Mailvox: Google censoring text messages

A reader writes of his recent discovery concerning Google’s apparent interference with Android text messaging.

I’m a longtime lurker and a never-poster. I came across something very interesting on Sunday, December 13th. Perhaps you’re already aware of this, but I figured I’d pass it along in case you are not. 

A friend and I were texting on Sunday. He has an android phone and I have an iPhone. I texted him a link to “,” a website I’ve been reading for election info. It took quite a bit of back-and-forth, including us each taking screenshots of our phones, but eventually we figured out that his android phone was censoring texts that included the url for the website above. I’ve since tested it with several other friends who have android devices, with the same result. iPhone-to-iPhone transmission appears to be fine. 

This was a bit of a redpill moment for us. I’m certainly a believer in the Plan, but was still pretty shocked to see such conspicuous actions being taken. I figured (stupidly) that text messages would be a bit more sacrosanct than twitter or YouTube have proven to be. 

Anyway, you are of course free to pass this along to your readers if you want. I promptly bought a protonmail account and am trying to divest myself of all google devices. This is not an easy thing for many of us. Perhaps a comprehensive list of non-converged platforms would be in order. 

They’re getting very desperate indeed. It’s a good time to move from Gmail to ProtonMail or another mail service that respects user privacy.