No one here will be shocked

But an awful lot of other people will be once the truth begins to come out about the reality of the evil U.S. political elite.

So the Supreme Court is being aligned. They Department of Defense was recently realigned by the president. Take a look at how he put in place a cyberterrorism and terrorism expert. As I said look at what he did in 2018 with the executive order to deal with foreign interference in our national elections….

The one thing I’ll say is there’ll be an intermingling. There will be people going to jail I believe who are involved in all of those or some of those same investigations. So there is potentially a great awakening. The truth has to come out. I believe it will. I do not think that you can hide the truth. I do say it and I believe it, every lie will be revealed. This country is going to be shocked when they find the truth about who’s been occupying the Oval Office for some periods of years. They’re going to be shocked at the level of pedophilia. They are going to be shocked at what I believe is going to be a revelation in terms of people who are engaged in satanic worship.

You may recall that I had a very brief brush with some elite social circles and Donald Trump was there at the time. I never saw anything out of the ordinary, but I didn’t like anything about any of the people I met and I really didn’t like their general vibe, which is saying something when you consider that I didn’t have any issues with the Wax Trax! crowd.

That’s why I don’t think it’s just going to be the Clinton-Obama crowd. I’m pretty sure the Bush crowd will be heavily involved as well. But whatever has been going on in those circles for the last 30 years, President Trump knows and he appears determined to stop it, which is probably why the bad guys went all-in on such high-risk election fraud.

The Lavender Pope

 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò openly suggests that Fake Pope Francis is being blackmailed by the forces of corruption within the Roman Catholic Church:

Today the Vatican Sanhedrin believes that it can overthrow the Church by delivering it into the hands of the globalist anti-Christian tyranny. We must therefore evaluate what is happening today with a supernatural gaze, in light of the battle that the world’s élite are conducting against Christian civilization. The attack that was initially launched from the outside against the Catholic monolith has evolved, from the Second Vatican Council onwards, into an action of widespread infiltration by means of the deep state in civil society and the deep church in the religious sphere. The enemy has succeeded in penetrating the interior of both the State and the Church, in order to rise to the very top, building a network of complicity and connivance that binds all of its members by means of blackmail, having chosen them precisely because of their corruptibility. It is not by chance that honest officials are systematically hindered, marginalized, and made the object of attacks….

The behavior and responsibility of the Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin appears particularly disturbing and grave, who not only did not oppose Peña Parra’s appointment as Substitute – that is, to be his primary collaborator – but even before that did not oppose his appointment as Archbishop and Apostolic Nuncio in January 2011, when Parolin was Nuncio in Caracas. Prior to such an important appointment, a rigorous process of gathering information is carried out in order to verify a candidate’s suitability. But what is even more disturbing is the fact that Bergoglio chose a collaborator accused of such grave crimes for such an important role in the Church.

Bergoglio’s recent utterances about homosexual civil unions; the impressive number of homosexual prelates with whom he has surrounded himself even in his residence at Santa Marta, beginning with his personal secretary Msgr. Fabian Pedacchio, who was suddenly removed and vanished into thin air; and the scandals that emerge daily about the homosexual lobby in the Vatican: all of these elements suggest that the Argentine wants to legitimize LGBTQ ideology not only in order to support the globalist agenda and demolish the immutable principles of Catholic morality, but also in order to decriminalize the crimes and abuses of his collaborators, protecting the magic circle that involves Maradiaga, Pineda, Peña Parra, Zanchetta, and the entire Vatican lavender mafia.

I wonder if Bergoglio himself, who was unknown to many people until March 13, 2013, is not being blackmailed by those who benefit with such impunity from his clemency. This would explain the motive that leads the one who sits on the Throne to rage with so much ruthlessness against the Church of Christ, while showing the greatest respect for people who are notoriously corrupt, perverted, and almost always implicated in sexual and financial scandals. The alternative – the plausibility of which is supported by disturbing elements that continue to be gathered with each passing day – is that Bergoglio’s choice to surround himself with people given over to vice, who are therefore blackmailable, is a deliberate one, and that the ultimate goal that he pursues consists in the demolition of the Catholic Church, replacing it with a sort of philanthropic and ecumenical NGO that is subservient to the globalist élite.

Events appear to be rapidly coming to a head all around the world. It would be a very good time for a cleansing Storm, would it not? 

Which god is that?

 The Fake Pope declares that the unrepentant are “children of god”. By which he apparently means children of his god, the god of this world:

Pope Francis has endorsed same-sex civil unions, saying in a documentary that homosexual people are ‘children of God’ and that they ‘have the right to be in a family’. 

‘Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it,’ the 83-year-old said in one of his sit-down interviews for the film. ‘What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.’

He added that he ‘stood up for that’ in an apparent reference to his time as archbishop of Buenos Aires when he opposed legislation to approve same sex marriages but supported some kind of legal protection for the rights of gay couples. The Pope’s remarks will come as a shock to millions of Roman Catholics who have long followed the doctrine that gay relationships are sinful and accepted the Church’s stand against the worldwide advance of gay rights. 

I’d feel a lot more sorry for Catholics if most Protestant churches weren’t exactly in the same boat. The invasion and infestation of the leaderships of the Christian churches around the world is pretty close to complete. 

By and large, billionaires are bad

 I was pretty sure Warren Buffet was a wholly-owned Promethean from the moment he talked about not leaving his wealth to his kids. But his reported financial support for BLM seals the deal:

The received wisdom, echoing the official mythology around Black Lives Matter Global Network Inc.—co-founded by Garza along with fellow activists Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors—is that BLM is a grassroots movement that rose up organically out of the widespread rage sparked by viral videos of Black American men killed by police officers. According to this account, the political priorities of activists in Brooklyn screaming at cops and calling to defund the police have been fused with those of suburban moms in Peloton T-shirts, hand-painting signs with their kids using the BLM hashtags of large multinational conglomerates—an unusual union of protesters and the corporate boardroom spurred on by nothing more than everyone’s shared outrage over racism.

There is, however, another version of events, in which the heartfelt dedication to racial justice is only the forward-facing side of a more complicated movement. Behind the street level activism and emotional outpouring is a calculated machinery built by establishment money and power that has seized on racial politics, in which some of the biggest capitalists in the world are financially backing a group of self-described “trained Marxists”—a label that Cullors enthusiastically applies to herself and the group’s other co-founders.

These bedfellows, whose stories and fortunes are never publicly presented as related, are in reality intertwined under the umbrella of a fiscal sponsor named the International Development Exchange. A modestly endowed West Coast nonprofit with origins in the Peace Corps—which for decades supported local farmers, shepherds, and agricultural workers across the Global South—IDEX has, in the past six years, been transformed into two distinct new things: the infrastructure back end to the Black Lives Matter organization in the United States and also, at the very same time, an investment fund vehicle driven by recruited MBAs and finance experts seeking to leverage decades of on-the-ground grantee relationships for novel forms of potentially problematic lending instruments . And it did so with help from the family of one of the most famous American billionaires in history—the Oracle of Omaha himself.

Not every billionaire has sold his soul to Satan, but it is readily apparent that most of them have. This may be what Jesus Christ warned us about when he said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 

It’s not an accident that they profit from evil and misfortune:

Billionaire wealth reached record high levels amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a report by UBS and PwC found, as a rally in stock prices and gains in technology and healthcare helped the wealth of the world’s richest break the $10 trillion mark. The report, covering over 2,000 billionaires representing some 98{5c1a0fb425e4d1363f644252322efd648e1c42835b2836cd8f67071ddd0ad0e3} of the cohort’s total wealth, found billionaire wealth grew by more than a quarter during the early months of the pandemic to reach $10.2 trillion in July, breaking the previous record of $8.9 trillion at the end of 2019.

They don’t produce anything. They aren’t providing capital to anything useful, or good, or beautiful, or true. This isn’t about capitalism or socialism, it’s about evil serving Evil.

Prometheans in the Church

To understand what is actually going on in the infiltrated and converged churches, you have to learn how to read through the media’s obfuscations:

Lloyd Eddie Lasker Jr., 49, was charged with possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a gun by a convicted felon after police found him at a gas station in Mayflower on Sept. 22 with meth, the Conway Police Department said in an affidavit filed in Faulkner County Circuit Court.

Mayflower is a town of less than 2,000 people about 30 minutes north of Little Rock, according to the latest U.S. Census records. The House of Refuge and Deliverance Ministries church, where Lasker is the pastor, is on a rural stretch of highway within the town’s city limits.

Conway Police Detective Brittani Little was called to the church on Sept. 18 for a welfare check, an affidavit for a search warrant states. Little said she found an emaciated 21-month-old child “with multiple bruises from head to toe,” his mother and Lasker at the church. The child is now in the ICU “with a brain bleed and extreme malnourishment,” according to Little’s affidavit.

Four days later, Little and Lt. Andrew Burningham of the Conway Police Department went in search of Lasker to ask him some questions about the child abuse case, a second affidavit supporting Lasker’s arrest states.

He wasn’t home, but police said they saw his white Dodge truck at an Exxon gas station in Mayflower. According to the affidavit, the officers found Lasker in the passenger seat of the truck and a second man, Timothy Bynum, standing near the driver’s side. A search of the car found 4 grams of meth in a small baggie inside the door panel, a pipe, another device for smoking and more meth on the floor of the passenger side, the affidavit says.

Bynum, who said the drugs belonged to Lasker, was arrested on charges relating to the meth found in the door and the pipe, according to police. Another officer interviewed Lasker, who reportedly denied knowing the items were in the car “but did admit to using methamphetamine in the past” and having a shotgun at his house. Lasker was arrested on charges relating to the meth found on the floor and the other drug paraphernalia, the affidavit states. Police then took him to his house to execute a “probation search,” where they found a shotgun, shotgun rounds and ammunition, they said.

Little was also able to interview Lasker regarding the child abuse investigation, during which time she said he reportedly admitting to trying “to exorcise the demon in (the child) but he would not explain how he did this.”

There wasn’t any “exorcism” and any demons that were present weren’t in the child, they were in the false pastor who was abusing the child. When you hear reports about child “exorcisms”, you’re not hearing about overzealous Christians seeing demons where none exist, for the most part. You’re hearing about the activities of Prometheans who have successfully infiltrated a church and are leading the congregation astray.

The importance of discernment

I wouldn’t go as far as Bruce Charlton in calling a lack of discernment a sin, but then, there is a qualitative difference in being unable to discern evil and being unwilling to do so:

I suspect that the discernment of evil is maybe the most important thing to do about evil; much more important than (supposedly) ‘fighting’ evil. We absolutely need to identify, and correctly, what and who is on the side of evil: who are evil-allied. And these evil-allied may well turn-out to be almost-everything, and almost-everybody – we should be prepared for that possibility. 

If I am right, this widespread and determined self-blinding to evil, the refusal to identify and acknowledge evil; may be one of the most prevalent and significant of our many modern sins. 

He is correct, however, to observe that the refusal to identify, acknowledge, and oppose evil is both prevalent and significant in society today. I have no patience or respect for those who insist on blathering about “stupidity” or how the Left “just doesn’t understand”. At this point, the inability to discern evil looks a lot more like a refusal to accept the reality of evil. Because rich and powerful individuals are not abusing children and offering them up to demons out of stupidity.

He’s also right to point out that you have to spot the target before you can FFE on it.

The consequences of the choice

CS Lewis described the process and the consequences of taking the ticket in an essay entitled The Inner Ring:

To nine out of ten of you the choice which could lead to scoundrelism will come, when it does come, in no very dramatic colours. Obviously bad men, obviously threatening or bribing, will almost certainly not appear. Over a drink, or a cup of coffee, disguised as triviality and sandwiched between two jokes, from the lips of a man, or woman, whom you have recently been getting to know rather better and whom you hope to know better still—just at the moment when you are most anxious not to appear crude, or naïf or a prig—the hint will come. It will be the hint of something which the public, the ignorant, romantic public, would never understand: something which even the outsiders in your own profession are apt to make a fuss about: but something, says your new friend, which “we”—and at the word “we” you try not to blush for mere pleasure—something “we always do.”

And you will be drawn in, if you are drawn in, not by desire for gain or ease, but simply because at that moment, when the cup was so near your lips, you cannot bear to be thrust back again into the cold outer world. It would be so terrible to see the other man’s face—that genial, confidential, delightfully sophisticated face—turn suddenly cold and contemptuous, to know that you had been tried for the Inner Ring and rejected. And then, if you are drawn in, next week it will be something a little further from the rules, and next year something further still, but all in the jolliest, friendliest spirit. It may end in a crash, a scandal, and penal servitude; it may end in millions, a peerage and giving the prizes at your old school. But you will be a scoundrel.

That is my first reason. Of all the passions, the passion for the Inner Ring is most skillful in making a man who is not yet a very bad man do very bad things. My second reason is this. The torture allotted to the Danaids in the classical underworld, that of attempting to fill sieves with water, is the symbol not of one vice, but of all vices. It is the very mark of a perverse desire that it seeks what is not to be had. The desire to be inside the invisible line illustrates this rule. As long as you are governed by that desire you will never get what you want. You are trying to peel an onion: if you succeed there will be nothing left. Until you conquer the fear of being an outsider, an outsider you will remain.

The ticket, and those who offer it, have been around for a very long time. Metallica described it in rather more succinct terms.

Careful what you wish

Careful what you say

Careful what you wish you may regret it

Careful what you wish you just might get it

Flat-out Judases

Jim Caviezel rips into the Churchian leadership of Protestants and Catholics alike: 

Catholic actor Jim Caviezel, best known for playing Jesus in the 2004 film The Passion of the Christ, blasted “lukewarm” Christians in a Fox News interview, saying it’s “a bloody shame” one can’t tell the difference “between a priest, a bishop, or a politician.”

“I got to play Jesus, some of us love Peter or Paul, but there are many of us right now, they are flat out Judases, okay? Or they’re Pontius Pilates or they’re the Pharisees, okay?” Caviezel told Shannon Bream on the Fox News show FOX@Night yesterday.

“It’s a bloody shame if you can’t tell the difference between a priest, a bishop, or a politician. It’s really sad, but this is called lukewarmness, and Christ has a very special place for them, and they know it.”

Caviezel appeared as a guest on FOX@Night to discuss his latest movie, Infidel, which he described to Bream as a “well executed thriller.” Caviezel made the remarks when asked by Bream about what his concerns are regarding the role of faith, and what people should be doing about it in today’s world.

He was blunt with Bream, telling her that his new film is not some “candy-ass Christian stupid film,” but is rather one about “what is really going on today” in terms of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.

“Well, it’s relevant because we have this thing called cancel culture, and if Christians don’t watch, it will be canceling Christianity as well, because a lot of our pastors, okay, our bishops, our priests — they’re laying right over,” Caviezel told Bream.

“They let their churches being burned, all right? How do we know that? Well, it’s right there in the news. Statues being ripped down. They don’t say anything.”

He’s absolutely right. God will certainly spit what passes for the modern Church out of His mouth, although most Churchians are worse than lukewarm. They follow the world and the Prince of this world, not Jesus Christ. That’s why they are laying right over; their objective is to lead their flocks away from God.

Read the Bible. Fear God. Serve Jesus Christ. Do not follow evil men and women into Hell simply because they call themselves christians, pastors, priests, or popes.

Even their wealth is fake

The reason all those “rich” people like Bill Gates aren’t leaving any money to their children is because it isn’t theirs.

Steve Bing disinherited his two children Damian Hurley and Kira Kerkorian from his will, as Kerkorian fights for control of his estate that was valued at just $337,000. The multi-millionaire committed suicide aged 55 in June, jumping from his 27th floor apartment in Los Angeles.

Prior to his death, Bing had an estimated net worth of $590 million, according to various reports. While his estate was valued at $337,000 – his properties were not included in that evaluation. Bing also had a trust established in 1983 – which President Clinton’s Foundation was listed as a beneficiary.

The key word being “estimated”. When you take the ticket, the Devil graciously loans you his money, for a little while, and lets you play with it as long as you remain useful to him. But you have to pay it back eventually, and the interest is your soul.

Philosophy catches up to theology

It’s interesting to see how those who deny the supernatural are nevertheless gradually reinventing it under the guise of simulation theory, which is functionally identical to my original God as Game Designer hypothesis described 12 years ago in The Irrational Atheist:

This is one possible way for the intelligent life form to discover that it is actually existing in a simulation. Given enough time, it would discover the nature of its universe and learn it is actually a simulation. The trouble here is the intelligent life form would have to accept as a possibility that it exists in a simulation. A creature that is sure its universe operates on a fixed set of rules is unlikely to accept that those rules are an arbitrary invention of some higher intelligence outside its universe.

There is also another problem. The creators of the simulation could themselves be the product of a simulation. It’s entirely possible the one fixed rule of existence is that no intelligence entity can create an intelligence superior to itself. Perhaps Thomas Aquinas was right all along and there is some prime mover. The very source of the existence is the pinnacle of intelligence, which creates imperfect copies of itself manifesting as simulations within simulations.

We have in this simulation some evidence of this limitation. Despite the hyperbole about artificial intelligence, we have not come close to creating a computer that can rival the human mind. We have made very fast computers that can do calculations and sort through stacks of data faster than humans. These are not artificial intelligence or even intelligence at all, but rather they are very fast calculators. The collapse of the self-driving car project is an example of this limit.

Putting that aside, there is one other way the intelligent life forms inside the simulation could start to notice they are in a simulation. The point of creating a simulation, aside from sadism, is to test some theory or model some conditions. This implies the creators could make a mistake. They recognize this, so before changing something about their world or making a new tool, they test the theories behind it in a simulation. This means their simulation could have errors in it.

Let’s say they create a set of economic rules for their model society, but forget to carry the one or round the wrong way and there is an anomaly in the model. For example, creating more currency of a certain type does not result in inflation. All the other types of money operate by the rules of economics, but this one type of money seems to exist outside of those rules. The intelligent creatures figure this out and start producing tons of this new money to produce great material excess.

Presumably, the creators of the simulation would distribute skills and talents unequally among the intelligent life forms in order to see how creations of differing skills interact with one another. Maybe it is just an efficient way to use the finite resources available to the simulation makers. Regardless, the rules of the universe would have to dictate that those with a skill do better at some things than those without the skill. The result would be natural hierarchies in every aspect of the simulation.

What if there was a bug in the code where those with extreme narcissism and narrow intelligence can rise up to control society? At some point, through random chance, the stupid and narrow-minded figure this out and take over the simulation. Like the mouse utopia, this would be a useful discovery for the simulation makers, but it would create havoc for their simulation. So much so they may be tempted to unplug the thing, fix the bad code and re-run the simulation again.

Assuming the simulation keeps running, some of the intelligent life forms will see the anomalies in the system. They will work to resolve the paradoxes, but at some point, given enough cycles, they will have exhausted their set of options. At that point, they will have to question the very axioms of their existence and that’s when they can begin to contemplate the possibility they are in a simulation. The number of paradoxes grows to the point where they cannot be ignored.

The more we learn about genetics and physics, the more it becomes evident that we are living, not in a simulation, but a consciously created reality. In technological terms, the “supernatural” is simply the coder’s reality as opposed to the coded reality, and evidence of the paranormal is merely elements of the former penetrating the latter.

Which is why I am prone to referring to the afterlife as “Level 2”. After all, does not “the Word became flesh” beautifully describe a transition from a conceptual to a physical reality?