A French Muslim has been arrested after trying to drive a car loaded with liquid gas, assault rifles and knives into a crowd at high speed on a busy shopping street in Antwerp. Belgian police, who confirmed the bomb squad had been sent to the area, said the car was being driven at high speed and that pedestrians had to jump out of the way to avoid being injured. Authorities found knives, a shotgun and a gas can with an unknown liquid in the car prompting officers who usually deal with extremist attacks to take over the case.
Reconquista 2.0 or Sharia.
Tag: Clash of Civilizations
Feckless surrender talk
It’s always infuriating how politicians posture and pontificate after a terror attack as if doing absolutely nothing and blathering about nonexistent unity somehow constitutes brave leadership:
The location of this attack was no accident. The terrorist chose to strike at the heart of our capital city where people of all nationalities, religions and cultures come together to celebrate the values of liberty, democracy and freedom of speech.
These streets of Westminster, home to the world’s oldest parliament are ingrained with a spirit of freedom that echoes in some of the furthest corners of the globe. And the values our Parliament represents – democracy, freedom, human rights, the rule of law, command the admiration and respect of free people everywhere.
That is why it is a target for those who reject those values. Let me make it clear today, as I have had cause to do before, any attempt to defeat our values through violence and terror is doomed to failure.’
We will come together as normal and Londoners and others from around the world who have come here to visit this great city will get up and go about their day as normal.
We will all move forward together, never giving in to terror and never allowing the voices of hate and evil to drive us apart.
The people of England – the actual English people of England – need to tell that woman: “there is no forward and there is no us.”
There is only one civilized solution and it is a straightforward, five-word solution: they have to go back.
It’s not the only solution, of course. But no one who is sane or civilized wants to have to resort to the other solution, although history makes it perfectly clear that they will certainly do so if it proves to be necessary.
Katie Hopkins’s response, although defeatist, is considerably more sane:
This place is just like Sweden. Terrified of admitting the truth about the threat we face, about the horrors committed by the migrants we failed to deter — because to admit that we are sinking, and fast, would be to admit that everything the liberals believe is wrong.
That multiculturalism has not worked. That it is one big fat failure and one big fat lie.
President Erdogan of Turkey said there is a war being waged between the crescent and the cross. But he is wrong. Because the cross is not strong. We are down on bended knee, a doormat to be trodden on, a joke only funny to those that wish us harm.
The war is between London and the rest of the country. Between the liberals and the right-minded. Between those who think it is more important to tip-toe around the cultures of those who choose to join us, rather than defend our own culture.
How many more times?
And how many more attacks must pass before we acknowledge these are no longer the acts of ‘extremists’? That there is no safe badge with which to hold these people at arm’s length, in the way the liberals casually use the term ‘far-right’ for anyone who has National pride.
These events are no longer extreme. They are commonplace. Every day occurrences.
These people are no longer extremists. They are simply more devout. More true to their beliefs. Beliefs which will be supported endlessly across our state broadcaster for the next few months until we buy into the narrative that one religion is not to blame.
Imagine if the British had fought WWII this way. The Swastika would still be flying over Westminster. You don’t win a war by not fighting it. You don’t save your nation by welcoming refugees, migrants, and invaders. You don’t survive by electing immigrants as your leaders.
Reconquista 2.0 or Sharia. That is the choice facing the West.
Not so much
Attack outside Parliament
A car-and-knife attack at Westminster:
Parliament in lockdown: Police open fire outside Westminster and shoot knife-wielding man amid reports of explosion and ‘at least 12 pedestrians mowed down on bridge’
Four-wheel drive car said to have driven over Westminster Bridge knocking down pedestrians this afternoon. ‘Asian’ knifeman then got into the grounds of Parliament where he reportedly stabbed a police officer. The ‘middle-aged’ attacker was then shot by armed officers as the area was cleared by emergency services. Parliament was suspended and the Prime Minister was rushed from the scene in an unmarked police car.
Remember, diversity is their strength! This sort of thing only makes British society stronger and better and nicer.
Why listen to TED Talks?
When you can be exposed to the ideas they’ll be discussing years in advance by reading my columns and this blog.
“How do we make sense of today’s political divisions? In a wide-ranging conversation full of insight, historian Yuval Harari places our current turmoil in a broader context, against the ongoing disruption of our technology, climate, media — even our notion of what humanity is for. This is the first of a series of TED Dialogues, seeking a thoughtful response to escalating political divisiveness. Make time (just over an hour) for this fascinating discussion between Harari and TED curator Chris Anderson.”
“I think the basic thing that happened is we have lost our story. Humans think in stories and we try to make sense of the world by telling stories,” the historian said. “And for the last few decades we had a very simple and very attractive story about what was happening in the world. And the story said that the economy is being globalized, politics is being liberalized, and the combination of the two will create paradise on earth. And we just need to keep globalizing the economy and liberalizing the political system, and everything will be wonderful.”
“2016 is when a very large segment of the Western world stopped believing in this story,” he said. “For good or bad reason it doesn’t matter, people stopped believing the story, and when you don’t have a story it is hard to understand what is happening.”
“The old 20th century political model of left vs. right is now basically irrelevant and the real divide today is between global and national, global or local. All over the world this is not the main struggle.”
Such amazing insight, such as the idea that global government might be more akin to China than Denmark! How very fascinating! I’ve never paid any attention to TED for just this reason; it’s third-rate pop intellectualism marketed to pseudo-intellectuals to make them feel smart. The amazing thing is that it has taken them this long to begin suspecting that Fukuyama might have been wrong. And they still haven’t figured out that Huntington, and Powell, and Wallace et al were right.
Out of curiosity, I did a search on “globalism” in my latest book, the first volume in the trilogy of my collected columns, and this was the first one that came up.
From The Collected Columns Vol. I, Innocence & Intellect, 2001-2005
One world… one big, bloody problem
February 4, 2002
It’s not hard to understand why globalism is so persistently seductive to people of genuinely good intent. Long a staple of hack science fiction writers and the producers of Saturday-morning cartoons, the notion of one central and benevolent government for all humanity appears like a light shining in the darkness of a world that is still wracked by warfare, terrorism, famine and disease despite the past century’s incredible advances in technology.
Of course, it was pointed out several thousand years ago that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
In fact, if humanity’s past record is a reasonable guide, globalism may represent the single deadliest threat to mankind in our long, murderous history. The Economist has reported that in the last century, more people died at the hands of their own governments than in all the wars and civil wars combined—170 million deaths vs. 37 million. However, the implications of this fact for global governance have not often been considered.
Supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government, the world will experience peace, one way or another. But even if we put aside the questionable notion of an enforced peace, which the Balkan conflict demonstrated is merely a matter of putting off today’s violence for tomorrow, it must be understood that an end to war is not synonymous with an end to violence and bloodshed.
Just as soldiers going into battle for the first time tend to think in terms of what they will do to the enemy instead of what the enemy will do to them, globalists envision one-world governance as an efficient means of imposing their views on others. This is why political activists of nearly every stripe tend to embrace globalist institutions even if they oppose a specific aspect of globalism. Thus the radical environmentalist who protests the World Economic Forum nevertheless supports the Kyoto Treaty on global warming.
But there is no guarantee that a one-world government will respect the laws, customs, and institutions of the traditional freedom-loving West. Indeed, the institutions which are most deeply enmeshed in the globalist movement show strong signs that it will instead imitate the autocratic habits of its intellectual predecessors. For example, the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 29, section 3, that:
These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Jawohl, Reichsfuhrer Annan! Consider also the possibility that a coalition of Arab and African states might take control of the global government in the same way they’ve been able to exert undue influence over the U.N. General Assembly. Then everyone could enjoy the religious freedom enjoyed by Jews and Christians living in Saudi Arabia and the Sudan .
Unfortunately, that’s far from the worst possibility. Two of the governments responsible for the worst civilian massacres in history, Russia and China, boasting 62 million and 37 million murders, respectively, hold permanent seats on the U.N. Security Council. And for those who argue that Russia isn’t the same government as the Soviet Union, I have only one thing to say: If they’re not, then what is Russia doing on the Security Council?
Even in medieval times, intelligent people understood that the fact that one king was a wise and benevolent ruler didn’t mean the next one wouldn’t be a complete psychopath. For those of you without historical reference, I’m talking about a situation like the one depicted in the movie “Gladiator,” wherein Emperor Marcus Aurelius was succeeded by his son Commodus. The peril of central power is why America’s founding fathers decided to ditch the whole concept and did their best to break it up, scattering it as far and as wide throughout the land as possible.
Regardless of how global governance is implemented, it is sure to attract every evil, power-seeking individual and organization like pedophiles to a public schoolyard. The intrigues and conspiracies will make Byzantium’s internecine power struggles look like a student-council debate by comparison. Every would-be Hitler, Lenin, Mao and Mugabe will be converging on a single institution, and the most ruthless of them will be the winner.
The National Socialists had a saying that still sounds ominous now, 50 years later. “Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer!” One world, one government may not sound so scary yet, but it should. Because one thing is certain. Totalitarian government doesn’t improve with size.
Leadership from Marine LePen
Contrast her refusal to bow to foreign demands with the cowardly behavior of the Swedish women:
French far-right National Front presidential candidate Marine Le Pen canceled a meeting on Tuesday with Lebanon’s grand mufti, its top cleric for Sunni Muslims, after refusing to wear a headscarf for the encounter.
Le Pen, among the frontrunners for the presidency, is using a two-day visit to Lebanon to bolster her foreign policy credentials nine weeks from the April 23 first round, and may be partly targeting potential Franco-Lebanese votes.
Many Lebanese fled to France, Lebanon’s former colonial power, during their country’s 1975-1990 civil war and became French citizens.
After meeting Christian President Michel Aoun – her first public handshake with a head of state – and Sunni Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri on Monday, she had been scheduled to meet the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian
He heads the Dar al-Fatwa, the top religious authority for Sunni Muslims in the multireligious country.
“I met the grand mufti of Al-Azhar,” she told reporters, referring to a visit in 2015 to Cairo’s 1,000-year-old center of Islamic learning. “The highest Sunni authority didn’t have this requirement, but it doesn’t matter.
“You can pass on my respects to the grand mufti, but I will not cover myself up,” she said.
Unlike Sweden, France will not cower. One hopes the French electorate will see the merits in this woman.
The fake story of history
Steve Sailor can’t help but concur with Mark Zuckerberg’s globalist manifesto:
“History is the story of how we’ve learned to come together in ever greater numbers — from tribes to cities to nations.”
As we all know, independence and diversity have always been the enemy of progress. For example, that’s why Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Dependence submitting the American colonies to the British Empire.
Similarly, the father of history, Herodotus, wrote to celebrate the mighty Persian Empire’s reduction of the various Greek city-states to a satrapy ruled from Babylon.
Likewise, every year Jews gather to admit that their stiff-neckedness provoked the Roman Empire into, rightfully, smashing the Temple in Jerusalem on the holy day of We-Had-It-Coming.
And, of course, who can forget Shakespeare’s plays, such as Philip II and Admiral-Duke of Medina Sidonia, lauding the Spanish Armada for conquering the impudent English and restoring to Canterbury the One True Faith?
Similarly, Oswald Mosley’s prime ministership (1940-1980) of das englische Reich is justly admired for subordinating England’s traditional piratical turbulence to the greater good of Europe.
Likewise, who can not look at the 49 nations currently united by their adherence to the universalist faith of Islam and not see that submission is the road to peace, prosperity, and progress? If only unity had prevailed at Tours in 732 instead of divisiveness. May that great historical wrong be swiftly rectified in the decades to come!
Since they believe there is the same as here, then why should any globalist complain when the nationalists send them out of the West?
An amazingly bad idea
Greece completely fails history:
Athens’s half a million Muslims are set to get their first official mosque in more than a century.
The city has not had a formal mosque since it drove out occupying Ottomans in 1833, and Deputy Foreign Minister Ioannis Amanantidis told parliament last year that it was the only European capital “to be deprived of such a religious space”.
For years Muslims have resorted to praying in hundreds of makeshift sites, in crowded basements or dark warehouses targeted by racist attackers.
In May, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declared building a mosque long overdue. The government, he said, would push ahead “out of respect for the Muslim residents in our capital, but also because we are obliged to actively defend our values.”
All I can say is that World War III is going to be beyond all imagination. These are truly the Crazy Years.
One can understand how the USA and Western Europe are naive about the existential threat posed by Islamic expansion. But one would have thought that Greece and Spain, at a bare minimum, would remember.
This demonstrates, again, why Christianity is absolutely necessary for Western civilization. It’s barely been a decade since some Western nations abandoned their state churches, and they’re already committing societal suicide.
At least the immigrants are integrating
I don’t think this sort of integration is quite what the “save the poor refugees” idiots had in mind when they decided to permit Islamic immigration into Christendom:
For the first time in its history, Denmark has charged a woman with terrorism. The morbid debut involves a 16-year-old Danish girl, who converted to Islam and intended to blow up a historic Jewish school.
The girl was arrested in January 2016 for possessing explosives. Later it emerged that the explosive TATP (which is also known as acetone peroxide and was used in the November 2015 Paris attacks) was meant to be used in an attack against two schools in Denmark, Danish Radio reported. Due to the delicate nature of the case and the amount of sensitive information, much of the data in the so-called “Kundby case” (named after the village where the girl was arrested) has been withheld from the public. The court hearings are being held behind “double-locked” doors.
Last Friday, the Copenhagen Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that the 16-year-old girl has been charged with an attempted terror attack for her plans to bomb the private Jewish school Carolineskolen in Copenhagen together with her own school, Sydskolen in Fårevejle. The girl was reportedly far along with her preparations to make a bomb. She was also planning a test explosion, which constituted solid grounds for terrorism charges. The trial will begin in April, and the 16-year-old is facing a minimum four-year sentence….
In the same announcement issued by the Prosecutor’s Office, a 25-year-old man who had previously been arrested in connection with the case was released without any charges filed against him, despite having reportedly fought alongside extremists in Syria and being previously described as a “friend” of the girl.
This really shouldn’t surprise anyone who is familiar of the history of Islamic expansion. Either the country is eventually Islamicized, or the Muslims are driven out. As democracies, the countries of the West really should hold referendums presenting those two choices to the voters, because those are the only two options available.
Germany reverses course
Or, at least, Merkel’s government is talking about it now that they’re on the verge of losing power as a result of her multiculti idiocy:
Angela Merkel met state governors last night to discuss expelling failed asylum seekers from Germany. Merkel’s popularity has been seriously dented as a result of her policy of welcoming more than one million immigrants to her country since 2015.
With a general election scheduled for September, she is said to be desperate to boost her chances of securing a fourth term in office.
According to official figures, Germany rejected more than 170,000 asylum applications in 2016 but repatriated only 26,000 people.
Under a 16-point plan drawn up by Merkel and her advisors, police would be allowed to detain people deemed to be a threat, with “federal departure centres” built near airports to house rejected applicants. There will also be an increase in financial incentives to boost voluntary departures.
Germany’s creaking asylum system was exposed last year by the failure to deport the Tunisian Islamic radical Anis Amri. He was denied asylum six months before killing 12 people in the Berlin Christmas market truck attack.
In a separate development, German police announced yesterday they had arrested two Islamists and, they believed, prevented another terror attack.
This week new figures revealed that more than half of Europeans want to ban immigration from predominately Muslim countries.
However, it’s not going to be enough to merely reduce the number of rejected asylum seekers. The necessary program is very simple. European nations have been using it with great success since Pelagius began it and Ferdinand and Isabella finished it. Reconquista 2.0 is coming.
And the sooner it begins, the more peaceful it will be.