As I pointed out on numerous occasions, there has never been a faker or more obviously glowy “grass roots movement” than the so-called “Patriot Front”. From their gay little matching khakis to their police protection, it was always obvious that they were an FBI trap for young nationalist men of the sort that the “Unite the Right” and January 6th protests were. And now that they’re about to find themselves in a position to be exposed as a false front by the incoming Trump administration, they’re “disbanding.”
WASHINGTON, DC—The white nationalist group Patriot Front has declared it will disband on the same day FBI Director Christopher Wray announced his retirement. This surprising synchronicity has sparked widespread speculation and debate. Patriot Front’s leader, Thomas Rousseau, stated, “We’ve decided to return to our roots,” hinting at a return to less public activities or perhaps disbanding entirely. The timing of this decision aligns precisely with Wray’s departure from his role as the head of the FBI, leading to numerous questions about the connection between these two events.
Translation: “Return to our roots” = “going back to our day jobs at the bureau.
Now there are two possible explanations. One, this report of their disbanding is fake. That’s possible, and if so, I’m sure we’ll see another flag parade soon. Two, they have succeeded in their stated mission of saving America. That does not appear to accord with events. Or three, they were fake and glowy from the start. Which, of course, has been my contention from the first time I saw one of their little police-protected parades that ended by disappearing into an underground parking ramp.
And to be honest, I have always been deeply, deeply dubious of anyone who publicly defended them or insisted that they were just a group of genuine American patriots trying to save their country through parades, flags, and matching trousers.