After the dollars and eyes on last year’s event, this organization was always intending to make sure the fix was in. They aren’t going to give up all that new money and new viewers from last time. Whether or not it’s obvious that it’s rigged no longer matters.
NFL/Kansas City Chiefs/Super Bowl
The NFL may not realize it yet, but it has a budding crisis on its hands concerning its legitimacy. The price of capturing new viewers is capturing the attention of people who aren’t fans and aren’t inclined to accept the official explanations. And the way the NBA is forcing teams to move players around against their own interests definitely isn’t helping, so blanket denials that simply assume the argument won’t cut it.
CDAN had another NFL-related one.
Plantation Khaleesi is the one leaking stories that she is going to be in the suite next week with the A+ list singer. That isn’t going to happen.
The answer, of course, is Blake Lively and Taylor Swift. I’m paying attention to the whole Reynolds v Baldoni thing since it may have some eventual fallout in the English football world.