly conservative. The Arians were the tail of the party; they were not outcasts only because conservative hesitation at the Nicene Creed kept open the back door of the Church for them. For thirty years they had to shelter themselves behind the conservatives. It was not till 357 that they ventured to have a policy of their own; and then they broke up the anti-Nicene coalition at once. The strength of Arianism was that while it claimed to be Christian, it brought together and to their logical results all the elements of heathenism in the current Christian thought.

So the reaction rested not only on conservative timidity, but on the heathen influences around. And heathenism was still a living power in the world, strong in numbers, and still stronger in the imposing memories of history. Christianity was still an upstart on Caesar’s throne, and no man could yet be sure that victory would not sway back to the side of the immortal gods. So the Nicene age was pre-eminently an age of waverers; and every waverer leaned to Arianism as a via media between Christianity and heathenism. The Court also leaned to Arianism. The genuine Arians indeed were not more pliant than the Nicenes; but conservatives are always open to the influence of a Court, and the intriguers of the Court (and under Constantius they were legion) found it their interest to unsettle the Nicene decisions — in the name of conservatism forsooth.

Conservatism isn’t an actual philosophy or ideology, in any time or place. It is simply the cowardly preference for the status quo, for a temporary peace, and above all, for the approval of the authorities. Here is one modern example of conservative openness to the influence of a Court: the false and stupid distinction between legal and illegal immigration. We’ve all heard it many times; some of us may have even said it ourselves: “I’m all for LEGAL immigration, the problem is ILLEGAL immigration”.

No, the problem is people from different nations, religions, languages, and cultures invading the land and gradually replacing the natives, their religion, their language, and their culture. Whether that invasion takes place with the blessing of the Court or not is totally irrelevant with regard to the inevitable consequences. But the conservative is always more concerned about the present opinion of the Court than he is about the future consequences of his lack of action.

So, it’s informative to see that conservatives have always been part of the problem, even dating back to the year 327 AD, because it allows us to conclude that they cannot, and will not, ever be a significant part of the solution. Cuckservative is not a subset of conservative, it is a synonym.


Candace Owens Banished

It’s official. Even in the post-BLM era, Promethean > Black in the hierarchy of Clown World.

There will be no more Candace Owens at the Daily Wire amid claims the conservative commentator has promoted antisemitic rhetoric. The right-wing political website announced Friday it had severed ties with Owens, known for her support of Donald Trump and Kanye West, famous for their own controversial comments.

“Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship,” co-founder Jeremy Boreing wrote on social media.

Boreing did not provide any further details on what led to the exit, but Owens — who joined the outlet in 2021 — confirmed “the rumors are true” in her own post on X.

“I am finally free,” she said.

In recent months, Owens incited a firestorm of backlash with her antisemitic commentary about the United States’ role in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. Owens also floated claims that a small group of Jewish people in Hollywood and Washington, D.C. were involved in something “sinister.”
Her remarks caused a public clash between the polarizing political pundit and Daily Wire brass, who have typically stood by her inflammatory views on the transgender community, COVID vaccines, immigration and Black Lives Matter.

Now, all of this is false and same-gender loving, of course. It’s all nonsense. There is nothing even remotely “right-wing” about Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Jeremy Boreing, or the Daily Wire, it’s just a minor struggle for precedence among the grifters, gatekeepers and other grotesqueries of Clown World’s Fake Right.

But it is highly illustrative about that which is allowed, that which is partially allowed, and that which is absolutely not allowed and will not be permitted by the Fake Right. Which, in turn, allows the perspicacious observer to easily concern which opinion leaders are, and are not, genuine. Anyone who will not cross Clown World’s red lines is inorganic and is being paid to mislead you and redirect your thinking away from what have been deemed the Dangerous Thoughts.


It’s Official

House Democrats splintered on Tuesday over a resolution condemning the rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world, with more than half of them declining to support a measure declaring that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.” The resolution denouncing antisemitism, drafted by Republicans, passed by a vote of 311 to 14, drawing the support of all but one Republican. Ninety-two Democrats voted “present” — not taking a position for or against the measure — while 95 supported it.

The New York Times

Next up for House Republicans: A resolution declaring that a refusal to discuss, or even mention in any way, Literally Where, is antisemitism.


The Peterson Folly

The fact that a public figure says one or two things with which you happen to agree does not a) make him a good guy or b) mean that he is not a ticket-taker in service to Clown World.

Presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. admitted Tuesday he flew on late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet twice, not just once as he previously claimed — and that his then-wife had a “relationship” with madam Ghislaine Maxwell. The independent candidate opened up about his ties to the notorious perv after being asked by Fox News’ Jesse Watters during a discussion of his ethics.

If they’re in the public eye and given any positive coverage by the media or the social media giants, they’re clowns. There are very, very few, if any, exceptions to this.

Stop looking to the other side to provide you with leadership. Just stop! That’s beyond retarded.


They Won’t Fight for Israel

So why should anyone else? Neither Ben Shapiro nor Yair Netanyahu, the son of the Prime Minister, have any interest in defending their fellow Israelis against Hamas, Hezbollah, or any other enemies who might harm them.

The son of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been blasted for staying in Miami while reservists returned home to fight against Hamas. Yair Netanyahu, 32, has been in Florida since at least April, after his father told him to stop making inflammatory posts on social media, which saw him sued for defamation multiple times.

Meanwhile an unprecedented 360,000 reservists have been called up – many of them dropping everything to fly back to Israel, even abandoning honeymoons. But Yair has remained in Miami, to the irritation of some of the troops. ‘Yair is enjoying his life at Miami Beach while I’m on the front lines,’ one soldier, a volunteer serving on Israel’s northern front, told The Times.

‘It’s us who are leaving our work, our families, our kids, to protect our families back home and the country, not the people who are responsible for this situation. Our brothers, our fathers, sons, are all going to the front line, but Yair is still not here. It does not help build trust in the leadership of the country.’

Israeli soldiers blast Benjamin Netanyahu’s son Yair, 32, for ‘abandoning’ them by staying in Miami while 360,000 reservists are called up to fight against Hamas, 24 October 2023

There should not be any discussion of one single American soldier being sent to the Middle East until every single Jew resident in the USA between the ages of 18 and 40 has been sent there first. There is absolutely no reason to defend a nation that literally refuses to defend itself.

And the fact that Netanyahu’s own son is living the high life in Miami while his father screeches about Hamas and Hezbollah should be sufficient cause to ignore all of the non-stop propaganda. If it’s not their problem, it certainly isn’t ours.


Rolling the Loaded Dice

It looks as if Tucker will be the next famous public figure to go down in flames. The same people who took down Milo by “investing” in him, and who tried to take down Gab through Parler, have now “invested” in Tucker Carlson’s media company.

Media celebrities are remarkably clueless when it comes to business. They literally can’t see anything beyond the dollars being waved at them by the conservative establishment. And it never ceases to amaze me to observe how they genuinely think it is safer being partnered with the establishment than with the so-called “extremists”, now matter how many of their predecessors get spit up and chewed out.

He’d better check that contract very closely and make sure that the “investment’ can’t be converted to a loan under any circumstances.