Nothing, in the entire history of the concepts of fate and destiny, has ever been more inevitable than the absolute certainty that Miles Mathis would respond to Ron Unz’s article about him. I have literally never, ever, had more faith in an future event taking place in my entire life. And the inevitable does not disappoint.
I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other conspiracy-website on the Internet.
Yeah, Ron, I suspect you are right, and I suspect that is why you are so bent out of shape by my very existence. It’s why all you guys are so jealous. Also because I can pump out a reply like this in just a couple of hours, fully polished and proofed, giving you a further drubbing. Do you know why I can do that, Ron? Obviously you don’t, so I will just tell you. It isn’t because I am some Mossad committee, set up to make you look like a bumbler. It is because I proof while I write. Meaning, I make very few mistakes, so I need very few corrections and almost no rewrites. I am an excellent speller on top of everything else…
Yes, I am laughing out loud. This is so much fun. We have seen before that these people can’t decide how to libel me. Am I too small to notice or too big to be true? One moment I am a big nothing, the next moment I am a $20-million government project of geniuses, sent out to smoke-bomb the entire world. They really need to make up their mind.
Nothing about the huge piles of evidence I provide in all papers on both sites, just the lie that it doesn’t exist or is wrong, based on zero counter-evidence or argument. The “argument” against me hasn’t progressed one iota in two decades, it is still at this baby stage of yelling and throwing food, as Unz and his minions are proving. As we have seen again, they utterly ignore 99.99% of my data, cherry-picking a ten-list of shallow talking points provided from a central tape, then sound-biting that down to a few sentences and peppering it with invective. And then selling that as a scholarly debunking.
Unfortunately, that is going to reverse on Unz, as he is about to find out. Many of his best readers are going to be so turned off by this whole charade they are going to drop him like an old Covid wipe. It won’t much matter, I guess, since his site was propped up by the usual suspects to start with, but it is going to sting his ego, at least.
The matter of whether Miles fronts a committee or not may be unsettled – and as I have said, I tend to incline toward the committee side interpretation myself – but the one thing that has definitely been confirmed is my conclusion that the gentleman concerned is a Gamma male. Of course, this makes sense, as Loremaster is one of the roles for which Gammas are best suited.
The thing is, whether Miles is the lead writer of a committee or just a singularly-obsessed, maniacally-prolific lone penman is irrelevant. Reading him tends to lead toward asking the right questions and developing a correctly skeptical perspective toward the mainstream and historical Narratives. Did every dead Hollywood actor or actress fake their death and move to a hidden Jewish colony in Argentina with Hitler and the Nazis? I have no idea.
But I am certain it’s a lot more possible than the IDF being surprised by the October 7th attacks or the Twin Towers being brought down by airplanes hijacked by Saudis. Frankly, I think the world is a lot weirder than either Ron Unz or Miles Mathis believe, and that their disbelief in the spiritual world prevents them from making the connections that would help tie their observations, however conspiratorial, much more accurately and credibly.
Anyhow, I, for one, am neither jealous nor angry. In fact, I’m quite willing to publish Miles’s papers in a book or ten, should he ever be so inclined.