The Migration Conspiracy

Simplicius notes the way in which mass migration into the UK was orchestrated by Clown World:

It was from the bowels of some shadowy think-tank called the Performance and Innovation Unit that the policy paper which birthed the new era of mass migration into the UK came about. The paper was released under Home Office head, Bilderberger, Jack Straw—who was Blair’s neocon-equivalent, and one of the key instigators of the Iraq War in the British government. It’s no surprise then that such deeply-rooted globalist comprador elite henchmen were instrumental in unleashing mass migration as a social weapon.

There are always multiple layers to the conspiracy in each country: the first veil was the lie about boosting the economy; the second was the lie about mass-migration being merely a way to rib Conservatives. But the true reason lays buried even beneath this hidden layer: mass-migration is the final weapon to destroy any ideological resistance to the globalist plan of centralizing power, to create, effectively, one world governance. By overrunning society with migrants and relegating native Brits to second class citizens, you disenfranchise and disinherit them to the point of torpor and impotence, clearing the way for total ideological subjugation allowing such madness as currently unfolding in the UK to reign.

There is nothing moral, civilized, or decent about mass migration. It is, as Martin van Creveld demonstrated, the flip-side of war. And in recent decades, it has been an effective form of asymmetric war on the British and American peoples.