Where Was God?

Where was God? He was there at the quarterback’s side, as always:

Where was the quarterback’s God Sunday evening while he was getting sacked six times? And where did this mess of a game leave Mahomes and his professed faith?

The answer to both questions is exactly where it all was before the game.

God apparently allowed the Chiefs to take one on the chin. They say setbacks are a set-up for a great comeback. I believe that’s in the Gospels somewhere because Jesus suffered unspeakable punishment on the cross on Friday and died, but didn’t stay that way very long.

Sunday’s grand victory surely came.

Mahomes, meanwhile, thanked God after the Kansas City loss. He thanked God “for every opportunity he has given me.”

That doesn’t change the fact the Eagles were better. It doesn’t change the fact Mahomes went home with an L.

But neither did that loss change the fact Mahomes took the setback like a champion.

Win or lose, God is with us. As far as I can tell, He doesn’t care about who wins and loses. And contra the Calvinists, He does not ordain the results of the game. But He does care about us, and He does care how we comport ourselves, which is why it’s important to see Mahomes and other Christian athletes making it clear that they thank Him when they win and when they lose.