Eggs Do Not Raise Cholesterol

The link between eating eggs and high cholesterol is just another case of malscientific nonsense:

Dr Norwitz said: ‘I hypothesized that eating 720 eggs in one month, which alone amounts to 133,200mg of cholesterol, would not increase my cholesterol. Specifically, it would not increase my LDL cholesterol.

‘And, indeed, it didn’t, not a smidge.’

He added: ‘Even though my dietary intake of cholesterol more than quintupled, my LDL cholesterol actually dropped.’

He had to eat 24 eggs a day during the experiment, the equivalent of about one every hour if he didn’t leave any time to sleep.

Modern science is best regarded with a LOT of skepticism. Virtually nothing they say is good for your health is genuinely good for you. And remember, the majority of all published, peer-reviewed scientific studies are non-replicable junk.

So go ahead. Fry that egg. Fry it in butter!