A message from Russia

The message of tomorrow’s release is much the same. The world has changed. The rules have changed. If you do not change with them, you will lose your nation and your posterity.

The politicians and governments will not defend you. They have no intention of defending you. They have made this world of cowardice, fear, and cringing in the dark, waiting to die.

You don’t have to believe the Russians are good guys to understand that they have already been through their dark night. They have already survived their great test of godlessness. The West, on the other hand, is only beginning its time of trials.

It’s always Over There

I’m not simply discounting the warning in this article postulating large-scale Islamic 4GW in Europe. But I am just a little amused by it, as Americans always, always, always fail to understand Europe and tend to underestimate the strong nationalist core underneath the soft modern welfare state:

The hard core of the battle-hardened jihadists now fanning out across Europe understands the tried-and-true process of igniting a civil war through terror. They will calculate that the European military and police cannot and will not sustain the battle against an unceasing campaign of terrorism. Brussels cannot remain on virtual lockdown forever without its economy being wrecked. What will happen when a Paris-type attack, or worse, is a daily event in a dozen European cities?

As I mentioned above, just the other day in northern Italy eight hundred combat-style pistol-grip shotguns were discovered in a truck on their way from Turkey to Belgium. Do the math. The Paris attacks were carried out by approximately eight jihadists armed with Kalashnikovs, shotguns and TATP suicide vests (which can be manufactured anywhere there is a kitchen). Now imagine a “Super Tet Offensive,” with every type of target on the hit list from airports to zoological parks, each being assaulted by an eight-man squad of such killers. Some attacks smaller, some larger, from pairs to platoons in strength.

Today, perhaps only a few short months prior to Tet 2016, there is no Islamic high command located in Europe or elsewhere in charge of planning specific terror operations. There is no OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the supreme command of the German Nazi armed forces) planning an Islamic Operation Barbarossa. Hence, there is no command and control structure for Western intelligence to penetrate and disrupt.

Instead of a central brain directing many hands, think of a vast swarm of stinging jellyfish, all moving in loose formation, with the same generalized attack plan in their collective hive-mind. At the end of 2015, individual muhajirs may have only a basic awareness that they are heading to Europe to conduct a great jihad. As D-Day draws nearer, coded messages will proliferate with cryptic references to portentous events from Islamic history. “Get ready, and prepare to conduct major operations” will be the thrust of the online chatter and encrypted wireless messages. In each European city, targets will be individually scouted by local mujahirs in anticipation of a general outbreak of jihad terror attacks.

How many mosques have already received a truckload of shotguns or Kalashnikovs? Run the numbers again: eight jihadists per terror attack, eight hundred weapons per truck, 80,000 Viet Cong fighters in the original Tet Offensive, and an estimated 800,000 muhajirs flooding into Europe. Using radical mosques as clandestine armories is S.O.P in the Middle East, so why would the jihadists not use the same tactics in safe and docile Europe? Out of a sense of fairness and respect for European laws? Please. In the words of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers…” And bear in mind that anyplace an AK-47 can be smuggled, so too can a few kilos of Semtex.

Imagine a dozen or even a score of Beslan-type school sieges, all happening at the same time, across that number of European cities. Initially, the first string of major surprise attacks will be coordinated by the most well-organized terror networks using currently unbreakable wireless encryption. Many of the attacks will involve numerous captured hostages, often children, with impossible demands being made to guarantee their safety. Or no demands will be made; just rape and slaughter will ensue, as in the Russian Beslan example. This outbreak of major attacks will be the signal for the general jihad offensive to begin.
The Beslan Massacre happened in 2004 at the hands of yet another killer gang of aggrieved Islamists. Two squads of Chechen Muslim terrorists arrived on the first day of school in a Russian town, using false police vans as camouflage. They took a thousand young hostages and held them for three days. The Muslim terrorists murdered over four hundred innocents, often after rape and torture. Now, imagine twenty ongoing European Beslans, with simultaneous infrastructure and “soft-target” (people) attacks happening everywhere in between.

What Hitler’s Nazis accomplished with Stukas and Tigers and motorized divisions, the Islamonazis will attempt to accomplish by a massive “Tet Offensive on steroids,” overwhelming and stunning the European meta-system into immediate paralysis and first psychological, then material defeat. At least, that is the outcome that the Islamonozis will be striving to achieve. The 1968 Tet infiltration and mass-attack strategy didn’t succeed in Vietnam, and maybe it won’t work in Europe, either. It’s more likely that the hoped-for general uprising by all European Muslims against the kafirs will not be triggered, and it may simply stall and sputter out.

In strategic terms, if nothing else, the 2016 jihad offensive and subsequent civil war in Europe will open up a second major front in the war against the Islamic State, causing NATO and the West to turn their attention inward toward their own survival, and thereby take pressure off the other theaters of war in Iraq and Syria.

And for the Europeans to win the coming civil war, they will have to be at least half as brutally ugly as their Muslim invaders, and that means pretty damn brutally ugly. But while the jihadists will be operating at maximum brutality from day one, the placid and polite European authorities will be starting from far behind in that department. For example: a standard jihadist tactic is to flee from a terror attack straight back into the embrace of their co-religionists in the Sharia-zone ghettos, and hide behind their women and children. Then what will the authorities do? Go in and try to arrest them? (Just joking.) Wait for their next excursion with more terror bombs? Or gut the entire suspected block with shell fire? This is what I mean by damn ugly. The French reaction to the Paris attacks gives a hint of how this phase will run.

Best case scenario, and I don’t see this as likely: the 2016 Islamic Tet attackers will be wiped out the way the Viet Cong were in 1968. But if there are enough simultaneous attacks, in total numbers involving anywhere near the 80,000 or so fighters of the Vietnamese Tet, I can’t see how the present European forces can defeat the jihadists in less than a month, if at all. By very simple math, that number of jihadists means ten thousand Paris-level attacks. Think about that. Ten thousand Paris level attacks! All taking place in the same month, the same week, even on the same day, right across Europe. The politically-correct and overly polite European policemen (and even their militaries, at first) won’t be up to mounting successful counterattacks and rescue operations against a score of Beslans happening in schools, hospitals and concert halls. Not while at the same time, airports, train stations, power plants and other targets are being hit by Paris-sized terror squads right across Europe.

What Americans always fail to understand is that Europeans are, by and large, far more ruthless than they are. They, and not the Europeans or the Russians, were the party responsible for preventing the Serbians from ethnically cleansing the Muslims out of Bosnia and Herzogovina.

When a handful of activists were shot at Kent State, America was wracked with guilt. When the Parisian police handcuffed and drowned dozens of Algerian activists in the Seine, they gave the chief of police a medal.

Attempting to judge European attitudes by the statements of Hollande and Merkel is like judging Americans by Obama’s sanctimonious platitudes. If there is an uprising of the sort envisioned, there will be an ultraviolent, ultranationalist reaction that will make the Russians in Berlin look calm and reasonable.

Keep in mind that Europeans are already banning the wearing of burqahs in public. They are erecting barbed-wire borders and openly abrogating treaties in defense of their nations. Political parties with considerable support are talking openly about tearing up residence permits and enacting mass deportations. Nor do Europeans have much regard for religious liberties behind which Muslims can hide in the USA; Scientology is already banned in Germany and they could literally ban Islam tomorrow if the leadership was amenable. And the fact that the Islamic populations tend to be concentrated only makes the strategic issue that much easier to address, if necessary.

Furthermore, Europeans are far from unarmed. Both France and Germany have more than 30 firearms per 100 population. This is lower than 88.8 per 100 as in the USA, but it is hardly an indication of being defenseless. What Europeans don’t have is handguns; they have the rifles and shotguns that would be more militarily useful.

But the chief problem with this Tet 2.0 concept is that it is simply not in keeping with everything we know from military history about how Muslims historically wage war. What works for a highly disciplined, patient group of Asians fighting foreigners in their homeland is considerably less likely to be effective for a more aggressive and impetuous collection of teenagers and twenty-somethings from the Middle East.

And while too much of the European leadership is very nearly as treacherous, and anti-nationalistic as he describes, I very much doubt that any of them are secret Muslims. The fact is that most Europeans look at Muslims the way Americans view Hispanics; they don’t really see them as a serious threat. After all, their forefathers repeatedly defeated them for literally centuries. They may be right to discount the threat, they may be wrong, but they certainly aren’t guided by abject fear of it.

If anything, I think the problem is that as highly secular societies, they find it difficult to take a threat that involves a religious motivation seriously.

Oh, the humanity

It’s fascinating to see the American media pushing the Muslim sob stories already. The inevitable reaction that their violent expansion into the West will inspire hasn’t even begun yet:

Asma Jama had been at the Coon Rapids Applebee’s
for just 25 minutes when the beer mug smashed into her face. She was
left with 17 stitches, a persistent headache and scars that may be
38-year-old Minneapolis resident returned to Minnesota last week after
fleeing the state for several weeks to be with family in Texas. And while Jama took the actual blow, Muslims throughout the Twin Cities have been wounded by the attack.
and anti-immigrant voices are a loud presence on the American political
scene, especially at times of crisis such as the recent terrorist
attacks in Paris and the arrests of suspected ISIL recruits from
And now, with a woman attacked in a popular family restaurant, Muslims can’t help but wonder: Will I be next?
appalling,” said Fatima Alnizami, a St. Paul native who now lives in
Brooklyn Park. “People are on high alert, and they think anybody wearing
a head scarf or a beard is a terrorist.
Alnizami, who works at the Al-Amal School in
Fridley, said she hesitates to speak Arabic to her two young children in
public. “I have to be worried that I might be making someone angry,”
she said.
don’t feel safe,” said Ahmad Abu Atieh, director of the Islamic
Cultural Community Center in Minneapolis. “I worry that someone will
attack me. Every day.”
The reason they don’t feel safe is that they’ve brought their permanent war to Minnesota. There will never be peace as long as any of them remain there because they are there to conquer and rule. Anyone with even a modicum of knowledge about military history knows that Muslims always bring war to what they call the House of War (which is territory that has not submitted to Muslim rule); the only way any society has ever avoided this is to keep them on the outside.
The Europeans who fought for centuries to keep their lands free of Muslim invaders would be utterly astonished, and horrified, at the short-sighted idiocy of what passes for the West’s leaders today. The price of Pax Americana will be generations of war and religious cleansing across the West… and that’s the best case scenario.
Remember, it took 700 years for the Spanish to reclaim their homeland from the Ummayads. Sooner or later the West is either going to submit or embark on Reconquista 2.0, and the longer it procrastinates, the more vicious the struggle is going to be. And the more historically aware Muslims know it is coming because they’ve been through the process in dozens of countries before.

Less than a week after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed 2,996 people, President Bush held a news conference at the Islamic Center of Washington. “The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam,” he said, flanked by imams and community leaders. “Islam is peace.”

That says it all right there. Submission is peace. Resistance is war. Choose. Those are the two options – the only two options – everyone in the West faces. It doesn’t matter whether you like those options or not, submission or resistance is all that there is. That’s the way it plays out every single time.

Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

The cycle of chaos is fast becoming one of the worst outbreaks of violence along Muslim-Christian fault lines in recent memory in sub-Saharan Africa, tensions that have also plagued countries such as Nigeria and Sudan.

It is mysterious, is it not, that those same tensions also happen to plague Hindu countries like India and Bangladesh as well, where innocent Muslim minorities who ain’t never done nothing to nobody are also violently oppressed? Well, surely it’s different in America than in India, and Myanmar, and Bangladesh, and Nigeria, and Serbia, and Sudan, and the Philippines, and China, and the Central African Republic….

The NATO-ISIS connection

Just happens to be Turkey:

A senior Western official familiar with a large cache of intelligence obtained this summer from a major raid on an ISIS safehouse told the Guardian that “direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now ‘undeniable.’”

The same official confirmed that Turkey, a longstanding member of NATO, is not just supporting ISIS, but also other jihadist groups, including Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria. “The distinctions they draw [with other opposition groups] are thin indeed,” said the official. “There is no doubt at all that they militarily cooperate with both.”

In a rare insight into this brazen state-sponsorship of ISIS, a year ago Newsweek reported the testimony of a former ISIS communications technician, who had travelled to Syria to fight the regime of Bashir al-Assad.

The former ISIS fighter told Newsweek that Turkey was allowing ISIS trucks from Raqqa to cross the “border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February.” ISIS militants would freely travel “through Turkey in a convoy of trucks,” and stop “at safehouses along the way.”

The former ISIS communication technician also admitted that he would routinely “connect ISIS field captains and commanders from Syria with people in Turkey on innumerable occasions,” adding that “the people they talked to were Turkish officials… ISIS commanders told us to fear nothing at all because there was full cooperation with the Turks.”

In January, authenticated official documents of the Turkish military were leaked online, showing that Turkey’s intelligence services had been caught in Adana by military officers transporting missiles, mortars and anti-aircraft ammunition via truck “to the al-Qaeda terror organisation” in Syria.

According to other ISIS suspects facing trial in Turkey, the Turkish national military intelligence organization (MIT) had begun smuggling arms, including NATO weapons to jihadist groups in Syria as early as 2011.

The allegations have been corroborated by a prosecutor and court testimony of Turkish military police officers, who confirmed that Turkish intelligence was delivering arms to Syrian jihadists from 2013 to 2014.

Documents leaked in September 2014 showed that Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan had financed weapons shipments to ISIS through Turkey. A clandestine plane from Germany delivered arms in the Etimesgut airport in Turkey and split into three containers, two of which were dispatched to ISIS.

A report by the Turkish Statistics Institute confirmed that the government had provided at least $1 million in arms to Syrian rebels within that period, contradicting official denials. Weapons included grenades, heavy artillery, anti-aircraft guns, firearms, ammunition, hunting rifles and other weapons?—?but the Institute declined to identify the specific groups receiving the shipments.

Information of that nature emerged separately. Just two months ago, Turkish police raided a news outlet that published revelations on how the local customs director had approved weapons shipments from Turkey to ISIS.

Turkey has also played a key role in facilitating the life-blood of ISIS’ expansion: black market oil sales. Senior political and intelligence sources in Turkey and Iraq confirm that Turkish authorities have actively facilitated ISIS oil sales through the country.

Last summer, Mehmet Ali Ediboglu, an MP from the main opposition, the Republican People’s Party, estimated the quantity of ISIS oil sales in Turkey at about $800 million?—?that was over a year ago.

By now, this implies that Turkey has facilitated over $1 billion worth of black market ISIS oil sales to date.

Both NATO and the EU should probably rethink their strategy of building closer relationships with the Turk. No doubt the neocons are slavering at the thought of using Turkey as a means of furthering their desired conflict with Russia, but considering how far agley their plans tend to go, that will probably end with Russia in possession of the warm water seaport it has always wanted.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Turkey is taking the side of ISIS. In the end, it is always the Dar al-Islam against the Dar al-Harb.

History never ended

If forced to choose between Muslims and Nazis, which would you choose? Thanks to the multiculturalists, abstaining is not an option. Those are the only two choices. The Germans are already clear about their preferences:

Germany security guards at the main government office for refugees in Berlin have reportedly been caught on camera using openly Nazi language.

Bild newspaper has released video footage in which it alleges the guards call for asylum-seekers to be put in concentration camps.

One recording purports to show a uniformed security guard speaking of getting “swastikas in my eyes”.

“In two years, there will be a revolution here and there will be no more of all this s***. We’ll clean it all out,” the guard, who has not been named, appears to say.

“We have plenty of summer camps, and I swear to you they can be used again. On the gate: work makes you free,” he says.

There used to be Muslims in Spain too. For 700 years. And then there weren’t. So it’s rather amusing for the historically literate to hear the multiculturalists insisting that diversity is forever. I mean, how do they think those ethnically homogeneous nations came about in the first place, evolution?

The amount of blood that is going to be on the hands of the multiculturalists is going to be absolutely astonishing. The anti-fascists and multiculturalists and diversity advocates are creating more Nazis around the world than Hitler ever did.

And no amount of name-calling is going to dissuade them. If the deportations do not begin soon, the death camps will become inevitable. That’s how it works. That is how it has always worked, going back to Assyria, Carthage, and Rome. There are now two options: elect the nationalists or deal with the revolutionary ultranationalists.

History never ended.

Immigration is anti-semitic

There is a useful meme, courtesy of the Central Council of Jews:

The Central Council of Jews in Germany called Monday for a limit to the Syrian migrant influx, citing concerns that the mainly Muslim newcomers bring with them a culture steeped in anti-Semitism.

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has opened the doors to Syrian migrants, and arrivals from the war-torn country and other  regions in the Middle East are expected to reach one million this year.

“Sooner or later we won’t have a choice but to set an upper limit,” the council’s president Josef Schuster told Die Welt daily.

“Many of the refugees are fleeing the terror of the Islamic State and want to live in peace and freedom, but at the same time they come from cultures where hatred of Jews and intolerance are an integral part.”

“Don’t just think about the Jews, think about the equality between men and women, or dealing with homosexuals,” he added.

Forget the details and focus on the rhetoric. Immigration is anti-semitism. And as a bonus, it will put the cuckservatives into complete brainlock.

Scalzi: Americans are ” shrieking, bigoted cowards”

John Scalzi’s accusation that Americans are “shrieking, bigoted cowards” and “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” because they don’t want to permit Muslim immigrants to move in next door is more than a little ironic, considering that McRapey has a) never been in so much as a fistfight in his life, b) spent the last year lecturing everyone about how SF conventions are unsafe and #GamerGate is more evil and lethally dangerous than the Waffen SS, and c) lives in the whitiest white Christian enclave he could afford.

So, this week.

    The last few days are a reminder that a large number of Americans are in fact shrieking, bigoted cowards, and that’s a sad thing, indeed.

    — John Scalzi (@scalzi) November 19, 2015

Seriously, I don’t think the bedwetting about Muslims has been this bad in a very long time, which is saying something, and the panic on Syrian refugees is particularly ridiculous. Here’s a nice, juicy quote from a just released essay on the subject:

    Of the 859,629 refugees admitted from 2001 onwards, only three have been convicted of planning terrorist attacks on targets outside of the United States and none was successfully carried out.  That is one terrorism-planning conviction for a refugee for every 286,543 of them who have been admitted.  To put that in perspective, about 1 in every 22,541 Americans committed murder in 2014.  The terrorist threat from Syrian refugees in the United States is hyperbolically over-exaggerated and we have very little to fear from them because the refugee vetting system is so thorough…

    The security threat posed by refugees in the United States is insignificant.  Halting America’s processing of refugees due to a terrorist attack in another country that may have had one asylum-seeker as a co-plotter would be an extremely expensive overreaction to very minor threat.

What horrifyingly liberal commie soviet came up with this load of codswallop? The Cato Institute, the libertarian think tank co-founded by Charles Koch, i.e., the fellow who with his brother is currently trying to buy the entire right side of the political spectrum for his own personal ends. When the Cato Institute is telling you to maybe take down the pearl-clutching over the Syrian refugees a notch or two, it’s an indication that you’ve lost all perspective…. So congratulations, America. We’ve successfully wrested the title of “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” from France. Enjoy it.

So brave. The reference to France is ironic, in light of how the general mood in France right now is somewhere between “I am voting for Front National” and “kill all the fucking barbarians already”. And apparently the Chinese are even more cowardly, considering that they are terminating with extreme prejudice all terrorist suspects, including those under the age of six.

It will be amusing to see how long it takes before Scalzi starts desperately trying to explain away this piece in much the same way he has been trying to explain away his public rape confession for the last three years. But not as amusing as it would be to see Saladin Ahmed behead him on stage at Worldcon, which Ahmed totally would not do because Muslims never do that sort of thing. It is, I am reliably informed, “against Islam.”

UPDATE: Someone sent along this.

[Link to Vox Day’s site deleted; he doesn’t need traffic from here – JS] 

It’s true, I don’t. I’m already approaching four times his traffic.

Root and branch

China is already fighting WWIII. So are several African countries. Europe will be next:

Chinese police have killed 28 members of a “terrorist group” in the mainly Muslim Xinjiang region, authorities announced Friday, in the bloodiest such operation in months and as Beijing denounces Western “double standards” in the wake of the Paris attacks.

The killings took place over the course of a 56-day manhunt following an attack on a colliery in Aksu in September that left 16 people dead, said the Xinjiang regional government’s Tianshan web portal. One “thug” surrendered, it added.

It was the first official confirmation of both the attack on the mine and its aftermath.

Xinjiang is the homeland of the mostly Muslim Uighur ethnic minority, many of whom complain of discrimination and controls on their culture and religion, and is often hit by deadly unrest.

The assault on the colliery was “a violent terrorist attack under the direct command of an overseas extremist organisation”, Tianshan said.

China’s official Xinhua news agency cited a Xinjiang government statement identifying the attack leaders as Musa Tohniyaz and Mamat Aysa, both apparently Uighur names.

Friday’s reports came after Radio Free Asia (RFA), which is funded by the US government, said that more than 50 people including five police were killed in a knife attack at a colliery in Aksu in September.

Earlier this week RFA cited government and local sources as saying 17 suspects, including seven women and children — among them a one-year-old and six-year-old — had been killed by authorities.

You don’t have to like something to understand that it is inevitable. I don’t like it. I issued regular and repeated warnings for 14 years in a futile attempt to convince the USA to choose a more civilized path. This is not what I wanted to see. This is exactly what I feared would be the outcome.

If you didn’t want to see suicide bombings and massacres and little children being executed as “terrorist suspects” across the West, then you should not have permitted Islamic immigration into it. Mohammedans have brought war in their wake literally everywhere they have gone from the time their Prophet led the Al-Is Caravan raid in 623 AD.

And I tend to doubt that the Islamic State’s execution of the Chinese hostage it was holding is going to cause much restraint on the part of the Chinese authorities.

The Battlefield of Order is over. This is 4GW. It’s going to be considerably uglier than its predecessors, and this time, the Catholic Church is in no position to mitigate it.

A silver lining

Suddenly, tens of millions of Americans paused to reflect upon the thought that perhaps there is something good to be found in everyone, even the most wicked:

ISIS has threatened to bomb New York City in a newly released video, just days after vowing to attack Washington, D.C.

The slick clip features shots of yellow taxis and crowds in Times Square and Herald Square in Manhattan, with vibrant French music playing in the background – a nod to the Paris terror attacks on Friday.

It then cuts to a man wrapping a bomb around his waist before walking into the crowds and pulling the trigger.

New York police have issued a statement to say they are aware of the footage.

Throw in Los Angeles and ISIS will soon have as much support in the USA as in the UK.

Here’s one thing people should keep in mind: the Bataclan concert hall was, until very recently, Jewish-owned. So there is a reasonable chance that if ISIS strikes the USA, it is going to do so at the symbols of Jewish power in America.

If I were in counter-terror, I would look carefully at the NFL and NBA teams that are Jewish-owned, such as the Vikings, as potential targets. Especially the Vikings since the newly imported Somali community in Minnesota has already produced jihadists, and specifically, suicide bombers.

It should be interesting to see how all the good liberals who have been rambling on and on about how Islam isn’t to blame for the lethal jihadist attacks react to being directly targeted themselves. In the meantime, everyone across the West should carry, practice situational awareness, and stay out of soft target areas as much as possible.

This isn’t going to end until Reconquista 2.0 is complete, so don’t think it’s going to end anytime soon. No amount of bombs dropping in the Middle East is going to deal with the threat to the West. “Fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here” has proven to be the complete failure I said it would be back in 2001.

‘Once ISIS is eliminated as a governing entity in Syria and Iraq, the threat from ISIS will persist, said Rep. Adam Schiff of California, senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. ‘There is a continuing aspiration to strike in the West. It’s a real and present danger to the United States and our allies.’

This is why: “13% Of Syrian Refugees Support IS.” And to think we thought californication was bad….

Paris attackers under siege

Some of them didn’t escape back to Syria; SWAT siege in Saint-Denis:

BREAKING NEWS: One jihadi is shot dead and a woman suicide bomber blows herself up in dramatic gunfight at Paris apartment where mastermind of terror attacks is surrounded by 100 officers

  •     French police and special forces launch operation to storm Saint-Denis flat believed to contain up to six terrorists
  •     Mastermind behind Friday’s massacres, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, believed to be inside the Paris apartment
  •     Female suicide bomber detonated explosive vest after firing on police while one suspect killed by rooftop sniper
  •     Wanted man Salah Abdeslam, 26, who has been spotted in Belgium and Germany,  may also be inside rented flat
  •     Three people have been taken alive from flat and arrested as well as two others ‘nearby’ but stand-off is ongoing

Feel free to update in the comments. And so much for Saladin Taqiyya’s attempt to spin the innocence of the Syrian migrants:

Riot police were clearing the streets early Wednesday, pointing guns at curious residents to move them off the roads and telling them to go home.

Mr Marie said the officers seemed nervous – ‘you could see it in their eyes, ‘ he said.

Resident Amin Guizani, 21, said: ‘There were grenades. It was going, stopping. Kalashnikovs. Starting again’.

Residents have been told to stay in their homes and away from windows and some have been moved to a temporary shelter in the town hall. Police have confirmed that several officers have been hurt.

Caroline Chomienne, who runs a film school, Altermedia, in St Denis, was trapped in the building next to where the assault took place.

‘We’d been working all night on a film and my staff had been gone for some time when around 4.20am I heard shooting. Then they became louder and for on an hour it went on – bursts of fire from all sides but also sounds like bombs going off.

‘The walls were shaking it was horrific. It was like war. It was Beirut.’

Now the director is thinking of quitting Paris.

‘Something like this doesn’t surprise me,’ she told Le Parisien, ‘that terrorists have hidden here. In this district the cellars are full of weapons. Outside there is a dealer every 100mtrs. It’s common knowledge around here that people go and come back from Syria with ease.

UPDATE: Police gun battle at Paris apartment ‘where ISIS mastermind was holed up’ ends with his ‘wife’ blowing herself up with a suicide vest, one jihadi shot dead and seven arrested.

Five police wounded and one police dog KIA.

UPDATE II: Suspected Islamist militants uncovered in a Paris suburb by police were
planning an attack on the French capital’s La Defense business district,
a source close to the investigation and two police sources said on