It’s not over

Germany-Holland game cancelled

     BREAKING: Hanover chief of police: “There was a device intended to be detonated inside the stadium.” #GERNED
    — DW Sports (@dw_sports) November 17, 2015

    BREAKING: Reports that German police have discovered a truck bomb disguised as an ambulance near football stadium in Hanover. #GERNED
    — DW Sports (@dw_sports) November 17, 2015

    Police in Hanover: “You don’t know what a perpetrator is possibly planning. Don’t stay in groups. Find safety.” #GERNED
    — DW Sports (@dw_sports) November 17, 2015

And it won’t be over until Reconquista 2.0 is concluded. Meanwhile, in Israel:

Israel outlawed a domestic religious-political group it referred to as
the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, accusing it of inciting
recent Arab violence by conducting a campaign of agitation over a
Jerusalem holy site.

The resistance builds

I expect this will not be the only individual who is unwilling to play his part, however small, in the demographic demolition of his nation:

A German scientist is revoking the license to his bioinformatics software for researchers working in eight European countries because he believes those countries allow too many immigrants to cross their borders. From 1 October, scientists in Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Denmark—”the countries that together host most of the non-European immigrants“—won’t be allowed to use a program called Treefinder, informatician Gangolf Jobb wrote in a statement he posted on his website.

Treefinder has been used in hundreds of scientific papers to build phylogenetic trees, diagrams showing the most likely evolutionary relationship of various species, from sequence data. Although the change in the license may be a nuisance for some researchers, the program is far from irreplaceable, several scientists tell ScienceInsider. Treefinder had not been updated for several years and it was mostly used by researchers who had grown used to it, they say. Some pointed to a list of possible alternatives online.

“Immigration to my country harms me, it harms my family, it harms my people. “Immigration to my country harms me, it harms my family, it harms my
people. Whoever invites or welcomes immigrants to Europe and Germany is
my enemy,” Jobb’s statement reads.

What’s interesting is that he took this action prior to the immigrant attacks in Paris. And what is even more interesting is that he is a man of the Left, as he writes: “Immigration unnecessarily defers the collapse of capitalism, its final crisis.”

Hmmm. A German, a nationalist, and a socialist. That sounds familiar. The thing is, if forced to choose between Muslims and Nazis, the Germans are going to choose the latter every single time, as the graffiti at a migrant center indicates. And it won’t only be the Germans either. In fact, I’ll bet that most of today’s self-styled anti-fascists will eventually embrace the ultranationalists once they discover that the “refugees” they are welcoming are considerably more “fascist” than the Nazis ever were.

Saladin’s taqiyya

It’s amazing that any Muslim still thinks that the West is collectively dumb enough to fall for this line:

Saladin Ahmed ‏@saladinahmed
Hey racist assholes exploiting an atrocity: Refugees from Syria, etc. are looking to *escape* this sort of violence, not to spread it.

Vox Day ‏@voxday
Give up on the taqiyya, Saladin the Liar. Refugees from Syria committed the atrocity in Paris.

Leandro Novaes ‏@leahn_novash
3.609 retweets of his lie. It’s worrisome the amount of support the enemies of civilization can muster.

Vox Day ‏@voxday
No, Saladin the Liar is one of the SFWA’s affirmative action pets, so he gets inordinate attention.

All of SJW virtue-signaling and “I’m so sorry you had to experience that” condolences from the SFWA hugbox should be amusing. It’s also fascinating how the only place those poor refugees “from Syria” could  *escape* that sort of violence was in the West, instead of any of in any of the many countries belonging to their co-religionists.

In addition to implicitly trying to pass off Islam as a race, Ahmed himself belies his own argument. Look at the books featured on his Twitter header. Are they written about Native American culture? Are they written about Norman Rockwell American culture? About any Western culture? Of course not. Californian immigrants californicate. Islamic immigrants islamify. That’s how mass migration works. That’s how it has always worked.

Take it from a Native American whose brothers are literally on the reservation today.

UPDATE: See, this is exactly why they should have been sinking the damn boats:

Paris attacks terrorist suspect Ahmed Almuhamed ‘was rescued near Greece after his refugee boat sunk’. According to Serbian media, a Syrian passport belonging to Ahmed Almuhamed was found at the scene of the attack at the Stade de France. Now a Greek newspaper claims to have discovered the 25-year-old and a family member, called Mohammed Almuhmed, were rescued from a wrecked migrant boat that had sunk on the journey from Syria.

Refugees and children

Remember this when the SJWs and other pro-invaders start throwing out their sob stories about poor little immigrants and children “jes’ wanting to start a better life in their new home”:

Two of the suicide bombers who caused carnage in the Paris massacre are thought to have sneaked into France by posing as refugees from Syria.The disclosure, which came amid claims of French intelligence failures, inevitably raised new security concerns about Europe’s borders.

Police said the two men, who arrived in Greece last month, were among seven attackers, one as young as 15.

Even Marine Le Pen isn’t taking it far enough yet. Most people don’t realize yet that it’s the moderates who are the heretics. Not the radicals. But even so, at least she appears to be moving in the right direction.

“Urgent action is needed. Islamist fundamentalism must be annihilated, France must ban Islamist organizations, close radical mosques and expel foreigners who preach hatred in our country as well as illegal migrants who have nothing to do here.”

It looks as if Reconquista 2.0 will begin soon. But not soon enough for the people of Paris.

A history lesson

John Wright helps the history-impaired:

Within twenty-five years after the death of Mohammed, the southern and eastern reaches of the Byzantine Empire, all Christian lands, and all fertile, were reduced by terror and sword to a wasteland. Te Jewish colonies of Yemen were conquered. Libya and much of Egypt to this day retains this character. All seven of the Churches mentioned by name in the Book of Revelation were conquered.

The Mohammedanism, like the Stalinism who came later, demand history be abolished, and are responsible for the burning and loss of nine tenth of the known lost ancient manuscripts of history. The destruction of the Stone Buddha statues in Afghanistan, or the famous museum in Babylon, was not a mistake or the act of some odd extremists: it is a central part of mainstream Sharia. Christian churches and relics are destroyed whenever they fall into Mohammedan hands: to this day, the Church of Saint Sophia in Constantinople is used as a mosque, in triumphant mockery of the defeated Christians.

You have no doubt heard that there was a Golden Age of Islam, where Muslim scholars preserved the works of Aristotle and the ancients, invented the zero, or made great strides in astronomy and mathematics. This is all an outrageous lie, the precise opposite of the truth. There were certain Spanish scholars, mostly Jews and Christians, conquered by Muslims, but who preserved the ancient texts despite the Muslim program of destroying them. The Byzantine Empire preserved what we have of ancient learning, and scholars fleeing the downfall of one Byzantine theme, province, or city after another in the relentless onslaught of Mohammed reintroduced them into the West. The Moslems not only were not the preservers of the knowledge of the ancient literature, they were the main force destroying it.

As I have already predicted, the 1st Amendment is over. One way or another.

The end of the 1st Amendment

Don’t think that the government is going to protect you from the global jihad. Not only is the US government resolutely refusing to go to war with ISIS, but it is actively importing the terrorists and settling them in your cities. This detailed recounting of the attack on the Westgate Mall is sobering indeed.

On Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013, the Somali militant group al-Shabab carried out an assault on Kenya’s Westgate Mall in one of the worst terrorist attacks in the country’s history. A group of young gunmen stalked the halls and stores of the upscale Nairobi shopping center, and methodically murdered at least 67 people. News of the attack seized the world’s attention, dominating international media coverage for days.

But much of that reporting was confused and contradictory, mirroring the litany of false and misleading statements made by Kenyan authorities. There were between 10 and 15 gunmen, the interior minister said. Two or three of them were Americans, said another cabinet minister. Together they took hostages, used heavy explosives, and pulled off a three-day siege, according to other government sources. Except none of these things were true.

Far from a dramatic three-day standoff, the assault on the Westgate Mall lasted only a few hours, almost all of it taking place before Kenyan security forces even entered the building. When they finally did, it was only to shoot at one another before going on an armed looting spree that resulted in the collapse of the rear of the building, destroyed with a rocket-propelled grenade. And there were only four gunmen, all of whom were buried in the rubble, along with much of the forensic evidence.

During the roughly three-and-a-half hours that the killers were loose in the mall, there was virtually no organized government response. But while Kenyan officials prevaricated, an unlikely coalition of licensed civilian gun owners and brave, resourceful individual police officers took it upon themselves to mount a rescue effort. Pieced together over 10 months from more than three dozen interviews with survivors, first responders, security officers, and investigators, the following account brings their story to life for the first time since the horrific terrorist attack occurred exactly two years ago.

I impression that the war in the USA will start when an attack of similar scale takes place in the USA and Americans begin to respond in kind despite the best efforts of the federal government to defend their attackers. There is no assimilation taking place; observe that one of the four Somalis involved in the attack grew up in Norway.

The First Amendment will be rejected by the American public long before the Second. As it has been said, the Constitution is not a suicide pact and few Americans will stand by freedom of religion when doing so jeopardizes their right to life, liberty, and happiness. Between the Scylla of godless pedophiles and the Charybdis of Sharia, the USA is no longer a society fit for a First Amendment.

After the Breivik shootings in Norway, I said that future Europeans generations will likely regard him as a national hero akin to William Tell and Vlad Tepes. In light of the way events are beginning to take shape, I may have been in error. They may well make him a saint.

Russian airstrikes in Syria

Vladimir Putin was not bluffing:

US officials are now widely briefing that Russia has started carrying out airstrikes in Syria, following a vote by the Moscow’s upper house of parliament this morning approving military action in Syria.

Valentina Matvienko, the speaker of the Russian upper house of
parliament, says senators approved Vladimir Putin’s permission for
airstrikes in order to crush the “hydra” of terrorism:
We proceeded from the fact that first of all it is in the interests of national security of Russia for many reasons. Because
if today this hydra is not crushed at its roots, where it is already at
war, if we do not destroy “Islamic State” today, Isil could come to
threaten the entire world, including Europe and Russia.

This is very interesting from a grand strategic perspective. Note that Russia is portraying itself as a defender of Europe against Islam, and an ally in that fight, whereas the USA has been actively fostering the Islamic invasion of Europe.