Illiteracy is Good for the Economy

Thanks to immigration, there are nearly one million illiterates in Sweden now:

The most recent survey by Statistics Sweden shows there are currently around 780,000 people between the ages of 16 and 65 who are illiterate in Sweden, but this number is soaring.

“Each month, eight to ten illiterate students arrive,” said Rita Sommarkrans, SFI teacher in Västerås, to SVT. She added that if someone can’t read or write, it’s hard for them to find a place, pay their bills, or even book a doctor’s appointment. 

“If this trend continues, we risk having an entire generation of young people who are effectively functionally illiterate,” wrote Minister of Education Johan Pehrson and Minister of School Affairs Lotta Edholm in an introductory article.

Adding an additional year of compulsory schooling isn’t going to help. Barring a Gaza-style ethnic cleansing of Stockholm and its other cities, Swedish society has been permanently dumbed-down in much the same way the USA and other countries mass-invaded by less-intelligent hordes of immigrants have seen a decline in their average IQ of 8-10 points. This is not an effect that can be fixed; one can no more raise a normal European society from its historical norm to Mensa levels than one can raise a society with an average 85-IQ to the level of a normal European society.

The shape of a society, more than anything else, is determined by the average intelligence of the population. So, the dumbing down of Sweden means that its infrastructure, both physical and intellectual, cannot be maintained.

China doesn’t need to invade any other countries in order to rule the world. It will do so by simple virtue of remaining the same mostly-homogeneous Han society that it has been for the last 6,000 years. Clown World’s collapse became inevitable after China refused to accept the foreign elite that planned to leave the USA in 2015; now all China has to do to ensure its global dominance is play a long game watching the West descend into relative retardery and barbarism.

The free movement of peoples is one of the most destructive philosophies ever conceived. In time, it may prove to be as terrible as communism, or perhaps even feminism.