Stay Prepared to Laugh

Even though you won’t. Owen takes a victory lap.

Check out this breakdown of joe rogans new special and how over the top and aggressively gay he is. It’s at 1.4 million views in under a week and climbing. I want to see the fear in the eyes of all the frauds who lie and ass kiss rogan and attack anyone who makes fun of him in any way. I want to see that moment when they realize everyone knows now and they can no longer gas light and ad hominem anyone who makes joe feel insecure or sad.

I want to see them slowly start saying more vague things about joes contribution to comedy. Maybe from “saving” all of comedy to “he’s not totally destroying it. I mean he’s a really nice guy when you get to know him.” I knew this day would come. Enjoy every minute of this

Joe routinely talks shit about me on his podcast for saying obviously true and hilarious things. Well. I’ve learned in farming that eventually the chickens all come home to roost. And on a level of feel for the guy. I don’t hate him. I’m not taking pleasure in his humiliation. It’s all the comics who know better and lie. I do take pleasure in watching them squirm knowing that they have to “pivot their position.” I don’t think joe is as aware of the situation as all the leaches and ass kissers around him. Those guys can be the most vicious and the most cowardly.

The critical breakdown of Rogan’s stand-up special is much, much funnier than the special itself.

Unfortunately now it sounds like the crowd’s initial excitement and enthusiasm is running on fumes as we’ve got our first real obvious awkward bomb of the night. The crowd goes completely silent and Joe just stands there like a deer in headlights, now I don’t know if this is from excitement and arousal or from nervousness and fear likely some combination but this is the moment Joe starts profusely sweating through the mustard blouse perhaps its nerves from some subconscious realization that his shadow is about to take the wheel and squirt out a major leak here. Pay attention to this region here and watch how it develops throughout the show and by the way oh oh man look at Chekov’s Stool behind him just teasing us back there. Stop teasing us Joe! He knows how to build suspense that’s for sure.

Seriously though these aren’t really jokes, this is all just his regular podcast banter he’s been doing for the past 5 years, just yelled on a stage in front of an audience, and the bombs are piling up… it’s clear that his heart isn’t in it anymore. This thing was just a Greatest Hits Montage of the worst era of this guy’s podcast condensed into an hour.

It’s a brutal and hilarious demolition.