No matter how many times they get burned, it’s child’s play to fool conservatives again and again. Even more than liberals, they see only what they want to see. It’s not a mystery how conservatives managed to have their country stolen right out from under them, as they don’t have the self-preservation skills of the average baby rabbit.
The reaction of a number of SGers to the observation that nothing goes viral that is not fake, manufactured, and unauthorized. Remember, these are SGers, not Gab users. They’re not stupid. But they’re susceptible to the right kind of rhetoric, which is to say, emotional manipulation.
- I place the odds that he’s “fake and gay” about the same as Owen being “fake and gay.” (Near 0)
- Many of the comments here lay bare how out of touch most people..left & right are with blue collar stiffs in rural America. Ive lived and worked around these types my whole life. I watched him sing, do the interviews. Hes real.
- I’m not much of a country music fan, but the song touched my soul and many, many others. He reminds me of Johnny Cash. A deeply flawed man, with a good voice, and an ability to reach the working class. They’re men. Not demons or saints.
- Pulling one quote out of context and condemning a man and decrying others on SG is dumb. On the whole he’s helpful, and over his head
- We have yet another decent, unaware person humiliated for pointing out even a small amount of truth. How does that help?
- Sounds very much like he wrote them. The great general “anthem” feel everyone can related, then the very specific reference to 5’3” 300 pounds and buying specific junkfood on EBT card comes across as a person “this ticks me off” experience.
At least far fewer people are falling for the Red-Bearded Bard of Appalachia than fell for the Sobbing Sage of Toronto a few years ago. Of course, it won’t be long before the anons figure out everything from who actually wrote the song to who paid for its recording and who funded the viral marketing campaign. This sort of thing isn’t new, by the way. I remember the WaxTrax executives talking about how seriously they were annoyed by Warner Bros. very successful, but deceptive launch of Guns ‘n Roses as an indy rock band on a fake independent label called Uzi Suicide.
That’s another reason to turn down a record deal that most people don’t appear to have considered. You can’t sign one if you’ve already got one.
The initial conclusion appears to be that this is a Conservative Inc. campaign. If so, then my guess is that it’s ultimately intended as an anti-Trump play. So, watch to see whose presidential campaign the Bard of Appalachia appears at for potential confirmation.
There was nothing authentic about this song’s rise to popularity.
Jason Howerton seems to be the key player involved in the astroturfing campaign. He’s the CEO of Reach Digital, which helps “media companies and political influencers grow their social media footprint exponentially.”
Jason was one of the first accounts heavily promoting this song as he provided a background on Oliver Anthony and his faith. Jason indicates that Oliver Anthony had been contacted to record the song. Jason also admits he even covered the cost to produce the record.
So who wrote the song? And how did so many big right wing-accounts have the video ready to post simultaneously?
You can like the song, and like its message without gaslighting us into believing this was an authentic viral hit by a simple country man with a mic and a guitar.
“Launch a product, get over 1.3 million hits” overnight was the article Mr. Howerton shared on Linkedln. This was another Conservative Inc AstroTurf campaign
Always be skeptical of the things that appeal to you. No one gets fooled by that which they hate or to which they are indifferent. People get fooled by that which makes them feel good.
UPDATE: The Bard is not exactly a rock-ribbed conservative himself.