The war for Google

There appears to be a battle going on inside Google between SJWs who want to fully converge the organization and more rational liberals who understand that way lies madness, reduced market share, and eventual disruption and decline.

Internal pressure is pushing for the expansion of hate speech to include everything and everyone that fails to submit to the SJW narrative, for more intense action against so-called “fake news”, and even broader definitions of “fake news”. So far, they are only cracking down on genuinely fake news, but there is some belief that this is the proverbial dipping the toe in the water, to see what they can do without provoking a backlash.

The victory of the God-Emperor Ascendant was a massive blow to the SJWs inside Google, and like most SJWs, they have completely lost the plot post-election. They were openly calling other Googlers racists, sexists, and homophobes just for voting for Trump. Those are firing offenses at Google. Google has insane civility requirements imposed on anyone talking to a member of a protected group, but apparently calling for all Republicans to be fired is perfectly acceptable.

Of course, if they were to get their way, this would be tantamount to Google cutting it’s own throat in the Age of Trump, but because the authorities there are amenable, the internal SJWs will not be excised and will continue to converge the organization.

But permitting the SJW infestation to get worse is short-sighted and self-defeating. Every social media organization which is corrupted and converged will be disrupted and replaced. Both Google and Amazon are keeping their SJW infestations under control for the time being, but the question is, how much longer before they can’t keep a lid on it and they go the way of Twitter, Apple, Wikipedia, and other declining technology giants.

Facts are “fake news”

The social media giants are increasingly demonstrating themselves to be the servitors of Big Brother. White is black, day is night, Islam means peace, and real news is fake news:

Under the guise of tackling “fake news,” Google is removing search results that pertain to crime statistics that show black people commit more crimes, despite the fact that this is widely documented to be true. An article in the Guardian entitled Google ‘must review its search rankings because of rightwing manipulation’ details how “leading academics” are pressuring Google to artificially edit its search algorithm to prevent certain subjects from appearing at the top of its search rankings. In response, the piece notes that Google has removed search results that suggest “black people commit more crimes”. Negative results about the religion of Islam were also removed.
This is alarming given that virtually every metric proves that criminality is more prevalent in black communities compared to white and Hispanic communities in America. It’s an uncomfortable fact that black people commit more crimes than any other race in America, but it’s a fact nonetheless. Claiming that reality is actually “fake news” because it suits your political stance doesn’t change the nature of reality.

Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S. From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. Black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes.

Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

While it is understandable that Google would want to prevent neo-nazi content from appearing at the top of its search rankings, the fact that the tech giant is now censoring objective facts under the justification of tackling “fake news” is chilling.

This indicates that Google, along with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites, are using the excuse of “fake news” to bury factual information that is inconvenient to leftist political narratives.

This dedication to falsehood and deception will only make it all the easier to disrupt them when the time comes. Furthermore, the charges of “neo-nazi” are every bit as dubious as the charge of “fake news”.

Never forget the First Law of SJW: SJWS ALWAYS LIE.

Not all windows are open

A reader asks about the possibility of disrupting YouTube:

I just finished Stefan’s podcast with you about Capitalism. The thing that really struck me is that one always has to be on the lookout for opportunities, something my dad always told me, but you resurfaced. And the example that struck me was Gab. In hindsight, it was an obvious decision. Everything lined up perfectly for its launch.

Which brings me to Youtube. A few months ago they launched their Youtube Heroes program, which is nothing more than an attempt to censor wrong groupthink under the guise of “preventing harassment”. However, alt-teching Youtube would have a much larger capital requirement than Infogalactic or Gab. I could easily see burning through $20k in hosting fees per month with no end in sight. So I was wondering:

  1. What is your opinion on such an endeavor?
  2. Technically its not too difficult, but without external VC, what would be a valid startup strategy?
  3. What happens when the SJW police deem it to be “Youtube for racists” and advertisers are bullied to pull out?
  4. From the financing side via donations do you see a donation model working with the much larger capital requirements?

I know that made some passing comments on freedom of speech after Heroes was launched. However several high-profile accounts were suspended or shutdown this week for wrongthink. And they have yet to jump on such an opportunity.

 In answer to his questions:

  1. I think disrupting YouTube is biting off more than the Alt-Tech community can presently chew.
  2. Backers with deep pockets. This is the sort of thing that the rich Republicans who finance think tanks and political action committees should be doing, but they’re not, because they fail to understand how technology and culture drive politics. For the money that was wasted on Jeb Bush’s futile campaign alone, both YouTube and Facebook could have been disrupted. The reason the Right has been losing the culture war for decades is because it has been stubbornly determined to fight the Vietnam War with WWI tactics.
  3. Bully right back. Go after the competitors advertisers; it’s not as if they aren’t supporting pedophilia and a whole host of dyscivic and even dyscivilizational sins considerably worse than “racism”. Concerns about “racism” are so 1980s, they’re not even remotely relevant to a multiethnic, multicultural, multireligious society now engaged in bare knuckles identity politics.
  4. No. It’s a chicken or the egg situation. Like VC, donations tend to flow most freely when they are totally unnecessary. For example, Infogalactic’s donations presently run about 1/2500 that of Wikipedia. We’ll beat them anyhow, thanks to the Original Galaxians, the Techstars, and the Burn Unit, but it’s a bit ironic that people are least inclined to donate when the Alt-Tech organizations need it most. Once Gab and Infogalactic have successfully disrupted Twitter and Wikipedia, that will be the time bigger prey can be targeted, because more people will believe it to be possible.
Timing is everything. It’s the right time to disrupt Twitter. It’s the right time to disrupt Wikipedia. It’s too soon to disrupt YouTube or Facebook. They’re simply too big and insufficiently vulnerable to credibly take on at the moment. But, it’s true, their censorious actions tend to indicate that they will be vulnerable to an alt-teching in the future.

And, of course, I would be remiss if I failed out to remind you that you, too, can be a part of the Great Disrupting by the Alt-Tech by subscribing or donating to Infogalactic. I’m informed that Infogalactic is currently at 8.5 percent of the Phase Two goal, and 15 percent of the inital goal of a 1000-strong Burn Unit. The good news is that the Techstars are getting close on the phase one speedups that Infogalactic needs to become functionally competitive with Wikipedia.

You know how everyone says “someone ought to do something?” Well, the Infogalactic team is doing just that. Be a part of it.

Adios, Twitter

Let’s face it, it was only a matter of time.

Your account has been locked.

Supreme Dark Lord?@voxday

What happened? We locked your account because we determined that it violated the Twitter Rules.

What you can do: To unlock your account, you must do the following:

  • Verify your phone number
  • Verify your email address
  • Delete Tweets that violate our rules

If you think your account has been locked in error, you can contact our support team on a subsequent screen.

While I’m not formally suspended from Twitter, I won’t be going back there again since I can’t access the account without giving them a phone number. I don’t sign up for any social media service that requires a phone number, I never gave them a phone number in the first place, and I’m not about to give them one now.

Since that means I can’t even see what tweet supposedly violated their rules or delete it, I won’t be logging in there anymore. It’s very clear that Twitter is an SJW-amenable authority and it’s simply not worth it to try to play with their stacked deck. If you want to find me on social media, find me on Gab, where I’ve already got 12,139 followers, including many #DreadIlk and #VFM. At the rate they’ve been growing, I expect I’ll have more than the 27,500 I had on Twitter before April.

I prefer Gab anyhow. The engagement is more substantive, there are fewer SJW performance artists, and it’s run by a fearless Alt-Tech leader who doesn’t give a damn about safe spaces or the propagandists in the mainstream media. As Mike Cernovich never tires of pointing out, we don’t need them. They need us.

Making a difference

Just in case those of you who are Brainstormers, Original Galaxians, Burn Unit, or Infogalactic supporters ever doubt that you are, in fact, making a difference. Someone posted this today on Gab:

Major Tom @MajorTom
In Hong Kong on the MTR right now and the local guy standing next to me has @infogalactic open on his phone. 

How cool is that? These are challenging times, to be sure, but even so, it is an exciting time to be alive!

Speaking of Brainstorm, we’re doing a belated November session on Monday night at 7 PM. Closed event, lots to discuss. Invites will go out tomorrow.

A tale of two Pizzagates

In case you didn’t understand how important Infogalactic is already proving to be, given the online war to control the information you are permitted to access, this should suffice to demonstrate as much.


Pizzagate may refer to:

Pizzagate, pizza thrown at former football manager and player Sir Alex Ferguson by an Arsenal Football Club player in the 2004 “Battle of the Buffet”
Pizzagate, a 2016 conspiracy theory falsely claiming the existence of a child trafficking ring involving the Washington, D.C. restaurant Comet Ping Pong


Pizzagate is a crowdsourced investigation by citizen journalists into an alleged connection between child trafficking and people closely associated with Hillary Clinton. The investigation began in October 2016 after Wikileaks released the Podesta emails, which contain 58,660 emails[1] from the Gmail account of John Podesta, who was the chairman of Clinton’s 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. Investigators exchanged information online via Twitter, Gab, 4chan, Reddit, and Voat.[2][3]

It’s not Infogalactic’s purpose to take sides on anything. Indeed, its objective is quite the opposite, which is to permit the user to dictate the perspective filter through which he wishes to view the known facts. Wikipedia, obviously, takes a very different stance.

Notice how Wikipedia’s 526 thought police are not providing accurate information relevant to the subject, but are instead aggressively acting as gatekeepers in precisely the same manner as the corrupt media they declare to be the only reliable sources acceptable. It’s a bit ironic, too, that it is the wealthy foundation with more than $70 million in annual revenue has a giant banner stretched across the page demanding more donations, not the shoe-string startup.

We’re getting close to addressing our primary issue as the initial round of speedups should be in place well before the end of the month. If you would like help us provide the world with a more accurate and less biased planetary knowledge core that is free of SJW corruption, you can join the Burn Unit or make a one-time donation towards the ongoing Phase Two development here.

Fake news interviews Gab

The Carlos Slim Blog interviews a known Alt-Right White Supremacist Ultra-Nazi, Utsav Sanduja of Gab.

Carlos Slim’s blog, The New York Times, a known political activist organization and fake news publisher, reached out to interview Gab. Our policy with fake news websites is to either grant them a recorded telephone interview or a written-only interview at our discretion. In this case, we opted for a written interview. We do this to keep the dishonest, politically motivated media in check. Only 6% of the American public trusts the media, and for good reason.

Here is the article that was published on Gab by The New York Times.

Below are the answers to the questions they sent us. We will let you decide if their article was objective, fair, and not politically motivated. The interview was with Utsav Sanduja, Gab’s Chief Communications Officer.

When did Andrew first conceive of Gab, and why did he decide to start a new social media platform?

Andrew first conceived the idea for Gab after reading about the censorship of conservative news and sources on Facebook’s Trending Topics. He witnessed extensive censorship on Reddit, Twitter, and other platforms during the recent election cycle and more broadly noticed a clearly progressive-driven agenda in Silicon Valley where he worked. It was from there he realized that the monopoly in the technology industry had to be shaken up.

What’s the thinking behind the main design features — 300 character limit, up and down voting, and the categories up top and down the side?

Gab has innovated in areas where other platforms have refused to. 300 characters allows for more thoughtful and meaningful discourse in a microblogging environment. Upvoting and downvoting allows both positive and negative sentiment as it empowers the community to surface great content. Categories help users discover interesting topics and diverse communities on Gab who share similar interests. Editing along with edit logs allows users to make quick changes and modify additional information, while keeping the integrity of the post in check.

What are the limitations of Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit? What does Gab offer that they don’t?

Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit are taking the path of censorship — Gab does not. This alone sets us apart from Big Social. The aforementioned platforms also rely immensely on advertising revenues for their core business model, a concept that is proving to be futile in an environment of ad blockers on both mobile and desktop web. Lastly, we feel that Big Social does not empower content creators, but rather exploits them as said companies make billions off their creativity, time and energy. Gab takes a different approach — we put the user in charge in the expurgation process, we put content creators first so they can sustain their business and passion. And more importantly, we put free speech above all else.

Why a frog? Does the frog have a name?

Gabby the frog was drawn from antediluvian and Biblical sources. First, from Exodus 8:2–7, which is the plague of frogs. The frog serves as a metaphor for Gab “releasing the frogs” on Silicon Valley to expose their corruption, censorship, and information monopoly on the web. Secondly, the African Bullfrog was a source of inspiration after Andrew viewed a Youtube video of this species digging a channel between a drying up pond and a lake to save his tadpoles. Finally, frogs have historically symbolized transformation, rebirth and fertility dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians.

This is what winning looks like

Mother Jones to Andrew Torba of Gab: “I’d appreciate if you could grant me access to Gab so that I can observe and interact with the alt-right. I’d be interested in interviewing you about your motivations for creating Gab.” 

Andrew Torba: “Wait your two weeks. We don’t interview with fake news sites.”

We don’t need them. We don’t need to genuflect to them, accommodate them, or even talk to them.

I’ve been on Twitter since 2009. I have 26,900 followers there. I’ve been on Gab for about four months. I have 11,579 followers there. At this rate of relative growth, I may not have any more reason to bother with Twitter than with MySpace within a year.

An Alt-Tech Convergence

This is the good kind of convergence, not SJW convergence. I’m delighted to be able to say that the latest version of Brave, 0.12.9, now features Infogalactic as a built-in search engine. You can either make it the default through Settings: Search or you can access it directly in the URL bar by typing :i, then whatever you want to search for.

For example, typing :i vox day will take you directly to the Vox Day page on Infogalactic.

Another new feature is the new tab page that shows you how many trackers/ads are blocked with Brave, and thus how much time you save when browsing/loading pages

Download Brave 0.12.9 here.

As for Infogalactic, we’re still working the phase one speedup. Figure three more weeks before we’re able to implement that.

Infogalactic update

I haven’t said much about Infogalactic lately, mostly because things are proceeding well. A few notes:

  • Traffic has increased to the point that we needed to up our server resources by thirty percent. 
  • We now have 540 registered Galaxians. Not a single edit war yet.
  • We reached our initial goal of 100 subscribers. Thank you, Burn Unit! Our annual goal is to reach 1,000 subscribers.
  • Redirect extensions have been created for all the major browsers.
  • An extension that provides a default search engine for Chrome has been developed and will be submitted to Google later this week.
  • We will be making an announcement of significant interest to Alt-Tech fans later this week.

The performance is the major issue at the moment and is our top dev priority. If you’re interested in keeping up on this sort of thing, you can read more about it at Infogalaxians later today.

As always, if you’d like to support Infogalactic, you can do so through a monthly subscription, a one-time donation, or by buying a t-shirt from CryptoFashion. We’re planning to do a monthly newsletter that will go out to subscribers every month. Nothing fancy, just early updates about the dev process, our current perspective on the roadmap, and a little inside information.

Speaking of donations, this email between Jimmy Wales and a former Wikipedia donor was sent to me yesterday. I tend to doubt it will be the only exchange of its kind. And I particularly enjoyed the egregious MAGA shiv at the end.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 1:15 PM, wrote:

    Dear [REDACTED],

    Two years ago, you donated $[REDACTED] to keep Wikipedia online for hundreds of millions of readers. We are deeply grateful for your past support, and we need your help again this year.

    Please renew your donation today.

    We are the small non-profit that runs one of the top websites in the world. We only have about 300 staff but serve millions of users, and have costs like any other top site: servers, power, programs, and people.

    If all our past donors gave again today, our fundraiser would be over within an hour. We’re not there yet. Please help us end the fundraiser and improve Wikipedia.

    Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind, a place we can all go to think and learn.

    To protect our independence, we’ll never run ads. We are sustained by donations from our readers. Now is the time we ask.

    If Wikipedia is useful to you, please take one minute to keep it online, ad-free, and growing another year.

    Jimmy Wales
    Wikipedia Founder

Dear Jimmy,

You will not be receiving any further donations from me.

Wikipedia has become social justice converged. I now use and support Infogalactic, The Planetary Knowledge Core, and I couldn’t be happier about my decision. I hope you folks at Wikipedia take a moment to reflect on the consequences of allowing convergence to take place within your organization. You lost sight of your mission. You became political and you censored those who disagreed with your politics. Sad!

Please visit if you would like to see what Wikipedia should have been. Onward and upward. MAGA



“… and finally, that Truth is great, and will prevail if left to herself; that she is the proper and sufficient antagonist to error, and has nothing to fear from the conflict, unless by human interposition disarmed of her natural weapons free argument and debate; errors ceasing to be dangerous when it is permitted freely to contradict them:”

Thomas Jefferson
Statute for Religious Freedom