Clown World Abandons Taiwan

“The Taiwan Fixation” is a long and meandering article in Foreign Affairs that serves to obscure the primary point being made there. But the inescapable conclusion eventually reached by the intrepid reader who manages to slash-and-burn his way through the jungle-like maze of text is that Clown World’s strategerists now accept that the US military is no longer capable of winning a war with China. Which is good, because it isn’t.

The fate of Taiwan keeps American policymakers up at night, and it should. A Chinese invasion of the island would confront the United States with one of its gravest foreign policy choices ever. Letting Taiwan fall to Beijing would dent Washington’s credibility and create new challenges for U.S. military forces in Asia. But the benefits of keeping Taiwan free would have to be weighed against the costs of waging the first armed conflict between great powers since 1945. Even if the United States prevailed—and it might well lose—an outright war with China would likely kill more Americans and destroy more wealth than any conflict since the Vietnam War and perhaps since World War II. Nuclear and cyber weapons could make it worse, bringing destruction on the U.S. homeland. These would be catastrophic consequences for the United States.

As terrible as a U.S.-Chinese war would be, an American president would face immense pressure to fight for Taipei. Many U.S. policymakers are convinced that Taiwan, a prosperous democracy in a vital region, is worth protecting despite the daunting price of doing so. Political calculations may also push a U.S. president into war. By staying out, the president could expect to be blamed not only for permitting the economic meltdown that China’s invasion would trigger but also for losing Taiwan after a decades-long battle of wills between Washington and Beijing over the island’s future. That would doom a president’s legacy. Against such a certainty, any chance of salvaging the situation could look like a better bet—and by opting to fight China to protect Taiwan, the president would preserve the possibility of going down in history as a great wartime victor. In the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson faced a choice between ramping up a U.S. military campaign in Vietnam and allowing the Communists to take over the country. He doubted that a war was necessary or winnable. But he sent American soldiers all the same.

U.S. leaders need a way to escape the ghastly decision to either wage World War III or watch Taiwan go down. They need a third option. Washington must make a plan that enables Taiwan to mount a viable self-defense, allows the United States to assist from a distance, and keeps the U.S. position in Asia intact regardless of how a cross-strait conflict concludes. This way, the United States could abstain from sending its military forces to defend Taiwan if China invades the island and does not attack U.S. bases or warships..

Before the moment of crisis arrives, political leaders should initiate a frank national dialogue about U.S. interests in the western Pacific. Americans must know the true costs of conflict with China: the deaths of tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers, the possibility that nuclear weapons would be fired in desperation, an economic downturn dwarfing that of the Great Recession of 2008, and severe disruption to everyday life. It will take great effort for policymakers to communicate the scale of the potential devastation because a war with China would look nothing like the relatively small and contained wars that the United States has waged in recent decades.

In addition to making clear the costs of war with China, U.S. officials should stress the need to coexist with China as prominently as they discuss the need to compete with it. In the coming years, especially if Beijing’s behavior improves, American policymakers should adopt “competitive coexistence” as an approach for U.S. relations with China. In doing so, they would convey Washington’s willingness to establish stable patterns of interaction, limit security competition, and address global problems collaboratively. At a minimum, political leaders should avoid undue alarmism about Taiwan. The Biden administration was right to tamp down public speculation about the year by which China might intend to launch an invasion. The Trump administration should go further to discourage catastrophic thinking, including by communicating to the public that China would not pose an immeasurably greater challenge to the United States if Taiwan came under its control.

I don’t know why the neocons are preemptively aligning themselves with reality in the case of China when they aggressively refused to do so in the case of Russia. Perhaps they simply don’t hate the Chinese with the same irrational hatred they harbor for the Russians, perhaps the extent of the Chinese industrial advantage is simply too great for even the most magickal-thinkers to believe they can simply wish away, or, more likely, they want to reserve the limited US military resources that will be available for any foreign adventures for the Middle East.

The trade war with China should provide sufficient excitement to keep even the most inveterate drama-seekers occupied. There is simply no benefit to the United States of engaging in an actual war in the South Pacific.


Clown World’s Bluff

The European retarderati doesn’t know how to fight, do diplomacy, or do anything else except double down on its delusional rhetoric. An Austrian Clown World puppet by the name of Gunther Fehlinger-Jahn, the Chairman of the Austria NATO NGO, actually dared to threaten Americans and the God-Emperor 2.0 himself:

If MAGA/Putin America wants to play hard ball with us in Europe, we shall do the following.

  • 50% tariffs on all US imports
  • Confiscating all USA military assets in Europe if case US withdraws USA military staff
  • No more inteligence sharing
  • No more visits or invitations
  • Boycott key American products whose owners support Trump as Tesla, SpaceX
  • Exclude USA defence sector from EU military procurement
  • Cancel all F35 contracts etc
  • We produce our own defence material ourself of buy it from Ukraine, Turkey or South Korea

Call them on it, Mr. President. By all means, call them on it! It’s hard to think of anything that would shatter the European Union faster, more completely, and permanently than seeing it attempt to flex on a tripartite economic alliance of China, Russia, and the USA. Europe is a continent, it is not a regional power or even an actual power at all.

These little European yap dogs behave like men who were never spanked as children or punched in the mouth as adults. They have no ability to distinguish between verbal posturing and material power.

UPDATE: The God-Emperor called at least part of the Eurocrat bluff.

President Donald Trump is putting a pause on all military aid to Ukraine and issuing an ultimatum to President Volodymyr Zelensky after their Oval Office meeting blew up on Friday. All military equipment not currently in Ukraine will be halted and all future aid is now in jeopardy.


The Mysterious Omission

Ron Unz delves into the French Revolution and discovers a very interesting omission from Simon Schama’s popular history of that revolution:

Given its great length, Schama’s account provided an enormous amount of detail on the French society of that era and the course of the revolution that suddenly upended it. But his narrative very conspicuously lacked any direct explanation of why that colossal upheaval occurred, instead suggesting the French Revolution resulted from a combination of unforeseen, contingent factors and events. Two years of bad harvests had driven up the price of bread and the blunders of the king and some of his ministers provoked the spontaneous political combustion that brought down their thousand-year monarchy, while further mistakes gradually moved the revolution in an increasingly radical and bloody direction.

This constituted the major contrast with Webster’s account, which instead presented a very different interpretation of roughly the same historical facts. She portrayed the French Revolution in strictly conspiratorial terms as the deliberately planned outcome of particular political plots.

Some of her theories seemed quite unlikely. Her book was written during the height of the anti-German propaganda of the First World War. Therefore, on the basis of extremely thin evidence, she suggested that prior to his death in 1786, Frederick the Great of Prussia had sought to weaken the French monarchy and its Austrian alliance by promoting Masonic propaganda against Queen Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Austrian Empress Marie Theresa, who for decades had been his foremost geopolitical adversary.

But the main conspiracy that Webster described was hardly an implausible one, with neither the motive nor the means being outlandish, and she drew heavily upon contemporaneous sources for her analysis. The individual whom she fingered as the primary orchestrator of the French Revolution had also been discussed by Schama but only given glancing coverage.

As I had mentioned earlier, Philippe, the enormously wealthy Duc d’Orléans, was the king’s cousin and a close heir to the throne, ranked just behind the youngest brother of Louis XVI. Yet rather remarkably, he became one of the major early patrons of the revolutionary movement, even officially renaming himself “Égalité” as a sign of his support.

Among his large personal holdings was the Palais-Royal estate in Paris. Both Schama and Webster emphasized that he allowed it to be used as a hotbed and staging area for revolutionary activism, its private grounds being off limits to the French police authorities. Schama treated this as merely due to his liberal, open-minded tendencies, but according to Webster it was only one of the many actions he took deliberately aimed at destabilizing the ruling monarchy and then replacing his cousin on its throne. Whether or not her analysis was correct, the important role of the Palais-Royal in the early stages of the revolution appeared on dozens of pages of Schama’s text, and indeed many members of the National Assembly later described it as the “birthplace of the Revolution.”

One of the earliest cases of mass urban violence in Paris was a major riot at a wallpaper factory, leading to more than two dozen deaths, and this important story was covered at length by both Schama and Webster. Philippe visited the scene during that incident and threw small bags of money to the cheering rioters. Their attack on the factory was initially blocked by government troops, but after the latter were forced to open their lines to allow the carriage of Philippe’s wife to pass, the rioters poured through that gap and destroyed both the factory and the home of its influential owner. Both authors reported all these same facts, but only Webster treated them highly suspicious.

According to Webster, this was only one of many such examples. She argued that Philippe deployed his vast wealth to recruit thousands of violent brigands, who launched attacks against government facilities and civilian infrastructure, all aimed at fostering the spread of lawlessness, violent unrest, and the resulting wild rumors that would weaken the hold of the king and provoke an uprising. In fact, at one point Schama freely admitted that “later generations of royalist historians” had claimed that many of these incidents were orchestrated by Philippe and his fellow plotters in order to undermine government authority and allow him to seize the throne. But the author then made no effort to either explore or refute those accusations.

A couple of months after that first large riot, Philippe played a crucial role in leading the political revolt of most of the traditional French parliament against monarchical authority, and these members soon formed the new National Assembly in its place.

Later that same year, a mob of Parisian protesters led by women marched on Versailles and violently stormed the residence of the king and queen, who narrowly escaped with their lives. Philippe was later accused of having planned their murder by funding those rioters, who allegedly chanted his name as their new king. Once again, Webster heavily emphasized these facts, while Schama minimized them.

Webster also noted that the colors adopted early on by the revolutionary forces—white, blue, and red—happened to exactly match the colors of Philippe’s Orléans family. Perhaps this was mere coincidence, but perhaps not.

Given her future areas of historical interest, Webster also naturally emphasized that Philippe served as the Grand Master of French Freemasonry, presumably giving him a great web of hidden influence over the elite elements of his society, something obviously very helpful in overthrowing a regime. Schama entirely omitted that potentially important fact, and instead explicitly dismissed all such conspiratorial notions in just a few sentences:

To counter-revolutionary writers, looking back on the disaster of 1789, the proliferation of seditious and libelous material seemed even more sinister, evidence of a conspiracy hatched between godless followers of Voltaire and Rousseau, Freemasons, and the Duc d’Orléans. Was not the Palais-Royal after all one of the most notorious dens of iniquity, where even the police were forbidden from pouncing on peddlers of literary trash? Understandably, modern historians have steered clear of anything that could be construed as subscribing to the literary conspiracy theory of the French Revolution.

Wikipedia is notorious for representing the establishmentarian perspective on historical events and shying away from any questionable conspiratorial claims. But although the page on Phillipe makes no mention of Webster, the factual account it provided seemed closer to her analysis than that of Schama.

We should also not entirely ignore an interesting historical echo that came decades later. After the final defeat of Napoleon, the Bourbon monarchy was restored in France, and two of Louis XVI’s younger brothers then successively held the throne. But in the Second French Revolution of 1830, Charles X was overthrown and replaced by his cousin Louis Philippe d’Orléans, Philippe’s surviving son, who thus finally achieved the goal that his late father had allegedly sought.

Judging Webster’s work and weighing her conclusions against those of Schama is obviously difficult for a non-specialist such as myself, but I can certainly understand why her book was so highly regarded by at least some scholars when it appeared in 1919. Her main historical analysis seemed solidly based upon reliable sources of that era, many of which were only available in French, and she made an effort to weigh these against each other and evaluate their credibility. Her text included well over 1,000 footnotes to such crucial source material, while Schama’s provided none at all, instead merely listing the main works he drew upon for each individual chapter. So to some extent, Webster’s book represented new academic research, while Schama had produced what amounted to a very hefty synthesis and presentation of preexisting material.

All of this raises the interesting question of why Schama’s massive volume so casually dismissed and ignored the conspiratorial analysis that had been advanced by Webster more than three generations earlier.

The answer, of course, is that in order to get published and become the primary English language reference on the French Revolution, it was vital for Schama to conceal the involvement of The Empire That Never Ended.

I’ve read Schama’s work twice. I’ve never read anything by Webster. But I have absolutely no doubt that Webster’s work is more historically accurate and reliable, simply because Schama had to omit what has been, over the course of recorded human history, one of the most important actors and drivers of events, which is the intersection of supernatural and material evil that Philip K. Dick identified as The Empire That Never Ended, that AC calls Cabal, that Vladimir Putin calls The Empire of Lies, and which we label Clown World.

The Romans called it Carthage, demanded its defeat, and sowed its grounds with salt. The Conquistadors called it the Aztec Empire and did their best to eradicate it forever. The Crusaders were corrupted by it. The Inquisitors did their best to root it out of Christendom and have been slandered for their efforts ever since. But regardless of what it is called, it will never die because it is not of human origins and the fallen rulers of this world will always find corrupt human spirits who are willing to serve them in return for the false immortality they are offered.

It’s not hard to understand why the wicked are so slavishly committed to the will of their evil masters. They fear death, as they well should, and they will do literally anything in their futile attempts to avoid their inevitable Divine judgment.


What Three Years Hath Wrought

Three years ago, three reporters in the Swiss media publicly defamed me and one of their accusations concerned the fact that I pointed out Clown World was the aggressor and the cause of the Ukraine war, that it was absolutely retarded for the European nations to intervene on behalf of a country with a foreign regime put into power by a US neocon coup, and that it was grandiose stupidity for the Swiss government to throw away the centuries of neutrality that protected the Swiss people from the wars that harrowed Europe in order to join the side that was absolutely guaranteed to lose the war.

On the war in Ukraine, his opinion is just as clear-cut: the aggression is the work of “the imperial USA”, which has put Russia in a situation of compulsion. He calls the West “Clown World”, while Russia would represent “Sovereign World”. At the end of February, he titled his blog, “Grandiose stupidity in Switzerland” and criticized the fact that the President of the Confederation Ignazio Cassis has sided with the European Union sanctions.

Three years later, all of my observations been born out in spades. The US and European sanctions have proven worse than useless. The United Nations Security Council has refused to condemn the so-called “Russian aggression” that was the inevitable response to the military expansion of NATO to its borders as well as the brutal assaults on the Russian people of the New Russian republics who had been seeking self-determination. And European leaders, such as former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl are already beginning to admit that Russia has won the war.

It had been said that Russia could allegedly be smashed on the battlefield, that it would fall to the Middle Ages level, that the Russian society would be ruined. However, that never happened. No mass riots that Europe expected or would like to see, ever happened either. We often heard that the country was going to fall into 40 new states, but it never happened as well. Taking the mentioned factors into consideration, I think that yes, Russia has won.”

And most importantly, the fact that the Ukrainian war was only one battle in the ongoing war between Clown World and the Sovereign World represented by Russia, China, and now America, has been underlined by the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Kaja Kallas.

We stand by Ukraine. We will step up our support to Ukraine so that they can continue to fight back the agressor [sic]. Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader. It’s up to us, Europeans, to take this challenge.

The irony of the unelected Eurocrats who hate democracy, hate their own people, hate Christianity, criminalize free speech, and rule over their subjected people as the puppets of Clown World calling themselves “the free world” is satanic inversion at its most obvious. And the significant point of her statement is that thanks to President Trump, aka the God-Emperor 2.0 (may he reign 3,500 more years), America has finally, like Russia and China, begun to free itself from the wicked rule of Clown World.

And the Eurocrats will fail in their quest to raise up a new leader of Clown World because the European peoples are finally beginning to see through all their lies. They promised peace, unity, and wealth, and delivered war, diversity, and economic devastation. It will not be long before their masters throw them from their high horses. But until then, they will continue to invert and subvert the truth, because their retardery knows no limit. Their irrationality is rapidly approaching levels last seen when an Austrian was hiding from Russian tanks in a Berlin bunker.

French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters in Portugal that “I think we were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago, and to continue to do so.”

UPDATE: The people have asked for it, and they shall receive.


God Mode Achieved

Hal Turner is reporting that DOGE now has full access to the complete record of all executive agency financial transactions.

Algorithms created by the United States Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), have finally achieved what they are calling “God Mode” access to every Executive Branch Agency spending system. Algorithms are now inside all the Executive Branch systems actively tracing ALL transactions, cataloguing all the requisite information, and creating output files for Executive (Presidential) Review.

No expenditure of money can be hidden by vast networks of “pass-throughs” as was possible for the past fifty years.. No bank account destinations can be shielded anymore.

All the secrets about government money spending will be reviewed and, if the President chooses, revealed publicly, continued, or stopped.

The masks used to hide what was going on, have now ALL been penetrated by this level of access.

Assuming this is true, there will almost certainly be massive ramifications of global proportions coming. Among other things, we’re going to find out that the vast majority of “successful” people were never anything more than servants of evil.

Apparently two-thirds of this money was previously untraceable. But I don’t think we’ll be too terribly surprised to learn where it has been going.


The Conservative Media is Fake

The so-called conservative media not only isn’t a genuine alternative to the mainstream media, since the days of William F. Buckley it has always been a neocon psy-op meant to derail American nationalism and prevent any genuine American nationalist media from being formed in reaction to the growing awareness of Clown World and rejection of it.

In the first New York Post article the day after Ashley St. Clair announced her baby with Elon Musk, she claimed that she didn’t initially have an “much of an interest in Elon” until after she met him in May 2023 at an interview at Twitter HQ. But there she is on May 2nd, 2023, telling @IsabellaIsMoody that she wants to be funny for Elon in order to have his “rocket babies.” This date is important.

That meeting with Elon Musk at Twitter HQ was on May 22–3 weeks after telling Isabella she wanted Elon’s babies. IOW, she lied in the Post article about not being interested in Elon until after she met him. Strange. It looks like she’s constructing a false narrative to make it look like their romance was innocent & spontaneous after having met. Why would she need to do that unless it wasn’t actually innocent & spontaneous?

But the plot thickens a little more. Seth Dillon, CEO of the Babylon Bee, is the one that facilitated her meeting Elon IRL. He had her fly out for that Babylon Bee interview with Elon, as Ashley noted in the Post article and confirmed by Ashley’s own tweet from May 22, 2023.

But Ashley wasn’t ultimately pictured in the Bee’s announcement of the interview with Elon, nor did she participate in the video interview itself at any point. This sort of begs the question: why did Seth Dillon fly her out to meet Elon?

Is it because Dillon is part of an israeli influence operation himself as some–including myself–have suggested?

We already knew the Babylon Bee is fake opposition that gatekeeps Christians. That’s been obvious for some time now, ever since the guy who bought it from its founder unmasked himself. But the extent to which its subversive activities go, and its apparent influence over other fake media conservatives, was not previously suspected.

It appears there is little strategic difference between Epstein, Disney, Jordan Peterson, the Daily Wire, and the Babylon Bee, except for their target populations.


No One Will Fight for Clown World

The Macron-Starmer proposal of 30,000 British and French troops to serve as a “Reassurance Force” in Ukraine was obviously DUA, dead upon articulation.

The British public and Parliament were caught off guard by what many see as a reckless proposal from their PM. He announced the possibility of “British boots on the ground” just hours after the Munich meeting ended. This decision, or threat, appears to be a unilateral move by Starmer. It is unlikely to gain widespread support across the country and is already sparking outrage, particularly in the “Red Wall” – Britain’s former industrial heartlands. A poll in The Times just last week showed that only 11% of young people in the UK would consider fighting for their country, showing what we all know: that the UK is deeply divided over class, race, and region.

This is a problem for Starmer and the British liberals who have yet again found their war drums that were put away following the disastrous follies in Iraq and Afghanistan. What was once the Labour heartlands, the de-industrialized parts of the country, have also been the typical recruiting fields for the British Soldier – the white working class. These communities have been badly let down by all politicians have become deeply resentful and detached from what is happening within the politics, media and chattering classes of London.

It is no coincidence that those beating the war drums in London are the same individuals who supported the Iraq invasion and opposed the outcome of the EU referendum that led to Brexit. There has been a distinct division throughout the country since Brexit and I suspect Starmer’s reckless offering up of our military to “peacekeep” for the EU is a signal that he wants a closer relationship with the bloc. Unfortunately for Starmer, his brand of Labour – middle-class metropolitan liberals – will never offer up their own children for military service and will look north towards the very people they have spent the nine years since the Brexit referendum accusing of being racists, bigots, and xenophobes.

Starmer and Macron are deeply unpopular in their own countries. Perhaps they think they can paint over the damage done in their countries by successive neo-liberal governments by pulling the patriotic chord through the threat of war. But Starmer must realise that this will never be his Falklands War moment – when an unpopular Margaret Thatcher and her Tory government turned around their unpopularity by going to war with Argentina in 1982. Working-class populations outside the big metropolitan cities, in places like Blyth, Sunderland, Mansfield and Stoke-on-Trent, have traditionally been patriotic and supported the British military, but they will not follow Starmer and the failed EU leaders into a battle they see as ‘not theirs’.

The lesson here for the Western European political leaders is that ignoring sections of the population, allowing deep divisions and inequalities to fester, and then banging the war drums and expecting the working class to go and fight a war for you is not going to work. They can see right through this, and Vance’s words spoke to them more directly than a despised European elite class ever could.

Only the professionalization of the US military in the post-Vietnam era permitted its misuse and abuse as the enforcement arm of Clown World. But that was a much more innocent era, when the young were indoctrinated into patriotism and love of their nation. We’re now two generations into the redefinition of patriotism as racism and love of one’s nation as hate, which means that the only young men capable of fighting are either a) foreigners who hate the nation they’ve invaded and b) nationalists who hate the Clown Worlders who despise and hate them.

The vast majority of young British men are far more inclined to take up arms against the Starmer government than fight for it, much less to do so in defense of the illegitimate, anti-democratic Kiev regime.

I am descended from a long line of men who served the US military with great distinction dating back to Valley Forge. From there to Guadacanal and Korea, they fought and they bled for the Stars and Stripes, because they believed in serving their nation. Not an ideology, not some lines drawn on a map, not an idea, and not a state bureaucracy. They served their nation.

But neither I nor any of my descendants will ever lift a single finger in defense of Clown World, not in Ukraine, and not anywhere on the planet.


Elon Musk is a Midwit

He’s just an actor who is playing the part of what the average man believes a brilliant and successful man to be. But it’s not real. It has never, ever, been real or even remotely convincing. Anyone who reads here regularly knows that I have denigrated his obvious lack of intelligence all along.

Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday. “You are in a cult,” he wrote in one before he later noted Musk “has zero personal intellectual achievements.”

“As an Elon Musk biographer, I would peg his IQ as between 100 and 110,” Abramson tweeted Thursday afternoon. “There’s zero evidence in his biography of anything higher. And I want to repeat that now, lest you think it a typo. There’s zero evidence, from his life history, of Musk having anything higher than a 110 IQ.”

Elon Musk, like Albert Einstein, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Steven Gould, and Richard Dawkins, is a fake intellectual. There are many men whose aphorisms and utterances I have observed to contain sparks of brilliance, insight, and wisdom. Umberto Eco. Thomas Aquinas. Jerry Pournelle. Martin van Creveld. William S. Lind. Christopher Hallpike. John C. Wright. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Nicholas Machiavelli. GK Chesterton. JRR Tolkien. Above all, Aristotle.

Elon Musk is not, and has never been, one of them.

This is not to say that I am opposed to what Elon Musk, or Elon Mask, as the case may be, is achieving with DOGE. I’m all for it. Long may the act continue. But it is an act, nothing more.

That’s the trouble with propping up midwits and pretending that they possess brilliant minds. Those who know what the real thing is can always see right through it.

That being said, give credit where credit is due. Even a midwit is capable of seeing through the Patriot FBI Front.


Brits Against the Deep State

Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss’s call for an audit of Great Britain may explain her very short term as Prime Minister:

The UK can only be saved by a movement similar to US President Donald Trump’s MAGA, former British Prime Minister Liz Truss has claimed, calling for a Musk-style review of the British ‘deep state’. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington on Wednesday, she claimed that unelected bureaucrats sabotaged her government and continue to block reforms and ignore voter demands.

Truss, who served as prime minister for just 49 days in 2022, has argued that Britain’s establishment prevented her from implementing economic changes despite public support. “The same people are still making the decisions. It’s the deep state, it’s the unelected bureaucrats, it’s the judiciary,” she said.

The former prime minister went on to praise Trump’s efforts to reshape the US government, claiming that the British people want to see similar reforms. “We want ‘drill, baby, drill’. We want men banned from women’s bathrooms and women’s sports. We want illegal immigrants deported.”

“We want a Trump revolution in Britain,” she concluded, also pointing to Elon Musk, who has been working with the US government to audit and streamline federal spending. “We want to flood the zone. We want Elon and his nerd-army of Muskrats examining the British deep state!”

Britain isn’t the only Western country with a government that needs a deep audit and astringent enema. Every single member-state of the EU and NATO do as well, since they’ve all been converged by Clown World. Especially Germany and France.

The next bombshell claims that a source close to Trump has hinted that Zelensky needs to flee Ukraine for France immediately:

Talk of Zelensky moving to France did not start without reason. This is a hint: Volodya, we all know.

Obviously, the Zelensky family’s money is hidden there.

In 2023, Elena Zelenskaya opened special treasury accounts in three banks of the Rothschild holding, hidden from fiscal and anti-money laundering controls.

By order of Macron’s chief of staff, the movement of funds in these accounts is hidden from inspections and supervision, and is also inaccessible to remote control by regulators in Brussels.

That is where those profits from crypto transactions, the purchase and sale of weapons and other cash can be hidden.

This was done in order not to leave traces in the US jurisdiction.

It’s all coming out, though. And the wickedness and the greed are more pervasive than most of us had ever imagined. It’s interesting to see how some of the former players, like Truss and a former foreign affairs minister for Finland.

Finland cannot rely on Nato’s security guarantees because of US President Donald Trump’s recent comments, according to former foreign affairs minister and veteran Social Democrat MP Erkki Tuomioja.

“It is rather obvious that Trump would not jeopardise any American interests for Finland’s — or any other country’s — sake,” he said, adding that Finland cannot rely on US troops being sent to help defend Finland if “someone tries to come here. We’re seeing Ukraine being thrown under the bus. Yes, the Baltic countries and Finland can end up there, too,” Tuomioja told Yle.

“I’m not necessarily saying we should leave Nato, but [the defence they could offer] is not enough,” he said.

Actually, not only should Finland leave NATO and declare neutrality, but it will probably be required to do so by the God-Emperor 2.0 as part of NATO’s surrender to Russia. Because that’s what these negotiations are, after all. The “peace settlement” is a conditional surrender, which is always to be preferred to the unconditional surrender that is the only other option.


Germany Issues a Warning

Try not to laugh. I mean it. Seriously. Try not to laugh when you read this:

Europe should not hesitate to put pressure on the US if it fails to fall in line with “liberal democracies,” German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Friday. The diplomat made the remark following talks between the US and Russia that excluded representatives from the EU and Ukraine.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Potsdam on Friday, the Green politician stated, “We’re increasing pressure on the Americans [so they know] they have a lot to lose if they don’t stand on the side of Europe’s liberal democracies.”

Pretty brave words for a people who literally pee on themselves when you say “Holocaust” at them. Germany has lost two wars to the USA already. Do they really want to go for strike three?

The most amusing thing is that what the German government wants to achieve, more than anything, with this pressure is for the US to continue its military occupation of Germany. I sincerely hope the God-Emperor 2.0 will issue an executive order entitled “Nie Wieder Sehen” that orders the immediate withdrawal of all US troops and missiles from Germany and closes all the bases.

The clowns simply don’t realize how totally irrelevant they are.