In honor of the publication of UMA MAGIA PERDIDA, the Portuguese translation of A Magic Broken, Castalia House is giving away free copies of The Wardog’s Coin on Amazon today. Thanks to Daniel Wilhelm Mayer, the translator, as well as to proofreader N, and to JartStar, who has become increasingly adept at figuring out how to adapt different title lengths to the same space. On Thursday and Friday of this week, UMA MAGIA PERDIDA will also be a free download. If you happen to be a Portuguese speaker, particularly a Brazilian Portuguese speaker, and you would like to receive a review copy, please let us know.
The description is as follows: “Passando-se no mundo épico de A Throne of Bones, Uma Magia Perdida é
uma história fantástica de crueldade, coragem e astúcia. O conto retrata
a estória de Nicolas du Mere, um exilado em fuga após a morte de seu
suserano rebelde, e Lodi, filho de Dunmorin, um bravo anão em busca de
resgatar outros anões da escravidão. Seus caminhos se cruzam, mas de uma
maneira totalmente imprevisível.”
I know this sort of thing will rapidly get boring, especially since we just added two new translation languages yesterday, so with the exception of a few upcoming new releases I am not intending to continue posting Castalia House news here. If you’re interested in SF/F and supporting the Blue SF revolution, I would encourage you to either bookmark the Castalia House blog or follow @castaliahouse on Twitter.