So, we’re ready to start addressing the problems of those backers who have not yet received either a) their hardcover editions of Vols I-III or b) the information required to download their ebook editions of Vols I-III. Please note that it is always important to send us the information we require, such as your current email and physical addresses, and to not block the information conduits that permit us to send the relevant information to you.
For example, two people actually UNSUBCRIBED from the Castalia email list after receiving the information about the three ebook editions. I fully expect to hear from both of them down the road, complaining that they haven’t received information about volumes IV through X, and I will not be even remotely apologetic. How do they think we’re going to send them the information they want if they are actively preventing us from providing it to them. What I strongly suggest doing is to whitelist both library AT castaliahouse DOT com and castaliajuniorclassics AT outlook DOT com in order to maximize your ability to receive the relevant information from us without being interrupted by the various technologies involved.
So, if you are a Junior Classics backer and have not received the email with the download information for the ebooks, please email castaliajuniorclassics AT outlook DOT com and be sure to provide the following four things in this order on different lines:
- your email address
- your first name
- your last name
- your backing edition (digital, single, first three, hardcover, leather)
If you are a Junior Classics backer of the hardcover editions and have not received one or more of your physical books, please please email castaliajuniorclassics AT outlook DOT com and provide the following information in this order on different lines.
- your email address
- your first name
- your last name
- your backer ID or Arkhaven order number
- your current address in the following format: Address, City, State/Province, Zip, Country
If you received your books, but they were damaged or egregiously misprinted, please do the same, along with a picture of the damaged book or books. We need the photo evidence in order to have the printer send replacements. If you have any questions, please send them to castaliajuniorclassics AT outlook DOT com.
And in doing so, please try to not be excessively stupid, or worse, waste everyone’s time with the Smart Boy routine and trying to find a way to somehow be “confused” by these directions so that you can show how smart you are by asking for a “clarification”.
UPDATE: If you downloaded an ebook on the first day and it has a missing section, just download it again. The 001 versions have been replaced with 002.
Q: What if I didn’t “back” the campaign on Indiegogo, but I “bought” the books on Arkhaven? What should I do? I’m so confused! Can you please clarify this for me?
A: You’re still a backer. Shut the fuck up and follow the directions.
Q: What if my book wasn’t “damaged” but I got two volume IIs and no volume I. What should I do? I’m so confused! Can you please clarify this for me?
A: The wrong book counts as a “damaged” book. Shut the fuck up and follow the directions.
Q: You shouldn’t talk to customers like that! Don’t you know that the customer is always right? In my day, we accepted returns for nothing more than a firm handshake and looking the customer straight in the eye.
A: OK Boomer. Unfortunately, you will need to provide proof that you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before we can read your emails.