This weekend is the last chance to order the Junior Classics Backer Edition Vols. 1-3 and to upgrade to the leather set. There will be the opportunity to purchase a leather set in the future, but no more upgrades from the hardcover sets will be available. We will leave the order pages active until midnight Sunday evening.
We don’t have time to arrange for a digital backer upgrade, so if you’re a digital backer and you buy a leather set before the deadline, email me and we’ll send you your choice of a) $30 via Paypal or b) $40 credit for Arkhaven/Castalia books.
In Castalia Library news, the cowhides for Divine Comedy and both Plutarch volumes just arrived at the bindery despite the former having been ordered more than a month before the latter. All three books are scheduled to be bound as soon as possible and will probably be shipped together. While we can’t guarantee they will arrive before Christmas for everyone, there is a reasonable chance that subscribers in the USA will receive them before December 25th.