The Daily Wire May Be Bankrupt

It looks like cutting off that USAID money may be taking down one of the premier “conservative” gatekeeping operations, The Daily Wire

A new rumor alleges that The Daily Wire is going bankrupt.

This rumor comes from Ian Carroll and comes immediately following co-CEO Jeremy Boreing announcing he was stepping down as co-CEO and would move into an advisor role working on creative endeavors such as The Pendragon Cycle. Following this announcement, Carroll shared to X, “The Daily Wire is going bankrupt allegedly and Jeremy Boreing is officially out as CEO.”

He went on to add, “It has not yet broken as far as I am aware that private equity is moving in and looking to buy up The Daily Wire. I heard, rumor mill, that Silver Lake Capital is looking to buy them up.” Carroll then indicated there is a lot of skullduggery happening behind the scenes at The Daily Wire including, “cancelled credit cards, lying to the press, [and] trying to trick Tim Pool.”

Later in his video, Carroll claims that Boreing was forced out of the company and “they are not letting Jeremy Boreing back in the building right now apparently. Jeremy Boreing was 100% allegedly forced out, not a willing leave.” He went on to detail that this was because of financial mismanagement and the company’s lack of funds that forced them into a hiring freeze because “there was no money in the bank allegedly.”

The Daily Wire was always, from the onset, a fake operation of intellectual charlatans being propped up by Clown World money to provide controlled opposition to the mainstream. The whole point was to draw attention away from the real opposition, and it worked very well, at least if all the fake numbers are any guide.


JFK Records Released

March 18, 2025 Release

In accordance with President Donald Trump’s directive of March 17, 2025, all records previously withheld for classification that are part of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection are released.

The National Archives has partnered with agencies across the federal government to comply with the President’s directive in support of Executive Order 14176.

As of March 18, 2025, the records are available to access either online at this page or in person, via hard copy or on analog media formats, at the National Archives at College Park, Maryland. As the records continue to be digitized, they will be posted to this page.


Worse Than We Imagined

AC points out the significance of 83 percent of all US government spending going to Clown World’s surveillance state oppressing Americans:

All of it is coming. It is just there is so much of it. The Secretary of State just came out and said 83% of an entire government department, all of our foreign aid, was fraudulent. And you are going to see that through the WHOLE government. SSA, HHS, SBA, Education, VA, Energy, anywhere there was money, you will find the vast majority was being siphoned off. That is now beyond question.

So somebody was robbing the United States BLIND. On a scale which is unimaginable, and which was enough to cripple the national treasury, to the point it had to borrow a trillion per year. So that begs the question, where was the FBI? The premier domestic intelligence/Law Enforcement Agency had no idea we were being robbed $100 billion at a time? Obviously they would know. And they let it happen…

And so it went down the ladder. The former Mayor of New York and the former NYPD Police Chief personally walked into the Delaware State PD headquarters with Hunter’s laptop files and played a video of Hunter, buck naked, banging his brother’s underaged child/daughter while smoking crack. Video evidence of drug use, and incest, and child molestation – and it was still ongoing. There was a minor child, a girl, actively being molested still. And the Police had no choice but to stand down. Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Disney, you’ve seen it all over. They are all entirely above the law because everything was corrupted.

This corruption, this wickedness, this all-permeating evil, is why Cato the Elder declared “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.”

Call it Carthage, call it the Phoenician Navy, call it The Empire of Lies, call it The Empire That Never Ended, call it The Empire of Lies, call it Clown World, or call it Judeo-Christianity, it is the same thing and it has ruled over the USA since at least 1965.

The world you live in is not the world in which you were taught to believe, a world that is purely material, in which Science determines truth, in which free and democratic elections establish governments, where Accidents and Great Men dictate the course of history, in which the press is the Fourth Estate holding governments accountable, and in which America is a noble idea rather than a nation comprised of the posterity of the American revolutionaries.

All of those things are lies, literally satanic lies that have been used to enserf and impoverish Americans, to deprive them of their birthright, their land, the fruits of their labor, their physical health, and even their unborn children.

But the truth is coming out. And the secret army of the wicked are terrified and desperate, because they know full well that they merit even less mercy than the Romans showed Carthage, than the Reconquistadors showed al-Andalus, or than the Conquistadors showed the Aztec Empire.

What they have done to Americans is worse, far worse, than anything the National Socialists ever did, and continued for far longer. One way or another, judgment is coming for them. And eventually, an even more final judgment will be pronounced upon them, in a court in which no advocate will speak for them.


The Return to Sanity

Forty years of Clown World failure – more like sixty, actually – are in the process of collapsing.

The return of sanity to politics is a significant break with the consensus of the last four decades, which produced a liberal system with ambitions to dominate the globe.

As the Soviet Union fell, a paper was published by the RAND Corporation. In 1989 Samuel Hirschfeld wrote on “U.S. Grand Strategy for the 1990s and Beyond” for the Pentagon think tank, and presented four options for the role of the United States at the end of the Cold War.

Three of them would have seen the US draw down, with one offering a “disengagement strategy” – pulling back its military and financial commitments to a minimum. These options would reduce its enormous military budget and allow it, in varying degrees, to spend the resulting “peace dividend” at home.

Only one of the four options demanded an increase in spending and commitments. This was the strategy the US decided to pursue – option one, to become the “Only Global Power”.

The strategy of world hegemony – becoming and remaining the dominant global force – became the grand strategy of the United States. This means everything it did was mobilised to support this goal. Its economic, military and political culture was shaped, along with the production of belief through the sponsorship of mass culture, towards securing world dominance.

This goal is no longer in the national interest of the United States is what the Trump administration’s new direction means. Why is it no longer interested in global supremacy? Why has it pivoted to national renewal in place of building an international empire?

There are two main reasons for this shift. One, the world has changed. Two, these enormous commitments will bankrupt the United States if they are not cancelled. The dream of global hegemony has met with the hard limits of reality. We were made to believe that the end of the Soviet Union meant that the “liberal democratic” system had won, and for all time.


Defined by Francis Fukuyama as elections plus cheap consumer goods, the fall of Soviet communism was heralded as the “End of History”, with “liberal” consumerism emerging as the perfect system.

This was the ideological basis for the argument that it should be spread around the world, by any and every means necessary – including propaganda, the subversion of sovereignty, and through the more direct means of regime change which is war.

This was the “unipolar moment” – when the world had only one power.

How was that power used?

The idea of a peace dividend was quickly forgotten. Instead of reducing the military and cultural propaganda budget, it was massively increased as a series of wars and dubious attacks furnished a globalist project with a case for a permanent “war on terror”. The US National Security State expanded enormously, with billions spent on domestic and foreign surveillance. Projects such as the National Endowment for Democracy – begun under Reagan to subvert Soviet satellite states and counter Russian influence, were expanded through cutouts like USAID to sponsor a global social revolution.

These activities resulted in the subversion of news, entertainment, and the entire political culture of the Western world, producing a system which was either perfectly suited to produce a global empire – or was totally corrupt and fake, depending on whether you agree with liberal globalism.

This is why the formerly Free World is now managed by corrupt officials in every walk of life.

From Church to State, through the military and judiciary, everyone is managed by zealous political commissars who ruthlessly punish anyone who disagrees with the liberal-global agenda. This agenda, also known as the “rules based order”, seldom defines its obvious principles.

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has given a simple explanation of what these rules are. “LBGT, open borders and war.” To this description can be added the Net Zero or Green agenda.

Whether you agree with this agenda or not it is enormously expensive to maintain.

The effects on national cohesion are disastrous, as nations are replaced with global supermarkets browsed by borderless bargain hunters. Wages are driven down, and housing costs go up with increased demand, making the raising of a family nigh impossible. Birth rates have collapsed, as the financialisation of the consumer economy has seen real wages stagnant since the early 1970s.

Importing millions more people to fix this problem simply makes it worse, and will lead to the extinction of the nations of the West in short order.

This is not a problem but a solution if you seek to standardise all former nations in a global system.

Yet the costs of this ambitious utopia are endless.

The consumer lifestyle is one of convenience, in which unwanted babies can be destroyed with a pill, and the elderly taught they should dutifully dispose of themselves when they become a burden. In this system there is no higher spiritual purpose to life than shopping, with fornication a close second.

To persuade people that the politics of national and even personal suicide are progressive and desirable is also enormously expensive. The USAID scandal has shown how vast amounts of money were spent to manufacture belief in this diabolical system. Much of our news, popular entertainment, our “thought leaders”, and indeed most of our mass popular culture in music and film and video games are all simply messages from the sponsors of a war on our entire civilisation.

The reason Clown World’s potemkin global village is failing is because it is literally at war with Nature and Nature’s God. It is correctly described as the Empire of Lies because everything about it is quite literally fake and gay. It is sterile, it is uncreative, and it is unproductive. Rather like its cartoon villains, it can be defeated by simply refusing to believe its many lies and deceptions.

This is why “conspiracy theory” looks more like prophecy; because the only thing you can be absolutely certain is not true is what you are being told.


It’s Not Paranoia

When they’re actually out to get you. InfoWars reporter Jamie White was murdered on Sunday night:

A reporter for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ InfoWars was brutally murdered outside his south Austin apartment late on Sunday night. Jamie White was found mortally wounded outside his home on Douglas Street around midnight in a slaying that Jones blamed on Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza.

Officers from Austin Police Department responded to 911 calls reporting a man with ‘obvious signs of trauma.’ White was rushed to a nearby hospital where he later died from his injuries.

Police have called the incident a homicide but have not identified any suspects. The slaying had been investigated as a shooting/stabbing but authorities have not released additional information.

He wasn’t reporting on Hilary Clinton, but Victoria Nuland, primarily known for being the architect of the coup in Ukraine that brought the current regime to power and eventually led to the current war. It does tend to look suspiciously targeted; it’s probably a good sign to make sure your carry permit is up-to-date.


Leaving NATO

I don’t usually post rumors, but as we know, /pol/ is always right.

ALERT: Unconfirmed reports that President Trump will announce that the US is leaving NATO in his joint address to US Congress tomorrow.

This would be absolutely fantastic news. I hope he’ll announce the planned withdrawal of all US troops and nuclear missiles as well.

We’ll find out tonight. He’s already the greatest US President of my lifetime. And it looks like he’s going to give Andrew Jackson a very serious run for his money over the rest of his 3,500-year term.

UPDATE: Or maybe not. Could just be more Clown World nonsense.

President Donald Trump’s administration and Ukraine plan to sign the much-debated minerals deal following his disastrous Oval Office meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky. It comes after Trump turned the screws on the U.S. ally by pausing U.S. military aid to Ukraine. Trump has told his advisers that he wants to announce the agreement in his address to Congress Tuesday evening, according to three sources.


Germans Never Learn

I’m beginning to better understand the centuries-long Roman exasperation with the Teutonic tribes north of the Rhine.

Germans who suspect that their relatives or friends have fallen for conspiracy theories can now seek official guidance, the Interior Ministry has announced. The government has launched a nationwide consultation center to combat “lies and disinformation.”

Known as the Advice Compass on Conspiracy Thinking, the service was launched on Thursday and is accessible online or by phone. According to the ministry, it aims to provide “the most tailored help and advice possible” for those seeking guidance.

The center offers consultations and can refer individuals to specialized agencies if necessary, according to Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus, without specifying which agencies will be involved.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said that an “open dialogue on equal terms” is often difficult with individuals deeply immersed in conspiracy beliefs. She hailed the initiative as “an important building block in the holistic fight against extremism and disinformation.”

Paus described conspiracy theories as “poison for our democracy” and a burden on families and colleagues. The Interior Ministry claimed that these beliefs can lead to extremist ideologies and incite violence, highlighting anti-Semitic conspiracies as a major concern.

Vee must become Nazis to prevent zee return of Nazism to Chermany!

In other words, the way that they’re going to deal with the observable fact that so-called “conspiracy theories” are far more reliable than the mainstream narrative pushed by the Clown World puppets in the German media and government is to encourage to betray their friends and family members who have a better grasp on reality that permits them to see through the lies of the Narrative.

It’s not only difficult to have “open dialogue on equal terms” between NPCs programmed by the Narrative and anyone who has his eyes open, it’s impossible. Because the NPCs blithely accept obvious falsehoods and so-called conspiracy theorists don’t.

I suppose they had to call it Beratungskompass Verschwörungsgedanken because both Geheime Staatspolizei and Ministerium für Staatssicherheit were taken.


The Epstein Files are Coming

Pam Bondi assures us that the Epstein Files will be released and they will be released soon.

Attorney General Pam Bondi has announced plans to begin releasing documents related to Jeffrey Epstein’s case, including the deceased sex trafficker’s list of contacts, alleged clients, and flight logs to his private island, “hopefully” as early as Thursday. US President Donald Trump pledged to release the files as part of a broader effort to declassify high-profile cases. Bondi said the Epstein files have been “sitting on her desk for review” since last week, stressing that Trump “doesn’t make empty promises.”

“There are well over – this will make you sick – 200 victims… well over 250, actually. So we have to make sure their identity is protected, and their personal information,” Bondi told Fox News on Wednesday, explaining the delay.

That’s a credible explanation. But we’ll see… until it happens, it hasn’t happened.

UPDATE: It appears that Phase One of the files have been released to 15 influencers, but is not yet available online. Looks like Cerno’s one of them…


God Mode Achieved

Hal Turner is reporting that DOGE now has full access to the complete record of all executive agency financial transactions.

Algorithms created by the United States Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), have finally achieved what they are calling “God Mode” access to every Executive Branch Agency spending system. Algorithms are now inside all the Executive Branch systems actively tracing ALL transactions, cataloguing all the requisite information, and creating output files for Executive (Presidential) Review.

No expenditure of money can be hidden by vast networks of “pass-throughs” as was possible for the past fifty years.. No bank account destinations can be shielded anymore.

All the secrets about government money spending will be reviewed and, if the President chooses, revealed publicly, continued, or stopped.

The masks used to hide what was going on, have now ALL been penetrated by this level of access.

Assuming this is true, there will almost certainly be massive ramifications of global proportions coming. Among other things, we’re going to find out that the vast majority of “successful” people were never anything more than servants of evil.

Apparently two-thirds of this money was previously untraceable. But I don’t think we’ll be too terribly surprised to learn where it has been going.


The 7-Year Honeypot

Those who are seeking to reveal the surveillance society are increasingly confident that Ashley St. Clair wasn’t just a garden-variety grifter, but a Deep State asset targeting Elon Musk:

The bigger story here is that Ashely St. Clair may not just be a fake MAGA gold digger, opportunist and a fraud.

She has all the markers of an intelligent asset who may have been strategically targeting Elon Musk for years to spy, blackmail and compromise him just like I believe Amber Heard set out to do.

I don’t care what anyone does in their personal lives if it’s legal and not harming children or this country, no less. With that said, if she is a spy running a honeytrap on a powerful man close to President Trump, then it IS all of our business and this should concern every American as it potentially puts Trump and his administration in danger. Does anyone really still believe that Monica Lewinsky was JUST an intern that gave Bill Clinton a blowjob in the Oval Office?

The reason their plan failed despite working precisely as planned is that Elon Musk is such an amoral loose cannon that its almost impossible to blackmail or compromise him. It’s not the 1950s anymore, and there is very little that Elon Musk can do that will surprise anyone, let alone dissuade them from supporting DOGE’s campaign to demolish the Deep State.