The absurd hypocrisy of the unelected European Commissioners decrying “autocratic” elected leaders like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Xi Xinping when they are actively overturning elections and openly denying the will of the people is highlighted by their subversion of democracy in Romania:
Romanian presidential hopeful Calin Georgescu has branded the EU a “dictatorship” and stated that his country is “under tyranny” in response to the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) in Bucharest shooting down his candidacy for the upcoming election re-run.
The BEC dismissed Georgescu’s bid late on Sunday, having received more than 1,000 challenges against him, largely revolving around his allegedly “anti-democratic” and “extremist” stance. According to the ruling published on Sunday evening, Georgescu had “failed to comply with the rules of the electoral procedure, violating the very obligation… to defend democracy.”
The presidential hopeful, who was a clear favorite in the upcoming election and was polling between 40% and 45%, strongly condemned the decision.
“A direct blow to the heart of democracy worldwide! I have one message left! If democracy in Romania falls, the entire democratic world will fall! This is just the beginning. It’s that simple! Europe is now a dictatorship; Romania is under tyranny!” Georgescu wrote on X.
This is more of that satanic inversion that permeates Clown World with its sulfuric stench. Orwell certainly had their number, as they define war as peace, black as white, and autocracy as democracy. The EU is the last current redoubt of The Empire That Never Ended, and the European nations will not be free until the European Union is shattered and its wicked “leaders” are driven from power and influence.
Fortunately, the Russians are waging open war on it, with the support of China and the new pro-American government in Washington.