
And another one’s down:

Ordinarily we would ignore the news of another banker’s death – after all these sad events happen all the time – if it wasn’t for several contextual aspects of this most recent passage. First, the death in question, as reported by the Stamford Daily Voice is that of Ryan Henry Crane, a Harvard graduate, who is survived by his wife, son and parents at the very young age of 37. Second, Ryan Henry Crane was formerly employed by JPMorgan – a bank which was featured prominently in the news as recently as two weeks ago when another of its London-based employees committed suicide by jumping from the top floor of its Canary Wharf building….The circumstances surrounding his death are scarce, but what is most
notable is that not only is Crane the second very young JPMorgan banker
to pass in recent days, but is also the fourth banker death in under a month.

Curiouser and curiouser….