Rabid Puppies Final Notice

If you’re registered as a Supporting Member of either LonCon or Sasquan, don’t forget to get your nominations in today. The nominees should be announced in about a month. The list of Rabid Puppies recommendations can be found here while the nomination form is here.

BA noted that the “best editor” categories were originally in the opposite order on the form, so you may want to check your editor nominations to make sure you didn’t put them in the wrong order. I’ve since switched them around on the list, so they should match now. It should be fascinating to see how it all shakes out. To be honest, I have absolutely no idea how things are likely to go, but regardless, I think everyone here will admit that it has certainly been entertaining.

UPDATE: Sasquan, The 73rd World Science Fiction Convention, will announce the
nominees for the 2015 Hugo Awards at Norwescon, starting at noon Pacific
Daylight Time on Saturday, April 4th, 2015. A real-time video stream of the announcements will be available on the
Internet on Ustream at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/worldcon1

UPDATE 2: If you’re interested in seeing a more comprehensive selection of recommendations, Mike Glyer of File 770 has helpfully compiled all of the various lists in one easy, if extensive, collection.