Freedom Wins in Austria

Clown World’s media pretends to be shocked that a party opposing futile permawars and migrant rape should prove to be popular.

Austria’s hard-right Freedom Party has topped the country’s national elections, winning the popular vote for the first time in its history. While the party has been in government several times, it’s the first time it has won the most votes, having gained the support of 29.1 per cent of electors, according to projections based on more than 60 per cent of the votes counted.

But even with the victory, it is still uncertain that the party will be able to form the next government.

Its leader Herbert Kickl, 55, has vowed to transform the country into ‘Fortress Austria’, slamming the current government’s ‘failed migration policy’ as being to blame for the Islamist terror plot on a Taylor Swift concert. Mr Kickl and his party have promoted ‘remigration’, the controversial concept which promotes the expulsion of immigrants of non-European ethnic backgrounds who are deemed to have failed to integrate.

And a reminder, as if any was needed, that conservatives are always worse than useless.

Based on current projections, the conservative People’s Party, led by current Chancellor Karl Nehammer, is on course to become the second largest group, with 26.3 per cent of votes. Addressing his party’s result, Mr Nehammer said it was ‘bitter’ that it missed out on first place, but noted that he had brought it back from lower poll ratings. He once again ruled out a coalition with Mr Kickl, adding ‘what I said before the election, I also say after the election.’