Invasion and disintegration is inevitable

As long as countries remain in the EU… and as long as states remain in the USA:

We will never be able to control our borders so long as Britain remains in the EU, a Tory minister warned last night. In an explosive interview, skills minister Nick Boles said the free movement of people is a fundamental principle of the EU that Britain has to accept.

As long as the UK remains a successful economy, Britons need to get used to a ‘very large amount of immigration every year’.

Mr Boles’s words blow a hole in David Cameron’s argument that he can claw back any meaningful powers from Brussels over UK borders. They will also be seized on by Ukip and Eurosceptic Tories as proof that his talks with Brussels will achieve little.

German chancellor Angela Merkel has already said she would not agree to any ‘tampering’ with EU migration rules. In an interview with Total Politics magazine, Mr Boles insisted the British people would favour a reasonable level of immigration if they thought Parliament had control. But he admitted that those who believed MPs did not have such control were ‘right’.

No nation in history has EVER survived permitting “the free movement of people”, and the free movement of people is an intrinsic and integral part of free trade. Which is something I have been trying to point out to naive conservatives, starry-eyed libertarians, and short-sighted liberals ever since I did the math and realized that the USA cannot POSSIBLY remain a coherent, functional nation under a free trade regime. This is not up for debate. It is mathematically impossible, based on what we already know about historical inter-state free movement of people within the United States.